Kingston Gazette, June 1, 1816, p. 3

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* Va'iy is tiure O'.ftaniiy on duty\ It is a fingulaf fa& thit tin* tricoloured Ihg is found waving ew*y morning ir.ftcad of the white one* on the town houfc, without i'.s having beenpoStbl? hitherto to vlifeovcr the authors of this provocative to rebellion. TnefivM). renwhicable (nth attending; the: diilm-l nuces which have lately taken place in dir.Vuni. parts ot France, is the con It ant n-fufal oi the n^tionnl ami departmental guatd&to take any active part in i'upport of the rovnl authorities auainft the oecple. Thi? ro?fuial lately occurred at Ville-Franclie a place in the iK'iL'hbouihood of Lyons, V/ncre the of!*ctrr* of government attempted to -.urcfl i*vv> individuals, who, having come th.-rX* uWn buGnefs happened to be unpro- vf.k'd V'-ith pai^poris,. To the great amnfe- mei:t of ili-j people* the& two men efcaaecl Jrorh llie ^rafp of the gendarmerie, by crols- 15^ a river, and from the latter being; de¬ prived of all f.uMas of purfuit by the interfe¬ rence '">f the public* and bv thercfufal of the t Nr'ti^nal Guard to co operate in ciuellip1/ the riotous oopulaec, ' At Stiditilkti^ this fame mortmcv.'uon hag been <->:ptr»cnccd by government. At aljte fHtival, an iule report happened to b^ tpaad of Bonaparte's having landed is Holland, (he louver oriers of the-people, who were at tint col!o£h-d in diiTVrent places of public entertain merit, greeted the intelli¬ gence v\ till j w, were general u\ their (ho-.its of v/vc Pkcwperevr! The jrendai mene bem** infuilk-teiU to quell the dilhirbance, the Na¬ tional ruard vv£re called upon, and, as in the f>:-rner tnflance, denied tocir Kid far the u*.-r- pofe in quell ion. Tlufe'are trifling inci¬ dents in then.felvea, but avif not be fo in fh-ir confequence^. They ferve to {hew the difp 'f»:Uiii of the people, and the impohcy • ^{ the government. Paris, March 27. TV affair of Mei'fVs. Brncc, H.*(tchtfnn and Wiifon will be deibii -ivcly judged the ending month. .A number of legal quef- ?u»ns having been propofVd by Mr. Dupin, Co.iniVi for Sir Robert Wiifon and Mcftrs. Briia- and Hutehiufon, the3' have been t='a;if milted to London, to be decided by three Englifh Lawyers, who have replied, that by the Englliii Lav/, a Granger mult be tried according to the law tie hm occn charged of «••' )l..t!iirr—that lie has a ri^ht to be trb-d by a iu--v cormnfed half of (tranters and half c( Bn'tllh fuHefts. It s not neeeffatv that the it.rang-'/rs fhou'd nil belong to the lame conntvy of the accufed—but the preference V' l^wlv*^ s-"*^' *« x*'^ ^nTryr^-u when ;*.Vy arc to be found within the pinldiCtion of the Court be* »re whom the trod :s made. XluVis finned by Nlcto, Robiufon, Gaffow 3«.d Shepherd, three- eminent liritiih ad\o- i IJ.olen. They immediately took them into custody,and had themlodgedin Buckingham Gaol..—(Oxford Paper.) Kingston* June i, 1816. parties are in tlie wrong. Wc perfectly 3- gree with our frirnd •* Regn'icokf that fuch tranfadions fhould be carefully looked into by the civil Magistrates, as they frequently lead to very ferious confequences. ■ VT?. T H E A T R E. • • ca'tcft \r SINGULAR R VBBERT An D : an MUKDEM. A day or two fine?, a pei fen who refides a ic-w mile* fro'n oi'c!cir^harn, calltd Mfi a r^laiion v.'ho lives :n HolUvtil, and ll ated to \ilcA that the following extraordin^rv cirenrn- S;me?i5ad |«(t occitrfij between Biickingharrj ao*^ Stony Stiitiord, but the names ot the rfons murde-ed he h >J not accurately afcer- tnined :—In the e*enH»g fnr perlons armed Vjihh gum'entiertd the yard of a lone firm* hou^e, fnuated as ab :ve, and fenta largj bull- *$ojy they had with them amoHg the cows. The n -ife occafioned bv this excited theattcn- t-iun of ihe inmates of the farcn ; and imme- diatelv the farmer with three of his men-fer- "/ants rulbed out of the houle, in order to dif- coverthe caufe of the voilent noife, occafi¬ oned by the attack on the COW3 The in- Ftant the four r.erfonjcame int<^ the yard, thev were (hot bv the four robbers. A fer- vant maid, and child were in the houfe. The fe-va/'.t maid on bearing tlie rep«)it of guns lefc it, and concealed betfelf be1 ind a conti- pious wood-pile. She heard the robbers enter the premifej. They obferved, " that th&m mutt be a woman in the houie to take c;ire of the child ;" they fearched, htA when they came to the child, propofed murdering it ; b'it another faid—u No, there is a»iTJccaflotl for tha , it cannot tell of us."