Kingston Gazette, July 6, 1816, p. 4

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t NEW GOODS. OF -ilaitirt every « sfcrfption jvft reeei ved and offered foi fale oil term* the moft accommodating^ by PETER WETShX. A'tiong which arc a very cxtenfrvetf- fortmem of Dry Goods; Together with a choice aflortrnenfbf ; *:n* & Ribbons; ! Silk s Ladies4 Bonnets ; Gentlemen s 6? Boys9 Frrfh Teas* Loaf and 'Mufcoyado Su¬ gar, Plug, LadieV Twift and Paper To- S;uco; Scotch, Rnppc, and M-acobcy Oid Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Bran- dy, Holland Gin, Sfirubj Peppermint, Part and French Wine. CoTtv, Chocolate. Ginger, yfllfpice, Ground Pepper, M'ufturd, N«tn*eg*j Cloves CmnamrOj CttrrantSj Ratlins, Vi'Sh Poland Starch, tfig Blue. Powder and Shot. Corn e-d Hair Z?roo/ns. Window'Ofafs and Putty. >fxf^ fcrew//Ogun, Steelyards, Sho- fels, Pryingi'Pans, Iron and Steel ; 4<1 and rod cut Nails ; 8d aad toi Wrought Nails. .Together with agencral affortment of Hard and Hollow . WARE. ALSO; 3 doz. CoVerlets) r$6d^z-. Worded H^fci li doz. Oii'dffikHat Covers, 3 d"Z. Looking GiafTts, of various SzeSi and <;f a fuperior quality* 30 Bbls. Meft Po.k, 200 Ibfc Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons' raw a&d boil'd-Linfeed OP. zoo Prs. Men's 5*jct9 of different qua- * • * MIC* 500- do do Slices, ico do Lad"e^' Boots, 500 do do Shoes, 1000 do Children's Boot* & Shoes. CalfSkirid, Upper Leather, Harnef* Leather, and Sole Leather. ALSO, 9? Ruflicls Corn, 30 Bbls, Srronix Beer, O its-and Flower. %tte, .IftttftC (J, 1816. 4«tf Hat MarmfaBory SMITH & BUT i ER WORTH. p ESPECTFULLY acquaint their I\ Freud*and the Public in general th »t they have re-commenced bufine'fs in fin: rex hoofis iafefr Walker's Hotel. \\-\,:'xr tlurf have on hand an rMtc.ifive af¬ fortment of Ladies oc Children's hert lie^ver B'jnrjcts, Gentlemen's beft Bca- Per, Ca.'i >r, Koram 2nd Knapt H-its ; Mm's. Youth's and Boy*s Wool Hats, f.. ike wife, l.aditfa and Children's Lon-g don F.ifl.onable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Rernil fir Calls a* cheap as they can be purchafed nt Montreal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Muflcrat ami Racoon Skin* Klngilon, 30th 03. igi$. ti if. Notice. '"T"SHE fubferiber refpeSfiilly inform* } hi- frievds and the public that he is about openings* Store in front of the new fto-k^t hnufc, where he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION "VViJi buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the Riveri TV ill take in any orders of any defcripti- in t'.at line nf bidlu-fs. Pcrfons deSmtssof committing 4T the tarn WILKIN Hardware Store. rHE fubfciiberbegs leave to inform the Public, that he has opct-ed a .Vtore in the above line opportte to Mr. Samuel Ayhroyd's Store, where he offers for faJe an aflortment oi HARDWARE fcf CUTLERT, Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS. 6'and 7 feet Mill Aiflnfs crofs cut do ; fquare, fl^t and round Ir-on of all fixes ; crawleyand biiilcr iltel ; nails and fpiks ..f all fizea ; fhovclii and fpades ; iite fhovcls and tongs ; ircm, biafs and bed plated Candleliicks ; coffee and pepper Njills ; bureau tri-nminefs ; fcale beams arid weights ; fcrew augers ; m^ifons ham¬ mers aird trowels ; locks of all defcrip rions; window glafVj putty; black, fpanilh brown, pruflian blue and yellow |>aints ; alio many o;her articles too nu¬ merous to mention. The whole of which will be foKI much lower than can be purchafed at any other (lore in Kingdom Samuel Shaw. Kingston. Z^th Mirch, 1816- 43tf CHEAP SALES, e of McfTra. H. W. NSON & Co. a large Quantity of Sweet-scented Virginia, 1 Common Plu^, Lidies Twift, and : Twift Tobacco; Spanifh and American Segars5 in quarter Boxes. Large or fmull ShtfuUttitt) to fttit Pur- fhdjert The whole of which will be fold at 20 per c?nt. cheaper than can be procu¬ red here from ai«v Mark*r of the Doi ted State-.—NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. Km$j]un, 22,-/ Marcht lSi6- 42 r OR Sale, bvtlie RAfeibefj 30 Bbls. Mefs Pork, 40 Do. Prime Df>. coo Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, Do. Tar, Kegs Tobicco, Do. Nails, all fizes, Boxes Soap, Do. Candles, 100 Ca.l fteel A:;e3, too Reams Writing Paper No. I, 2, 3- 12 Oil's Tar'd Rope, 200 Hoes, ALSO, A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, and Hollow Ware ; Copper Tea Kettle? and Sauce Pans 5 Steelyards, Chains, Padlocks, Curry Comb-0, -^Jzes,and oth¬ er Cnrpenters' Tools,—a large quantity of Glafp of .tlmiiil every defcripiion. A genera! aflurtmentof DRY GOODS. ^ few ENGLISH SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; Together with other articles, not menti riccf. /II SO—One half of the premifes for faleon which the fuhfeviber now lives. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston April 2, 18 !6. 44.1 T 3^ 30 3° 2? ' & I **-^ * . on 1 M B^nmc^t^ to his charge, inay km-w ti» r- tt> of (lora^e and cornmi'flioa by caiiir.g at the new ^Dtmiiiffi'ifi itore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingftooi Dec. 30, iSfjv 30 notice] ' ISSED on the roth inft. and fiip- pofed to have f.ecn Holen, a NOTE, pny ib'«- to James Norrisor bea- tcv, fir el ver.pounds fifteen flijliiitjri, £ifaed 1>y Ilaac Hough; there arc f.vo Cddorf*-u*ent,» ^*n f id Note. ThepoWw ■••« hereby cautioned agatidl pufchafing ir, a. mc-ifure ,^vc already been lakei Co'Hop il.i p^) a...nt. Y\\ ikgis Carlisle. Kingston9 nth jfjri!, i8i6# 46 M .!^ SNUFFS, HANN * & RITTERS, TOBACCONISTS. ESPpCTPULLX inform th-ir fri.'iijs anil ihtt public in general thai tbw have opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Robins9 Brewery. Where thev have for fale Mackohoy, ^ Raopee Irifh Btagg^rdi arid other Which they offer fof. fale cheap for O.fh. Kingston} \oth_Mny% f8?6. 49 Charcoal Wanted. on nnnBUSHELS-tobe<fe- ^^WUli\rrdbefore the clofe of the navigation of \?$.', at Hated peri- dp, or Seven Hundred Bufhels to he lelivered weekly until the end of March, Any per fun wiiliing to undertake the delivery of the fame arcrequelicd to fend fealed tenders to the Naval Storekeeper's Office Point Frederick on the 31ft in(l. Naval Tard) Kmgston% c ttf ifti May, 18:6 FUBLiC NOTICE. PHE fubferihers to the Kingston 1 Steam Boat, are hereby required co make immediate payment to the Trta- lure of the /;7oney which is llill due on their fevcral fuOlcriptio-is, Geo. H. Markj.and, Secretary. 8th May, 1816.____ 49tf ULANIv BAIL BlTNTDSTaiid SHERIFFS SALES, , a : i^or sale at tiiis Q/iice. NEW GOODS. pHE fuWcfiher bas|a8t received and j[ noxv offers fot fale- ail txtenfivc and well chofen affortment *>f. Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A weHcbofen Aflortment of MEDICINE. The whole of which vill be fold at the lowest prices forcafh or country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J- Henderson. Kingston, 26 January 18-16. 