Kingston Gazette, July 13, 1816, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, JuLy 13, 1816.] KINGSTON [VOLUME VI-------No. 6.] \ GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada^-Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. Price of //therliftng in the Gazette. 'Six lines and under, z/6 firft infertion, had i/i every fubfeqnent. Ten lines and under, 3/4. firft inter lion, and i/S every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards, 4//. per line firft infevtion, and id. pev line every fuc- ceedinp infertion. Adveitifements unaccompanied with written dirt-aions MC inferted till forbid, and charged accordingly ^FANCYGOODS. THE fubferiber lrif*rnM the Ladles of Kingfton and its vicinity, thar be ha* juff received and has for lale the meft extenfive aflortment of Figured, Twil'd & plain SILKS and RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs— Ever offered for fale in this place, tfholefale or retail on moderate terms. SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. i, 1815. z6tf 1 GROCERIES. TpHF. fubferibers, having commenced •* b'ufinefsin the Grocery Lire, either whole fale or retail in this place, where they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most reafonaWe terms. Torrance & AP/jKaa. Kingston, 30th May, 1816- C2 Midland D'ifiria%\ THE Sale of \\v to tu-J: \ Lands and Pena- roeiiHof PAVID JOHNS, taken in Execution at the of Gains Dean, heretofore advertifed to be fold by mc 01; Wednefd-^y. the fifth day of June part 25 now poftponed till Monday the TwtKTV Second day of July next and then to take place a: my office, ifl tike Town of Hangtfoa, r: cftc twuv of TEN of the clock in tl»- forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of t!c will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff Shrift Office. J urn- 22, 1816________3 STOLEN ORS I R YKD, TWO Marcs one of which in a jet black, three year* old, with a fcarnp on her left hind fetl-»ck, the other i> a fc»y, with a white ftripe in her f rehead. two white hind feet, with afear upon her left thigh, 9 years Old. Whoever wM give Information Concerning them, fo Ihftt the owner may get them (hall have leu Dollar* Reward. John N. Woodcock. frcdricljhurgh, June \Jtb 1 8 16. 3 mj STRAYED. AWAY fro n rff the Common on or shout the fifteenth of April lalt, a Mark Ivrfe with a white face and whin fictlocks, and about feven year* OhL whoever will return Said hoifc t»:he Subfcribcr, will be rewaided fo> hts cruble. John Link. Khrjlon, Jur.c Z\st 1816. 3 FOR SALE, AVr.hsjhle Lot of Land, lying in the fn (I conceflion of Loughborough with 25 acres of improvement, a fine Sream of water running through it, with other advantages- The above lot will be difpofed of at public fale on Monday the fifteenth of September next, uulefs fold previoufly at priv. te fale, ALEX. M> MULLEN. Lcn-lboraugh. j;.-.e 26, 1S16. 4 ur4 uft received and for fale at this Oilice, 30 RE.1MS WR dPPING PAPER. A QUANTITY CE Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, n Reams Writing Pott Mo. z, Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oats, 20 Tons IIA Y. The whole to be delivered into the Commiflaiiat Magazines at Kingston by the earliest practicable period. Tenders for the above Supply will be received at this Office uutil the 24th J ti¬ ll' . Commissariat Office, $ Kingston, 2\(b Jttnc, 1816. 25 Reward. I X7HEREAS on the morning of the x * 5th inlt. a man byname of Rl CHARD E. BARKER* ran fe*aj from Prefcott, Upper Canada, with ab¬ out 1000 dollars, the property of the fuL&riher. Any per Ion or periods who Will apprehend and feeure the laid Rich an! E Sitrtsr, fo that he may be bro'* to jnflfee. (hall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiher at Prefcott, Upper Canada. He is a man about twenty fix year* of age, five Let fix inches high, frefti complexion, light hair, blue eyes, rouuo, head a little bald—at the time he made his efcape his cLthes weie a black coat and p.mta'oons, (Iriped waiftcoai, & lung boots. It is t-j he hoped that eve ry exertion will be made fur the fecoring • f fuch a character. AMASA WOOD. Prescotfy U C. June 8/i, Is 16. c Strayed, b""ROM the the town of Kingfton, ab out iix Weeks ago, a Young COW, of the fallowing defciiption—Small Sate—color, dark red, with a white face. a: :1 white fpots down her back—for. Let white—(hort horns ; and is now with calf. Any pcrfonth^ will reuirn her to the Printer, or give inform :ti in where (he can be found (hall he han fome y rewarded ; and any perfon found ketp my her after the dare of this advert!fe rr.ent will be prolecuted for fo doing. Kingston. July 5, IK!6. 