—Not finding the girl, they took off what they e#u'd carry and in their hafte (hut in the bull dog. The girl kept In her hiding place until a butcher came to the farm in the morning j he called out feveral times for admiifion ; at length, the girl, knowing hfa voice, came from her concealment, and related what had happened. On looking round the hoiifc* the butcher difeovered the dog. Iuftantly he went out, (hut the door, mounted a horfe, and dcfired the girl to relenfc the anirna1. On being re- leafecj the dog made for his home, the butch¬ er following clofe to his heels. He traced him to a (mail public houfc on the road, a confideu-hle dillance from the farm. The dop: entered the ho life, and immediately the butcher rode to the neareu: village, procured ■ pr-.prr afCit^n^e, and returned to the fp-)t. "I'hey i'lquued for the landlo'd; his wife fai 1 that he was Imfdy eng°aged, and could iiMi ht ffiren ; they then titd the do ir of an mi er room, ai.d finding it fultened, thev for- red it open an ! d'Hc^vcftf'J Hit four mnnVr. For the Kingston Gazettr* \ It ha» long been a fubjeft of ferious regret# 1 inthexniiid» of judicious perfons, that thtf \ inhabitants of this Province fhould be fo ne¬ glectful as they are, \x\ feCttring their titles of real eilate. When the country was firft fettled, the grants of land from the crown* on account of the exilting (late sf the Prov¬ ince, could not be immediately ifRicd. Th<! fettlcrs, however, drew their lots* and went into potTefrion of them, receiving only tickets or certificate, as the evidences of their right to them. In the mean time, exchanges and files were made, by transfers of the poflVrT- ion with bonds for conveyances when the deeds fhould be obtained from the Crown Office. This praclice of transferring land by way of bond, being" thus introduced, was continued, by force of ufagc, after the caufe of its introduction removed. In too many inliances, it is Hill continued, although, by the death of parties, aad the confequent dc- feent of eftates to heirs under age, and other intervening privations, many difaopointments fai!ures and defeej.s of title, are already expe¬ rienced ; and the evii coniequenfts are beco¬ ming Mill mere ferious, asfends rife in value, become more fettled, and divided among af- iignees, devifees \c. In a few years, this cultom, more prevalent perhaps in this Prov¬ ince, than elfewhere, will pr.oe a fruitful fource of lrigation, unlets the practice mould be discontinued. There b another peculiar law, teCulting from our Provincial law of Regiftries. Deeds at huge are not to be re¬ gistered, but memorials of them. The sta¬ tute lequiicN a numh.r of particulars to be ftated'ia a memorial If any of thefe requi- fiies be omittedj oreiTone nifty inferted, the omiilion or error i> fafj to be fatal, according fo a late dccifion of the Court of King's Bench. A mistake in the addition of one of the witnelTer=, for bstanee has been adjudg¬ ed to render a ." void, '" favour of a fnbfcqurr.t con-.-evanc-'fom the fame party. Without profeifi >na! (kill, a perfon drawing a memorial is liable to omit or miibike fome tecknieal term r.quired by law, and then the title U liable t> fail, even after the land His paffed thn.tioh 1 numbc'of fuccelfive convey- -n ... men and puff.-ffi >ns, 1 he provition oi tljc ia»v wis intended to puvetit col* in tlie regjs* try ; 1 in it would h rv«? breti more finple, and rKe, ffor** r< re- Mfe» if rlf dced-j »h-mfelYes were to be recorded at full lens b. il/^mo- l&u* however mcoi rrctly drawn, are received and recorded bv the iein\tcrs, whobciilguot |'id:;:r.!, but mirnstena! omcers, are b"una to receive and record fuch instruments as are offered, pipporring to be memorials, and feci no ••cfp'.nifi:.iiifv a* to iheir correctnef> or va* lidlty. yl/;ny incotrect, and coufequent'y invalid and v,,id me nomls are of cottrfe put upon rec »rdk if the principle of the hue de¬ cision of the Court (hould be applied to oth¬ er Statute requfftfc! of memorials, a targe pro- porcion ot them will beft»nnd to be