3 + JAMES McDOUALL & Co. Succeffbrs to- the Ure firm of 5. Fitch and Co. Comwiiflion Merchants, MONTREAL. RESPECTFULLY tender their fcrvices to their iritnds and the public, for agency and Cffcnmiffion bufi- nefs; and flatter themfi Iwca that no houic in the Province i^ better "'rtuated to give fati-facxion in their line, 60 thofe who choofe to favor them w'-h commands. Liberal advance!* made or cor.uVmneuts, vvhfch will have the advantages of both Montreal and Q^iebcc ntirketSi without extra commiffion. Montreal* February 20, r81 6 4.7WF2 Wool Carding. THE fubferibet has cefteJ a C^rd- in\i Machine half a mile north of Mr. M'GwVa Mill on Collin', Creek, in the townfhip of KJrtgshtOj and has it now in complete ordo>* &r Carding Wool. All ptrfons who W*ll favor him with their custom roay bf afiurcd of hav¬ ing their work done well. Price, fid. per lb. P.f FITCH. Kingston, June S;£, 18»6. 2tf Notice". ~pO be fold or rented, a** may be agreed * upon, that well feflown vulHabk- farm, N No. It and the Well half of Lot No. 10 m the liril conceffion of Additional Frederu k«»b«»rSh. t0fsetlu» with a #ood fian.e IJ/niie and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchardstiufrc- on, and about one h;mdnd and forty NEW GOODS; fOHNS & FlNKLE. Have just recieved a gener¬ al ASSORTMENT OB Dry Goods Groceries : Among which are the follow¬ ing articles :— Superfin'e and common Broad Cloths i White and black Cotton Cambrick*; Superfine drtfPd and undrelT'd Calicoes Black eOk* Wadra& and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veilings ; Large damaflc siik Shawls ; French Cambrick, for Handkerchiefs ; Fine Linen Cambrickaud Robe Paterns ; Black,white & changeublecol'd LuftriVg TwilI'd Sarcenetts ; ^lack Mode; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-fekin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'd Silk do. Ladies' fancy afTorted Kid do. Black, blue, grren & scarlet Bombazett- White fhalloon sille Velvets and Cotton Shirtings; Fine Irifil Linen, Ruflia, Imitation and Scotch Sheetings; Black and white Jeans, Dimities and blaik Crape ; Jackonet and Book Muflfns Lenoes ; J Ginghams, Ribbons and Laces ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats ; Oil'd Hat Covers. ALSO, Hyfon, T Young Hyfon, 5- TM4$; And Hvfon-tkin J | Plug, pigtail &t«d ladita* twift Tobacco ; j High proof old Jamaica Spirits ; Cwijniac Biandy, Holland Geneva; Shrvh ; Port Wine, The above goods, together with a va- ritty of articles not mentioned, will be fold at the moil reduced price? for cafh. We tender our thankful acknowledge ments to our customers for pafl favoin, -ind folfcit a continuance of their future patroTia^c. Kingston, 6th Angtith 1815. 9tf ADVl RTISF.MENT. THE fubferiber offism for fale to the Public, on libeial terms of Michael C&y&s- Kinjrflon. ?otb F-b t9.\^ ,j.f O FOR SALE, N reasonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the ph Confession^ No. 23, in the 6th Qtm$*ssiQn} Lot No. 20, in the \ lib ConeesS!on. The whole befng in the Tow.jftjp Gf Lanfidownj in the distrift of Jobflu;own. For particlurs enquire •" the <,(]ice oi ALL/IN MCLEAN, Jtfy Kingston, Angvst 28, 18 T J- \z Notice. ALL Perform indebted to tU Eftate iX of Doctor Anson SMiTb, decca-j fed, arc rcquclled to make iumediuej oayment to Allan M'-cLean £fq. and (hip ot Pittibnrgu. 4tso Lots Nt>. 7 in the cvh rnnccffioii No. 26 in the 6th eonceJBon Nos 2R. ?