Kingston Gazette, May 4, 1816, p. 4

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For Sale, By the fubferiber, a few Puncheottl* Jamaica Spirits., Brandy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint j Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate3 Indigo, Pepper & Allfpice. ALSO, A general afibrtment of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel* - All very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 2 8*5 Dec. 1815. 3 ttf THtJRLOW MILLS, For Sale. very valuable Grift-Mill for Sale* which has jufl undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of Bevel Geer. Such a defitable property is feldom to be met with ; it • ill be difpofed of by the ow. Her in confequence of mercantile arrange* ittents ; for particulars and to treat for the fame, apply to ThomasColem an, Efq. the proprietor : he alfo offers for fale feveral town water lots, upon the banks of the riv. er Moira. \ man who well undetdands eounducl- ing Carding Machines, and can keep ac¬ counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above. A fet of new Cards wanted as above. Thuvlow, March 23,1816. 43// FOR SALE, 200 Bundles Straw. Enquire at this Office. March 30. Notice. William M'Lean h Co. :eivcd a brge affcrtment Chccfe. AVE juft of the foil #w!ng Liquors & Groceries. Jamaica Spirits, Cosniac Brandy, Eeft Holland Gin, Port and Madeira Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar. King's Arms, Pine Apple, Chefliire, Bloom and Sutland Railins, Hyfon and Green Tea, Pigs, &c. &c. ALSO, An elegant affortment of RilltTrimmings of evrry description, Ladies and Gentlemen's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Glove9 of a fupetior quality. As the above articles were bought at an early fe;.fon, wholefale purcbafers can be fup- phed on terms more advantageous than they Jjow can be in Montreal. Kingston, Kjth Dec, 1815. rT^0 be fold or rented, as may be agreed irp- ■*■ on, that well known valuable farm, lot No. !i and the Well half of Lot No. jo in the firti conceffion of Additional Freder- icksburgh, together with a good frame Houfe and Batn,good Meadows, arid two Orchards thetcon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved lard. The pre- miles are well fituated for a farmer,rr.erehant or Innkeeper, For further particulars ap- ply to the fubferiber, or to D. Walhburn, Efq. in Kingfton, Michael Coyle. Kisip-Rou, 20th Feb. 1816. 8tf NEW GOODS, THE fubferiber ha? just received now offers for fale, an extenlive Well chofen affortrreut of a>d and Dry Goods. gilf I Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN Groceries, and Hardware. /1LS0, A well chofen AiTortment of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cafh or country produce. Ewd. J. Henderson. Kington, 26 January j 816- 34 A G 8, AT TKIS OEFICE. NOTICE. A LLPerfons indebted Co the fubferiber, * *■ Either by note or book, Muft make pay¬ ment by the firft day of*June next or other- wife m^t expect to fettle with an attorney. DAVID DURNSIDE. Kingston, April 12, 1816. 45 ■ 'THE holders of the following Cheques **• drawn by the Commifliariat Department at Kingfton, are requeued to prefent them «t this office for payment without further de¬ lay, viz. Cheques drawn on I. Walter, Efq. Afft. Dy. Pay mafter General, between 25th jfpriland 24th Auguft, 1815. No. 303 for £. 2-14-7 308 do .14-9 47S do : 23-12 6 678 do i 3.18-9 879 do 3. 7-6 896 do : 26-14-10 897 do s 39-U-3 1082 do : 2- 2-2 1091 do • 3 1(JS Juji publifljcd, and for fale at this Office, Price 1/3. The LIFE and DYING"SPEECH of JOSEPH EEVIR ; Who was executed at Kingston on Mondav, the 4th day of September, 1815, for the murder of Mary Bevir, his daughter. NOTICE. npHE fubferibers refpedlfully inform the * Merchants, Traders and the public in genera), that they have entered into co-part- nerfhip, and have opened an auction room in front of the New Market, in the back part of the houfe belonging to John Dun¬ can, where they will have regular auctions twice a week; and being that the feufotf fubferiber h3th been the only one in thai line of bufmefs in Kingfton, for a number of years, they expect by thti- strict attention znd cor- ectnefs th^t they will have the custom of the place in future to encourage the new firm. John Darlet, John Duxca.v, Auctioneers* Kingston* 10th April, 1816. N. B. The days of auctions are fixed on Tuefday and Friday. 