Kingston Gazette, March 30, 1816, p. 1

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4 jenm i. » •'/ T -. •^< *•*.; I**'* l*>*. '5W *rfV •*»> **/ .# »», . -■ [SATURDAY, March 30, iSi&] 1 f%J x « •« » * * rVoLUME V, N 0. 43-] A Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ra /Vm* of advtrttfinp in the Gtvzetic. Six :mes and under, 2J6 Srfl inferiion, and S/-3 every fuHfeq.eitrai, Ten ]f:ics and under, 3/4 fifft infertion, and i/"8 every fjihfequent* Ten lines and upwards 4//. per line firft ittftrlitw, and 2 J. per line every fucceeding infertion. Advertifeir.entR unaccompanied with writ¬ ten directions are til&rted till forbid, and chared arcordingly._____^_______________ The Kingston Library j \JL T ILL He opr-'.i every {Holiday tro.rn 11 VV o'Clock A. M. until i o'Ci-ck, P. M. at the Ci»'»rt Mode, Subfcri itfcn* for Re-*dmg will He receiv¬ ed by tk 'iVaforc-, Wm. Mitchell F.fq. at thirty [hillings per Year, or ten fitiJWng* per Charter, r»ayabk on fubferibiug, arid a de- poik left with -be Treafurer of Vive Pounds ;v; a f re'y agaiaft the ?©& of Bo^ks.^ Bab* kilbersafe tucam'fer thcmfeWrb Uil^a to tJternlesoFthe Library P:-'fon« h-iviivj in their pf'fFeSion ]?.•.•!** bel'i!»pfM<y fo ton Lihvarv are i.-q;erlrd to ic-v-.uu ibcn'i i'»ttf -be ?,;c~vv withmtr de.< y. CHARLrt^ V\I>LkSO\r,SVy. ' Kj^gfW ^ IM>. if 16____35'f Wanted, I^'Oft the fip-)) Gi Hii Majesty's Forces * Jit l ids V'"~'Ti from 14 to ?6,cooo':un^of good l&rchait«ic FRESH BEEF- pet Week. TVJtv.rirs to co'"n »en?i' on thf 1 t cf ftfisry 'Ty.♦.. and to be continued f.o the 31st De- c tnbe? 1 816. Prop*fal< F'vr *lj€ above funolv w»l! be re- &:'*&£ $i thi- Oir.s-.' until the f.t .•/,'•'•;/ next, on which die perfori* having te tiered will be i;a!e acc^'cumc* v»'aV» v:.e -*f. ,ls of their propofals. 39,f 3 Nonce. A LL Perf.m-. indebted to the F.fcite of AA Di &» Anson Smith, feeafed, arc requefttdto flwfc" rmmedi.ue nayrnent to A "dan Mac'. e:in Efq. and thofe who have demand?- are requeued to exhibit the lame for adjuflmrnt.. ,rT,Tr MARTHA SMITH, Administrate'1** Kimrfton, Feb. J?, 1816. _____35.., For Sale, THE We^tbalf -flot number nineteen in the fecond corucefTion of the townfhip of KJ urfl-.n. Apolv t-o the Printer. Kw-sion. July io, 1R15. ? »- E S Ad me WW^-v-,^ .t*',.« ^jx ^ -^ ^ ,^*,«;.v7V.«*>'-*to.; JUST received and for fale by the fubTcrx- ber the following GOODS, to wit : Cord^^e of different forts and fizea, Spun Yarn ; Ropeingj fewing and Saine Twine ; Houfe and Mar l^ine ; Canvaf.-:, Sail Needles & Palm Irons ; Ship Sirapers ; Paint and Tar Brr.fhes ; Steerit-^ Co^ipaffes ; Bl.'-eksand Grunnets ; Spikes, Boat Nail?, and Oakam. A lanie aflortrrent of * 'v;r* V v Iron Hallow Ware. Stone Jsis, Jugs, Crq k>, and Pitchers ; Children's Toys and Dolls ; Ba^kgarf.raon Boards, and Dau»ane Piays. A general aiToi tment of Seamen's Slops ; Dz\NIEL BROWN, fnigh Robinfm's Brewery,J ILJ AS ju(l teceiyrd, and for fale, a large •*• -** and very valuable afTortment of Garden Seeds, ©f every kind neceffary for the mod ex- tsnfive Gardens. Amon£ them are nine different kirids of Lettice feed, early, late and red Cabbage, Cul.liflott'er, Savory, Kail, eight kinds of kidney Beans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- for Beans, Celery, Carrett, Parfofp, Spin- a^e. Parlley, early and late Turnip, »<*ng Prick'ey Cucumber, Squafh and Melon feed, Thyme, Marjoram, red Beet, &c. &c. /? large part of them were imported di- re«ft from Enrrland, and the others were raif- ed in this country, and are all of the bed kJnds and firft quality. Kingilon, Feb. 26, 1316. NEW GOOD ■ Johns & Have just rfcievkd a general. I to vvit : Great C->ats, Pe:; Jackets, Blur J'ek"fs. and Trowfers ; C-.tion and Flann.l Shirts of the beft qaaluy. 1 .ady's, young Lady's and Chi; lien's bet J Beaver Bonnets. Gentlemen'- be'* Beaver Hats ; With i'.