Kingston Gazette, April 20, 1816, p. 2

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NEW GOODS. OFalmoft every description juft received anrTofFrred for file on terms the mo ft accommodating, by „ .... PETER WETSEl. 4«»ong which are a very e*tenlivc aflbrt- aient of Dry Goods ; •' Togetherwith a choice affortroen* of Silks & Ribbons; 'Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys' Tr'foTeaa, Loaf and Mdfeo*ado Sugar, T5u£, Ladies' Twill, end Paper Tobacco ; Scotch, Rappe,and Macoboy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirit*; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port and French Wint. Coffee, Chocolpre, Ginger, ^lifpice,, Ground Pepper, Milliard, HutmegS, Cloves. Cinnam-n, Cunrwt?, Raiiins, FigSj Poland Starch, Fig Bine. Powder and Shot. Corn and Hair Z?iooms. Window Glafsand Putty, fxrg fcrew 4»*gtxrs, Fteelyards, Shovels* Frying Pan £ Iron and Steel ; 4d and icd c'litNaiii ; Sda'rid tod Wrought Nails. Together with a general r.flTovtmcnt & it rTard and Hollow t tii W A R L ti •' ALSO* • $ doz. Coverlets, 136*2. Worded H fe, ' 12 cToa. Oii'd fi-k Hat Covers^ 3 d. 7.. Looking Cartes, of various 5ze8j and of a fupevior quality. *o BMs. Mefc Pork, 2 30 lbs. Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons raw and bo I I'd Lin feed Oil. 2; o Prs. Men's j&rtota of different qualities 5uo do do Sh- es, too do Ladles' Boots, 500 ^o do Shoes, 1 :>od do Children's Boots & Shoe". CalFSktns, Upper Leather, Harnef* Lea- tthtn;, and! £bik £rfaflft)CTi ALSO, A general alfortment of frefh GARDEN SEED*, Pa:fed at Lebanon, and put up by the Shakers. Kingston, Marcl? [5,1816. 4 21 f »5 3° 3° 25 1? X OR Sale, by the fubfctiber, 50 Bbls. Mefs Pork, 40 Do. Prime Do. jco Do, Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, . 50 Do. Tar, Kegs Tobacco, Do. N;ils, all fizes. Boxer Scabi _ • Do. CamPes,: loo Call fleel Axes, jrco Reams Writing Paper No. r,2,&3, 12 Coil's Tar'd Rope, 260 Hoes, r ALSO, i ... A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, and Holl;w \V;«rc ; Copper Tea Kettles and Sauce Pans ; Steelyards, Chains, Padlock?, Curry Combs, ^Ize*», and other Carpen¬ ters'Tools,—a large ooantity of Glafs of almofi every defcription. A general siTortment of DRY GOODS. •' A few ENGLISH SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; Together with other articles, not menti* ned. • - 1 ' On which the fubfenher :>r.w !;vcS- R1CH/1FD SMITH. Kingston April 2, 1816. 44tf GROVER k LEWIS, Til 11 a 110 rs • \ T70ULD inform their friends and the * * public that they have commenced the abt-ve bufii efs three do rs noith of the Mar- ket, at thefign of the Gold Watch, where they are ready to wait on all who (hall fa- vo'sr them with commands.—They will be z 1 to do work ou tht fhortrst notice, and an a fupertor style, fitted lo any fafhi >n Cloths and trimmings of every drfcription wiH be furuifhrd at the fliop as cheap, or cheaper, -ban they can b-- procured in town, and every favor duly acknowledged. Kingston* stpri!4» 1S16.* "Blank Summonses Foe the Distri t Courts, for Sale at this Office; CHOICE OF A WIFE. I afk not beauty—'Tis a gleam That tints the morning iky f I afk not learning—'Tis a aieam That glides unheeded by. I afk not wit—it h a Bafh That oft blinds reaf-n'^eye ; I afl< not go^d—'tis glittering trafti, That caufes many a fieh. 1 a(k good fenfe, a tafte reiinM, Candour with prudence blended ? A feeling heart, a virtuous mind, With charity attended. WIFE 4&VE&1JSJ-.D. Whereas my wife* Mrs BridgBi Mc Dall/gh is" again walked awr-y with herfelf, and left me with iLe Pmall children and her p .or blind mother, and left nobody tli'e to take care of the houfe and & home and 1 "hear (he has tak./n up with Tim Ghipan, the lame il Idler the fame that was put in the stocks last Easter, for stealing Barney Doody's gameccck .' This h to give notice, that 1 will not pay for bite or pup on her account to rran or mortal, and that Ihe h =d better neve«- mow the ma: ks of her ten toes near mv houfe a^afn. 