46 Hat Manufa • ■* NOTICE. SMITH & BU1TERWORTH, ESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufmefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of Ladies & Children's beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's heft Beaver, Caftor, Roram and Knapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats, Likewife, Ladles and Children's London Fa fh on able Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Retail for Cam as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cam paid for Beaver, Mufkrat and Racoon Skins. Kingfton, 30th Qc~tl 815. 2 ! tf. Notice. THE fubferiber refpectfully informs his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market houfe, where he will do Businefs on Commiffion POR fale, the following lands, being , part ,of the ren e(W owned by the fobfcnir. 1. Ealt half of Lot Rumber 19 in the M conceffion of ^do'.phus Town, on eaft ba^ having a framed houfe and barn, together With an improvement thereon, containg i00 acres. 2. Lot number 26 in weft bny, fouth of flie black river in the lit conceffion cf the townfhip of Mary/burgh, with buildings and other improvements thereon, containing zco acies. fa 3 firft cf Three fourths of lot nnml aer 5 m the in Will buy and fell, otore & Forward GOODS Up or down the River* Will take in any orders of any elefcription in that lire of bufmefs. N, B Perfons defimus of committing con- fignmentsto tie charge, may know the rates o: florae a-d CMmnnflion by calling at the new committer, ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kmgfton, Der go. 1X15, 3° FANCY G GODS. "THE fuhfvriber informs the Ladies of m JL King flan and irs vicinity, that he has juft received and has for fale the moil fnc affosiment of «• ■ • exten- Figured, f wifM & plain SILKS & RIBKONS, SblwI-3 & Handkeixlnefs— Ever offered for in this place, * talc or retail on moth-me term* SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. i% igi|, tfy£ hole- 'it conceffion, vveft of number r, and well ' die Rock in the townfhfpof Maryfbargh, with an improvement thereon, containing 1 co acres. . 4. Fifcy acres of valuable woorj land, be- g part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fiibicriber, in ihe to'wnftlip of y/d<ilphus Town,beingin the rearofthe town Plot of Hollandville, and adjoining thereto, 5. Lot number 6, and the weft half of n«nnber 14111 the 2d conceffion of the town- (hip of Richmond, containing 300 arre=;. 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d conceffion. fouth fide of the eaft Lake in the townfhip of Hollo well, containing 203 acres. 7. Eaft half of l«t mmiber 6 in the 4th concefiion of the townfhip of Tfmrlowon the river Moira, With an improvement there- pn^containing i co acres. 8 Lot nun-.ber 1 caft of Vanalftine's l;ke in the I ft conceffion of the townfnip of Ma- ry.-burgh, with an improvement thereon,con¬ taining 200 acres. 9. Lot number 14 in the 5th concefti-n of the townfhip of Poitland, containing 200 acres. 10. Lot number 29111 the 4th conceffion cf the townfhip of Haldimand, containing 200 acres. 1 i. Lot number 20 in the 5th conctffon of the townfhip of Pittibargh, containing 200 acres. 12. Lots nnirber T2 and 13 in the 410 conceffion ot 1 h- townfhip formerly caStd, now Yonp-e, in the diftrid d Johnftown, containing 40c jfcFea. J 3. South half of lot number 16 fatU 8th ecuiceflinn of the townfhip of m%Q**s likewife in theDiflriaof Jwfinftown,contain¬ ing 100 acres. 14. Lot number 3, 4, and 47 in the Oth conceffion, and let number 3? i«» the 7thcon¬ ceffion, all in the townfhip of Camden, con* taining 800 acres. MM s^VA A number of town h>ts, for fa! and to that he fa npHE fnbferiher refpeafuPy begs leave '^fe, in Stuartviile, in the rear ofThe? I _ to inform his friends and the public, of Kingston. tow CH,/RLES STUART Kmgston^jth M^rch, 1816. *^ ' For Safe^ "%4 Acres of Lanl e nas received a great variety of Dry Goods 3c Groceries, as c.9ths, flanneU, calicoes, ftockiinr'j ^a- dy made coats, trowfers and v/ai^.conts handkerchiefs, fhawls, Iwem, ovetfoeks, mitts, women's hVes, tippets bomberettR, umbrellas, earthen and glafs ware, muftarc],' f>ap, candles, raifins, loaf and mufcovado fugar, &c. ladic'strimmingi for coats, clofe brufhes, flint, powder, ind/'<:», pepper, tea, &c. and wid be fold at the lowed terms. John Do^vlan. Kmgston, 25th Jan. t 8 16. 