Kingston Gazette, April 27, 1816, p. 3

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r ii;., M-m. ilv\ ri'v-'imr in till* rli>vinr?p. r.fllia M:»j« lly'- revenue in tin- I'-ovincc, an,) to ii»aJfce fuither ,.in I more ciTcitual pro- vif< »ns for the fame. An aci to provid." for the eminent ex* pence* of both IIurtVof Parliament, during the la(l Srfli >«, and tor oth r pnrpofes ihere-^o'd. in aAtti prtvvidt' fr {he remuneration of and four feet. We understand chat: parilhes the cattle are a fear city of forage. already fuffcijn2 from • * IMPERIAL PARUAMet. HOIJSE OF LORDS, TuesJa# Fth x . OPENING OF THE SESS/qn. ' The Houfe met at two, when t:i.e Royal jfl^uMJiovKH-i,., 1'it .^.Mu^c.d'Kx. m Com ntflionera, tbe.archbtfhop of C?rYterbury, the Honorabl- W,!o-! Dtttttter iW 1|, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of vlontrofe, Lord Harroby, and Lord Shaftf^jw^ £eut fo' the Houfe of commons,—The Speaker having come into th? Houfe Off Lords, attended by the Members of the Commons, in the ufual manner, the Lord Ohaceilor read the Prence Regent's Speech aj follows: " My Lords and Gentlemen, " We are commanded by fe Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent to exprefs to yon his deep regret at the continuance of his Efq, f>' cttuuu fervices renderc! t Pioyince, An art *or ( to hi-. NI <]-..-fly, a fum ef .v[-»H-.*v t-wnvrU d f V/Ti.-r th" e <u enee* of the Civii ad niniitratioa oi the Gr..»verumerit of this Province. An $3 relative to the right of Tythcs with- ifl this Province, ( Refer ?cJ ) ah flfitt! appr.priatH a liitrj ef money, to defray the exoenfe* of anv eomrniffion for af- ra Di'.tiict. whi h hViil or may he authon- m*A hy anv act of the Parliament of this Pr-< 4» j.7to appropriate a certain furaof Mo- nev, W the ourpole therei.i mentioned. (Rrfe.ved.) V * a patted in the Certaming the titles to Land, in the H.idga 1 Majtiry^ leraented indffp' O'i *n. '* The Prince Regent directs ( quaint you, that he has had i ■te to ac¬ me g^eat jam »o continue a? Z< j$j7ear f/ BUMajefty*g '^ijn, inttj ik% a;.r atl to fa Pfc*te the cnr.-uiarion wul&i ilj.:* Province at Ann-' Bills ilT.ied by i-uthorliy of the Province of Lower Canada. An a$ to regulate the Pulbc within the I own or Ivi^lton. A a acl t • i a (Fo rd u lie f t n fe veral I s i fp - ct:, ;s wiihin thi.; Province. • a"M aft ro revive nn-1 conhnue a • u*t r.:n;ea i^ the 52dyear of Hir, M'.jefty's Hdqih in- tiniied, an a.\ to co..tin:)e :.n-\ p, »r.«iJ^.au aft •paiTed in the d.S'h y-t-a* **» t*is Tehrn, enritule'd sii R>1 m continue' an taine' a* KM, :>f>v'.. j.aH>d in the C5:h y. ar or H- -i u--y s • E^igit tfttittiW'U a«"«3 io "f;,;:'a "0,c' *° •ih .feperfons who m^y bec-.ui:!cd to cVm-ti;d« iivthis Vr>«hr\& Bejfs a«.d dejt- feewf Nominees -f -h« Cvowv.., in caies whe e bo p it«it N«*» ifl',,ed ^>'/'^h L^•'•> an! further to swic d ti« Ne-orfits of the f.ud act, and toc.min-:e part oflht U.^rf. •■ : At- a^ to ni-cnV'Je Hilary of the Sp.-k- •*er «f the H uf.- wf .':.ff.-mb*.y. a'...] to rtfma- neratrthi- p-ef-.-t vp ahe, for paA fervrcv , An aa trrintii g to hb M?-jeUy :i ^ futfl o- Mon v, a:;d to pr^4c-p Fin »he appoiu; nent of a Provincial Agent for'hi, Pi% vi c--. &naa.