'PATRICK Mc DALLOGH. Pi S. Tim had bc;tt.r keep out of my sight* ■M>^ H Y THOMAS Wm. MOORE9 Es% lis MajeOy's aorent for Packets at New ork, informs the public, that no Liters will be received, or forwarded by him f r Eng¬ land, fiom Csrn*&*9 unlefs 'hey be Pofl paid tbr.'n-p;h the Canada? and the United States. Neat York, 14//J March 1B16. \§wS ^B>* L__ i L. K A NY Perfon witting to undertake the Jl\ contract for fupplyirfg the Naval Yard at tin* nlace wiih fueh HORSE'S and OMEN as may be wanted, are requcfted to fend in fenled Tenders, an J to fcttend them- felve? on the twentieth ihftant. The contract to commence on the tenth of may 1S16 and end on thf 31 ft fanuary, 18^7. Propofals by the day, and by the j.»b for haulfno tin>- ber ottt of the wat-r to any place in the Yard a^ per foot. ^/<jvivei t>> every fpan «>f lior- fes and one to every t#n yoke (>f Oxen. Kd. Laws, Naval Storekeeper. ■ Naval YarcL Kingston,'! 44 5.>/> dpriU sit6m 3 rJTHE holders <{ the following Cheqtia -*~ drawn by the Commifhariat Department at Kingfton, are rcquefted to prefe-1 them at this office for payment without further de¬ lay, viz. Cheque? drawn on I. Walter, Erq. a (TV. Dy. Pay ^pril and 24th Auguft, 1815. maflcr General, between 25th : 149 23-,2 6 3-18-9 t 7-6 26-14-10 39 11 3 2 2-2 3 !9-7 Cheqi-es drawn on WiTiam Rofs, Efij. Dep AiTt Commiffary Geneea', between the 25th Anguftand 24th September 181 5. Nn. 8 / io- o-o Unlefs the above Cheques are prcfented prior t) the 24th May next, it will become necrfiVy for the parties to make application at Quebtc fa? payment No. 303 for 508 do 478 do 678 do 8 f 9 do M do 397 . do 1082 do 109? do • 45 (" Commiffar'ini Office* Kingston, yh April I 81 6. / .?0—Oik ],alf of the premifes for fale 200 FORSALF, ACRES of Land in the fourth ^ concrfllon of the townmip of King¬ ston, being Lot No. 30. Dilhut four miles from town. For further paiticulars enquire at this Office. 45tf ■ PUBLIC NOTICE. Post Office. Kingston, Ut April, j$\6. A Mail to Montreal will be made up at this Office twice a week. The days of de¬ parture will be Monday and Thurfday at ten o'clock, a. m. precifeiy. 44w'5 MASONS' WORK. Kingston, April 20, 1816. I • • • • • • • • • . ■ • . ■ • • ■ § • * • ■ COMMUNICA TIONS. • » • . 1 «•" TICKLER, N°. I* FLORI D, any thing in Its prime beau- " ty or fnlendom : alfo any thing ennoui- «- ly ornamented, a SPEECH full of .ha. « orick, a very eloquent oration or period'/1 Dy he cjf Pardon* Dictionary. The unfortunate being who has ufed the above pruafe, under the fignature of§< rlo.n- eftua" will have caufe to regret his ignor¬ ance and mifapplication 01 the term on many future occafions. He may in all probabil¬ ity fav with a writer in his favorite author, Junius, " Ceafis viper you lite at £tjtkjf> but he will find the viper's teeth of that ada- rr.anlive confiflency, which is calculated to grind hujiU/Up into Powder. i?eirjg angry with a man becaufe he dif¬ fers with you in mere matters cf opinion is inconlistriit with the character of a gentle¬ man and debafes the critic : neither ought we to incorporate pcrf.malit ies with our af- fertiens in fupport of an argument. But tlie individual who creates prejudices not war¬ ranted by truth, is a dffturber of the public pe -ce and fees himfelf up as a target, fhield- icftfrH which is obnoxious to every good methher of fo.-it-ty, and the thing ought to be fhiver'd ! He becomes 2 fair but for the ar¬ rows of that cornovu ity he has infnlted. Mr. 