Kingston Gazette, July 6, 1816, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, Julx 6, »3i6.] *** INGSTON [VOLUME VI.------No. 5.] GAZETTE » Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ' •■ •-.;■•: AT. VflS* Pr'ue of adverting in the GazetU. Six lines and under, t/6 firft infertion, ■ad i/3 every fubfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer tion, 2nd 1/8 every fubfequent. Ten Knes and upwards, 4*/. per line Jlrft infertion, and 2J. per line every fire- feeding infertion. AdvertifementB unaccompanied with Written directions are inferted till forbid and charged accordingly. FANCY GOODS. THE fubferiber informs the Ladies of Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has juft received and has for fale the fficift extenfive affortment of ' Figured, Twil'd & plain SILKS and RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs— Ever offered for fale in this place, vholefale or retail on moderate terms. SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. l* 1815. *6tf John Simson, TJ AS received by the Spring arrivals -* ' from London, Manchester, and Glafgow, a choice affortment of feafona- ble Dry Goods, Particularly fuitable to this marke». which he U now opening, and difpofiiig «f at very reduced prices for calh or <h rt Credit, VIZ : Cotton and Woolen Hoferj Qf all fizes, Grey & Striped Nankeens, Beaver, KAdd, and Buck fkin Gloves, Thread & Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, Fancy Muffins, Black & colorM B >mbazetts. Garment and turmture Calic 'es, Imitation & Printed Shawls Madra&s Handkerchiefs, Striped & Checked Cottons Turkey Stripes, India Cotton, Fine and common Cloths, Corduroys and Velveteens, Black and colored Velvet, Black Silk Hdk'fs. Black Crape, Danby Foundation Muflin, Wellington & Heffian Boot-. £od an elegant aflortment of Englifh Silks, Ribbons, 8fc. Sec, Orders from the country will be par ticirfarly attended to, and all kinds of produce will betaken in payment. Water Street, &in£siant 2 id June* 1816. 3 Advertisement. THE -fubferiber offers for fale the following hots of Lands. Lots No. 14, 15, 17, 18, 25 and 26 In the gth conceflion of the towufhip of Thnrlow. No. 4, in the 8th conceflion of Hun- Bttgdon** No. 9, in the toth conceflion of Row (Jen. .No. 31, Eaft half, 2d conceflion of Sidney.' 200 acres in the 4th 2nd ^00 in the #fh conceffiou of the Gore between Lr Bed Town and Friderickfburgh. . No. 18 and 19 in the 8th conceffim of }farray. No. 34 and 55 in thf 4th conceflion of •ce town (hip of V?»?ghan. ALSO, Three Town Lots in the town of Kingston, 0/ one- fifth of an acre each. Wm. CRAWFORD. pfedeHcksbrrfch, 261!) Jong, >£*jj 4 PACKET. THE Schooner Perfever erta\ J G. Parkkr, Mallei, will continue to f"n as a Packet from King (tun to fork ^s Haihor.' C2 GROCERIES. nPHE fubferihers, having commenced * bufinefs in the Grocery Line, either whole fale or retail in this place, where they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most n-afonuble terms. Torrance £9* M'Leob. Kingston, 30th May, 1816. ~~~ "STRAYED pROM the Kingfton Mills, a grey Mare shout nine years old, between 14 and 15 hand', hifh, and marked J F. U. S —Ai*y perfon who will bring the %bove defciibed Mare t the fubferiber, at the Kingfton Mills, or t« Wm. Mitchell, Efquirc at Kingfton, will be liberally rewatded. WM. HAMILTON. Kingfton, 24th May, 1816. 