Kingston Gazette, March 30, 1816, p. 2

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NEW GOODS. OFalmod every description jail received and offered for fale on terms the mod accommodating', by PETER WETSfcX. ^nong which are a very extenfive aflcrt- flaeat of Dry Goods ; Together with a choice afTortment of Silks & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys* NOTICE. \T$. Frefh Teas, Loaf and Mufc^vado Sugar, K>g, Ladies' Twifl and Paper Tobacco; Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy Snuffs. Old fam-ma Spirits Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port and French Wine. Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger, ^flUpice, Ground Pepper, MuftVd* Nutmegs, Cloves Cinaamn, Cur:ants, R.Jfms, Figs, Poland Starch, Fig Blue Powder and Shot. Corn and Hair J?rooms. Window Glafs and Putty. Axes fcrew Sugars, .Steelyards, Shovels, Frying Pans, lion and Steel ; 4d and tod cut Nails ; 8d and lod Wrought Nails. Together with a general afTortment of Hard and Hollow JL\0, 3 do2- Coverlets, Ij6 doz. Worked H >fe, 22 loz Oi-'dilkHdt Covers, -z d z Looking GlafRs, of various fizes, ** * and of a fuoerior quality, qo Bbls.'MefsPork, . mi 2oo i'oo. Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons raw and boii'd Linffed Oil. 200 Prs Men's Boots of different qualities 500 do do Shoes, loc do Lad'es' Boots, 500 do do Shoes, . looo do Children's Boots & Shots. CalfSkiua, Upper Leather, Harnefs Lea¬ der, and Sole Leather. ALSO, A. genet*! afTortment of ficftt GARDEN 8EED% Raifed at Lcbaron, and put up by the Shaker 8. Kingston, March 15. 1S16 4 21 f !") AN away from the fuhferiber on the > 14th January. David Arhland, an in¬ dented apprentice, aged 13 years. This is therefore to forbid all perfons trus¬ ting him on my account after this date. Jas Richardson, Jan. Kingston, I uh March, 1816. 42 ' TO LEASE, A NDimmediatepoffefRontobegiven,triat jljL valuable (land for bufmefs, at prefnt occupied by He-ry M'Na'ley. with a lar^e and commodious Stme Houfe,and large Gar¬ den.—Adjoining the premifes of Peter Smith, Efq. y/oplication to be made to the fubferibeY. CHARLES STUART. Kingdon, March 21, 1816. 42 TAKE NOTICE. OST, in theftreet, in the town of King' ton, a black Morocco Pocket Book containing one ha!f Eagle, one five dollar American bill on the Utica Bank, one Note againft Charles Holden for one hundred and iixty dollars, one again ft Reuben Pierce of fifty dc+Urs, one againft Ifaac Baldwin &f thirty dollars, befides other wiitings. Whoever will return Lid Pocket Book, with the contents, mail have ten dollars re¬ ward by the fubfciiber. David Bjjrnside. Kingst9D} March 15, 18 i 6. 42 FOR SALE, "POR fale, the following lands being a pavt «*■ of the real eflatc owned by the fubferiber. 1. Eaft half of Lot number 19 III the 3d conceflion of ^dolphu* Town, on eaft bay, having a framed houfe and bam, together with an improvement thereon, containg 100 acres. 2. Lot number 25 in weft bay, fouth of the black river in the ift conceflion of the townfhip of Maryfbnrgh, with buildings and other improvements therecn, containing 2co acres. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5 in the firft conceflion, weft of number 1, and wefc of the Rock in the townfhip of Maryfbargh, With an improvement thereon, containing 150 acres. - 4 Fifcy acres of valuable wood land, be¬ ing part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fuhferiber, in the townfhip of y/dolphus Town, being in the rearof the town Plot of HoMandville, and adjoining thereto* e Lot number 6, and the weft halt or number 141*11 the 2d conceflion of the town¬ fhip of Richmond, containing 300 acre*. 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d conceflion, fouth fide of the eaft Lake in the townfhip of Hollo well, containing 200 acres. 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 in the 4th conceflion of the townfhip of Thurlow on the river Moira, with an improvement there¬ on, containing 1 co acres. 8 Lot number 1 ea(l of Vanal(line's ink* in the ift conceflion of the townfhip of Ma- ry'abuigh, with an improvement thereon, con¬ taining 2©o acres. 