Kingston Gazette, April 27, 1816, p. 4

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For Sale, By trie fubferiber, a few Pnfiehwnajf Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint 5 Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars* Tea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, > Pepper & Allfpice. ALSO, A general aiTortment of Dry Goods, Iron & SteeU All very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, * B/i Dee. 1815. 31 tf* William M'Lean & Co. 'J AVE juft vc reived a large aiTortment K of the foil* wing Liquors & Groceries. Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Beft Holland Gin, Port and Madeira Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, King's Arms. Pine Apple, S- Cheefc. Chefhire, Bloom and SutlanH Raifms, Kyfon and Green Tea, *■ Figs, &c. &c. ALSO, An elegant aflbrtrrent of 5^ilk Trimmings of every defeription, Ladies and Gentlemen's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves of a fuperior quality. As the above articles were bought at an Carly feafon, wholefnle purcl»r.fers can br Ap¬ plied on terms more advantageous than tliey now car: be in Montreal. 1 JCifgr-tnn.. 2.<\tl> XW. 1.815. 5 ?tf Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGS AT THIS OFFICE. * FOR SALE, (On reafonable Terms,) AND immediate pofleflion given, if ap¬ plied for foon, a valuable Farm, ly¬ ing in the Towi-fhip v>f Sophiaiburgh. For terms apply ro the fubferiber. Jacob Herrincton. Sofhiafburgh, April 6, 18 f 6. 45 w 3 NOTICE^ A LL Perfons indebted to the fubferiber, * ^Ei.hei by note or book, Muft make pay¬ ment by the firft day of June next or other- wife must expect to fettle with an attorney. DAVID BURNSIDE. Kingston, April 12, 1816. 45 i 'HE h-jsder^ of the following Cheques * drawn by the Commiilianat D' part me ot at Kingfton, are requefted to prefect them at this office for payment without further de¬ lay, viz. Cheques drawn on I. Walter, Efq. AiTt. Py. Pay mafter General, between 25th ^pril and 24th Auguft, 1815. £< 2-14-7 14-9 : 23-126 : $-18 9 '■ 3* 7-6 : 26-14-10 • 39 ii-3 : 2 2-2 - Cheques orawn on William Rofs, Efq. Dep A (ft Commrffary Gcneeal, between the 15th Auguft and 24th September 1815. N>. 8 >C"IC" o o Unlet* the above Cheques are prcfented prior to the 24th May next, ii wi<3 become flee< ffaiy for the parties to make application jBt Qu^eb. C f .r ,-ayi.ent. No. 303 for 308 do 47a do 678 do 819 do 896 do 897 do JOS'2 do ICQ I do 47 Cwntmffanct Office*. Kingston, tyh April 1816. A LOU or L ASE, on moderate terms, may be had of an extenfive building lot, nearly an acre, in the vicinity of Kings¬ ton ;—..llo. levcml Lots f one. , v.o or tb**ee ftfths cf an acre each; may he bad on caiy term*, either on U>iu leaicf or file. Jul. -- AM- -"I- '•« ^.j. THITRLQW MILLS, For Sale. A*ery valuable Grift-Mill for Sale, which has juft undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of Bevel Geer. Such a definable property is feldom to be met with ; it will be difpofed of by the ow¬ ner in confequence of mercantile arrange¬ ments ; for particulars and to treat for the fame, apply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the proprietor : he alfo offers for iale fevetal town water lots, upon the batiks of the riv¬ er Moira. \ man who well underftands counducl- ing Carding Machines, and can keep ac¬ counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above. A fet of new Card? wanted as above. 7burlaw, March 23.1816. 43//" FOR SALE, undies St 200 Enquire at this Office. March 3 c Notice. TO be fold or rented, as may be agreed up¬ on, that well known valuable farm, lot No. II and the Weft half of Lor No. 10 in the firft conctflion of Additional F.eder. ickabufgh, together with a good fiame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchards thereon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land. The pre¬ miums are well fituated for a farmer,merchant or Innkeeper. For further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubferiber, or to D. Wafiiburn, Efq. in Kingfton. Michael Coyle. Kingfton, 20th Feb 1816. gStf aid and NEW GOODS. TlHE fubferiber has just received now offers foi fale, an extenfive well chofen aiTortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chfifcn Aflbrtment of MEDICINE. - The whole of which will be fold at the lowest price? for cafh or country produce. Ewi). J. Henderson. Kinjotxr . 