'Hooestus* and his prototype have pla¬ ced themfelves in this opprobious iituailon and rrufl abide the co- ftquences. Before proceeding further it may be ne- cedaiy to inform your readers what you have already been told by s* Candidus" and ' Ti¬ mothy PeafeblofiToQV that I am neither the one, nor the other—I am a proprietor of the (learn br*a<, atii I pledge myftlf that my real name fli.dl be forthcoming mould k be neceifary, during my eorrefpondence with yoii. Rita truce to deg reffion 2 it gives breath to my prey. " Prick me hull calf till he roars.'9 We a-ctld that apei elleem their young bef>re every other animal : this metaphoric¬ ally may account for M Honefiu^' " regard for the productions of the " True Biiton/* The merit ol either fcarce'y merits pernfal, and then, but to aceitain their (rfcl's, and turn themia-to ridicule. Indeed (ilence to¬ wards a certain " g^ug" is fometiines mote irjiprtflivt than a replyr couched in the mod wpjp&pnm language ; y\u [\\(k ksitM m animal** aie impaired by diiUfe, arid ftren^thened by exerrife (like th** afs to the burden, atid the fool to the rod,) fo we mufl {cesfionaUy lav a heavier load on the Au.ul- des of our Hero, than will accord with his mulifh difpofitl n, and a n ore fevere ehas- lifement than may Ln: his feelings. Tn the cOtirfe of cur numbers, we rnoft ex- liibit to this fagaeio'is genius, that it. h no f3fy matter to abide the (!iaft3 of fstiie, when not clothed :n the gafb of con&rions reelitude ; andth-it we a) 10 know as wtiias lie does, that a grofs picture will amufe the rcob, and a caricature excite rrfibility. This boned Physhgnniwst, who prescribes fuch lurhfqu- bounds to MONO R ABLE com- ftmman, knows as little of the intercourfe it bellows, a-; he does of the common pofTeiTion. 1*. she dignified by rank or by fame ? Is he pnnefled of noblenefs of mind and magnan¬ imity of foul ? Is he ilii.firious by birth, with a dignity of mien r will his countenance command nlehian refpeel ? Psha ! ! ! Whillt reading theie interrogatories He will fhn'nli within himfelf like a black fnail, dazzled by a fun beam—yet rIill he occupiea a place and may command attention ; as the flimy curls and bafe liifKng of a frrpent will more fre- quent'y attracl grovelling obfervers than the variegated plumage and delicate cooing of the wood dove. This learned fcholar implies by his intro¬ duction that he, being an innocent perfon, was held up a« the author of ;,the 'True Briton.' Logic teaclies us to ufc reafon in fearchinff er truth ; and in communicating it to others : now logically fpeaking the * True Briton' must have been, by imputation, j»/£ ty, and his champion at least tainted : but probably, he accepts the word ' innocent'as Hooker does* a natural'—'an Idiot ;' and as men are tenacious of their abilities, won* dei 8 to find his own overrated. flrfl that Im ; and only one we (hall touch on in this num¬ ber. The compiler may claim doctor Pan- gloff's Aberdeen dignity of A- S. S. but the This lapsus in comp::fit;ion is the refents itfdf to the eye of critic! ANY Perfon willing to undertake to y ofJaws and languages he ts no doclor, build Stone Walls in different places • yet f-°m lus ufc of* ccrtain common place in this Yard, are requeued to fend fealerl ten¬ ders on the twentieth inihmt. They will be expected to find all the material?, but they wiil have the liberty of quarrying Stone on the Government ground. The propofals to be by the fquarc foot. Ed. Laws, 1 Navel Storekeeper. It does appear' wickedly and malicioufly I 44 lawphrafe.s, fuch as " maaifeft" endeavoring"—«'to traduce"—" character and reputation"—" by heinous crimes and defamatim"—" infamous and fcandulous wifehood"—" directly"—" indirectly."— •* I fay neverthelefs," that he mufl be at kalian A ttorncy's Clerk if not an Attorney. The Gown has cnvelop'd many a noble fTpirit, and opened the door to the fit -ft roils a rotten hearted rnfeal and led him to a duff. get-n and the block. He fcerr.s fond of quotations ; with thefe our memory will be able to fupply him from Mother Bunch to Billy Sbakefpeare : we fhall in this number fmnifha fample, if he can extrad any thing to quiet himfelf—good and well. *' D was a drunkard without a red face." Mother Bunch. tl I have great comfort from this fellow: me thicks he hath no diowning maik upon him : his complexion is peifectly gallowC Shakespeare.