Kingston Gazette, March 30, 1816, p. 3

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n u\v vqit> ::t f.>ine Graftifna? Sc!.g>! tn the wh aft cotuiti v 4 erwatdi U eminently diftbgufihcd A TRITE Bl.UTON. Whi^ilm 2*1.4 /If.W./. ,816. * N >t hiiuir IdH\\] when -\ boy vv;Tn a Om-.ti"i.-n I>ictiona-y, op ppt'trcN romfe. iJ. n erf the Cii.f'i..^, .it r.:y Alma-Muter, £ w ts alvay* obliged f< hammer out the meati- i»,g <if difficult | alTige--. wi-.h the fwe'tt of u-.y brew. 1 have therefore hazarded a fvafiflathu <>f tl\e quotation, which I hsve in:vlc from [uvcnal. £i»w nearly it aooroach- cs the crigit-al others muot judge. himlclfmthe firfl American war, by his defence of Savannah. The furvivino- brothers <>f bir George both ...... in His MajeuVs Service, the cldcit a Pod Captain in the Royal N;.vy, anj the other a Colonel in the nrmJ. CO r> r* , I,U^e army OU' George Pevnfl married in the year J7«9> Catherine, daughter of Maj. Grri- Phipps, who furvlved him, together with a fon, a minor, who fucceeds to the title, and two daughters. * • » EDITORIAL RKMARK. We ac not only dete: «».incd to ^ impar¬ tial, bni il i« alfo our eanult defire to appear c■unplete'y lb. We are aware of the native jealoufy of a " True ii'iton," and admire it eftjc-~r.illy where his prerogative is called in queiban, or even hazarded. Thefe reaiarks ar- made in coufequence of the communica¬ tions which appear in this day's pnper. From til" irrewd remarks of our correspon¬ dent * CniKodu-.,' it may fecm t;:at that wri- tt-riiad really perufed the Texts >f the Tine Bnt-»»ij bat we pTinVy afFeit th it this is pot the cafe, and t riat the mciit of his pene¬ tration is folely his On Wedaifday laft, Adam V. Wilder bar ke-^p--rtoMr. Franklin id thi* tow ft, was fisted five Pounds Penalty, fur having Soldurg Nec< iTiiies in his PofLfliun belonging to the 70th. Regiment. aiivice ; out t';ic i"0'»-'i T*i o^TtT- vf kM LT. GE\r. SIR GEORGE PREFOST, BARONET. - *« London jan 15.—On Thurfday lad the texvs&m of Lieutenant General Sir George Pievoft, Baronet, were removed from his houfe in 5/kcr Street, and dep-..iited in the famry vault at Bafwl H«-rts, nir.-nd d by his nt?.r re'atv-U% a few <>f hi* particular friends, ami the o'fi.ers who comp.ded his ptrfona! faff in Canada. The difurde* which iho-tened the dayi of this didinguifhed officer was dropfy. occa- fioncd by a debilititcd cnillirntion, wore down by tile fr.tigues and anxietki attendint upon the arduous duties of his late com rcan.l. Tkeiftrtt fympt'tiit* of the difeafe made their appearance during the j^tirncy vvlm.h he was obliged to nr.dt.rt ike over land at the moll inclementTeafon, from Quebec ty Si Johns. New Brtinfwick, w order to emba>k for England ; to the exertions of which it has fince appeared he wan wholly unequal ; and theft- fymptoms gradually in- ercafitig after his arrival in thi- con:try, he v/as induced to remove fr>m lu'** feat at Bel¬ mont, in Hampfhire to London, early in the fell montli, for the b-nifi* of the h:ft medical ct n- plaint bafHing the (kill of his phyfician-', Dr. Bailh'e and Sir Gilbert Blane, he fell under at the age uf 49 years. Sir George Prevvift, who by his own mer- •Xt^y had attained a hi^h rank i«i hi? piofeuion, was firft brought into the notice of hit iover- eitrn as a Lieutenant Colonel in a battrrion of the 60th reg?ment| ferving in the Weft Indies ; in wlvch fiti;arion he diftitiiruifli-.