NE™' ,w GOODS. '"% F almnfi cvc-t c trcripil(»n jufl: rece: vcd and < >ffcred for ("ale on term- ilwi n.oit acenatroodating, by PETER WETSEL. Smarts' which are a verv extenfiveaf- fortuient of Dry Goods ; if Tog-ether with a choice afforjfftent <>f 6Y/yfo 6? Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Hardware Store. f| NEW GOODS. ■~*HE fubferiber has just received a/id \ now offers for fah-f "an cxteufive and well chofen adbrtrnem uf Gentlemen's Boys H 4TS. FrefhTea** L.-nfand Mnfeovado Su- #»-, PJU5T, Ladies1 Twill and Paper To- !>n co; Scotch, Rappe, and Maeuboy 3) -ffn. Old Jamaica Spines, Cognise Bran¬ dy, Hulhnd Clin, Shrub, Peppermint, rtat and French WJne. CoT-e, Chocolate. Gin^r, rflltpicti Ground Pepper, Muftard, Murme^, Coves, Cinnamon, CurraitfS -' :ifJ"~> ~*Sh Poland Surch, Fig Blue, Powder and Shot, Corn and Bah 2?rooms< Witutow Glafs and Putty. ^\*s {crew Augurs, Steelyards, Sho-| rHE fubferiber begs leave to inform the Public; that he has opened a Store in the above line oppofite to Mr. Samuel /fyircyd's Store, where he offers for fate an allurement of HARDWARE & CUTLERT, Carpenters and jema's TOOLS. 5 and 7 feet Mi'l Saws crofs cut do • fquare, flat and round Iron of all fizes ; crawler and blifler Heel ; nails and fpiks of all ii/.es ; (hovels and fpades ; file jfhovels and tongs ; iron, biafs and belt plated Candlellicks ; coffee and pepper Mills ; bureau trimmings ; fcale bearr* land weights ; fcrcw augers ; mnfons ham- Jmers and trowels ; locks of all defcrip- tions; window glafs; putty; black, fpanifh brown, pruflnn blue and yellow paints ; alfo many other articles too nu¬ merous to mention. The whole of which will be fold much lower than can be parchafed at any other (lore m Kfngflon. 3aMuml Shaw. Kingston, zSii March, i S! 6. +y{ ! * • F;;':,c Pl0*» l'on a,»d Steel ; 4<! and rod cut Mails ; 8daud iod Wrought Together with a general afToitT.erit of Hard and Ho!low WARE. /I • 4 > "J * 3 doz. Cne:leis i%6S.Zi Worded H fe, ti dost. Ofl'dGlfc-Hu Cover* 3 d .z. Lpi,ki.iT GlafTcs, of various fj/es and "fa funerinr qualify. •' 50 Bbls. bfcTiPork, zoo lbs. Hog's L:» I, ceo Gallons raw and bolt'd Linieed Off. i 30 Prs. Men*S i?oot3 of different qua- 500 do do Sh«es, k-.*:..^ J »J\ .' By ti, ■ SVU TH & BUT 1ERWORTH, TJ L7SPECTFULLY acquaint thcirj j V Friends and tbc Public in general that they have re-coni'r.encvd bulinefs in tii^ new houfe near Walker's Hotil, where they have on hand an octerifive af fcrtmeftt of LaJ:cs & ChiMren's bdl licuvcr Bnnncts, Gendcmen'* beft Uea- Yd, Oa!t ir, Roraoi and Kn;ipt Huts jl Men's, Youtii'sand Boy's Wool Hats/ Lik-'wjfc, La;*.iei and Children's Lon¬ don F.if/)o..ablc BornicM, l^ithen and - rinii.iii;is of the futlowrng colours ; 3>iack Wiiire, Blue, Brown, Purple and Dial) ; which they offer, Wholefale and CHEAP SALES, \T the Store of Mcflrs. H. W WILKINSON & Co. a large Q^nn'ity of Sweet-fcented Virginia^ Common PUisf, Ludie^ Twill, and Twili Tobacco; i Spam(h and American Segafs, in quirtcr Boxes. f.arge or fmuli Quantities^ to fait Pur- bafcrs. 'i \ch The whnie of which will be f -Id at 2c p:fr cent, cheaper than can be pr ju- red here from anv Marker *f the V>\\ re.l State*—NOT EXCEPTING SMr'OO'.ERS. K'tn^jhn, 22(1 March, 1816. 4-2 ._- .