For Sale, j3y the fubferiber, a few Punebc0H5} Jau aica Spirits, B andy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint ; Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate., Indigo, Pepper & Allfpke. ALW, A general aflortment of Dry Goods, Iron & SteeL All very k>\v for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 2?th Dec. 1815. Plank & Boards. \\J ANTED to be delivered nn the 31ft * inft. and during the month of Febiu- sry. Sealed Tendeia will be received at this Yard on the 24th inft. Plank* 2 2000 I ceo 15,800 20,640! 9800 FW1>. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. 39tf 1 4 a1 Yaid, Kingflon, "^ 11th Jan. 1816. V William M'Lean & Co. ? AVE jaft <? eived a large afibitment •, ofthef.i! tt'irjr L &G Jamaica Spirits, Coerfac Brandv, Beft Hflfend Gin, Port and Madeira Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Loifand 'ufenvado Sugar.. Kind's Arms } P;r.e Apple, > Cheefe. Bloom aralSutland Ratlins, Hvfon and Green Tea. Fi s, &c. See. ALSO, An elegrpnt afTbrtrrent of ^i'k Trimming's 'ctf f veiy dtfcriru'on, LadiV^and Gent'errer's &ark and Colmred Silk Hole and Gloves of a furenor quality. As the above article* were bought at an carW fe-ofon, purchaf«r* cai be nip- plied on tcrm« more advantageous than t' ey row ca" be in Montreal Kin-si on 2()lh Dec. 181 C. 9ltf For Sab , IN Fredtri'kfbureh, Lot No. It, in the firft concefli n of faid town, contait ing 2CO Acre? ; one hundred under improve ment, with a Frame House and Barn there- on. There can be cut yearly 30 tons of piod T-ay. //ny one defirnris of pure ha¬ ling- can apply to the fubferiber in Camder, or to the Printer In Kim>iton. JOHNCARSCALI.AN. Camden, January. 4,1816. 3 1 tf. TrTST received by *he fuhfcn'herc- a Con- ^. fijrnmentof 200 blur Fluftiing GREAT COATS ; price feven d liars___-Alfo, a few Flue Jackets and Trowfers of a fuperior quality A MACPHERSON&Co. Kingston, 6tk Jan 1816. 3 Itf Rags ! Rags I t Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AJNTD LINEN R A G o AT THIS OFFICE. ,qoo Dollars R' E W A R D. T"; ROME Gaol on the night ■ f the 4th F inM and uade their efcape therefrorj|| three C rprinal , by the names of Cornelius H wey, J feph M'l o'ad and I fine Iugler. Wb .('vi r v.j 1 ap- rebend the above villains, :nd \ di-f them in afly gaol in the Province, (hall receive the ah. ve reward, or one hun¬ dred Dollar^ for each man fcpjrarety. ROBERT YOUNG, Gaoler'. For S a *» By Ben Ssf Edwd. Starve* Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Shrnn, epnet mint, Part Madeha. Spanifh and Te- nerifTe Wines, b ed Porter and Scotch Ale in Calks ; belt Englifh and American Soap, ivOc»f Sugar. ALSO, A fmall aflortment of Dry Goods, Hardware and ewelrv. A few boxes Smoak'd Herring Kingston, ^d January. 18 16. 3 1 tf N b T*i bt The fubferiber relptflfuily informs Hs friends and the public, that he ha« entered in¬ to co-partnefhip wi'.li Mr- Ge'T>je H Det- . lor, and that the bnfmefs will h future be carried on under the th° Firm of THOMSON® DETLOR rHe rrturns his acknrw^edgments to rhofe who have fo liberally afforded bim fupvor', and hope? that the new Firm will merit 3 continuance of fa ir fav.-urs As it h tie fubfcrtber*a wifh to cbiV bis f-.rmt-r bufinefs as foon as pofftble, he will tha: k th' fe wh«- are indebted to call and arrange their refi e£tive acc« lint^. H. C. THOMSON. 23d OS. 18:5. — 39, FUR SALE, %J N reaionable tr-rms, Let No, 22, in the ztb A*. 