-d bi-nfelf at St Vincent, wh'Te he was feve- ely wounded, and for his con'Jut: on that occaii m, a^ well a*in the fubfeq::ent operations in the Weft Indies, he was p-omoted to the rank of Brigadier, and had afterwards the govern¬ ment of Dominica conferred upon bin, a^a »^rk of his Majefty's approbation : fur his jrallant and fucceflTu! defence of that lfland agai'^ft a very fuperior force of the ene ny, as well as for his conduct, at St. Lucia, in 1803, he was created a Baronet. Shortly after his return to England f"tom the Well' Indies in 1805. he Was aopcinted Lieutenant Governor of and to the command of the troops in tlwt dilKi&. In the year 1808. h- wras ele-Sed to fill the important charge of Lieut G-ueial cum- rr.anding the force in the Province of Nova Scotia. In the autumn of the fame year he proceded with a divifnn of troops from Halifax to the Weft Indies, and wm fecond in command upon the expedion at the capture of the IHind of Maitiniqor. After that iervice had been completed, he ntu-.ned to his srovermynt \\\ Nova Scotia, and up->n the refii>nation of Gen. Sir James Craig, he was called to fill the high and refpe&able f:-ua- ion of Governor in Chief, and commander of the force-'in Britifh North America He returned to England early :u i 8 ; 5, to anf.ver Gertain charges preferred ar/airre him, the iii- vc(ligation of which h^d been alone p-, vented prior to his difeafe, by caufe^ aW ihei be¬ yond his controul. Sir Genrge Prevofl's fucefTful defence of the Canada- f,r nearly p » NEW YORK, March 4,18.6. Arrived this day, at 1 o'clock, the fhip- Mmcrva, Capt. Sketchley, in 41 days from Liverpool. By this arrival the Editors of the Commercial Advertifer have received London papers to the igth January inclu- five, and Liverpool to the 20th. Our papers contain Paris dates to the 14th of January. On the 12th a new De¬ cree of 3rnne(ly was iffued by the King, which among nthe> provifions., hanlfhes from the kingdom all the regicides of Louis l6fb who accepted appointments under Bona- ^ par re. This decree with other extracts we (hall publifli in our nest. London, January ,17. ttpatchet from Paris, received ye'teidry, ann u.nce the arreft of three Erg'iih gentle- rnen by the French Police, charged wiih hav¬ ing afilfted Lavallette in hi- efca;)e. Report names Sir Robert Wilf«»n. Captain Hutch- ioion, and Mr. ISruee, as the three that hare been thrown into the Abbey ; but another account iabiiitutcf a lieutenant R bert Wil- fon fur the named gentleman. Sit Robert WiSoti is well known all over Europe, not only by his literary b«.t military fervices a, gaiuft Bonaparte. Captain Hntchinfon ifc a very young officer of the guard, a relation of Lord Dououghmore ; and Mr. Bruce is the eldetl ton of the Banker,Crawford Buicg Efq. Our Mintder .Sir Oharles Siu»rt, as (o^ a;> lie heard of their arr.-ft, demanded theif immediate enlar-rrm-nt, when he was tohf they had contrivjd and i®i|ed m the eicaog pf Lavalettei that fhev had procured a pafh. port for an Eng'ifh <uTi.;er tw)or three day^ before, and tb it they t ravelle 1 willi Gene^ ral Lavalette all the way to Mons, iotroduos ed him tinier the p^^jport they had obtain jj to the Eng'i'li military poll, or.>curcd it 'hei- to be connUrfigued. aild piTed him on. Af. ter which, an i having bre.kf.t'led wi h rhe Eno'ifli officer in eomma-.d, thjy returnc.| t*> Paris. This wax, \i is i";.id th* ream*} nude by the F.. nvh Police to the E-ijrli^j n-ini'der, and which he has tranfmitteJ t,, MinfIters that be may receive their further in.itro&ions haw 10 a£l. What truth there may be in this ch*u.:e we pretend no' to know—but tfcis we know, that trie B-ii.1\ government v,-i!I »ot be tl >-.v *o ul<> t what¬ ever tne.-fu'-;. the uiitire uf the circuniitan- ces of the cafe may call for. ■SAiDiMA (.*tighten ) J:n. 1. 3 years, againft a numerous and fun-idanle eu'rmy, and under chctimiV.iri.