-ndty other articles, too tedious to mention, All of whiehhe wiil fell cheap for ca.'h. ALSO, A htr&C ^if rtm- nt of st Of all kinds, with D v Good ' AND Groceries ; As uftial. ]a\1E5 RlCTtAUBSOK, Sen. Kiwgfton 2of'n Feb \%\C>. \ Q m) 6 1 VERY low for cafh, nr mod kinds of Country produce, three elegant wood- cn clocks, warranted to keeo good time. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- ^ft—fth€tofc? MERRILL, NOTICE is hereby given to all fuch as are J„ any wife indebted to the Es¬ tate of tbe late Haftfag* Car;-erter, deceafed, »lace of abode in the towofhip o» Amelia,- entoff, 6' they n,ay reft .Bitftd An aU fuch demands Will then be placed ,„ the pol- fcffionofhM Attorney for colttwt «* all perfons having any demands aga,,,ft he 2foreftid Eftate.are rcquefted ^tShjb« the fame to the fnbfctiber on or before the laid Srfl cay uf may next for adjultmcnt. 1 David Henesey. Administrator. RESPECTFULLY informs liisfrienrHs and the pubHc* that he has received from Quebec and Montreal, an elegant a-f> fortmen. i»f Mirror and drefiing GLAS.S- ES. from one to vo dollars each, of the 11 ft quality ever in Upper Canada,— Bed Tu;;-. key Cc.rr>eting, Fn»nit,ure P-tper and Bon¬ der in^r. Lady* work, Card and Cotton bo$* es,—Curtiu pins and Kings, Bell pu)L, Bra.fs Nail?., ir Hat Pins. dx\ a(rt)rtT)ent of L%- dys and Gentlemans' Beaver Bonnet-: a» d Hat«,—Boxes of Colours, with Camels ha.i> Pencils—Crockeiy and Glafs ware, &c. Jk% ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gi%, Pf ^.p-rmint, Shrub and Inih Wh'ikey—'d\\ which he will fell low for Cash only. New Commiffi-in Store, Kingjon, March 2, 1816. 59tf NOTICE. THE Partnerfhip heretofore exifling between Patrick Smyth Si y4lla.ti Taylor, under the firm of Patrick Smyth ^ Co,ts this day diffolved by mutual confenr, Thofe who have any demands again ft them, are defired to fend in their accounts for pay¬ ment—and all thofe who are indebted t0 faicl firm are requeued to fetcle their acct*3 immediately, as aftei the firft day <;f y^pijl next their accounts will be given to D. Wafhburn, Esq. to be collected. Patrick .Smyth, Allan Taylor, assortment of Dry Goods AND G ■b 39 For S By scenes ! Among v/hich are the fol!ow'n»/ ariicles : Superfine and common Broad Clorhs ; White and black Cof-tOQ Cambrick- ; Superfine drrff'd and undr».fPd Ca!:-~oe*; Black siik, Madras aud Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkei chiefs; A variety of" Shawls and Ved -ngs ; Large aV.mafk silk Shawls : • 5 MONJE4U k StGERMAIN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Shrab, Gin, Pep¬ permint and Wines. ALSO, An affortmeotof . Dry G o d s s AND Hard * Too numerous to mention. Ki:i<rton, zo/.h Feb, 1816. 59 i'Oit SALE, ■ A number of Town Lots near the Trench Church. be made eafv. Kingftoa, Sept. 23, 1815. The terms of pavment will H. E t\ R L. i6tf. s 1 A qmntry of 0<k fuitabk for •Si -• ve-< and f.juare Timb**r within a reaf.uia- b'c distance of the water leading into itie Bay of Quillfy. For particulars any pctfon or perf m* wifhing to pnrcbafe will pleafe to call at this Office or at Mr. Jofeph Vallier's H'.nfe. Kintrfton, Dec 9, iflic, 27tf. QTRAV'ED away from Mr. Badgky's O Stable, a Dark Bay HORSE, ubo it twelve years old, with a fm.dl white foot on hi* Forehead. Whoever will brihyj bin to Wil'iam Evans, at Ki^gft->n, (bail be re¬ warded for their trouble. • Kingfton, Jan. to, 1816. 