„ 1* OR Salcbytlw fjibfenber, 30 Biib. Mel's Pnik, Prime D*>. Pali Albany Strong Beer, Tar, Tobacco, ; is Do. Hails, all llze?, Jvi C rpentert loo'.j,—a i.irgf quautitj lals of a-ni.;(l every ceii ripcion. A r/cnerai affurtrnent of DRY GOODS. NEW GOODS. ia^'TP r,- NO' 11 fOHNS & FlNKLE, Have just rf.ctevf.d a gener¬ al ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods JND Groceries : in<i Sup Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen .AfYoi'tment of MEDICINE. The whole of which wil! be fold at the lowest prices forcch 01 country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J. Hendi uson. Kingston, 2^1 J iuu-1'v I R * (». 34 JAMES McDOUALL & Co. Succefjbrs to the L' c firm of 8* Filch aid Co. Cotiimillion Merchifits^ MON T R E A L. | V$ ESPECTFQLhY tender their I >V fervlces lo tin r fn'cuds and the,- sf _ „ 1f pubtfc, for agency and blifi j Ladic« hiaek, white and *ancy colour d nelsj and flatter themftlvea that n.-.honfe Kl 'lo r?OR Rite, the Following Iai»r}5, bran* u * part of the real cftale owncd1>y;i.e irubferibfr. ' 1. Ettft half of Lot rurnber 19 in the yi conctfiion of ^dcilplms Town, on •at: bay, having & Fr;imcd hoti^ & him, together with an inipro*.etnent thcreori. -cntaining 10c acres. 2 Lot "'imbtr z6 Ifl wefl btv, foutV ,f ['he bl^ck th.' 11\ troncdSon of the trtwnfhip of Mr.r; {btirj>hi w.:,h bnil- Amonp: which are the foltoW-|jdings »nd other improv^.-nenfB theieou. articles :— erfise and common Broad Cloths ; White and black Cotton Cafttbricki; .Superfine dnff'd andundrefT'd Calicoes;! i Black si!k, Madrafs and Cotton Bandan [ na Handkercliicfs ; A variety ofSha-wlfi and Veflin<rs ; Large damaflc si'k Shawls ; French Cambrick, for Handkerchief ; F Mne Liora Cmhrkh mi Robe feteriu 5 ! wwvf? °f ^'J feh,M ] ?J n: lv*«%\'1' STwilrd ^arcencttt,; Z/lack M'^de ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-skin and bea¬ ver gloves ; HI the Ptovince is beiur lituatec* !o rr TVi" IV OUK do. Ladie*' fancv afforted Kid do. faii^f-.aior. in their lln:, to th<»fe whojf.®1*^ ^"^ 8rre? &*«wUtBomba«BB' -h. ofe to favor them with oc^mmands ' i Wliire flialloon silk'Velvets and Cotton - i Libera! advances made on config vments, * hieh \\i!l have the sdvantages of both /Jfontre&l and Quebec markets, without extra coir,nii?Tioii. Montreal February *3. i^yrt Sfiiriiugf ; j Fine Irifli Linen, Ruffin, Imitation a i Wool Cardinjr. Scotch Sheeti t£j= ; [Black and white Jeans, Dimities and b!:u k Cr.ipc ; Kt and Bod- Muflins Lenoes Ginghame, Ribbons and Laces ; Fide plated fun? and wool Hats ; (jacketier. and Bot.-k Muflins L ;o:.t 11 nng zoo aerea. j. Three fourth* of l/»t nnmber c, W Ithefirft concefBofl, wc(r of ni :v,\r f,. and well of the Rock in 'lie townthip of Mary/bargh, with an improvtment thcic> on»containii)^ 15c acted. ^ 4. Fifsyaere-of vilwaWe wood lai;r!, be*ng part of the utrrn f<iirin<M'ly o*»?nec? and occupied by the fu!v,crib-r, h\ the the Rii . •:.;- ■ ------------& B^adjoiniflg thereto. 5. [,ot number 6- and the wed lialt |-.f nuTiber 14- in the 20 roiv/'-fiion :;f the townfhip of Rich'nond, Cuntaiuii>g 300 6. Ix>t number 8 In the 2d eonceflWa, [fouth fi.!e c»f tht: '.afl Lake h the town- (hill of Hotlowell- cor«!ai"i:i '■ 2CO ;i<-»en 7. Eaft half of! »t number 6h> tht 4th conccfiion of the tcnvnft&in 1 f V):«rl»w# on jhe river Moira, with a:» i«ftpi.*.