defective, an! many eonv-yanccs will accordingly be dff&lted.' A whole chain of tide m ;y f-iil, bv defect in on* link, not difeovered, perhaps until the prCniifcs have pafl'-d From hand to hand,incr-afel in value.bythe rife of land, cf by artificial improvenients,and become divid¬ ed among a number of owners. Few purcha- fers are careful to trace back conv. varices under which they purchafe. Such caution is every where neceffary in fome decree, but is peculiarly fo here by the complication of our peculiar law of Registry. Camden. Tht De Watteville Re^. are foon to leave this place for Europe—but previous to their leaving it, two or three hundred are to he discharged. We alfo learn the Glen^ary regiment, now ftatioried at York., are com¬ ing to this post to be discharged. • • • • •■• Several very daring Thefts and Robberies have recently been committed within this vicinity ; it would be well for the communi¬ ty, if the authority of the town would now enforce the regulations of a City, as it has recently been incorporated. The feafon is remarkably bakward in this province at the prefent time. Two or three mornings this week we have feen ice ; the profpeft now is more favourable for ve getation. Otf MONDAY EVENING, The ^d of fune. Will be performed the COMEDTof Speed the Plough. _ To which will be added the favorite Farce of / Laughs at ay*?. LOG KSMITHS. Doors to be opened at Sljt, performance to commence at SEVEN Tickets to be had at Mr. Macau) Admittance to the^ One Dollar, Pit, Half a Dollar. C^No Money to be taken at the Door. No Children to be admitTd. * Tuefday next, the E'ighth inftant, is ap¬ pointed for a day of General Thanksgiving, throughout the Province of Upper Canada. * Mifs Patterson, formerly Madame Jerome Bonaparte, is now a leading ftar at the Am- bafladorial balls of the Duke of Wellington; and in all the circles of high faflilon at Paris, where (he is particularly admired tor her beauty and accomplifhmtnts. London Paper* GROCERIES. THE fobfenbers, having commenced fcfufi# nefs in the Grocery Line, either whole- fale or retail in this nl «ce. where they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most reafonable term". TvKPAKCE ^ M'LeOD. Kingston, 30th May, 18 16- c2 A German writer obferves, that Bona¬ parte was fo* ambitious, that he wifhed to have the Black Sea for a warn hand bafon, the Mediterranean for a watering-place, the Baltic fyr a fiftvpond, the Atianticf ra piea- fure yacht, the Pacific for a mirror, when he «M in a padion, cortfequently, it mull have been very foreign to his expectations, that all would end in a rat-trap in the Ifland of _ * Sc. Helei.a. BY AUCTION, . X171IIX be fold, on Wednefday nett, the cthof June, at P-int Eredetiek. The Baggage belonging to the Offi* cers of the De fVqtUvitte Regime:it, Conlistmgof a great variety of ofrful ar- * * tic:es, too numerous to mention. ftj*Sa!f to commence at \ l o'clock, A* M. Kingston, May 31* 1816* iw LOST • • • • Bonaparte.—The fhip Jacob ^m'jhas ar* rived at ZJjllon from Bara^ia. On the 4th of^/piil, in light of St. Helena, the Kqb Jones was boarded by an officer from the engliftl gim-brig Zephyr, one of the cruizing vetTels ftationcd off there ; the officer ilated, tliat Bonaparte was in go >d health, and ap¬ parently contented with hb ixtuation. ' • • Ins eels on Fruit Trees. Flour of brimllone fprikleil by a puff; dredm'sz box. orotherwite On the leaves of SUPPOSED to have been left in fome (hop in town,about the25th April lall. an •'ll black Pocket Book containing a note diawn by Jacob Germain, in favor oFAnoreW KiMmerly, Efcj. of Richmond, fcr.jgmjtJL 17s. due iff. Odoher, 18.9. Alfo, a bln.-.te Mortgage, about 30 or^b in Nciv Yo»k Bills dated T77r, a forged two Dollar' Bill and fundi y fmall papers of on ufeto any per* fon except the owner.—'Anv perfhn thai will deliver-the faid I'oeket 13o k, With ir* contents, to "Mefcrs. Thomas Markiuul ^ Co. mall receive Uie reward of FOUK. DOLLARS. vegetables will, it is f,.id, effectually dettroy ^Cingftcm, 5oth May, 1S16. the ^rms and infefts, and likew.fe promote - ■ * 52W4 the growth oi the j particularly improved by the application. Land. Pap. lh, plnnt—Pcach trees arc ^ HlR ry DOLLARS REWARD STOLEN or SPRAYED from the Subicriber, on Saturday, 25th inflant, a fmall bmwn MARE, has a fpot nearly without hair up^nthe left rib, near the lad¬ die place, (he is -ready to f -al—Whoever will return the faid Mare fnfe with her foal to the Subicriber, (hall receive the above re- * AMABLE LAMOMTAGNE. ffroH the PLitisburgb Pupulli-an. Curious Accident.