«*««*&£-to hi; Msjefly a fum of mo -ty, •oiv .i "p'i'd fi»' th'- ^fi courage me at of -I.ecultivalUiof He-.p \vi:liiii this Pro- An -*a to a .......mend an ;<a, p»f- d in ,lu. 4«'h y,-"" f Mwrinjclly^ rt'ii;n, entiftd d, a'r uct t>a-ve d and.rduee to -».ic aft of ParWa- fr.ent, the fever al laws now in »eiu£ tor :he faifin«r and traing oi the militia of thi, lhov- quafnt you, that he ha% 1 fatlCiVctfon in calling you to^v,er under circumltanccs which enable him to announce ioyon the :tltoratii)n of peace throughout Europe, " The fplendid and decifiwe fi*iccef; oh- y his Majefty'fi am*, an; thofe of his a lie*, ha 1 led, at an early peti«nl of the campaign, to the re-e^ahliihrnent of the authority of his MoM Chriftian Maj (ly in the capital of his dominions ; and it has beeu nnce ihat time his Royal Bis;h*Jfti«'a moil fcartielt prtJmote fries arrange* merit-; as appeared to him bell calculated to provide Km the lading rtpofe.auJ Security of Europe. 4C In tht adjilftment of thefe arnngementa it wai natural to escpeft that many dinacul-- t|n& would occui *r bot - the Prince Regent t: aftc it v.'iil be found that* by modcra:i'«J and iirn.nels, they have been rh^ftually fu: mounted:, 4i To rne intimafe union that his happi-y fnpiiited b't*ve m tht* r\ioed P"Wrrt-, tne H..I.O■•# "f the Conti.ient haVi twice fWiud their -dc'ii'/e.-anct. Hi * Royal Hi^hnefs has no doubt ihat von will be fenfibie of the- •great impoTtance oPrnaintaining in its fuU force that a'hance, from which fo many advantages h >ve already been J-rived, arrd w :ich affbrda the Lett profpefl of the con".in :^ ue of _v ace. '•' iuc Prince Urgent hasdireftedCopies of the icveal Treaties and Coimnuono which ha.-e been concluded to belaid bef^e you. The extrai>rdit*a» y Gtuaii n in wh»ch the pew? rs of Europe h '-ve beeu place'!, from the cacnnjltjru.c-' which riOtfC ndvant.apreous to our *part or the world. " At the clofe ofaconteft fo extenfive and momenteo'.is as that in which we have been fo long engaged in Europe, and which has exalted the chara&er'and military reno-.vnof the BritiHi nation beyond ail former example, the Piince Regent cannot but ftd, that up- der Providence he i*. fdcbttd for the fncctfs which has attended his exertions, to the wif- dom and firmneli of Parliament, and to the pcrfeverance and public fpirit of his Majcfly's people'. *' It will be the Prince Regent's conftant endeavour to maintain by the ju ft ice and moderation of his conduft, the hi^h eh 'racr r which tliis country has acquired anonglt the nation0 of the world ; and HU Royal //igh- uefr has dkefted us to exprefs his fincere andearnefl hone, that the fame unioo amon- gft our ft Ives, which hie brought this event¬ ful ftru£gte to fo auipieious an ifTne, may now anitnate us in peace, and induct us cordially to cooperate in all th'fe meafureS which may bell manifeil our* graitiide for the Divine protection, and mo!t effectuaily promote the prolperity and happinefs of our c ;untry. rdatrvea of his.w:f— wVo m j M.-N- Bean' <:T 'IS. r.eicc I «: ' ' r«f- ' ' "■ a dcouGntr Priucr Itn.c-B fal'« >^ •• ) of Itulv, who rrfi-'e- in 't'-t cuy 7 ----------------------------- "From Nh'v" 0;iean!2.W' lr--rn, t1 -v Ccp, Jaeklbn has full power to f .nffy evciy • • i t, deemed nee ft ryfor flu- c' Fpt^c? <f L i '"••3. He is accompanied by Brigfcoit •'«•!. ^wift as obgirieer. 1 h< fiiqM on Ponc'nartrain i- to be f. ifh-d ; a-; • Kisni fri;'^te built fir the defence o! the ACilTHS ; a. ■Baltimore Tek&a&B* 4. _ ... -i- .. On ilfoaday evening lait the nttUtc -e -e a^ai i called upon foi tlr e-nr flun • f :i-..'r ad.niration, of the taleritrt r.f th- ';<Mva*e [he- atrical perform* eeson 'ho \n atn.rc boafd§, Tlu cuarafteFg. j'n tlie Comedy of * t!;. cu for the heart ache," were luoport...: in re 4 very ma^ei Landau* Fib. 5.