«;, ^o, 32 6c 33, in 6th con- No. 23 Eatt ir 8th con.'of Pittfturgh ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two ?c"e^ in extent, on the front of lot Num¬ ber 24 in the townlhioof Kint:fton, ly- ing and lcituate on the fliore of the lake. And Iikewife feveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the fafd lot No. 24, lying and fciiuate on the ro?d fiom the town of Ki;*gftr*n ?o the country —The lots are we!) adapted frbrv heir fituntion for building on themi and th in e thofe who have demands, are feuuefied to exhibit the fame for adjufhfent. MARTHA SMJTH, Ailminivratrix. _ Kingfton, Feb- 2, i8i6._ 35 iHURLOW MILLS, For Sale. A very valuable Grift-Mill -or Sale, r. which has juft undcrgenea thoro' repair upon the improvetncAt of Bevel Geer. Such a dcfirable piopcrry is fe!- dom to be met with ; it will btdifpofed of by the owner in confcquencc of mer¬ cantile arrangements ; for paticuhirs and to treat for the fame, apfd} co Tho¬ mas Coleman, Efq. the prupiutor : he alio offers for fale fevcral tov.n water lots, upon the banks of the rive: Moira. \ man who well undcrlraids con¬ ducting Carding Machines, md can keep accounts will meet with rood en- cotiragement on application as ibove* A let of new Cards wanted a* above. Tburlaw* March 23,1816. 43//* \iut the enabo'mment of Gardens (vicinity cfthe town. Application to he made to the fubferiber, GEO. OKILL STUART. KingJlonx Sept. 6, 1815. 14 NOTICE. T^HE fubferiberfi refpeftfully inform *• the Merchants, Traders and the pub'ic in general, that they have entered into co-partnet fl)ipf and have opened an auction room in fiout of the New Mar¬ ket, in ;hc back part of the botlfe be¬ longing to John Duncan, where they will have regular auctions twice a week ; and being that the fenior fubferiber hath been the only one in that line of bufinefs inlCingllon.fci a number of years, they expert by thei' sttift attention and cor- leftucfs, that they will have the custom of the plact in future to encourage the new firm. John Barley', John Duncan* Auctioneers. Kingston, loth April, 1816. N. B. The days of auctions are fixed Tuefday and Friday. 46 on Jufl fublifhed, and for fah at this Office, Price ij\ rhcLiFKandDYINGSPEBCH oiJOSh.PHBEVtR; Who was executed at Kingston *.-n Men day the 4th day of ScptembtPi 1815, far the murder of iAzr$ Btvir, hii. daughter LOST—On Thurfday Evening laft, fomewhere about the Goal, two Leafe&j running from Government to Stephen Fairfield, and releaftti from the faid Fairfield to me ; alfb, a Contra« between Dauiel Phelps and thefubfcii" ber, concerning a Sa.w Mill. Whoever will return faid papers to the fubferiber. {hall receive arewand of Four Dollar*. Thomas Parks. Kingston, April i<xt 4««6. 4fi ' NOTICE. T?OR fale, the following Iand«, b?:n^| *■ pan of the real eftate owned by t),. fubferiber. I. Eaft half of Lot ■umber 19 in ihf 3d concelfioa of y^dolphuo Town, on ••aft br-y, having a framed houfe & barn, together wi'h an improvement thereon, containing tco acres. t Lot number 26 in weft bay, foutlr (if tfhe black river in the ttt conceffion of 'he ruwnfhip of Maryfturgh, with buiK dings and other improvements thereon, containing 20O aces. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5, j^ the find conceffion, weft of number i^ and weft of the Rock U\ the townlhip 0? Marvfbarch, with an improfcmcnt there¬ on, containing 150 acres, 4. Fifty acre- of valuable wood land, being part of the farm formerly owned and occupied by the fubferiber, in thtf cownfhip of y^d^lplrus Town, beingin the rear of the town Plot of Holland ille, * adjoining thereto. 