5itF Midland DifiriQ A THE Sale of th, • to nvtt ; \ Lands and Tena ments TAVID JOHNS, tnke^ in Execution at the foit of Gains Dean, heretofore advertifed to be fold by me 01 Wcdnefday, the fifth day of Jane psfl is now poftponrd till Monday the Twisty-Second day of July n,*xt. and then to take place at my office, in 'he Town of Kingfton, at the hour of TEN of the clock in the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. Ohamles Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office Jvne 2 2. Ii8 : 6 3 STOLENORSiR YFD, 1"*WO Mares one of which U a Jet black, three years old, with a fear up- ' n her left hind fetlock, the other [> a buy. with a white ftripe in her forehead. •wo wh'te hind feet, with afcar upon her li ft thigh, 9 years Old. Whoever wi'l qive Information Concerning them, fo rhat the owner may get them fhali have ten Dollars Reward. John N. Woodcock. Frith4*lp*»r$ht Jtttti X-jth x%\(*. VSM STRAYED. AWAY from nff the Common on or **aboiH the fifteenth of April lalt, a black horfe with a white face and white net locks, and about feven years Old. whoever will return Said horfe to the Subfcriber, will be rewarded few his trublc. Jr>HN Link. Kinrjfon. 'June 2\st 1816. 3 NOTICE. A LL perfons indebted to the late firm ' ■• of Norman Bethune and Co. are reqnefted to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfon, who is duly authorised to receive the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingfton, 3th March, 1S16. 40 A LONGL^-ASE? on mode- .ate terms, may be had of an extenfive building lot, nearly an acre, in the vicin¬ ity of Kingfton ;—also fcveral Lots of one, two or three fifths of an acre each, may be had on eafy terms, either on long leafes or fale.— Apply to Mr. MHu.—april 20. 46tf FOR SALE, A Valuable Lot of Land, lying in the *X firft conceflion of Loughborough with 25 acre* of improvement, a fine .iream of wattr running through it, with other advantages. The above lot will be difpofed of at public fale on Monday ify-fixteenth of September next, unlefs iold previoufly at private fale. J LEX. M'MUL-LEN. Loughborough^ June 26, 1816, 4W4 »'{J IS- !fit4 5° nil received and for fale at this Office, 30 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER. A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Qualiry No. 2, 11 Reams Writing Puft No. %f 9 ditto ditto uncut. FOR SALE, A number cf Town Lota near the '■*■ French Church. The terms of payment will be made eafy. H. EARL. Kingfton, Sept. *3, Ifffi iGtf. POETRY. From a London Paper. PROPHECY ON REFORM. When a Lawyer fheds tears while he'* (inking a docket ; Notices to Militia Penfioners. •. •. Lieut. Governor's Office* Tori 22d May>\H\6. Purfuant to the fifteenth feet ion of the Militia penfion aft patted in the lalt fef- . tM . j f fion of the Provincial Legiflature which Whenaflefiors heave fighs while thejr •; author;fc3 thc Governor, &c. to appoint empty your pocket ; j| onc or more comm;{fioner or commiffion- Wlu-n reviwers fed pangs, hke the, m fn ^ afld d;fl|idj of th[$ pro. authors they cut up ; When coitftrknce for fale fhall no lon¬ ger be put up ; When placemen, uuafle'd, throw up Unecucei! When any quack medicine performs any curca ; When wo tben of eighty confefs they're in years, When thry make fuch confcflion without fheddmg tears ; When there's peace becaufe tyrants arc weary of killing; When a gLod thumping loaf's to be had for A (lulling ; When, like cattle at Market, bafe voters ain't fold ; When tearfcar.die ceafes, and fifh fags don't fcglJ • WIhjI.It-iif teft (hall fuffer no more hke a f^artyy ; When SJiakfpeare'fl frefeirM to Tim.-u» tuc Tartar j When a!t's macJc again from good malt a:.J J,opa ; j W hen Cofn Jtws arc found io rejoice at good crops ; When bufchers dear f->uls low'r the prt'ce of their chops : When tru.h {hall no longer be deem'd a foul libel ; When me|j f0l]ow prccept6 they prea ch fron. t|tc Biblr ; When fyflBptoma likethefe fliali be fetu thro' tlic jand . They'll to portend—" A Reform u aS jaH(i J»i « From t^e K.BENSI Skstinfl. hots m Vturses.—1 have dinf»»g the! 'ail thirty year* of my >ifc, been fuqucn fly called to prefcribc remedie* fm iiotb in horfes, arid I a«C until ihe lad few years fallefl in with the general opinion, that there 13 no effectual remedy after the fn leCt had anived to any degree of fr- wardnch ; and believing any difcovery which tend-* to preferve the life of fn valu¬ able an animal, however limplc, ought to be generally known—I would venture to recommend thc ufcofa tearmdeof Worm¬ wood and Tanzy.