1 25O lymg '!) the towulhlp of Sidney._£ncn^. ofthe fubferiber, in Ki!!g,ton.y *** MWIIV STICKLES. Ki ngflton, March 13, ig,£ 4' 34 N O » A C j,. LL perfons indebted to the late firm of Norman Bethune and Co. are requeH- vr%T^> Jmm^te l^ymeut to Mr. H'y. V/. ViiJkmfon, who k duly authorifed to tective the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE Kingfton, 8th March, 1S16. A ^.Pf^^y^ebted to :he late William Pajrfidd, Efq. and the. fubferiber, inv der the firm of Benjamin Fairfield & Co. at Ernrtl Towii, or in the name of William rairiield, at Kingston, are requeffedto fettle their accounts without delay ; and thofe who have demands againft the faid concern are deiired to prefent the fame to the furvivinir partner. m "Wing Benjamin Fairfield, ErneflTown, March •- *° 12, i3i6. .... 4itf A7^ w J trie 0/ Stages. Cheques drawn on William Rofs, Efq. THOMAS Wm. MOORE, Esq. His Majeliy's agent for Packets at New York, informs the public, that no letters will * ft * ** _ . _ Dep. 'Afft. Commiffary Geneeal, between the be received, or forward*d by him for Eng¬ land, fiom Canada, unlefs they be Pod paTd through the Canadas and the United States* New Torky 14//} March 1816. 25th Auguftand 24th September 1S15. ■- No. 8 £10- 00 LInlefs the above Cheques are prefented prior to the 24th May next, it will become neceffaty for the parties to make application at Quebec for payment. f Commijfariat Office^ 47 \ Kingston, gth April 1816. ^KE fubferiber ha? commenced running a A LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kingfton twice a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfdays at e.Vht o'clock A. M. and arrives fa Kington, on Wednefdays and Saturdays, and leave; Kinr- J. G. HANNA, pj AS juft received 112 Canniders of the genuine Irifh, Prince Regent's mix- tore, and Rappee SNUFFS. Snuff .Boxes, Dreffing Cafes, Filing Tackle, 4c. &c. &c. Kingston, 15th March, rfty*. (Ion at the lame time ■End arriv es in M«ntre- - 45 w 8 NOTICE. al on Wednefdays and Saturdays. Perfons travelling in this line will find good team. Sc careful and experienced drivers, with cover€<J iieigns, made comfortable for *» FOR SALE, O' N reafonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the 5/j No. 23, in the 6th Concession, a oncesswn, AND * » •* * «-. . .. A LONG LEASE, on moderate terms, may be had of an extenfive building it lot, nearly an acre, in the vicinity of Kingf- "tpn ;—also feveral Lots of one. two or three fifths of an acre each, may be had on e*iy terms, either on long leafes or fale___ Apply to Mr. Miles.—april 20. 46'tf A NY Perfon^ willing to undertake tne ' • - FOR SAL*., * AC RES of Land in the fourth conceffion of the townfhip of King- eton, being Lot No. 30. Dift3nt four miles from town. For further particulars enquire contraft for fapplying the Naval Yard at this place with fuch HORSES and OXEN as may be wanted, are requefted to fend in fealed Tenders, and to attend them- felves on the twentieth inftant. The contraa to commence on the tenth of may 1816 and end on the 31 it January, 1817. Propofals by the day, and by the job for hauling tim¬ ber out of the water to any place in the Yard at per foot. A driver to every fpan of hor- fes and one to every two yoke of Oxen. Ep. Laws, Naval Storekeeper. Naval Tardy Kingston ,7 47 Another hne will leave Ogdenhburgh for Utica, every V^ednefday and Friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the 'country. The Books to enter the names of thofe who may with feats in the Stage, will be ' Samuel HeJge's in St. Paul Street in Montreal, and at Robert Waiter's Hotel! 'in King(b>n. ' BARNABAS DICKINSON. Montreal, January 1 ft, 18.6. the purpnfe. Lot No. 2o, in the nth Concession. 32 PUBLIC NOTICE. OS t Office, ' A M •, , pk*ian> ut April 1816. A Mad to Montreal ,rill he made up at U.118 Office twice a week. The dm of de- , parture will be Monday and Thurfday at ten The whole beingin the Townfhip of Lans- down, in the district of Johnltown. For particlurs enquire ar. the office of ALLAN MCLEAN, Efq, Kingston, August 28, 1813". 12 M AS 0 N S' ~WO RK! ANi* Perfon wi.ling to undertake to build Stone Walls in different places In this Yard, are reqnetted to fend fealed ten¬ ders on the twentieth inlbnt. They will lie expccVd to find all the material*, but they will have the liberty of quarrying Stone oil the Government ground. The propofals to be by the fquare foot. Ed. Laws, Nival Storekeeper* Naval Tnrd, Kingston, \ &

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