5. Lot number 6. and the weft hal£ of number 14 in the 2d conceffion of" the townfhip of Richmond, containing 300 acres- 6. Lot number 8 in the 2dconceflion, fouth fide of the eaft Lake m the town* (hip of Hollowell, containing 200 acrei. 7. Eaft half of lot nomber 6in thc^tb concefflon of the townlhip of Thurlow, on the river Moira, with an improvement thereon, containing 1 CO acres. 8- Lot number 1 eaft of Vanalftine'* lake in the tit conceffion of the town/hip of Maryaburgh, with an improvemenf thereon, conta ling 200 acres. 9. Lot number 14 in trie eth concea* fion of the townlhip of Portland, contain tag 20© acres. 10. Lot number 29 in the 4th conces- fion of the townfhip of Haldimand, con¬ taining 200 acre3. it. Lot number 20 in the cth concea* fion of the townfhip of Pittfburgh, con¬ taining 200 acres. 12. Lots number 12 and 13 in the 4-th conceffion of the townmip foinuil* railed Efcoth, now Yonge, in the diftiifll of Johnftown, containing 400 acre*- 13. South half of lot number i<5 ttf the 8th conceffion of the townlhip of*** gufta, likrwifc in the DiftriA ofjohns* own,containing too acres. 14. Lot nuM'ber3,4,and 47 in the6tk conceffion, and 'lot number 35 in thf 7tH conce/Hon. all in the townfhip of Cam* den, containing 8?o acres. ALSO, A number of town lots, for fale and 10 '!*->.i%,, j*. c..i^iiK, jg |.iif tv'^l or iUt town of Kingston. CHARLES STHART. Kingston, 15th March, 1816. 4itf MidlandDistrifyl r>Y virtue r»f 4 To Wits \ PWRIT of EX- ECUTIOK iiTned out cf His Vhy&jS Court of King*6 bench, holding civil plea?, in and for the Midland Difltii^ a* fotefald- ar the fuit of John Kirby f»fffag towi of Kingilcn, in the faid DiftricJi merchant, againft thclandsand tenamentg which were of William y^tkinfon, of rhc lame place Tanner, deceafed, at thetirn* of his death in the hand* and cuftody of Richard Cartwfifjlit, John Fer^i'fon, Nicholas Stick'cand Mxy StiVkle, E^ editor* and Executrix, of the faid Wilt iam Atkinfon deceafed, to me directed1, 1 have feized and 1 c»ken in eyeifltfon, ax beloncing to the faid WILLIAM AT. K1NSON, deceafed, at the time ofh->» death m the hands and enftody of Rich¬ ard Cartwright, John Fergufon, Nicho. Us Stickles, and Mary Stickles, Execu¬ tors and Executrix of the faid William Atkinfon, dee».\»fed, lots nvmber 19, 20, 2 t, 22: 23 and 24, in thf conces- fion of the townfiiipof Sidney, containi'iur- by admeafurement 1200 acres be the fame more or lefs. Now I do hereby give no¬ tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold an-1 adjudged to the higheil bidder, at my office in the town of King, Ron, on WEDNESDAY the SIX¬ TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, ar which time and place the conditions oj* fale will be made known. Chaiu,f.sotuart, Skmffii And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above drfenbed ]c>ts of hue and premrfeS, by mortgage or orhcr right or incumbrance, are hereby advert tifed ro gave notice to thfl faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, previ. ons to the fiile thereof. Sheriffs office, May 6, 1 8 16. 4$ BLANK DEEDS and MEMO. RIALS, for fare at this Office, 1 For Sal A quantity of Oak fuitnhlc for Stave* and f<|uare Timber within a tea- hmable distance of the watej leading into the Cay ofrQuinty. For particular* any pcifon or porTonfl *vilhinjT to purcl afc will pleafe to call at II119 Oflicc or at Mr. Jofeph VaIlier*H Houfc. Ixfngtlon, I)rc. 9, iSffjh 4 7ff

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