9. Lot number 14 in the 5th conceflion of the townfhip of Portland, containing 2CO acres. TO. Lot number 29 in the 4th conceflion of the townfhip of Kaldlmand, containing 200 acres. 11. Lot number 20 in the cth conceflion of the townfhip of Pittsburgh, containing 2go acres. 12 Let? number 12 and 13 in the 4th conceflion o' the town (hip formcily Called Efc th, now Yonge, in the d ill rid of John Mown, containing 400 acres. 13. South half of lot number 16 in the 8th conceflion of the townfhip of a^ngnila, likv wifei' theDitlricl of J hnftown,contain¬ ing 100 acres. 14 Lot number 3. 4 and 47 in tlie 6tll conceflion, and It number 3 c in the 7th con¬ ceflion all in the townfhip of Camden, con¬ taining 800 acres. JLSO, A number of town lots, for fale and to Tea ft, in Stuartville, in the 1 ear of the town ©f Kingston. CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th March, 18i6. 4:tf N reafifctfrle terms,. Lot No. 22, in the $th Concession No. 2.3, in the 6th Concession, AND Lot No. 20, in the \ \th Concession* The whole being in the Townfhip of Lans- down, in the district of John flown. For parriclurs enquire at the office of ALLAN MCLEAN, Efq Kings t on > August 28, 1815. 12 Btank Sum monses Pub N fT*HE fubferibers to the Kingston Steam- * boat are hereby requefted, to make an immediate payment of one fourth of their fubfeription, to the Treafurer, in order 10 advance the neceflary funis of money to the workmen. Geo. H. Markland. Secretary. Kingston, loth March, 1816. 4-itf For Sale, 1250 Acres Land, lyi"g in the townfhip of Sidney.—Enquire of the fubferiber, in Kingston. K&4RY STICKLES. Kingston, March 13, 18:6. 41 A LL perfons indebted to the late Widiam * Fairfield, Efq. and the fubferiber, un¬ der the firm of Benjamin Fairfield & Co. at Erneft Town, or in the name of William Fairfield, at Kingston, are requefted to fettle their accounts without delay ; and thofe who have demands again ft the faid concern are denied to prefent the fame to the furviving partner. Benjamin Fairfield. ErneftTown, March 12, 1816. 41 tf Notice to Settlers. rT,HlS is to give notice that fuch fettlerg as may have received Location Tick¬ ets previous to this date, and are not actually and bena fide, eftablifhing themfelves on their lands by the 24th of ^pril next, will be ftruck off the lift of Settlers and their lo¬ cation Tickets will be cancelled as well as ev^ cry other allowance of Provifion, &c. &c. By His Excellency's Command. SIDNEY BECKWITH, ^. Mr. Gen. Brocl-rvillei March 4, 1816. 40 ri* Kingston, March 30, 1816. COMMUNICATIONS. • • 1___ 'j »» ac+* criri" o v v 1 m J. G. HANNA, TT AS }uft received I i% Canniflers of thee genuine Irifh, Prince' Regent's mijfi*- tnrc, and Rappee SNUFFS, Snuff Boxes,, Di.fRng Caies, Fifliing Tackle, &c. Uc!km* ~Xlli.\ OCT T 0^ 1',i'm W ■-! f/*U id'l/i 4 1 tf Befides 'tis known he could fpeak Greek, As naturally as pigs fqucak : That Latin was no more difficile Than to a l-ickbird 'xk to whiltle. I3ut when he pleas'd to ftiew't, his fpeech In lofticefs of found rich : It was a party colouied drefs Of patch'd and pyc-ball'd languages ;_ 'Twaa Enfflifh cut on Greek and Latin, Like faftian heretofore on latin, Befides he was a fluewd Philofopher, And had tead every text and glofs over ; All which he underftood by ro.e, An& as occaliwu icw'd would quotet N<» matter whether tight or wrong, They might be cither faid ox iung.f * Mr. Miles, I was in no fmail degree gratified on ol .":r i g'ately, a neccifary though rather broad Hint given by an Honeft Farmer to thofe Latin gent: y, v. ho are fo fond o- dis¬ playing the fcanty lock of learning they may have acquired at fchool, and who de¬ light in making inch a vain-glonoua parade in your columns. As I doubt not it was well intended, I fli.~e:ely hope that this Bint may prove uftful, and received i\t a friendly manner ky all to Worn it ha.