—Yeflevday, between 11 and 12 o'clock dffpatches were received in Dovniiiir.1S,tre^c, from the Duke of WcU lin^ton at The c^ntentg tjf them Vtiic of that aature that a Cabinet Council was immediately ftMnraoncd to aiVeiible at two o'clock at the f rcicrn Office : and at half pall two there wtrc.pretent, the Lord Chancellor, Ear la of LiV-rp ool, Harrowby, Weftmoreland, Mul^rave, Batliuril and 5uckinghntn!hire. the Chancellor of the Ex¬ chequer, Vilconnts Casclcreagh. Sidmouth, a<d Melville, the Right Honorable C. B.. BathurAt, and Mr. W Pole. Theyc-ntin- ued m deliberation upwards of two ho*us. Perhaps in the Ccvuffe flf tllld day fomtt[UQg fu. iher iTiciy traufpire npuh the Tabj ;it. -!y style —When pESift U '■- j -t- ly due t"> aH, it is unplcafant to p1 ■ \'w i;r- ize—hut t!;: rx: ellence of Old Rai :r>. f youog Rapin and of Vortex, r.(,: ;t> p::fs with \p\ particular m-iice, "or jfeou^d i tic merits of Frank and of Chat Ui Stanley Se fiently remembeied. The Fnrce of ' < f.ove a La &c !«•• q^ better aiai ".tamed.than anyotf.e" we ^o- nr t having wi'ti-fTe-l. The repre^ntar.r.v..- nf cur Archibald Sdrcafm, would have received a >- plaufe from any audience, and iji Kq■••'-er G• 00m we were (Ironjrly remiutfcd of tt.e excellence of Goldiinchi The ch«oacl 1 of raordecai w.r- well cmceived, and that r r C'^llajr-ahn O'BraUagan was n.t viptii ie■•' in meiit. tw<- new fcenet) had been ado'c I to the Theatre- ftnee the !nfl we:k. on/e pf t' < n (the drop fcene) ?. r p fmtauon -frhe fdl'g of the Chaudicr. was most partfcsla lv, and deferve^ly admired. CIV IK. COP." E*PhA D£ A'v 3; " AcandidOijhver" " An 0'rfr-ocr^ and 11 GrJudtr, No. i,|' are received. « • • • - * 1 ,' 'oston, jfprit 1 o, 1S16-. avtc'idcd 't 1 ue French 1 luce An ?a hive ~..... for making temporal provihVn f*>» the re!M>l<ui<-n ot ir-sde ^etvvi-.e'n ilii. Pro- vmce and the United 5; '<te:; of Americn, by land O' inland navi^atn-n. ap ac\ for iM-asitmi- to his m ijdly duli^a on Licences to Hawkeri-'. Pedsatv a> d p:tty Chaomen. and other trading peiiou$ therein mentioned. An ;tc*t to appropr-ate a fu® ofm-mey far providttH' a Librarv foi the u£e-nf ihe Lei?ts- luive Connci', and H-ofe of A'Tcmbly of .thi*- Province. An 3e*} to pnnifh perfons who may violated their allegiance to hi^ majesty du- jrjns the late war, wi-h th=. United Siate* of America, and todec'ate perfons therein Ali¬ ens. [Wirheld ] • An act to continue,for a 'imtted time, the '^Provincial a^veemert, entered into, at Mon¬ treal, relative to duties An ad to incenfe. the Sala-ie- of the Or.i- cer- of the Legifhtive Council and Houfe of Aifemhlv^ ' An a6t to remunerate EHz::be It Wri rht. An zdi to remunerate Commiili.>neis. The inoifty BiM. Parliament of Upper Canada. "We understand the affembly has voted ' 3,<?.Oq/ to his£xce'lency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor, to purchafe a frrvice of plate ; and 500/ annually, for what they term his civil J - *—■ • MKAIII'llMill J|| de Lamp. has been voted tor claims, or pa-r.t Services T have 800/. „----- _ ... .ant volutio s and m ittefpectadymcjbots- kqoeoee of the events of the lad ,ye;tr, > |K1S- i .dueed the AlllCi to ador>t p.^cautiojmry nivafuves which ih.-y confi ler a< bdifpcnfa^Dij iiecciT.i Y di 'he oen r. 1 Irctirity. <k As his Royal Bighn. f- baa concurred in theft m--*0i>es from a full eonvicl-on, ,f their jullice and Ibund [lolicy, he relies c*oa- flde-nti, on your co-opfrytt«m in Lueh pj-o- cecuinjrs a many be neccfluy tot carry-ing If a." »4 Ccudrnu-n of the Houfe of Commons, "Ti.e».'nnce rte#^ent has .i.e-.lcd '.be eftimates for the p efent yeai to be laid b ffore y .:• ■ \. Si King Fcidmanj, of Spain, hs? officially anii-.)iince) his intention to many Donna Isabella* Maria* Frances; fecond daughter of tlie P'-iucc Reg« :it of Porta^.d ; and that hisbiother D:.u Curios., uf Spain, will many 1) una Maria Prances de Assls, lister to the above The intended .Queen i.s in her 19th, her lister in her 16th year. The Li'b n pipeis fay th fe happy alliances wi'l perpct- mie the relation* between the august iiou- {*.:. of Bourbon and Braganza. r\ (•lo'ikoi T. nKiqui'kr was felt at Lis¬ bon on the 2nd February, but no damage vasiuitained. ' DIED, At Chnrle-to'-. o'. the 0 J-~l]. r-t t'c houfe ox m>8 RufTeil, ofac< nf.