Kingston Gazette, April 27, 1816, p. 2

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NEW GOODS. Ob'ajffiofl every defcripttonjilt received ar.d offered for falc on terms the moil accommodating, by PETER WETSEL. A ronnr which are a very extenfive aiTort- tcent of Dry Goods ; Together with a choice aiTortment of Silks & Ribbons : aaies Bo; Gentlemen s & Boy _;■.**_ YYefh Teas, Lo^fand Mufcovado Sugar, ifrlng, Ladies' Twift. and Paper Tobacco ; "Scotch, Rappe, and Maccboy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port and Trench Wine. ■ Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger, ytflfpice,, Ground Pepper, MuhVd, Nutmegs, Cloves. Cinnamon, Currants, Raifins, Figs, Poland Starch, Fij Blue. 1 Powder and .->hot. Corn and Hair ijiooms. Window Glafsand Putty. Axes ferew Augurs Steelyards, Shovels, Fiy'ng Pans, Iron and S'rel ; 4c! and lod c»t Nail« ; 8d and lod Wrontrht Nails. Together with a general aiTortmeut of Hard and Hollow ALSO, $ <3oz. Coverlets. 126 doz. Wonled H .fe, 12 doz. OiPd fdk Hat Covers.^ « d z. Lo'>kine G-arTts, of various fizes, And of a fupenor quality. 30 Bb1s, Mefs Pork, • too lbs. Hog's Lard, <rco Gallons raw and biul'd Linfeed Oil. 2co Prs. Men's B >ots of different qualities 500 do do Shoes, 100 do Ladies' Boots, 500 do do Shoe«, 1CQD do Children'* Boots & Shoec Calfskins, Upper Lealher, Harnefs Lea- .ther, and Sole Leather. ALSO, A general affortrr.ent of frefn CARD EM SEED* Railed at Lebanon, and put up by the oncers. Kingston, March 15. 1816- ___ 40 Do. rco Do. 160 Do. 30 Do. 3° 25 12 100 JT OR Sale, bv the fibfciiber, 30 Bbk M'efs Pork, Prime Do. Salt, Albany Strong Beer, Tar, Kcgj Tobacco, Do. Nails, ail fize6, Boxes Snap) Do. Candles, 100 Call ft eel Axes, 100 Reams Writing' Paper No. 1,2, &£, Coil's Tav'd Rope, Hoes, ALSO, A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, Hollow Ware ; Copper Tea Settles Sauce Pan? ; Steelyard*, Chains. Padlocks, ** Curry Combs, yftlzcs, and other Carpen- 1 ter>' Tool*.—a huge quantity of Glals of el mod every defcriptton. A general aiTortment of DRY GOODS. A few ENGL1 H SADDLES, And RIDING WHlPS ; Together with other articles, not mentt ned. AI SO—One half of thevprerriifes for 1 ale on which the fubferiher now lives; RICHARD SMITH. ■ Kingston April 2, 1816. 441 f GROVER & LEWIS, and and 7 ail on, \T70ULB inform their friends and the * public that they have commenced the above bufmefs three doors north of the Mar¬ ket, at the fign of the Gold Watch, where they are ready to wait on all who (hall fa¬ vour them with commands.—They will be able to do work on the. (hottest notice, and in a fuperipF style, fitted to any fafhnn. . Cloths and trimmings of every description w$\ be furniuVd at the ftVp as cheap, or cheaper, than they can b procured in town, and every favor duly acknowledged. K"vision, April 4, 1816. 44tf . PEASE. ' Dispatch of Bvfircfs. A Mr. B. (calling hirftftrli the'foi of* public chnia&er A—y )came to town on Sat- urday—vifited the theatre, in the evening, and was there fmitten by a lady—on Sunday vifited the lady—on Monday went with her to the Rev Mr. B. and was married—but mi (taking and carrying off the clergyman's gold watch fo: his own cane, which he left on the mantle p;ece,was arrefted by 'he police and fent to bridewell tnfttad of the nuptial chamber—on Tnefday was indicted—and before the week U out will have completed his chapter of incidents, and fecured himfelr a fit nation where he will be fafe from all the viifitjdes of dramatic recreation, love, matri- mony and light fingered miMakes, for three ytars at leaft to come.—Col. A GRAVE DIGGER'S £ILL. A Grave Digger, who had buried a Mr. .Sutton, fent the following curious bill to the widow : "To making a Buttox Hole"—2/. TIMBER. W ANTED to be delivered at the Na¬ val Yard, in the months of June, Ju¬ ly Augufl and September next, rafted for the Quebec Market, and to be of the qual¬ ity fent there to be exported to England. White WutX} J |ija|1 twelve inches O , ^ I uiuare, one third do. ■Pine^Kl be 30 feet long, iy J T) ' ' one third 35, 8c the J\t U' JL lilt ^ J other40 feet long. Any perfon w:fniug to deliver a fpecified Quantity of the lai^ timber mull tendei {<>t two thirds Ok and one third White Pine. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Yard on the itl May, exprefluig the prices for delivering tl inor'ontof the wdtcr, when the parties are requeued ro attend. EWI). LAWS, Agent for rccjhlng the faid Timber. Naval Yard, Kingfton, 7 . Ahrt 20 S VALUABLE ROPE-TVAL K MACfifNEWt! ! 1 HE fuhferfber orTe*s for fale on r'-afor,ra- ble terms, a Rope-Walk Machinery iiu comolcte order, calculated for the manuiV-"- tiiling of Cordage ofeve«y defenption > i|t having orig'na'ly btlonged to the late Wil¬ liam "wills, ofthw plvice, by whom the bu«- finef. was carried 00,^0.1^4 •;jA,lit,5>>w;jGJv/4.a!!!'d advantage, us li a'e. Any communieatiotlB on the fuhjecl, di¬ rected to the fnbfcubcr, and poll pai>!, will be duly attended to. J^MES GORDON. Amherjllurphi U. Canada-1 16th March, 1816. J 46^4 Kings ion j April 19, 1816. •~pHE OfHjers (i, and Snbfcribers to, the Midland Diltiicl. Sch .>ol Society, are requeued to attend at the Er»ifcopal Church in the town of Kingfton on Monday the \$th May, 1816, at the hour <^f 1\ve)ve o'clock, for the purpofe of examining the annual re¬ ports of the Sociery, and of chtofing a Pre- fident, Secretary, Treafmcr, and fix l^ius- tees. By order of the P"<fldent. 46 "William Merrill, Sec'v* NOTICE. ,H f ISSED on the toth tnft« and fuppo- _ . _ fed to have been llolen, a NOTE, payable to Jame:. Norris or b-arer, for eh v» eii pound* fifteen (hilling?, figned by La^c M 4 ^ ^^ ^F ough ; there are two endorl'ements on faid Due. The public is hereby cautioned a- P H Nore gainfl purchafirig it, a^ meafnres have alrea¬ dy been taken to flop the payment. Francis Carlisle. Kingston, T1//6 April, 1816. 46 OST—On Thurfday Evening laft. ___fom*:whcre about the Goal} two Leaf- e% running from Government to Stephen Fairfield, and releafed from the faid Fairfield to me ; alfo, a Contract between Daniel Phelps and the fubferiber, concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever will return faid pa¬ pers to the fubferiber, fhall receive a reward of Four Dollars. Thomas Parks. Kingston, April 16, 1816. 46 WHERE S Elizabeth, my wife, has left my bed and board, in my abfence, without th<£ lea(t provocation; and has carried off feveraJ articles belonging to me ; ihis is therefore te forbid all perfons harboiiug or truflin^ her on my account, on pain of bein# profecuted to the utmofl rigor of the law. I (hall pay no debts of her contracting aftetr this date. JOHN YOUNG. Kingston, April 15, 1816. &6w$4 rpWO Hundred Bufheis Prime Boilers, r> 1 n 1, C-, 1 fjI aichy blank summon Patrick Smyth. For the District Courts, for Saiie Kingston, April 27, 1816* • 1 • • • • • • • V • o • * • • • • - * • CO MM UNICA TIONS. Mr. Editor, lam no.t particularly anxious to difturb the felf complacency, with whieh your Ijhral correfpondent Tickler, muft view himfelf fince he emitted the effnfioO of his diltemper- ec^ brain—but furely the fumes of intoxica¬ tion could have ' fcr;rcely evaporated, when he clofrttcd himfelf to compofe hia fcurnlous produ&ion----You Tickler and your council* like " Etna and all the burning mountains find Their li/idled Siores, with inbredstorms of luimL Blown up to rage, and roaring out complain, As Torn with inward gripes and torturing pa'm ; Labouring, they cafi their dreadful vomit round, And with their melted bowels fpread the ground" Argument with Tiek'er is entirely out of the quetlion, and as it is probable lie feels confciotlfi of his incapacity for difcufiion, he has generr-ufly reforted to abufe, the true charadtenstic and accompliihment of a . blackguard. If any of my afTcr-.iv.ns were fv-vere I had fufBcient reafona for uttering them, and Hiould Ticker, or any