- refer¬ ence, more particularly by th:it redoubtable perfonage, 'ycleped il A True Briton ". There h however another fault in the lu¬ cubrations of this writer, which requires a little gentle caftlgaiton, although the wcii known tefty aud utitable eiiipoiition o' the defcendants of Uewylh-n renders me rather timid in menliorm»a is. 1 allude to the pro- ii:; wean'fon.e ex rdcl*, with which he is io condcfcenuii.g as to favor your lea-Jer.-;, 2nd in which neither method nor ddlgn i:> per* ceptibe to any pet fen endowed wilh a mind of lef fublime comprelieufion than bimfeid H:s deep erudition and vi<ft acquirements arc unqueft«)ii&hly aftonifhii g.and nuequalled by thi'feofariy o'.her iidivioua: hithe Pro vine ej v.-itnef. the mighty names with which he a- dornsyour columns, a.' the Abbe, Adam teith, PaJey, Juvenal, Terence, Ca- to the Ce-ifor, and Mi.u.stfquieu. A* h. w- ever perfonsof ordinal y capaeny,!ikc tnyfelf, can perceive of no prpbahle terrniuati« nt> nis lo> g winded r-xt-'ftftfi from the p odudi'-ns of other writes, and as the work from which he pi tin ipally G 1« cl- them, tho' by no means rare, is not in the hands of cvrri holy ; »t apj cms to me that if this verbofe genius, tr:A.i feeond Caleb Q.upiem.| could be perf&aded to lend you the hook vJ^i(t it would nut only be the mean?; or favrng him much iinnecefsary trouble hi tianicfib'ng- but, a-, it would not then he garbled, it would like wife 'he deilable ef7e6t of rcdniug it more intelii- p'blc In fuch a cafe, Mr. Milfs, you might commence directly at the preface, and by continuing with unce^fing afliduity to fet apart every is much f;:ace as could be allowed for fuch an important purpofe, you might poiEl ly iu pr<ccfs of time reach -rhe concluii .n. Yous- readers would then, Sir, have great cattle to rrjoice, flnce :hey would be enabled to form iomc idea of he fatigue* th y wc ild be doomed to undergo ; and they irigfrt with j u ft ice congratulate one another in the woids of that man, wh« once hearing a tedious fermon dc'iveicd by a heavy dull Parfon, cried out to the reft of the Congre¬ gation, on feeing the loft leaf turned, "cour¬ age my friends, 1 fee land-'* CANDIDUS. \ Thefe are verfes Hudibr'tfiic !■ Part I. Canto I. t Vide the Wags of Windfor. *Joe Miller, Part I. Chap. Page 47. " Health to great ■ Candidus P Heaven pre- ferve his life, "To flourifh on the feitilefhorcs of Canada." Byron, 11 Fli^ port I love ; he's in a proper mood " To chide the thunder if at him it roar'd." Home. 11 O Nummi, rohts huncprccflat honoiem ; " rot. "Jlis fratres." Ji't'ENAL. O thou Mifer ! * Mr. Editor, I rejoice that my old friend " Candi¬ dus" has at length recouercd from the " pit- ilefs pelting,,' which his poor M head" has lately received, and tliat hh constitution haa refumed its wonted tone and vigor___I did not " mifconftrue his ^llence,,, 'for 1 wai well aware, that he was waiting only until he heard what was the fate of the petition preferred to Legiflature. I do not pretend to know any tiling more of hit, hiftory, line¬ age, or connexion, than what he has been pleafed to communicate to the public. He has however given us two principal, though contradi&nry traits in h'n character ; he has faid that he is " a plain unaflaming eit- izerV' and nlfo a man of blood. That I made « two aflfcaV" on him " it grieves me to be forced to fay it," 1 d£:.y. Struck with ama/ement at th- moft rjrCUof- '>f f.f \hf [^rjtu.n „>-. iotors of* the Stea&Jboci to the Prcvfr,. cial Legiflature, 1 was mduced, m my fi,fj c 0 m m u n ic a r io n, t o m a k e a fe w ob fe 1 vat in m on the policy of granting them thofe exciu. five privileges which they afkrd for, and ou that of trading with the y/merkans. u Cin, didus*' attack-, d this piece with a ce^Tce of acrimony, which mult have appeared to eve¬ ry dijiuieresied pesion, as .utterly inconfilhnc with hisaflumcdfignature. Having mil con. ftrued fiir.e, and perverted the rncabing 6f other paffages in I hat communication, toftit hit own idea?, I found it incumbent oi ms to repel, if pofSble, the attack by a reply in the next Gazette. With whit fccce&l have done this the public are the beft j;:d ;e». Now if " Candidus" be one of the pro- pM^tors, he furciy had a right to reply tf) that piece, but could not by any mean.