^ii!ent ;!iereon, containing too OcrvA- 8 Lot natnber i »a'l i»f-Vanalftiiw^* like in the ill <\>-k- fu >n nf the tuwaHtip nc! THE fubferfber hw cr^aetfa Card-!] Oil d Hat Covers. . big Machine i: df a miie north of! I /1I SO, Mr.M'GuinN Infill 01 CoUiVs Creek,JJHyfon, intlteu.wiiflifpof Kii^uon, and lus it 11 Yoiins Hyfon, J- TEAS; 40 Do. 100 Do. 1 Go Do. 30 Do. 15 Kegs I now m complete order for Carding Wool. All pcrions who will favor him wi'htherr custom mr.y be a (Tared of hav¬ ing their work do:;e well. Piue, 6d. per lb P.J FITCH. fCingstmt June %th% 1S1 6- 2tf (iyion, 1 VOttng Hyfon, > And Hyfon-f-kin j of Marysburgh % ;;h an iroproverAeni f! thereon, cont?" rnig 200 ;jercs« 9. Lot number 14 h\ to.* 5th concw- fion of ihetowufbip f lVn!a:vl? contaWW i»g 3CM9 acres. 10. Lot nun !.-fr zg '^ ff(r. ftrli c -nce*- (iiifli of the 60\YHJ]iip of I IJ.ihr.and, eon- Pine, pigtail and ladies* fwifi Tobacco ; ( High pv* -fold Ja-rnica .Spirits ; [Cogmac Bian^v, Holland Geneva; Shrvh} Port Wine, The ftWc goeds, together with a va- 1 raining 200 acres. ! I Lot miniht'i 20 in tlvv rth coiic* ifion f-fthe tOwn.'hipof I1.'-tfjurr;?;, con- ratning zoo acre*. 12. Lots number 12 rail 13 h1 the 1'h con/fflion o( the tov"f,,'M r«ritwrl vuflnp Jnrmrny rirty *f avtic-Ttfi not rr.ntio„ed, WJH L Up'k' | S. We:! 2^..!i Con. j — lulled Ffcorh. r»o«v Y««ff»» in 9h't tViaiA OROKEjntothc eDclofoiteeffion tifj 1.3 fubfcnbvr, in Adolphu t:> e-her! h about the ^mljrfwVf^'Bani, .-\dduiunal i#Fcaenck5l>urgn, t t?K,c. with a good fran.e Kuufe ^j fJre good MeadoWl, and tw« Oiel■./ TU.._ ;,- . :, and about one huriJrvd „ .,. .i,.„n- No S Eaft -1 51I1 Con. of the town fhtp of Pittf?»«nfti. Also Lots. Nu. 7 in the51 h conceflion No. %6 in the 6th concc!T:on Niia 28, 29, 30. $2 & 33-. in 6th con. Ko. rj L^U! i-':"hcou'Jf Pittfburgh. jtL$Ot MiittwJDis£rh%\ f>Y virtue of ^ ro //'/r: j IJWRIT of EX I RCUTION iffied out of His Mn;eny'i [Court of Kintf'e bench, hohli.i-r civil j Mca.-, in and for the Midland D/iWrSa? j forefaid, at ihe fait of John Kirby * -f tTi^ [town of Kiriglion, lv. the {aid Di'tu*^, nerchatxt, a^aiafi thelandsand tcr.atnetua he Jietail fur C^Hi as cheap aa they can be purchafed at Nfo;;trcal. N. B. CaHi paid for Beaver, Mufl;rat and Racoon Skins. Kii^itcn, 30th Oft. 1S1;. 2\ :f. -' Notice. rpHE fubferiber rcfpeaftdlv inform^ \ friends and the public that he is about or cninr a $1 Jre in front of the new vjuk t houfe, where be wil! do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Wiil bay and fei), Store & Forward GOODS i/^> or down the River\ - Will Ifljce in any orders of any defci'ipti- on iu that line of bcilnrfs. N. B Perfona deiirous of commitri'-j conijgnments to his charge, taSf know the i;2tei of and comrriifHon by tiling at the ncwcomiT>J::i. * dore. JOHN DUxNCAN. -^^iggfton, Dec. 30, iSij. 30 NOTICE ^ ISSKD on the 10th inft. and fup- *Jl^'_l pofed to have been Helen, a fJOTE, payable to James Norris or bea¬ rer, for d-venponncis fifteen flttllingf, tinned by ffa;:c Hough, there are two '::.JorK-mcnt> on f .id Note. The public :s hereby cautioned againft pureliailrg &, a. mcifurcs have already been taker. to Mop the payment. Francis Car Usee, Kingston, X\th April; lS:6. 46 ! SNUFFS, HANM \ & RITTERS, TOBACCONISTS. ESrECTFULLY inform their Friends snd the public in general that they have opened a SMUFP MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Robins' Breuery, Where they have fjr fcile Mackoboy, ") [ IriftS HSaggard, f and otli-r j Which they offer for fale cheap fos Caih. v Kington, xoih M.y, ,R,6. 