2;^ in ike 6th 01 AND Concession, Concession, t Lot No. 20. in the 1 lib Concession. The whole being" in !h'. Totrafhip f,r I ans- down, iu tlie distiict of Jollnftown. For particlura enquire at the oiFice ci A],:.AN MCLEAN EJq. Kingston* August 28, 181 r. is HPHF i'ibiciber informs the people of A Ki»g>ton ibut he has crctnenced "he Boot and Shoemaking Burintfi s Over the (lore rf Oeo. H. -VUcLean : where he ppopofe* keeiing eemflantly on Hand Geritlen er< R■■■« k [trapped military Boots, JL.'ntr fnairow do J do do We'lin-fift- n, da Ge< tleme^'s fine w.ix'd Calf Shoes, Morpe drc Damps and {hoes for gen* tJemen. Ancle Boots and walking fhoes trimmed in the n< ftteil oiannei. Miffevard children* fhoe^. He pledge- himfr'f to thofe who are pleafed to favor h'm with their cuOom, that all w rk made in hi' fh o Riall be made of the beft tnaterials and jfiniftrcd in a fuperior roafner, as he is determined to keep rhe bell workmen he can employ WILLI *.M TRYAN. Kington, 23d December, 1815. S01^'12 Notic rT^,0 be fold or rented, as may be agreed up* * on, that well known valuable farm, lot No. 1 1 ami th- Weft half of Lot No. 10 iv the fir It concefllon 01 Additional F»eder- i.-ksburgh. together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchards tht-reon, 2nd about one hundred and forty acres of improved land. The pre- miles are we'll utuated for a farmer,merchant or Innkeeper For further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubferiber, or to D. Wafhburn, Efq. in Ktnglton. Michael Coyle. K.ncrftor, 20th Feb' 1816. g8t-f For Sale, AVERY valuable and pleafantly fitua ted Town Lot. For tarns apply a! this Office. Dec 22. 2<ptf NEW GOODS 1HE fubferiber has just received now. (Fern for fale, an exteniivc Well cbof.n aflortment of and and Dry Goods Groceries, 5 and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Aflortment of MEDICINE. Th? whole of which will be fold at thee lowest prices for cafh or country produce. Ewd J. Henderson, Hat ManufaBory. 1 SMITH fe BUT IER WORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufmefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive aflortment of Ladies & ChBdren's beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caft.-r, Roram and Knapt H&t3 ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fa (ho nab le Bonnets, Feathers and Trin mines of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purp!e and Drab .; whick they offer, VVholtfale and Retail for Cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B Cafh paid for Beaver, Mufkrat and Racoon Skins. King (ton, 30th Oft. 1815._____21 tf. Notice. ^T" KE fubferiber rcfpeclfuUy informs his J friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market houfe, where he will do Businefs on Commi extenfive aflortment of y Good Confistmg of every article in tl,?t line fe able to the feafon, together vviih a very choice aff»rtment Silks, Sat tins, Sarfre* • Crr-1 it m • i to»"»v-ia, rapes. ! hrc-a-i Laces. Trimmings, wreath* Lace Veils, fdk Shawls, Scarfs,' Haafikef. chiefs, Tippets, Sec. &"c. JLSO, I a raze are. L ' E h ' i Groceries' & L Which they will fell en the most reafor.*. b'e terms, wholefale and retail. Ki'-yston, icth January, 1816. 3^, JOHN SIMSON I AS received by the Fail arrivals from H England, and now cfitrsfor fale, and. c^ant aflortment 01 Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS » 1 Up or down the Rivery Drv G A* . ,f * CdofiSing o. Rnpcrlineattd ccifsrhan Cloth?, white and coloured Flannek, Fiuining^, 3, 3 iz and 4, Point Blankets^ Mack w >riteci Hofe, woiHd 3*^. kWU U--3- Ui 't"'"»i-» U«i *'^ ut r».u » ui- ' O nitme Calitoes, black and coloured Cam- Will take in any orders of any defcriotion \n fc,^ 6. allf] 7. P;Jmed v)d Im:fitioa th«tlre<.fbnnn,f:. ' gj^^ Bandanna and Madre^ H<n,dker- N B Perfona defirous of cornmittin■? can- (igfnrr,er.tii to hk charge, may know the rates of ft era jre and eommiihon by calling at the uewcommifllon (lore JOHN DUNCAN. Knrri>on: Dec 30, J Si;. 30 FOR SALE, J few Barrels of excellent Pri me P 01 ■k. A inquire at Mr Balgley s Tavern Kmgston December 15,1815. 2 K FANCY G00l)~s7 HE fubfeiiber informs the Ladies of KLingfton and its vicinity, that he has jiift received jnd has for fale the moil exUn- fvh: alToitnicnt of Figured, Twii'd & plain SILKS 2c RIBBONS, Shawls ck Handkerchiefs Ever offered for fale in this place, whole¬ fale or retail on moderate ter-r.s. SAMUEL AYKMOYD. • Deer. I, 1815. 