—The following ( new and envious accident occurred in this village a few days pad. A Jug of Water, coiked tiVhr, had b-.en fet In a large Stove to warm where it w is forgotton,—U foon became hea¬ ted, and exploded with great violence—the Stove wa« demolimed and almoll all the petfons in the room were knocked down, a id fome of them very levcrely injured. Kingfton, 30 May, 18 16. j'iwg & * NOTICE. I TO all perfons proceeding to Quebec with Lumber, that every advantage will be _— - - - Two Hundred Dollars Reward. LAST ^veniniT the Shanty No. 20, wag forcibly"entered, the thefts belonging to the occupiers were brok-n open and mo¬ ney ftolen to the amount of 1600 Dollars in Guineas, Dollars, &c. amo;ig>t which is with Lumber, that every advantage will be a ohe hundred Dollar Bill, a bag with £ given to forward the quick fale of all des- pounds worth of englifh SKiUmffSj" and a Far-" ciiotion of Lumber that an ives on the un- \ _e cur;cus fmoaking Pipe. Whwcvclr will - Mr. Miles, A man- cf no very frrnll confequence, Ought to regulate his gait and motion,— there are fome who by an indecent motion of their rumps have an unequal kind of gait like the wadling of a duck ; all which things tho* not of much confequence, yet being fome what awkward and ting en t eel, ufually difpleafe. GENERAL ELECTION. On Monday the 20th tilt, the hon. Allan M-Lean, Speaker of the Houfc of^lTeni- bly, was. elected member of Parliament for the County of Frontenac, without oppofi- tion. .4ftcr a contefted election of fix days, we are informed that Willet Cafey, Efq of A- dolphnftown, and Mr. Ifaac Frafer, of Er- n^H: Town were elefted members of Parlia- leafed part of the Btneh of Seller!,^ between the dwelling houfe of the late William Hul- let, Efq. and Point au Pizeau, on applying to the culler refuling on the fpot, befides the low rate of ground rertt and other advanta pes will be ufed to the benefit of t'nole con- CerUe " • ROBERT WOOD, Culler. Quebec, May 15, iSt6. Jl«4 FOR SALE, , Four foot LATHS. 2 0,000 Apply at this OlHce. Kingfton, 17th May, 1816. fo PACKET. THE Schooner P erf ever erne, J. G. Parker, Matter, will continue to run as a Packet from Kingfton to Sackets Harbor. May is, 1816. 5° ge curious fmoaking Piiie. Whwcvdr will give information fo that the thief or thieves amy be brought to jullice and the m >uey obtained, mail receive the above reward by applying to * JAMES WALLIS, Gonjlahte Point Frederick, May 30th, 1816 5 2 w f p "•• ment for the incorporated counties of Lenox and /^ddington ■ c< fames Cotter, Efq. is M ftr the .untv of Prince Edward; and J«mei-M- abbi Efqr. for the county of Northumber¬ land. , We have received fome very Pertinent re- ,r//^'butfindmgtoom<myperlonla; NOTICE IS hereby given to all perfons indebted to the late firm of Norman Bcthune & Co. of Einsrfton, that unlel's their debts are duly i STRAYED FROM the Kingllon Mills, a grey Mere about nine, years old, between 14 and 15 bands high, and marked J F. U S,— Any perfon who will bn'nrr the nbove'h;U ril¬ ed Mare to the fubferrber, at the Kingfton Mills, or t» Wm. MircHPbL, Efq-lire at Kingfton, will be liberallv rewarded. WM. HAMILTON. Kingfton, 24th May, 1« 1/5- titf. IvINGSrON RACES—1816 THE firft Tfirf meeting will take place on Tuefday the 11 th June. Lieut. CuLCOCKBURN,) Major TURNER, ( Major . SKELTON, Captain DICKSON, Kingston, May 31,1816. 5z LOST OR STOLEN, Stewards uaidon'or before the 1 yth proximo, their ac- LOS 1 ORblUL^lN, counts will be depofited With D. IVaJhburn, pRQM the Sublcnbcr, ol iU« -70th Re- fcfir. tocollca. ' r giment, la!t night, a frirM W**t*9 mar egai lufionsc a place- ontained in it, (hall decline giving it -not that we would with to conn- ,mhs or riots, .biitu h U. Efq. to collca. Jamei G. Bethune. Kingston., I \ih May, l816. 5ot f tl BLANK. DEEDS and MEMO- No. 1795. Any perfon that will return .tie fame to the Subicriber at the y.jth barracks, Jhall be handiomely rewardcCl. . LAMES t OLLTMiL

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