—Hem ! " There was once a man with a long nofe, and he took every thing that was faid to himfelf." I expect and hope he will cackle, and he may bark too, as dogs do, at the moon; but my florid face mall not afford ope folita- ry ray to enlighten his gloomy Phiz. I have not yet defcended to p^i Tonalities, becaufe I do not know my man : but (till I will not flinch 'till I have reduced It's com- pofitiono to, at lealt, a laughing (lock, with¬ out knowing his real character, and his aiTu- med character to dcriir.n, without defending rive v perianal almlion. to any For the prefent I ceafe to TICKLE. 1 " flrutUS ivas an honorable man.19 Mr.-Printer, Allow me ■ o :ee mure the favour or vour P am men ■j at a lofs to acccumt for the naughty treat- ?Ut 1 have received from a ffcht honoura- r ."(.I grafp of an honed farmer's handj and ay not '* deign to hold commnnication" hie Gentlr-mvn, called Honcftus, and 1 anel* tion much whethei you can yourfclf iTiiorni me of its caufe. Although he may confider lus fweet perfon contaminated by the rug¬ ged ni with him, merely brcaufe he is blefftd with good health, and a jolly WM countenance, he will plec-fe remember that however hfo* ionably honoralk he may im-igiix fuch be.ia- viour to be, it is no favourable fpecimen a hie good breeding. — Let him neither dap/fe nor envy me, becaufe I enjoy a fipffc coloi* in my cheeks, a colour which is the ulual conf'-quci'ce of temperance and exercuCj ana very 11 (dike the dingy hue 0$ fome town complexion*. Inftead of dif .'ainfnlly toffing U \ l '. X.....' u- "•^V.-toJuirg up bib head, it would appear more like true honor in him to acquaint me with the ca;fe of hie difpleafure. That he' does belong to the aflbciation who are about to build a faiall fteam boat for wiiich the machinery ig to b purchafed at New-York, and paid for -too'by themi'elves u, without any afliilauce" may fnreiy be inferred from the pofnive knowl¬ edge he declars he has of them and theft concerns ; but as I have never put myfelf to the lead trouble about him or his |eani boat: what reafon can he poflibly have to inftiit rae —Surely aor.duct fo highly blame. s.b-e, and unprovoked, can admit of no palli- v atibn, and in whatever light it may be viewed his heart U evidently tinged with the fame co¬ lour as his countenance. The fcoffing of my wellh acquaintance neither furprifes r\w offends me, becaufe my remarks haj* proba* biy wounded his vanity, which is u excef. But let him confute htmfelf by obftrt five." wing howl improve under his tuition, for I have already learned to quote, though not yet from foreign languages—indeed I flatter myfeif that could I procure tlie one thing needful, a Quotation Dictionary, 1 would foon vie in pedimtrv with mv icientific ore- y ceptor. : pre- great pleaftire to difcover that ray s of gratitude werekindlv TtctivtH. It is a exprehlons ot % by this benevolent gentleman, and that his {tore of favours is not yet exhauded, as be wifnes me to'be appointed Cup Nearer in the elegant bnilding which he purpofes-ereoting in this townmip at no grt-at alliance from my farm. If I think the oflice worthy of accep¬ tance, I will uot fail to entertain him in a manner moll particularly hofpitable—fince he has thought fit to provide me with a cap of a diftinguiihed kind for the occafion, it will be requifite, on his entering thio beauti¬ ful edifice, fafhioned after his heart's defire^ that his head, that ptecious piece of furnf* ture, fliould likewift be decorated in a fuita- ble manner. Ashis fituation is more digni- lied than mine his cap mud ecrrefpond witV his character. 1 would therefore advife him to let it refemhle in form a mitre, and to get it made of (beep {kin parchment, or if this cannot be procured, of foolfcap paper—eith» er will anfwer. His own mantifcnpt being too valuable to be employed fortius ptitpcU onghl to be carefully trealured up as a vo¬ tive offering at thefhriueofa certain Hea¬ then Deity, whnfe name, it i» needlefs to mention. That wc may indulge his par* tialfty for inferiptious, it will not be impro¬ per to ornament his cap with a few fcraps of I.ati.i, WeJfli and Hebrew, jii^icioiifiy^ia- terfperfed wiih floKiM^'ir.iges from Junius, and tnein led with wreaths iifivv..rnd fpn'<"

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