—I have applied the remedy in every cafe in which I have- been confulted thefe fcveral years, iome of which were in laft ILges of the di:> ord.r, and have in every inflance found ?f efltdtual in deitmying the Bets in a fhort time. Three ilalks of each plant iafuffieient—it fliould be lleeped in wa¬ ter, and about one quart applycd, by tur¬ ning it moderately down the throat—if the fii (I application (hotild not fuccced, repeat the fame—which I believe will never fail. —A Cheshire Farmer. Cucumbers faved from Bugs-— A correfpondent writes to us, "Set out an Onion, or letup an Onion Stalk or two in each hill of Cucumber^ and the ftreak- ed bug will keep away/' Stoekbridge paper. A NY Gentleman having a farm to let * * or fell, within five or ten miles of Kingfton may mc.ct with a tenant or pur- chafer, by applying at this Office. Kingllon, March 15, 1816. 41 vince to adminifter the oath* directed b) [that ad to be taken by Militia penfion- ers to enable them to obtain the half yearly allowance of penfion, and which enails that " any perfon who fhall be ** guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury in 4< any oath which fuch perfon or perfons " (hall or may have taken by the direc¬ tion of the faid act, fuch perfon fhall, M on convidlion thereof, incur and fatter the like pains and penalties to which any perfon convicted of wilful and cor * rupt perjury is liable by the laws and M ftatutes of this Province"—Hia Ex cellency the Lieutenant Governor has -been n lea fed to appoint the undermenti- loned Jnilices of the Peace corrimiffit)ners {for the pwrp'vleaforefaid, inarrd for the feveral Diftnds lefpcdive'y, viz :— For the Eastern DijlriEt* Alexander M'Millan, Samuel Anderfon, John Chtvfllei, Donald M*Aulay, and Doi.ald MkDonell, Lfquiref. Okawa D;/iri<9. George Hamilton, and Alexander Grant, Efquires, jfobastoGvn District* Joel Stone, Thomas Smith, Richard Arnold, and Lewie* Grant, Efqi'ires* Midland Disiricl. Alexander Fifher, Jamea M'Nabb, Thomas Mnrklano, Ebeneaser Wafhbtxrnf and John Gumming, Efquires. thw Castle Distria. Elin^ Jones, Alexander Fletcher, John Burn and Richard Haie. £fquir#8* Home Distrift. Altxan'ler Wi>od, William Allan, Peter Rohinfon, and Grant Powell, Efquire8. Districl of Core. Richard Halt, James Crooks, George Hamilton, and John Erb, Efquirea. Districl of Niagara. Thomas Dickfon3 Robert Kerr, Samuel Street, John Warren, and Abraham Nclles, Efquires* London Di/lrid. John Backhoufe, Jame9 Mitchell, George C. Salmon, Daniel Springet, and Willam Bowen, Efquires. Western Districl. Robert Richa.ulon, Riciiasd Pattinfon, Ebenezer Reynolds, and George Jacobs, Efquires. By Order. EDWARD M* MA FION% A Ring Secretary. to thofe who may continue to iab »r un» der fuch difability, uron application, cer¬ tificates to that effeft. every ha:f year, to enable them to obtain the half yearly allowance of penfion in advance. For the Western Districl. Surgeon Richa'dfon, Amherltburg. For thc London Diftricl. Surgeon Graham, Long Point, late Hofpital Affiftant. For the Niagara Distrid. Surgeon Kerr,—Niagara. Surgeoo Sumner, near the 20 mile Creek. For the Home Di$tri& } 1 York. Surgeon Powell, SurL-eon Lee. By Order, EDWARD M'MAHON. Acling Secretary. N. B. The above mentioned fedioa alio authorifes anv furjreon of Hia Ma- jefiy*8 Military, Naval or Marine fcr- vice to exanine wounded militia men an<J ^rant certificates of difability in the form prefcribed C^ltistobe diftinftly underftor-d that certificates of difability from herd labor* will entitle thofe only tn the perrfion un» der that head, who may hsve had at thc time of being wounded, a wife, or child or children; and that thofe who may ot have had either at the time of being" wounded c3n only draw it ujoi» obtain* ing certificates of being incapable of earn¬ ing a livelihood*they behg left in that re- fpeft, precifdy as they