-mi rfon Mr, John Patterson, merchant of Ki.»g:*<fcort, (Upper Canada ) \ *\ Suidae — ThU morning, a Soldier of ..T>f Watteville's Regiment p j an en.' to h < cx- iltence, by fliooting himfclf thro ?h the head. ° * r KINGSTON AJJATEUH " // E A 1 R M:s Poval Hiehnefs is happy to ;n form yon, that 1 >e rtr-ntufacturesi comme.rce an' r venue o* t'>e United l'vui^«lo«n arc ii;i a fi rrifhing condition, (i The orcar exertions which you enabled him'to make in the c-orfe of the kit v^ar. 111 an nded the mean-, oforituug th: conteui which we were en^a^cd, to "o giorioua Jynd fpe-edv a termination. u The Prince Regent laments the hc^yy preiiue tip-ni the country 'which fneh exc ti« • on* could not fcti to produce ; and hi R: Vai Hi^hntfs. has commanded us to affa e y.>\i, that y u may 'e-y on every difpolitipn ou hi* part, t.' c >ncur in fneh me dire* of ec )n_ omy, as may be found coalideni with the fe- cu» rly of the country* and with that fl:au'ori which we occupy in Eur pe,'* '* Mv Lords and Genrii-mau 4* The negociatims which the Pi'u,ce Regent announced to you, at die eisd of i)ie fduon of Pailiameat, as being in progr..fs> The mamacr o*" Sir Charles Stuart 'with lady Elizabeth Yorke was celebraLtd at Pa- rison the5th Febiutry, New Tcrh, April 1!. Tile B:itim ChancelKrr or the Exchequer had rep nied t» Pnhaaeut a plan tor the mil ta-y and u ival peace establifhaientj in \v;uch he propofirs to retain 33vcoo fc-anien ; 25*000 troops for Enal-i.iu ; 20,000 tor lo-iand ; 41,000 for Gibraltar and the Medittei ran an ooff iliin-; 28.000 f >r the East and Wet Indies ; and 10.000 for iiii- tifh America ;—total I 29,000. New quarantine regulations a-e eptablifhed in England onaliveucls from the Me Jitter- rancau, in con!" quence of ihe pl.-gue having appeared along the coa^t ot the Adriatic The Pi hue of S.ixe Cobourg, betrothed to the daughter of the Piinct Regent oi' Et:- gWd, ar.ived iu London an the tSrh Feb. Thi- io iepivfented as a match of affection, which cmnnu-nced at the interviewi i>f tlie parti.3 in 18:4. ON FRIDAY EVENING, .';. The id of MAX, Will b* performed the COMEDToi EDUCATION. To which will be added th-: FARC Hot Animal Magnetism? Doers to be opened at SIX-, performance H commence at S c V £■ A Tickets to be had at Mr. M^caul-iy's. Admittance fa the Bnxn in future will be One Dollar ; Doiiar. ^N'oMoney to be taken at the Boor. No Children to 6s admitted, Pih lliif a j ruRSAU., ACRES of Land in tlie fourth * *■* ^ conci iliou of t he townihip • f K-ing- 9ton; being Lot No. 30. Diftant four miles from town. For further par titulars t luuhJ at 1 his Office. 4511. « • • - ist,befidesan allowance for a provincial am ieCamp. To Mr. Justice Powell, 1000/ asbeen voted tor claims, or p« Jervices. -ue Speaker, A Han MacLean, Efq, M to ave 800/. which d Mlto the faWy for tins ,d the three preceding fciTiou, of the pi eh parliament. The ttary of the M C.neral is incre,fed from 200/to 305^ P» annum. . The alTembly has alfo doubled the falaries of all its own officers Montreal Gazette. •', • with a view to a commercial afrangei.^ut a' between this country and the United States of America, have been brovight to a fa.if. factory iffue. His Royal Kighnels has gfo. en orders, that a copy of a treaty which Has been concluded (hall be lai 1 before you ; a„d he confidently trufts that the tl.pul?tt.,n8 The Prince of Sa*e Co^ourg. has arrived in Lo.d n .