5 For Sale, BY the fubferibers, 40 BOXE3 FINE Yellow Soap, CHE/lPf.r Cajh. Thomson & Dkti.or. Kingston, July I, 1816. 5tf Tobe~Sold, 800 acres of land in the townlhip of Loughborough. 200 acres in the towufhip of Hun geiford. A Saw Mill and Grift-Mill with two dwelling houfes, out houfes, ftables, &c. with 400 acre;* of land, a ciown lealc, in the townfiiip of Pittfburgh. ALSO, A number of valuable Town Lots in the village of Wellington.. For terms, apply to AMOS ANSLET. Kvg'ion, July 5, 1816. 5 dit:o c*i»lo nncut A FOR SALE, number of Town I-ot* p«»t -liej Freiich Clmrch. The ternib of payment will be made cafy. E2.EAKL. Kingfton, Sept. 23, 181 ;■ i6tf. Blank Summonses For the Dktriirt C.ouris, foi »Sak at this Oiiicc, Public Notice. "F'HE fubferiber will commence run • ning a Stage Waggon From Kingfton, to Ernefl Town village. daily ; to leave 15. Oicott'e tavern, a* Kingfton, every morning, at fix o'clock, and return the lame evening. To com mence on Monday, the firft day of July, i Every accommodation will be afforded to paifengert and baggage* SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston, June 29, 1816. 5 POETRY. The excellent moral of the fallowing} verfes, amply conipcnfate for any want of poetical merit. 7HE WAY TO BE HAPPY. SOME think it a hardlhip to work for their bread, Although for our good it was meant, But thofe who don't work have no right j to be fed, And the idle avc never content. An honed employment brings pleafure and gain, And makes us otir trouble* forget, For thofe who work hard have no time to complain, And its better to labor than fret. And if they had riches they cculd not procure, A happy and peaceble mind ; VARIETY. ♦ • •• • • t * • • f • • • • t • NEW COLONY. It has long been known that the mutineers of the Bounty fettled in Pitcairn'8 I (land, 2e decrees, S. 'at. and 180 W. long, and 'heir orogeny wa* lately vifited by an American and Bn tifti veflcl. A (on of Chrxttan'fr was the firft bornnn the if]and,and i** now about 25 ytaisof age, (named Thnriday Ott. Chriftiau ;) rhe elder Cluiitian fell a facrifice to the jealoufy of an Otahcitan man, within three or four years after their arrival on the ifUnd They were accompanied by fix Otaheitean men and tw- He women ; the former were al! fwept away by defperate contentions, between jt'iem Scthe En^Iifhmen,& five of the lat te; have diet! at c.tFercnt periods, leaving at prefentunly one mani feveral women of the original fcttlen,. It contains abundance of yams, plants, hogs, goats and fowls ; but affords no fhelier for a Rich people have trouble as well as the j j fi»:p or vtffel of any defcrtption ; neithe [could a ihip water there without great i difficulty, as the ifland u completely iiofl poor Although of a different kind. ! j, bound with rocky fliorea, Bein^ aflured Itfiffnifies not what our Rations havr ; that-he vifit was of a peaceable nature. N. been, or whether we're h":tieor grate, For h.-pp-nefs lic» in the temper within And not in the outward eliatc. We only need labour as hard as we can, For al! tbatnui bodies may necc ; Still doing our d-.'ty to Gcd and to man, [ And we lhal! be happy indeed. Notice. \S the Office of Confirmation w<ll beadojiniftfred by the Lord Z?ihV \ of Qii* L.-c Oil or near Sunday the 2 » ft j ■ . -^f this month, thofe of the Military ncl Navy who ar*defirou$ to avail thern- fe'v-ft nf the opportunity will pleafe t«» •en.-, their names aud place of icfidencc to the Rev. Mr. 5rr.-.*r. ■* Kingston, 3// July, 1816. » No fice. ' riHE copartnerfliipheretoforeexiJliug between fimcs Cunnin«diam and J :hn Link, is diH'olved.— The fubferiber will nut pay <"iy debts that the faitlj Ciinninjjha:n may contract in the name of! the firm, after the firft day of *\r>ril laft. JOHN LIMK. Kingston, July %,. 1815. 5 w 3. For Sale, 1 Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN R 4 G S, AT THIS OFFICE. VERY low for cafli, or moll kinds or Country produce, three elegant wooden clocks, warranted to keep pood •i':*e. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver J :n Adoluhuttown, or of the fi>hfcriber. C. MERRILL. Kingfton, :5th Nov. 1815. 24tf Spruce Beer, OF mod any quantity, can be had at the CELLAR under the Auftion Room of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. All persons who are in¬ debted to him, are requefted to call with¬ out delay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston* July 5, 1816. 5 ^ FOR SALE, A VERY valuable and pleafantly fi¬ liated Town Lot* For terms ap¬ ply at this Office. 1)<*C 22. 2Qtf For Sale, VALUABLE Farm, with build- aLo large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated within 28 miles of ICingston. Perfons defirous of pur- chaTing to inquire of the Piinter. A ingston, July IO, i8tc, 5 tf A ir is impofible to defcribe the joy tbefe poi»i peoplemanifefted on feeing iholc they were plcafed 10 confider as their countrymen. This intereftir.g new co- 'onv con'ifted of forty &r perfons, moftly grown op )o«.iig g;ople, befidesa num¬ ber of infants. The yoking men born on the iilarcd, are ve;y athletic, and of the fin:ft forms, their countenances open and pleafing ; but the young women I were peculiar objects of admiration j tall, robuft i-.iid beautifully f-rmed, rhcirface;. bea> ing with fmilcfl aiid unruffled good humor. The clothing i-f the young females confiftcd of a piece of linen, reaching from the waifi to the knees, and generally a fort of mantle thrown loofely over ih (boulders, and hanging a* low av the ankles. They fomethnes wreath c;ips or bonnets for the head to protect u.e 5«icc Khoob iht teyh x£> tbt fnti T^icn 1 a:ivc modefty, affilled by a proper len- fc rf religion and morality inftillcd into their youthful minds by John Adams, the laft fuivivor, lu: hitherto prcferved these intereflJng people perfectly ciiaile. audfieefrm all kinds of debauchery. Their habitations are extremely neat The little village of Pitcahn forms a pretty fquue, the houfes at the upper end of which are occupied by the patri- arch, John Adams and his family, confitling of his old blind wife and three daughters, from 15 to 16 years of age, and a boy of 11 ; a daughter of his wife by a former hufbimd. and a fon in law On theoppofr.e fide is the dwelling of Thurfday October Clniftiau ; and in the centure is a fmooth verdant lawn, on which the poultry are let loofe, fenced in fo as to prevent the intrufion of thedom- etlic quadrupeds. All that was d<mc, was obyiouOy undertaken on a fettled plan, unlike to any to be met with in the other iflands. In their houfes, too, they had a good deal of decent furniture, confifting of heads laid upon bedfteads, with neat coveting ; they had alfo tables and large chefts to contain their valuable* and clothing, winch is made from the bark ef a certain tree, prepared chiefly by the elder Otaheitean females. Ad¬ ams's houfe co.'.fifted of two rooms, and (he windows had fh utters to pull to at night. The younger pail of the lex are, as before dated, employed with their bro¬ thers, under the direction of their com¬ mon father, Adams, in the culture of the ground, which produced cocoa nuts, bananas, the bread fruit tree, yams, fweet potatoes and turnips. They have alfo a plenty of hogs and goats ; the woods abound wiih'a fpeciesof wild fang, and the colli of the ifland wnw feveral kinds of good fifh. Their ag*;cultural implements .ae made by lhtmfr!ves from the iron fupplicd by the Dounty, which, '.viih great tabor, thty bra; ou*. into fpades, hatchets, &c For Sale, high a quarter, was of courfe received with every expreffion of duty and thank- fullnefs. The long fwitching tail of the animal, notexaftly fuitiugthc Admiral* tafte, he fent her to a fanierlo have it cropped—when lo !' he fpeedily received intelligence that it was afabe tail, and that, beneath it, appeared a inort black one — Thiscuiious fac"t led to a miuutc infpe&ion, when it was at length difev- ered, that this heauifu! white Hanoverian, horse* was no other than the good hum¬ oured Admiral's own Hack marc* which had been painted in a maimer lo ciude his detection. 14 The above trick was mmh re^hed 2t the palace, where it canfed roars of laughter."