other per¬ fon, feel injured, the Printer will inform him where a ' Target* may be found that has been (hot at more than once. I iuppofe you are a critic, Mr. Tickler in your own imagination, but if that " Bull ca 1 of y»>urs had not kicked you, certainly you would not have flu mined upon t4 Dyehe and Pardon's Dictionary" to mew the iiiapolica- bflity of the word * Florid.' Pray did you wipe of}* the dust before you opehed the to k ? You deferve infinite credit however for your difctrnmei't—1-ut do lilVn to Dr. J ohnfon's dtfin tion of the word—and inen, i: youtfeif and i' aiebloiTom a\e not latirfird —have the gbodticfa to erafe it, and iulcrt «' tiloated " *'Fhvri 1, Productive of flowers. ; covered with flowers—Unfiled with, r'd." Johnfstfs Ditliov.ary I ack owled,re your iupeiionty ii j omt of fciTrrility— fieie-oe, content yom;lelt with defcrving a triiun^.h, and do not boaft of the honor of it. !*iek!ei ! Fuit llliumct in. ens ghria Teurrum. IloNLbTUS. Ma. FriiTori, Th« inh:ibir?nt«> of Kingston mn?t furely liavc bc-n mu ,h delighted wih 'he wri ings of my fogaeious and penetrating neigh: our, '* Mr. Peiifeb oiTo•^^,,— 1 am extre-nelv for- ry that he has taken his have of you, for the people of our nei^hborhco 1 will nor oa'fy be deprived of amnfernent, butaKo grvatlv feel the vvint of-fo powerful an advocate for plain good Englifh. 1 eo1 Ms I was fadly puz- z'ed *o i/et at the meaning of certain p<uT*- prs made ufe of bv vonr correfi o-'d^ntj *' Candidus" and the4* True Briton," until my friend " Ttmothy* made h«s apoear^nce in coUimnp. and told you, '• we exDrcAc-d a remedy." The plain, good, blunt man was recommended by 6«e of them, the ; True Briton/ to fie perufal of a Q^o- tation Dic^'onary, which that writer faid he tho tght could be obtained in the town, and wai a great he!>o:it in cafes of emergency, to a woidd be profound Icholar. This work it appears my friend has had the ufe of, as he cjnotes now nearly as much a-< the ' True Brfton." 1 indeed hoped, thai he would have continued his lucubrations a few weeks lon¬ ger, for even our very children were induced to read your papers, Mf. Miles, as foon a9 they law their old neighbour's name adorn¬ ing your columns —I believe I can divine the cauie of his decliaincr to write any more for the.benefit of his particular friendf. The niauuferiot* of his *' Welfh acquaintance," aher he had " treafured them up as a votive offering to his favourite Heathen Deity," mud have produced on him, everv time, he burned incenfe at his fhrine, the fame effect, as the portrait of 3;rWilliam Wallace, which adorned the temple of the faid God, did on the Englifh Barons. Joel Corn-Cob* Erned Town, 25th April, 1816. Mr. Miles, The high price of Provifion, particularly vegetables, induced me to make a calculation on the number of Cabbages that might be planted on one acre of land, with the vdue thereof, each plant t© have a fcpiarc of eigh¬ teen inches, (that is eighten inches apar~t,) the number being 19,36*0 plants and ftippo'e two thirds of them Cl>me to ^()()(j ]K.ajs> ;t would make 1 ^0063 heads, and thefe to be fold at C)d per head, would make the enor¬ mous fumof£322 .• 13 : 4 per acre, a pretty pood p*ofit '\u thefe hard times To prevent the grubs from eating off the p'ant, n imali piece of brown pap^'m*? he wnrnt -ahoilt .thr Ib-o^f^re Jt_;8 nla„tCfj. to or ie It is well known that one acre of cabbages will d- mure g(.od to cattle than two acres of corn : they are slfo good for h .rfes and hogsi and may be kept for. ufe the to hole ■ winter.- • 1 v . . 1 • • remain yours,'- ' A FxiEND, N- #.