• and is 10 m?.ry the Priucets Charlotte of Wales, prcfumj. tlve heii <^ the Britifh throne : he is Cpoken ot as poifefling ecatmiluary tidents and. of beJtljf.^ well v-rfed in" political economy and statistic-; be is bender much celebrated for \ii. aceom- pUfhaients in private liiv, and is thought the handfomest ma 1 in Europe. ^ The exports of Gt^at Britain during tne year 181$ exceeded ehofe of the year prece¬ ding by more than£5,000,000 sterling. 1 • • • he confidently trulls that tne tupm?tn,n8 of it wiQ pJ*Gve advantageous to the tntergfta of both countries, and cement the go ,d underllanding which fo happily fubh-U (BOSTON, March 20,) AMERICAN KINGDOM, NO. I Advices from Rio de Janeiro, dated in January laft, inform, that on the \ 70 1 JAMES McOOUALL & Co. Suco/fors to the hire-firm cj S- F'icb . and Co. Comm:fl1 m Merchants, . M O N i R E A L. T% ESPECTFULLY tenoer| their fcr- jJV vices to their IVit.ndH and tlie Jsnh- lic. f-ir aseney and conv.r.ifii-m b 11 fr. 1. .■:■ \ ■' *i flatter fnern:'-Wes,th:.t nohOufe in'th; P^**" i..ce is better, iituited '-o oive i?.i*-£nu in their line t\; tliofc who ehdoie t 1 Fa* r tie n with commands. Liberal advances in.: !e on coniianmeuts which will have tht >:<.i\->n-*- geo-of both ,4/optreal and QueWc ma.kei, without extra eommihi-n. Montreal. February 20, ! 8 1 (\ 47 w 1 2 • • ^. . — J* Letters from London received in town an- neuuee the appoint merit of Sir J. C. Shcr- b-o -kt to' the Government of Biiiifh North America. ' • lb %4tf, ml April 1816. The Setifin—On Friday last the |2th i: rt. tliete was a heavy fa!) oi fiow neatly to the dep:h of one fo;..t, ar.d eve»y day i'mot more or lf& fnow hasl.-.lhn. The country has 11 the appearance of the middle <d wintet ; ' \ k< tvc>f.n thr-vC a *lir*d:mth ••: tnow hr:ia: "■' between them. ,*' The Prince Regent has commanded ,,3 to inform you that the hofii.i ics in whi.-h We have been involved \u the ifland of Cy. Ion and on the Continent of India, have bce„ attended with decilive fuccefs. " Thofe in Cevlon, have terminated in j,n arrangement highly honourable to the Rrilifh character, and which cannot fail to augourn{ the fecurity and internal proipcity of tuat valuable poiTciTion *k The operatioiihs in India have led to ^n armillice which gives reafon to hope tha? a r^cac" Kiay ^","* be*s ctnoluded on ter.MS ,. -. . Dccmber lalt, the Birth day of the Qneen ofPoitugal, Brazil was declared to be a Kingdom. Preparations were making for fending two of the Portuguefe PrinccfTes to Europe, to get hufbands. The brig Eugene has arrived at New-Yo.k from Haver, and has brought out about affengers ;—oneofwhorre is repor-. ted to be Lavellette. We are arTured, by-a gentleman from Haverc, that dns report mull be unfounded ; and thai no perfon could embark at Haver agamlt the wiflie of the French police. i'her. can be no quelliou that Lacllgyte efcapfd to Germany ; feu) wrili find an aiylai\'at Mu-ich, with t>e 1 a n 1.1 Early, Engliih Htaii, ' LLTrUCi:, SKKtJ, For Sale ?.t this OSccL DoLCll +7 "NOTH! K. twenty p-lleugers ; THE Congrcgadofl of Sr,Geo,,\ Church, in Kingil n, are refuelled '•■ EUtend amevting in laid Church on iv'..-,o;^, rite 6th itvft t) take into conQderati 11 'h. \ rv- T:tictv v-f raiiii.g m-M-e fund*, »t»;.orde« to dc- frtry expinces necetTarily benrted, aiid f r the regular n of fuch cthei unuvtei? :u;d things as may be ' xpcdient. . Kingston, Jfril 2 7, Oj ^. *

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