49 Charcoal Wanted. 20,000,Bus,HEcLS'tIohe^ ' iivcred before the clofe of the nav.gatfon of 181C, at ftated peri- dsor Seven Httndred Buflieh to be Mivered weekly until the end of March, 1817. Any pcrfon wifliing to undertake the ! delivery of the fame arerequeftcd to fend faled lenders to the Naval Storekeeper's [Office P*int Frederick on the 3.1ft hift. Naval Tan!, Kingston, r | // 15U May, 1816 own imp f or 1 own. 1 : i AND \ T,Qt}h. 2d, in the 1 \th C^J"jj The whole being in the TSc 0ffice o{j Lan«do\vu, in the u.&ttia <4f lror pirticlurs enqniic at tu d£fjlN MCLE/iN, f.f,; Kingston, August 28, ■SlJtAyvij K'wgjlon, Sept. 6, 1 Si 5. »4 12 NOTICE. -yWZ r..bfcribers refpeafully inform "* the Merchants, Traders and the .! public in genera1, that they have entered V j [into co-pannerfnip, and have opened an 7!i n Wa m « . i x .„ / 1 j r \ audion room in front of the New Mar- llC i\.7-h OKfOn I l«%nday troml*, -tit c t t r 1 'u *vo/'€R J «•*//# t^i ' Lket, in the back part of the Iioufc be- t-» ^ 1 r r . . >uli 0 miotic! h . . rT, . tl I J| / 1L1> be open every IV! |i^o:,J5l,,S to Jwvn Duncan, where they VV M o'Clock. a m. tuij u.;i] jj, tors and Executrix of the MA William Atkinfon, decafrfl, lotstirmbcr 19, 20, :!, 22. 23 and 24, ;n life fottrth conctfs- Bon of the tovvafhtp of Sidney, cnntamlog by aarm*2Hircrri. iu 1200 at.res •,"■ ihefamc more or !ef&. Now 1 Jo hereby give no¬ tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold ami adjudged to the hijrheft bidder, at my enfiee ui t} e t'uvn of King- 'flon, on WEDInTESDAY the SJV. TEENTH r] y of OCTOBER next, inland adepont left with /.,. U) con.hor l'u* P^ per of Five Pounds a* a furetr#! ft • C°' 'c\ \ new firm. i^r. ^c n t o 1 r -. "tllir rules cr i lots of Books. SnbLiibers h'J..- «l,„.f I__ r 1 - .-^ If •vaoaintttheM'V';"-^;"^.11^ m\\o$ tne place in tutuie to encourage tfc< PUBLIC NOTICE. X^HE fubferibers to the Kingston- Steam Boat, are hereby required to make immediate payment t; the Trca- fwrer of tho /^oney which is llill due on their feveral fobfa iption&, GiiO. M. Markland, 8thMayf |8f6# liLAMK Ba; 5 iubied to tr rr;-„ p. i.J itcUlpn books j uder themfelve the Library. , . Pcrfon having in their peff/6 l^f^\ belonging to this Library nr^ W,*0S« tojelurn them into the Lib. ~nv r. .,,, j delay. WN, &r v. | . CHARLES ANDFRS 35if |j Kingllou, id I\b. 18x6. . . John Barley, john Dunca\\ siutlhneers. Ki-tgston\ 101 h Apnl. 1816, N. B. The day* of auctions are fixed on Tiufday and Friday. 46 claims on the nb -ve defcribed tntl t*f 'and and premifes. by rroair-irre 01 o'her right"Ol incurribi-oTcc. ;ue hvi^va'ver- ! itiled to ^iveuoiketu th. ford Klunitf, ar j his office in the town afKingfloft, prev;- oils to thr U\]e thiTfof. ttojfc o£!cc> May f5, 18l6, — I : L, BONDS, alid SffiRil'Fs SALES, For bale at this Office. Notice*' toiheEftate T esT~On Th.rfday Evening lad |JU fowewom- abuutthc Gosd^ two l.cai«, ntaoiog from GTwernment t 4<; NOTICE TS hereby given 6a all pei-fina Jndeht- I tj to the laic f:r;n of Norman Bit* \thmte <J M A RTH A 'l^^ratrix 10. Kingfton, Feb. :SiCn 35 1 Thomas Parks. L::t*:ton> April 1$, 1816. '4$ Ctf- cf I'ii.gllo.i, tl-at uirefi their are dniy patd »n or kforcrk 151b pro:;hno, tIk ir ao.ouuts v i'i Iv «ic polited wuli /.). /';'//^.v'v/,l;!u tocollui. j\mcsG. Ix'hur.c. Kingston, ft//j AUy, tgtfi. Cctf II BLANK DliEDSAxoMKMO [ai^JkSa for fale at thU Ok.- »,