26 Tapv*ry t$t& 34. ^ ■ ■■ ■ —1----------------------------------—----------------------------■'----------------------------------------- Juft pco'ujhed* and for fale at ibis Office, Price 1/3. The LIFE and DYING SPEECH QfJOSFFH BEVIR; Who was executed at Kingston on Monday, the 4th day of September, 1815, for the murder of Maty BevK his daughter. " NOTICE. nPHE fubferibers refp-e&fuily inform the Merchants, Traders and the public in general, that they have entered into co-part* nerfhipj and have opened an auction room 111 front of the New Market 1 in the back parr : f the houfe belonging to John Dun¬ can, where they will have regular auctions twice a week; and being that the feniM" fubferiber hath been the only one in th*t line of bufinefa in Kingfton, fot a number of years, they expect by thei %iu€k attention and cor- eitnefs that they will have the cutto■••• of the place in future to encourage the new firm* John Barley, John Dvcan? Auctioneers. Kingston, 20th April, 1816. N. B. The days of auctions are fixed on Tuefday and Friday. 46 THOMAS Wm. MOOReTesq^ His Majefty's agent for Packets at New York, informs the public, that ?io letters will be received, or forwarded by him for Eng¬ land, from Canada, unlefs they be Poll paid through theCanadasand the United States. New Tork, l$th March 1816. 45w8 NOTICE. ANY Perfon willing to undertake the contract for fupplying the Naval Yard at this place with fuch HORSES and OXEN as may be wanted, are requefted o fend in fealed Tenders, and to attend tl-em- fclves on the twentieth inftanu The con. 6t to commence on the tenth of may 1816 nd end or. the 3 1 It January, 1&17. Propolala by che day, and by the job for hauling tim¬ ber out of the water to any place in the. Yard at er foot. A di-ivei to evi ry (pan of hor- fes and one to every two yoke of Oxen. Ed. Laws, Naval Storekeeper. hiJQal Tardt Kingston. 1 ^ Hat Manvfaclo NOTICE. SMITH k BUTJERWORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive aiTortment of Ladies & Children's beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caftor, Roram and Knapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fainonahle Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Whole fale and Retail for Cam as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Mufkrat anc! Racoon Skins. Kingfton, 30th Oft. l8tc. |t tf. Notice. THE fubferiber refpeftfully informs his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market houfe, where he wiil do Businefs on CommiJJion Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River\ Will tfifse h any orders of any defeription in that line of bufmefs. N. B- Perfons defirotis of committing con- fignrr.ents to his charge, may know the rates of ftorage andcommifiiorj by catling at the new commiffion (lore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815. 3° FANCY GOODS. THE fubferiber informs the Ladies of Kingfton and It* vicinity, that he has Juft received dn<' has for fale the meft exten- five aflbrtment of ♦ Figured, twil'd h plain SILKS & RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs— Everollered for fale in this place, whole- fate or retail on moderate terms. SAMUEL AYKROYD, Deer. I, 18 15. ^f TJHE fubferiber rdpeafnlly begs leave lo inform his friends and the public, that he ha^ received a gieat variety of D ' Goods Sc roceries, G as clotlii, flannel*, calicoes, ftockingi», rea¬ dy made coat9, trowfers and walfteoats, handkerchiefs, fhawls, linens, overfock3, mitts, women's m*.cs, rippets bomb^zetts, umbrelhs, earthen and jrlafs ware, muftard, f:>ap, candles, raifins, loaf and mufcovado fugar, 5cc. ladie'strimn in^s for coats, clofe brufhes, (hot, powder, indfg®, pepper, tea, &c. and will be fold at the low?ft terms, John Dowlan. Kingston, 25th Jan. 1816. 3* NO r I C E. ALL perfons indebted to the late firm of Norman Bethune and Co. are requeu¬ ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfon, who is duly authorifed to receive the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingfton, 8th March, 1816. ^0 Nt Me cf Stages THK fubferiber has commenced running a LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kingfton twice a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfdays at eight o'clock A. M. and arrives in Kingfton, on Wcdneldays and Saturdays, and leave* King¬ fton at the lame time End arrives in Montre¬ al or Wednefdays and Saturdays. Ferfons travelling in this line will find good teams 2c careful and experienced