-es of p-culiar difficulty^ together with his «ther i ripurtant fervices in the Weft Indies, will be long tfoa. & party ia fuppofed to exift in fiitof of the Duke of Orleans ; but there is no probability that, even though he were ready to try the event of a revolution, fuch an at¬ tempt would be made «in his favor. He has never refided much in France ; and during his relidence there, he was clofcly watched, and even reftricted. He opened his palace la(l year to fome of the old conventionality, but he very foon received an intimation from, the French court not to receive them ; he has no aftive partizans—he is hated by the royalifto—and on the part of the revolution- ifts, 1 have never heaid any other fentiment than a fort of negative approbation. There is another report of a nature much more ex¬ traordinary ; it is, that a deugn is entertain¬ ed by the violent royalifts to effect what would amount to a revolution—the tranfei* of the crown to the Duke of Angouleme. '* If fuch fears are entertained by the gov¬ ernment, why, it may be afked, do they fend away the allied troops from Puris I The facV is, that the evening before the laft, coun¬ ter orders were given in fereral Bntilh re¬ giments that were to march the next day.— The King perfonally was unwilling to traft himfelf, at the prefent to the French force v.\ the capttol exclnlively and with good rea- fon. The B: iti:h regiments now \\\ Pans and its vicinity amount, as I have been infor¬ med, to no more than from four to five thou- f.nd men. But there are French recruits ar¬ riving every day. confiding of difbanded fol- diers and boys, in the moll w'etched poilible condition- The on'v corps thnt has a ffooi Many articles prepared forthi< fcy\ C*- zette, are unavoidably omitted ; and amoncj the reft i^, our old friend Obadiab, KINGSTON AMATEUR THEATRE. • • ON THURSDAY EVENING, The 4th of APRIL, Will be performed the COM EDY of the Heir at Law. To which will be added a favorite FARCE. CO* The time of peT&rttttriee has been un¬ avoidably altered to the above, itvttead of Monday the 9th April, as announced from the Sra^e. Doors to be opened at SIXS pfrfonnanze fc commence at SEVEN. Tickets to be had at Mr. Mtcauhy's. Admittance to the Boxes in future* will be One Dollar ; p:7, Half a Dollar. Hardware Stor the French Cavalry at appearance, is the mounted Royal Guard ; the men are as fine as ever I have feen, a?id their uniform well calculated to m.ske them appear to advantage. They wear large boots, white breeches, blue jackets, lai<re dangling fabres, and high fur caps, but like all times, they are" wretchedly mounted. ** It is not only the 2?riii(h troops in Pa¬ ri-, that have received order* to remain, th it even the regimee.ts already on iheir march from the neighborhood of Si Germain and Vcfailie-•. hive been ordered to halt Theie are fix regiments «.f the fee Mid dtvifio . h .Ic¬ ed near St Denis, on then* wiy to the n r- tberii fr mtiru*. . *k A vi dent outcry exifU, 1 underdanrj, among the market women o( P rh.. i.. con- f■ quet-ce ot their ex.luiiou fi -n the Thulle- ties The order w 0 A direil/out U virtually the fame. Ic cKcindes all wo nen weaHng ha idkerchief; upon their head'-, the u'.ual drei"; of the womeii, oJ the Hall:-*. It V» ? Ks. <» -r.a-.hs iti roio'p ]••}>-n<*« .->f ft w'lll cv p.-'l" d hy the Dutch dsoi .'iinTonleme. Sne cannot, and na.ur.d enough, behold, wi'h- out hoiror, objeclts that remind her ->f the o liases c>mmiued upon the Q^veetl her mother, during the revolutions 'I'nema.k- et wo»ntrii vv'u» attack.d the palace, wore h .nukerehie^ in the lane rruuner, and ail ted. It i4* even (lid the favorite color M THE fubferiber begs leave to inform the Public, that he has opened a Store in the ab-we line opposite to Mr. Samuel -dvkroyd's Store, where he oilers for faie aa affortment of HARDWARE & CUTLERS Carpenters and Joiner's TOOLS j 6 and 7 feet Mill Saw?, crofacut do ; fquare, and round Iron of all fizes ; crawley and blifter fteel ; nails and fpika of all fizefl ; fliovels and fpades ; fite (hovels and tempt • iron, btafn and beft plated Caud^tliek^. ; c ff'e and pepper Mills ; bureau *ri mftta^ ; beams and weights : fcrew ?.n"^ - mafona hammers and trowels : lock- of si] mention. The whole of w' Lb will be t'.'d much lower than can be pin chafed at any other (lore in K.ngil-m. Samuel Shaw. Kingston iKtb M-ireb, ; B r 6. ^ r remembered, and a grateful country wid n t frfnfe to do j'lftice to the memory of ;nc, of whom it may be truly faid, he was a v-dlant fpirit.a man with pure hands,ami a m )ft z.