26tf rT'HE fubferiber refpeilful'y begs leave f. to inform his friends and the public, thit he has received a gieat variety of Dry Goods & J Groceries, as cloths, flannels, calicoes Rocking*, rea¬ dy made coa'.f, trowfers and wailtcoats, handkerchiefs. 0iawb9 ]i'ien> overt* eks, mitts, women's fliwC^, tippet*, boaihft^etts, umbrellas, earthen and glafs ware, mtttlard, f^ap, candles, raiiin'-, luaf ard mufcovado tucrar, &c. ladse>s trim mines for coats, dole bruihes, (hot. powder, indigo, pepper, ten, &c. and will be fold at the loweft terms. OHN DOW LAN, J Kington 2Cth Tan. i^i^». 34 NO r I C E. A IiL perfons indebted to the late firm of * » Norman Bethuue r\\^d Co. are reqne'l- ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfum who is duly authorised to receive the fame* JAMES O. BETHUNE. King (ton, 8th March, 1R16. 40 New Line of S rT,HE fubferiber has Commenced running a 1 LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kiiigftnn twice a vveek. It leaver Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfdays at eiglit o'clock A. M. and arrives in Kingfton, on Wednefdays and Saturdays, and leaves King- lion at the lame time Bud arrive- in Montre¬ al on Wednesdays and Saturdays. ]\ifons travelling in this line will find good teams & careful a:id experienced drivers, with covered fleighs, made comfortable for the pur p. fe. Another line will leave Ogdinfbur^h for Utica. every vVcdncf.lay and Friday for the Convenience of trayellera into that part of the country, The Books to enter the names of thofe whor may wifli fears jn the Stage, \vtil be kept at Samuel Hedge's in Sr". Paul tftreetl, Rl Montreal, and at Robert Wathcr'i M t-.-!, in Kingtton. . BARNABAS DICKINSOar, chiefs ; white Cotton ; Leno, Book <!nd iipnwrd MuQin< ; Ui.T.ities ; ano Cotton Laces; b'ack a .v\ coloured Velvet; id .plain tides to be difpoftd of by ivh'ol-fale, qo ^ fonable terms for ca;h, or (hurt approvel, cieoit. United State's Pa k Paper fcfken in par- men t, by allowing the, difcou::t. ,* 3jlt Water Street, King(to:),.Jan. 13, »8«6. [ 200 Dollars R I ■ . LOST on Thmfdaj the r9-b fr.^ therintheftre-.tsof KingJ^i^08 Red Morocco P-;c!:ct-Pmk Contninincr army bills and other r..'rCn& value on1)' to the owner. WK'rewr ]\^ ffll ? the Lime and will bring it r0 the Printer to Mr. Sheriff Stuart, will receive the -ihZ reward. The laid Bills can be of no ufe e certtu the owner, their number and defcnpti'ni J.,, iftjjr !<nnvv-n. and meafures havtn?'bedsi ready tak-rn to ftop payment at ti-e army., Bill Office. Confequentry any perfen at" y :,y Kingston, 20th 0S. I&ij. ,23 fames G, Hanna, Oppefite Smith b5 Cook's Store, Offers for fale the following Jewelry, viz. Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, cokurcj and plain Gold Ear Rings, Ameihyft Art. her and jett do. Pe'-rl jetr and Gold Kn.a- cheSj do. do do. Pins, Topaz End Pari fetts ; Pea 'I, j^*tt and Cornelian Rings; gold B<nX Rings ; Ladie's and Gentlmien's plaiq do amhfr Necklaces; go'd and eaamerj Fa':ce Montee? ; Do Lockets ; Silver gilt ble?5 ; : i't dafps and Snaps : Razors ;it cail'9. and without; fpojEimena Knives ; Vw do fiom 1 to 16 Blades ; do do with Souff Boxes and ScifTors ; Pafte.Cutters'; Ladies! Tortoife fh-11 Combs; Beft pdrM &d Scifn»r«: N-'-val oik Dirks and Belts.: «H and flceKw-.d Swivels; Pkted, Braf- >al ft eel overaii Chains 5 'fling Telefcopes; «'f belt Mounf!iiC.s ; br.ifs bullet mould* J Watches ff lifterent defciiptions, wrarraotei good : Watchc; and Ctavk* or* l}'l^\"nl {>lC' fci'iptioos cleaned.and repaired iu the'bei , ... ' manner snd exoeonion. , Wxinh Glafl^ Dials, Second, Minute & Hour Hands G<ld and Gilt. King (ton, jai. 12, 1 g 1 6. J? For Sale* On reafonable terms, 25 Sett Heavy DUTCH HJRNE$£ A. MEtC-Ii'V, . 'wL Ki■.§fl'in, 4i!i_n--j iS/f ;\ Blank ii-vrt, ho -s.^ct Sin-.RiI"F'.s SAI>&