drivers, with covered flcighs, made comfortable for the purpofe. Another line will leave Ogd-nfburgh for Utica, every Wednefday and Friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country* The Books to enter the names of thofe who may wifh feats in the Stage, will be kept af- Samuel Hedge's in St. Paul Street, in Morrtreal, and at Robert Waller's Hotel, fton. BA RNABAS DICKINSON. Montreal, January ift, 181ft in King 32 PUBLIC NOiICE. Post Office, Kingston, 1st April, 1816. A IMail to Mont- en! will be made up at this OJhV twice a week. The days of de¬ parture will be f »or- ! nudThurfday a tm IP fale, the following lands, bting a part ?rf the real eftate owned by the fubferiber 1 Eaft half of Lot number 19 in the jd C6n effion of ^d.olphns Town, on eaft bay, having a framed houfe and barn, -tooethet wi h an improvement thereon, containg xoo acres 2. Lot number 26 in weft bay, fouth o* the b uck river in the ift conceffion of the .-- , ar) (burgh, with buildings and other improvements thereon, containing 200 acre*. ^. Three fourths of lot number 5 in the (irft co .cefTion, weft of number 1, and weft of the Rock in the townftiip of Maryfbarghj with a«i improvement thereon, containing 1 co acres. 4. Fifty acres of valuable wood land, bet. Jng part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber, in the townftiip of ^dolphus Town, being in the rearof the town Plot of H.' landville, and adjoining thereto. 5 Lot number 6. and the we!' l&Tft-f number 14 in the 2d conceflion of the town> fhip 9f Richmond, containing 300 acres. 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d conceffion, fouth fide of the eaft Lake in the townftiip of Hollowell, containing 200 acres. 7.. Eail half of lot number 6 in the 4th Conceffion of the town fhip of Thurlow on the river Moira, with an improvement there¬ on, containing i co acres. 8. Lot number 1 call of Vanalftine's bke in the lit conccfilon of the town/hip of Ma- rysburgh, with an improvement thereon, cou- tammg 200 acresr 9. Lot number 14 in the 5th conceffioflf of the townftiip of Portland, c^nCainiug 200 acre*. 10. Lot number 29 in the 4th concefiioa of the townftiip of Haldimand, 200 acres. 11. Lot number 20 in the 5th concefljon of the towufhip of Fittfburgh, containing 2co acres. 12. Lots number 12 and 13 in the 4th conceffion oi the town/hip formerly ealied Efcrth, now Yonge, in the diftrid Jonnliown, containing 400 acres. 13. South half of lot number 16 in 8th coneeffi'os of the -townftiip of Angvjf* likewife in the Diftrid of J«huftown,contam- ing 100 acres. . 14. Lot number 3, 4, and 47 in the DM conctiTion, and 11 nun.ber 35 in the 7thcon¬ ceffion, all in the towr.lhip of Cacndeu, cob- taininc 800 acres. Am, A number of town lots, for fa!e aiu} t<3 leafe, in Stuartville, in the lear of the town of Kingston. CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th March, 181& .ftr i the or Sale, Land, 1250 Acres lying i„ the townftiip of Sidney___Enquire cf the fubferiber, in Kingston. M^RY STICKLES. Kingston, March 13, 1816. 4« A LL perfons indebted to the late WiJh'aqj Fairfield, Efq. and the fubferiber, un¬ der the firm of Benpmin Fairfield & Co.,at Em eft Town, or in the name of William Fairfield, at Kingston, are requeued to fettle their accounts without delay ; a-id thofe who have demands againft the faid concern are defired to prefent the fame to the furviviag partner. Benjamin Fairfieib. ErneftTown, March 12, 1816. .41 tf J. G. HANNA, TT AS juft received 112 Canniflera of thf genuine Irith, Prinre Regent's mix. ture, and Rappee SNUFFS, Snuff Boxe6, Drefling Cafes, Fifhing Tackle, Sec. Sec. 8tct Kingston, 15th March, iPfv - ^n? o FOR SALE, Concession? Concession* ..... N reafonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the $th No. 23, in the 6th akd Lot No. 20, in the 1 \th Concession* The whole being in the Townftiip of Lans« down, in the district of Johnftown. For particlurs enquire at the office of AL LAN MCLEAN, Efq. Kingston, August 28, 181 c. 12 . MASONS' WORK. : ANY Perfon willing to* undertake, to build Stone Walls in different places tn ttiis Yard, are requefted to fend fealed ten¬ ders on the twentieth inflant. They'will be expected to find all the materials, hut they will have the libertv of quarrying St uC on the Government ground. The propoiatf to be by the fquare foot. Ed. Laws, Naval Stort keeper. Naval Vara1, Khtgs(> n,\ 4lL

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