-a- Lusand devoted fe;v?nt «d"his fo.creign. Sir George Pn voPt wa« the eldeft fon of Major General An-ullme Pre* dL *% \ kr- red under Gen. W-df, and e. ;.; \cvciclj Wnr.r.x*.:^. o« thrt Wilis' v^ Abrikf.m, and ExtraS jf a Utter* ** .'/ t««-w ontrawe coratnittcd by the b^rWrtau* has yw\ ^v-A dciolarion Ehr^i|^htv*t wii \ nW a:id /i'^es burdt-nng; .n the on: it. Tlis Barbarv C »r- (airshave cartu-d \ IT into fliv »y* twss hand- red aid f.ntv foo'- ;.ci*r>;'s who yvere tlirown int > chains. Theylrfi the women aird chil¬ dren bvh'.nj, f::ytn^ th^y did not want ui'e- li-fo tivi>uth% lntelligrence of this event was imrrn di-a-'y fanfuit'e 1 t »the Vice Govern¬ or in order that he might prevent pew 'oif- fortuues, by makm|j a julicious ufeof the miiitary foiCtf, or by arming all the conn- try people. A dcputaiion hm bee: appoin¬ ted tu !ay our grievances before our ?u;'ift S wc-eign. It has been remarked that fince the departure ,»f our Princes we have re¬ ceived moie vifite-, from the Barbarians than while they coi.tinned among us. Private Letters, Paris, January 11.—All is at prefent ap¬ parently quiet ; but there is a fort oi tran¬ quility which the peilons who have been converfant with the fympt ^ms of the Revo¬ lution at various periods thi-k m >fe alarm¬ ing than actual difnrder 1 he royalills are uniting ihemfelvt-s in diff rent kinds of meet¬ ings, o!tenlibl> for common puvpoie?, but in reality for that of confolodating th°ir ftrength to »efift their opponents. No fe¬ ci et is made by feveral perfon-: who belong to their aflbciatioii, that their real object is to keep down the diilurbera (les perlurba- tour^ J These are frequently orders of ex¬ traordinary lervic: to the National Guards, inconfequence of the difoatch of the ordina¬ ry guard and gens d' arms on fecret fervice. t; There are fome of the late partizms of Bonaparte, who, when afked what they fup- fe is the canfe of the exifring alarm, open¬ ly declare their conviction that fomethin^ is jroi"g on, though they do not know what it U ; and the zealous royalifts talk of the ex- ill ence of a fecret confpiracy agairift the gov¬ ernment, as a fact of which there is not the leaft doubt. Scarcely a day paflVa without a fcarch through Paris by the Police. It cannot be for Lavalette who ia known to have efcaped beyond the frontier. « The impr-ffion that a revolution is at prcf-mt feeretly preparing, is almoft umwr- f.d : aud \t rarely happens that public mind ili^uli bs *» affected without fome four.da- ■ St Davids, F;-.b?.uary 2. : 8 i 6. On Vf oriday th- t*!*if JaniM-y \<ifc% M^j'^r Pn\vt gnw aa Hecf-^t IVrl irtJ Supper at the Hoynl ^rtil'crv Bimck* Q»ieriill n t3 all the fauS'onabtes a- m id the euutry. T--e company bejr^n t> aCemble at ei^ht o'clo -k and continued untiL ten P. M. They were very numerous and r> ver did t'.ii rVontier r.i- h'bit before fuch a difplay of he utty and f..:h- on. The fuite of aoavt vents were verv com- modioli'1 and gcat ralle and neatneffi were evinced in the JD.mcing commenced at iialf part nine, a id was kept up with great fpirit until half paft one A.M. when f upper was announced. After fuoper a ceremony took place THURLO \V M Tl L 3, For Sctle. very valuable GrilLM"! f..r Sale- which hasju^ under^ :nc -\ th o \*h Such a Mtriau.c ptop1 *ty is {rid >?n to he n.ct with ; f[ will he difpofed f by the -w- r r -i ntv in crtnlem)enee "i m**rc