% ]c.y claim to the fignatnre which he afTan.ed for, I need not tell you, Mr. Editor, tha: oj> per fen can be candid : but if he fc not a party concerned, he cannot juifiy platn of any treatment which he rnay hg& re< t:ve<\ He enteredjche lifts wi:h me; he drew the fword from tie fcahbard. «k [ fouohl not the battle, nor did I faun it when I- came w 1 am ful'y aware that "Candidus" can¬ not be convinced by any reafoning that [ may advance on the policy of trading wj{]j the y/aKiicans ; af: f ion might a-perfon per- foadea Tutk to become h Chrilli.jn To him I r! d ' ot wf'u:- a id it is a mat. ter of mere iadiffcre ice to me whet'jerhe is evei convinced bv not. Having premifed thefe obiervations, .^r. Editor, permit me to afk " Candidas*rifcw queftions. Did u t the prpprie^qrs of the steam boat, (independent of thofe exclofiye rights which they have prayed for,) oet.'tion the Legiflature f r money to farther their plans? Do they not CxpfCl to have t!;« iron w ik tov this I oar (the tr.iBf'pcrt it which would not coft-lefs th.;n five or Ciz hundred pounds) rxjosted from G:eat BrS« ain to this coin.try at the cxpei'fe oi Gov. eminent ? Did not Mr. tfoKmi hin»fe!f, the owner 03 two heam-boatf m the lower i rov* ni.cejgo to Britain, ar,d hiing ont the iron- work for that one, calUd the Swiftfure, at lib own exp-?nce . Did not thefe gentlemen, as feon as*, hey learned thac their Memonal Was n.-t likely fo be liftened to, teud fo_ Mr. Alhn of Yoik, an explanation or modiuci- tion 01 it ? Can anv doabt fo a m<.o»ei'*i ar.y whether the pure amor pa"r'm- or \befarrj firncs ami, was the more j roml)ieW lecture in thi« fpeculatiofi ? The candor of thiifcj- ly difinterefted writer, kept 'all ihcfc circusi- If the «cl..fio„ of all 01W C.n*j;„ (learn boat?, which '• OmH,','.,,," r....... "(h'.komd clau.e," ,„d onrv «3* ?* connj^ra:,,,,." »,>!, rhe petitioners, hU been **• •• ~*-J -* — *'"* • v : fli a minoi ie petitioner g.auted, it would have been a moft 0, pn inve mealnre. and have proved biVl.IriJu junous to ;hc general intereft of f0§, £ ^ For it is very evident that many (hip-owners Who have no other^ rncans of fnppnrf}£ themicive* and their families, wr-uld be-il c\u^\ to the neceflltyof enthely relli^. Well may this noify writer decline " in- rtflectSi that not !efs than forty or fifty $.« mericans are employed, in building thesteaqi- boat, for which they are to receive-^" 7000. Had the facra fames ayri been the lets prt>»n. inent feature in the petition, Mr. Gonfa, m feme other perfon of known and ackso*'!. edged abilities in that department, would have been employed. Ought not the pre- fere/ice to have been piven to fuch a pevfou? Would it not be a mighty fpnrto our me¬ dia r-ics, whea they fee their conntrymen, who pofTeL abiritiefl, ernpl -yed, and their fervieea h-indfomf ly rewir^ed ? For (i Candidtifi's (stvices, I really thrh, that his ftatuae ought to be cut h marble/ placed at the bow of the s'eam-bo'.t, and confidered as its tutelar Deity. Kif? w of his ■ . •■• • ily, which, I perceive from the fpirit productions, is not fmall, will, "I am fure, be not a little flattered by fuch a coinpli. rnenr. Since his Ernefl Town coadjuter, li Mr, PeaMofiQfDtw io " more than commonly curious to difcover the meaning of fcxne ugly, crabbed, knotty wnrdi^^ which he fays "I have lugged into your paper/' and infills on a a remedy for preventing he* dittreffing occurrences," " let me tei! fmi" Mr. Editor, there is 2 remedy. There U ia this town I believe, fuch a thing as a $Jff* tation Dictionary. «; Candidu8,\may per- haps have influence eno»»^h to borrow r. to extricate his country friend fririi hu plcxities. If howrvef he mould not be fuer cefsful, liij voice may recomme-id tw f.?n* tleuian to a post in the steam-boat, perhi?* that of butler or steward, for which fic¬ tion he Items m i.^t errftnetttly qualified. ^n that capacity, inquisitive Timothy mvY^ hap« fwell Uh purfr to fach a fcWi lhaV lie will have it h hi.- p wer, in a-^K%*"_ V QU

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