—Brighton hiraid. - - ■- - — Life lengthened by improvement of Time. Dr. Doddiidge who lived fo much longei, that is to fay to fo much berter puipof-in fifty years than mo.1 mm do in a much greater fpace of time, men¬ tions his practice of riling early as the means by whic h he w<u. enabled to pro¬ duce his Family EKpofitoriioJ other pub¬ lications— In a note on Rum xiii. 13 he fays ;—u I will here record the ohierva- tion which I have found of greater ufe to myfelf, and to which 1 may fry, that the production of this work and mod of my other writiVgi is owing, viz That the difference between rifiug it five and at feven of the clock in the morning, for the lpaccof forty ygnrs fuppofing a man to go to bed at the lane hour at nigh: is nearly equivalent to the addition of ten years to a mans life* of which, (fuppofing the two hours in que A ton to be IptntJ ei ht hours every day Ihould be employ- d i fludy and devotion." Waterloo Bravsry.—Among the re¬ cent Gazette appointments is that o£ ^ergeant Ewart to an enfigncy in the 3 J roya! veteran battalion, for his gal'a^-t conduct at the battle of Waterloo. In the afternoon of that eventful day, thr Q2d regiment reduced to XOO, charged % column of the enemy, from 2000 to 30c u 'trorg ; thty br k< into the centre of the column, and the moment they pierced it the Scotch Greys dallied into rhcir fup- port, when both thefe gallaut corps cheered and huzzaed, "Scotland foiev- er S'* The enemy to a man were put The Greys afterwards charged the fecoid line, which amounted to nearly 5000 men. It was in the firft that Sergeant Ewart captured a French eagle ^ the -ifFair is thus modeltly detailed by himfelf :—M I had a hard cor.t ft for it : the officer who carried it thruft fur my groin ; 1 parried it off and cut him through the head ; after which 1 was attacked by one of the lancer?, who threw his lance at me ; but miffed the mark by my throwing it off with tpy (word by n.y right fide: then I cut him from the chin upwards, which v/eut through his teeth.—Next I was atta- eked by a foot loldier, who, after firing charged mewith the bayonet, but I par¬ ried it off, and afterwards cut him through the head ; fo that finiihed the conteft for the eagle.*' - -- QUEBEC, JUNE 2t. CAUTION, On Saturday laft the icth inftant, two men returning from Montreal, as thry were palling along the river near St. Sulpice, eat fome hemlock which they miftook for another plant ufually eaten in this country, in an hour a..-I a half after, they were both dead. O-ic of them belong* to Berthi^r, Di!lrict of Montreal ; l»io name is Eaptifte Lava- lliere : he has left a wife and eight young1 children. He was shout 36 years of ag^ and a man of very good character. The other ia from St< Cuthberl, and v/aa married about a mouth before the acci- Idv'nt. Gazelle. ^T HE West half of lot number nineteen fn'the fecond conceffion of the town¬ lhip of Kingfton. Apply to the Printer. I Kingston, July IO, 1815. 5 tf. PACKET. 'IIE Schooner Per/everence^ J. G« Parker, Matter, will continue to run LS 2 Packet from Kis^ftoa to Suck «»>Isrfcor. Afay 15, 1816*. 50 Paviljlion Amusement. ** A gallant Adrn'r?.l, refuting at the Pavillion, was«. few days fiuce, picferited by a certain great pcrfonage, with a beautiful milk-white mare, which it was Hated, hdd juft arrived fr im Hanover— Nothing w^s talked of but this fane creature ; and every oi.e teemed anxious to have htr merits put to the tell—The Admiral mounted, tried her in all hei p^ccs, and though he could but approve, yet he pronounced her to be greatly in leror to a favorite black mare of hi" own The prtfent, however, coiiiin^ from fo Six. (pots are at pref-nt vifible on the inn's diflc.—One of them is of co:U;der- able magnitude, and rambles a cluiler ol if.ands, fituated very near to each oth¬ er. Its breadth is at hall equal to the [diameter of the earth. Another of them is very dark, and lurrounUel by an umbra, or fainter lhadc.—London ftp. A new publication, with the following ^ftlc, isBdveniied in the l.ttcll London uar»ers viz : Pomps on his own Dom- ... est!C circumstances,^ which arc add.d five others. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Byrno. Not lefsthan 700 licenfts influcd from the cccicfiaftcal court for marriages tt* be celebrated in London, on the day of the marriage of %he PrincciiCharlotte.

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