were before the paffing of the late aft. Form of Surgeon's Certificate. I Surgeon, do hereby certify that I have carefully examined of late in the , Regiment of Wilitia and that in confequence of being wound¬ ed, the find il incapable of hard labor. Given under my hand at this day of 181 Foir Sale, j THE West hnhf of lot number nineteen iVthe fecond conceflion of the town- fhip of Kingfton. Apply to the Printer. Kingston, July. l0y ^1^ $ tf. Rags ! Rags! Cash and the highest pi ice paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R A G S, _ AT THfis OFFICE, Blank ^Summonses Fox the Disttrict Courts, for ^>ale *K thisOifice. LieuUnant Governor's Office* Tcrk> t^d May* i 816. Purfuant to the tenth fcftion of an a£t pjfTed in the lalt lefiion of the Provincial Legifljcure, entitled, il An Art to re- pea! part of and to alter and amend the Lws now in force for granting penfions IO perious duabled in the Service, and thc widows and children of per ion* who may have been killed in thc Icrvice. and to extend the proviiious of the fame." His Excellency the Lieutenant Gover¬ nor has been plealed to appoint the un dermeniloned Mgdical Gentlemen, for Lieutenant Goveanor*s Office*. Tori* 24th May, 18 t6. Purfuant to the fourth feftion of an aft pa(Ted in the lalt feflion of the Pro¬ vincial Legiflature, entitled, '* An 2A to repeal part of and to alter and a- mend the law** now in force for g» anting penfions to perfons difabled in the fcr- vice, and the widows and children of per. fot.s who may have been killed in tht fer- vice, and to extend the provifionsof the fame/' which ena6ts that M on every ap¬ plication of a Widow, or Guardian or Guardians, executor or adminillrator of any child or children of any officer, r.on- comrriffi mefl officer, private militia man, or Ttamfter, who may have died, or who may hereafter die, in canfequence of ill- nefs ordifeafe contracted, or which may hereafter be contracted, on . fervice as aforefnid, it fhall and may be lawful for the Governor, &c. to order a permanent board, compofed cf militia officers of the County, difttict or riding in which fuch officer, non-cnmmiftnncd officer, %cc. as aforefaid fhall have been domiciliated at the time of contracting fuch illuefs or difeafeas aforefaid, to enquire into the merits of the cafe, whofe favorable report and recommendation, fhall be fufficient authority for the Governor, &c. to or¬ der the name or name* of fuch widow, or Child, or children, to be inferted on thc Penfion lilt of this Province, and to or* dcr the amount of fuch penfions as afore* faid to be paid*'—His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been plea fed to appoint the undermentioned officers of the militia, to be members of the faid per¬ manent Boards for the fcveral diilricTts, 1 effectively :— ! j or the Eaflern DistriSl. Lieut. Col. the Hon. Neil M'Lcan, — Lieutenant Colonel MacMillan,—. Lieutenant Colonel Donald MacDonell, — Lieutenant Colonel the Honourable Thomas Erai'er,—-Captain Archibald McLean, late Incorporated Militia. For the Johnstown Districl. Colonel William Fi ..fer,—Colonel Stone,—Lieutenant C""ionel L. P« Sher¬ wood,— Lieutenant Colonel l>urrett»— Captain Ji hn McDonell late Incorpora¬ ted Militia. i 1 For the Midland Df/lria. the tiiitt.its in which they refide, refpee-j Colonel William Johnflon,—Coh>nel lively, to examine perfons win- may claim to be admitted as Militia pcufionei'ft iu confequence of alleged dil^bility from wounds received in His Majcfty*a feivice ati'd to certify touching fuch difability, •f found to ex ill, as prefcribed by the faid fedbft.—Alfo to examine and grant John Fergulon, Lieutenant Colonel Al¬ lan McLean,— Lieutenant Colonel Ar¬ chibald McDonell,— Senior officer of the I tuox Militia,—Oapta*"n Daniel Walhburn, late Iftcorp r.rtrd Miiitia. For the Niw Ctffile DhtriS, Lieutenant Colonel Petti^—Major

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