3«« Twill'd Sacpefletts ; !fil?.ck Mode ; Gentlemen*i fine buck, doc Qua ari bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies'black, white and fancv coloui'd ilk do. Ladies1 fancy aiTorted Kid do. Black, blue, jjiren Sl scarlet Bofrbr./etta: White fnaiiojn silk Velvets anj Cotton Shiirinofs; Fine IriHi Linen, Ruflla, Imitation and Scotch Sheetmffj ; Black and white Jean?, Dimities and blavk Crape ; Jackonet and Book Muflin ■> Lenbes ; Ginghams, Ribbons and Lao<fs ; Fine plated furr and wool Hata ; Oild Hat Covets. ALSO, Hyfon, 1 oung And H .Pluff, pigtail arid Indies' twill T,-b2cco Hi^'h prtX'i old Jamaica 5>pHiCfi ; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; Shrub ; Port Wine. The above goods, together with a variijfy of articles not mentioned, a i;l be fid at ihe mo ft reduced prices for cafh. We tender our thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomer:, for pall favor?, ana folfcit a continu¬ ance of their future patronage. Kiny, Hon, 6t/j A:ig m,1815. 91 f } r- Wants a h T N a wholefale or rela'H store, a young man I for whofe integrity and capability he can produce [rood vouchers. A line addraed to S W and lodged at this office will be attended to. __________ 35 nPH"^ fubferibers keep eoiiftantly on band, ^ in their Shop, at the fign of the White Bear, a varifty of Waterloo, Windlor, Rock and Children's chairs. ALSO, BUREAUS for fale. ShoD Painting, likewife, done by C HA TCHy » Co Kinsstoni 16th March. • 4t ■f"ulFreceived zi\d for faie ac this J Oilke, QORE.4MS WRAPPING PAPER. A OUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, ty^-M ■ Of Quality No. 2, Reams Writing PoftNo. ?, lijilo uneu'v TO LET, & poffeffion given ift May, Thnt valuable (land for bufinefs now os. cupied by the fubferiber. Patrick Smyth. Kingfton, February, 24th 18 16. p. To be Let, THE Farm now occupied by John La> Prile, being the eaft part of lot num. bet feventf en. in the fecond concefiion of tile townfhip of Kin5Hon. For the terms aj^ ply to the fubferiber. THOMAS MARKLAND. * #n«rftnTi I nth rebt l8l6.w% 38 Segars, CHEAP SALES, AT the Store of Mvfrs. H. W. WIL- -KINSON & Co. a large Quantity of Sweet-fcented Virginia, Common Plug, Ladies Twift, and Twill Tobacco -y Spanifh and American in quarter Boxes. Lars? or final/ Quantities, to fait Pur chafers. The whole of which will be fold at 20 per cent, cheaper than can be procured here from any Maiket of the United States—• NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. King ft on, 2 2 d March,' 1816. 42 FO11SA LEV ™~ WO yery valuable TOWN LOTS, well fituated for bufmefa. For terms apply to John Macaulav. ADVERTISEMENT. •HE fubferiber offers for fale to the __Public, on liber;i] terms of payment, the following lots of w&'ds Lands. Lots No- 22 in the 8th Con. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Weft I 23 8th Con. No 8 Eaft Ijth Con. of the town- fliip of Pittfbnrgh. also Lots No. 7 in the 5th concefiion No. 26 in the 6th concefiion Nofi 28, 29, 30, 32 & 33, in 6;h con- No. 23 Ea'll \ 8ih con of Pitliburgh. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of One and two acres in extent, on the front of lot Number 24 in the townfhip of King Hon, lying and fcituate on the fhore of the hake. And likewife frveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the laid lot No. 24. lying- and fcituate on the road ftom the town of Kingfton to the country.—The lots are well adapted from their fit u at ion tor building on them, and for the c!Vab":ithment of Gardens in the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fubieriber. GEO. OK ILL STUART. Ki/'sfron, Sept. 6, 1815. 14 - For Sale* A VALUABLE Farm, with building also large improvements thereon^ fa¬ vorably fituated within 28 mile.- of Kings¬ ton. Perfons defirouS of purehaimg to i«r qnire of the Pi inter. Kingston, July IO, I8i?« 5 rf R. MARSHAL U Surgeon, h is re^ ceived from Montreal, aftcfn liiipiy of vaccine or cow pock matter, Ki::—-ton. T4-lh Mgr*ft, I^lfi. iltf M T Ol >n Kingston, 22d March, i£:6. Jifoi /\ i\\ Gentlciirdij Laying.3 fcu'in V* U ■*■ *■ feli, within live or ten qvj& of Sj»g may meet with a tenant or purchaser, by ap plying at this Office. Kindlon, Match 15, i8t6» 4.1 t»rt

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