nt^ie at-Mn re- m- th ; for • artienhrs and to Trent for-'he fame, oppdy to ThoniasColBmam, Efn thgf propiictor : he 9K0 afters f >r fal< fc*v^ 1 \\ town wattr lota, upon the bank, of tbe riv«r er Moira. \ man who well underftand«* con d,'6t- ing Carding Machines, an^ cat1 keep ^'> counts wiU meet with good encc^rage neut on application as above* * A let of new Card<? wanted as abdve. Thurb. -jj , March ^31816 $$if EOil SALK, 200 Bundles Enquire at this Office V r v OL rn'd l U O fc March 30. diiFeient arrancement-. which gave a lively intcred to the gaieties and amufements of the evenrag. The Sword which had been voted at the laft feffion of the Lej'.ifi.iture of this Province, to Major Kirby, of 'he Inc ^rporated Militia, for his noble and patriotic exertions in the defence of th? Province, was this evening prefented to hiin. The company formed a circle in the iSall Room, ^when Mifs Kerr, who had been reqnelled to perform the ceremony of the prefentation,) entered the room amidfc the founding of trumpets, (lie was fupported on each fide by Col. McDonald and Major Power, and preceded by Capt. Pefter the bearer of the Sword, Major Kirby, being then called forward, Mifs Kerr, received and then prefented the 6'word, with the moi accomplished eafe and dignity, and thus addrcflTed him : " Major Kirby, may thi* Sword, which is «« prefented to you by the Legislature of this •* Piovinc°, for your gallant and meritorious ** condnd, never be drawn but in the defence *'and Honour of your Country." The delivery of tkis (hort but elegant and j-opropi late aoMrefs, was followed by the law- deft ulaudits and the Mufic playing " GOD SAFE THE KING." Major Kirby, evi¬ dently and greately overpowered by his feelings gav^- a lllent tribute of thanks on the occafion, which was felt and acknowledged bv the company ; dancing then recommenced with renewed fpirit, and continued until yfjrora warned the fcftive groupc of ;he, ap- prcaching day. 0- Subscriptions for the Specta¬ tor a Paper lately established at St. Daw-Is, and edited by Richard Cockrell, E'-q. are re* cetvedat the PostGjfice.. Kingston. /An appeal is made in life Qjehc Gatct'.s of tbe 22d February lift, to the Philanthropy tf the Britifh Society in the Ganadas, winch ford'-ty calls upon the feelings trndreeolkBiora of a lar^i. proportion of the Inhabitants of this province, in particular, to afford their mite tn aiding a n: jl benevolent Injlitution tflablifbsd in Scotland, to follcr the Germs of Education andrdievefrtm a State of Comparative tgiinYaiice* maw of the remote Inhabitants of the Highlands and Ijhs of Scotland, ivho from Local Caufcs are -:v'th,!:i thofe means of obtaining Irdiruclion tvhkh pre fa liberally extended and enjoyed in every other part oftheBriiifi Dominions. The objecl of this Injli tuiion is to entourage the '-'■ r- ~r' andfupport Gaelic Schools for the pHtpojc 0 teething Reading- in the Englifh and Gaell Languages, and to procure an Edition if Scrip¬ tures in which the Englijh and Gaelic fiould lz printed together on corr?[ponding Pages. In a Country pecularly the choke of the ebsh dren of Caledonia w here they have almcfi inva¬ riably been blejfed with comfort and profpei ily fuch an appeal cannoJf&d in reviving the we grateful remenibrancts if their native laud, a:a. create a warm and generous dejirt to add to the permanent happ'tnefs of thofe who have nut feed fparaied frrm the lard of iheir forefathers. The Re fort of the Proceedings aulprog'-f' of the Injtftnlioh arc to be fen at th?fares >sf Mr. Alex. McDoralch^ Mefsrs. Wm.Mc'Lear & <>„ who will receive the fm zftefi dun > ion -1^1 ; - fully tranfmh the fume to the a«ent- a: i?Jj < "r* I* "aid of this laudable andpr. ij'e wvlh </, .'/,k. Jl:\ g-ton, 30th March, iM(j *?"*

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