-The leaves never ought to be taken aw iy from the cabbages till they are full headed, as it tends to make them run up, and impoverifhes the plant. F ; w We are very forry to fee the malignity hich appears to corrode the breads ofnur corrtfpondents towards each other. Whett the queftion of the fteam-bnat, &c. was *--ft agitated by the True Briton and Candidnsi the argument, we conceive, was very' well (upported on both fide, but it does not be¬ come us to fay, which was right or which wac wrong> as it was our intention, and ili!! is, to appear perfectly impa.tial. The (learn boa: quelHon is now entirely laid afiJe, and in its place, perfonal adiufion, we are for¬ ry to find, appears to b_- the general theme. This is veiy dilagreeable to tire Editor ; and he is confident, that but very few of his rea¬ ders have any intered in fuch production", • which, in the end. tend only to enhance the • private pique of a few difcontented individu¬ als ; for the public vvr.lfare is now entirely out of the queltion. We feel onrfelveii in- duty bound to c/ive place to Honeflus, in re» ply to the Ticlitr. of lad week, and we re¬ ally hoor, that this difaereeable correfoond- ence wil here It op.—We fhall be very hnp- py, at all time", to oblige Mr. 7ichW, Hon* eflass or any other correfoondeut, with the liifertion of crm-iMinicati- ns on ulefil fuV- jeCiTSj (and furely there are pleiuy of rhe^ ) • but we do hope, that no one will again dcr fcend to personalities. 'i.'Vi*A.t'!J From the St. Davids fpeclator. * Schedule of Ms Pa{fed 1816. An act to piovide for a limited time, fot the appointment of a Provincial aid-de-camp within this Province. ' , •, An atl to alt. r the time of holding the Courts of Gemtal Quarter Stmpna o\ the Pe*ce, in the Loudon and Johsiown V&- tiicta in tliiu Province. An act to extend the jurifdi&ion of the. Court of Keenest. ^. ah afl to continue and amend an aft pall¬ ed in 1 he 23d year of bU Majesty's Feign* intituled, an act to prevent damage to 1 rav- An aclto autho.ife and provide for the biifU ding of a Gaol and Court Houfe in the Home District within this Province. ma&gtnsting relief to Charlotte Ove* holt. An aa to revive and continue an acl psfTed in the 42d year of his MajePly's Reign; in. tituledj an a<5l to enable the Governor, Lieu- tenant Lrovernor, or perfon //dminfstaing the Government of this Province, to appoi. t one or more additional Port or Ports, Place or Places of Entry within this P:ovin«e,-and |oappoint one or more Collectors at the fame refpediively. An acJ to provide for the appointment of Returning OfHcers of the feveral Counties within this Province. An am to extend the limits of the Town of NiagaraJn the D^tiicVof Ni'ijpra. ' ah ad granting relief to. Catharine Mae Leod An a& to continue and amend an acl paiTcd' in the 54th year of His Majesty's reign, in¬ tituled, an sd: for granting to His Majesty an additional fum on Shop and Tavern. Li¬ cences. .- •' An atl tc alter and amend the laws now i 111 force, for granting pensions to perfons difa- bled in the fervfee, and the widows audchib (■' n o{ perfons who may be kiHe^ in the fer- vtcie, and to extend .the pro/iiio:» of the Jame. • • An ail to ere& and form a r.ew Disth'cl, out 1 certain parts cf the Home anj Niaga¬ ra Districts, to be called the Uiatrict of- - - Gore. x An acl to repeal and amend part of an a& pa (Ted in the 51th year of His Majefty'3 Reign, intituled, an acl to provide for the laying out, amending, and keeping \n repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to repeal the Laivs now io for.e for that purpofe. '•' An acl appropriating 6000/for eflabliining Common Schools, throughout this Prov¬ ince. An acl for making further and more am¬ ple provision for the Adjutant General 01 the Militia of this Province. An acl to repeal part of an act of the Pa'- liament of this Province, pafTed in the 38th year of Hi» Majeily's Reign, intituled, an acl for the better divifjon of this Province, and more effec"tu'i!lv to provide for the Ad' miniltration of Ju It ice by conflituting the counties of Prefect and Ruffel, under cer¬ tain modifications a feparate DilhicL At/ art roaffi>rtl relkf to perfons holding or^jTeffing Lands, Tenements or Heredita¬ ment'! iu tut IJdtiid of Ni;iLrara._

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