Kingston Gazette, March 23, 1816, p. 1

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* [SATURDAY, March 23, 1816.3 , «--^j?«— ft/to [VOLUME V.------No. 42.] . Kingston, Upper. Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. 1 ^../ ri+i r .>*-*< -$ «lt.-».-.!f *t.c^**ir /*n« of adverhfit'z in the Gazette. Six lines and under, 2/6 full infertion, and 1/3 every fublequent. 'Ten lines and under, 3^4. firft infertion, tad t/'8 every fubfeouent. Te'» lines and upwards 4,-/. per line firft u»(Vrti'>n, and 2d. per line every fucceeding inferti in. AdvertifementR unaccompanied with writ¬ ten dire&ions are inferted till forbid, and charged accordingly. - The Kingston Library % % 7 ILL be op.-n every Monday from 11 VV o'Cloek A. M- until i o'Uock, P. hi. at the Court Houfe. Snbfciiptions for Reading will be receiv¬ ed hy the Treafurcr, Win. Mitchell Efq. at thirty (hillings per Year, or ten (killing? per Quarter, payable on fabferibinjy, and a dc- poilt left with the Treafurer of Five Pounds a-; a f :rety againit the !ofs of Bo k>. Sub-- fcribers are to confider thcmfelves iubjec.t to the rules of the l-ibr^ry. Perfons having'fn their poflefli >n Books belongingto ihi> Library are lequerlrd to Tdiui n the R mto the 1 ihr: CHARLES A'JD;7R.SON, 6Vv. 'Kinrfton ill Frb S»f& JJ-tf JUST received and for fale by the fubferi- ber the followin g GOOD to w'l : Cordage of different forts and fizei, Spun Yarn ; Ropeing, fewingand Saine Twine ; Houie and Mar Line ; Canvafs, Sail Needles & Palm Iron3; Ship Sirapers ; Paint and Tar Brumes; Steering CompaiTes ; Blocks and Grunnets ; Spikes, Boat Nails and Oakam. A large afiortment of Iron Hollow Ware. Stone Jats, Jugs, Cro«.ks and Pitchcte j Children's Toys and Dolls ; Backgammon Boards, and Damane Plays. A general aflbrttnent of DANIEL BROWN, 9 (nigh Robinjhn's Brewery,) T-T.AS ju(l »tcei\'c-d, and for fale, a large * * and very valuable aiTortment < f Garden Seeds, Of every kind ncceffary for the molt ex-' tenfive Gardens. /\mong them are nine different kinds of Lettice feed, early, late and red Cabbage, Culhflower, Savory, Kail, eight kinds c*£ kidney Beans ; early and other Penfe, Wiod- for Bean1*, Celery, Carrett, Parfnio, Spin- ftffe, Parfley, early and late Turnip, long Priek'.ey Cucumber, Squafh and Melon feed, Tliywe, Marjoram, red Beet, &c. &c. A large part of 1 hem were imported di¬ re^ from Snjfland, and the other- wee "if- ed in this country, and are all of the bed kind? and firft quality. Kingilon, Feb. 26, 18 16. 39 NEW GOODS OHNS & FlNKLE, Have just recieved a genlrav assortment of D AND ds G F <;.,! seamen 5 .,,. ;, 1-,, *1»~ Library without de&y Slop to wit : Great Coats, Pea Jiekets. Blue Tackeis. and Trowfers ; o- By ale » MON1EAU & StGERMAIN, Spirits^ Runs Brandy, Shrub, Gin, Pep¬ permint an-J Wines. W d Summer Veils ; a Forces T" OR the fuyply of tils Majasty' £ st this Post, F can 1U016 0:0 tvmnds of #>->d . McrcLnta»»le FRKSH BEEF per Week. Deti«^ne*i to ©*aimenee o:> th? f .t -f -^.y n*.tt.a^tf) be continued to the ftM l>r- Cotton and Flannel Shirts of the bed quality. LaoVs ymng Lady's and Childfen's belt Bciver Bonnets. Cent'emen'" be't Braver Hat« J With fundry other article?, too tedious to men-ion. A i oi which he will leii cheap ALSO, An .iflTortmcat of Dry Goods AND H i d Too numerou2 to mention. Ki u-t">n. 20rh Feb, 1816. 39 for tiili. M^m^er '. Pi6 P.-.-j.-fal fn- the above fuoply will he re- '.: \ 'w iwiTui- 'n^^ t&tft*** vv,,' J9-f s ALSO, A 'arje affrtment cf es and Bo Of all ki-.d,, with FOR SALE, A number of Town Lota near the French ** Church. The terms of payment will be made eafv. H. EixR--.. Skitoo, Sept. 2$, 1815. tfrf. Dry G ds For S •1 Cimvlflhrht Office, Kh'.oston, 2nd Jun' l81^* AN 0 G cues • T/.^rCmninlb^rdto *€ E^e of j)naat Arsov, SM.TH,derea.ea,ac ],, ir,o:eM.'e r.ayment to T<=qnr!led to inalt^ fcr ^M KARTHA SMITH. As ufual. Tamf.s Richardson, S<cn. Krtw'ft-.n. 20th Feb. t8lO. 39 w 6 ? A quantity of Ok fuiubfe for Suw and tquare* i«»U=? wui%J a ieur »fu: ble distance of the water leading into the Bay of Qiiiiity. F)r particulars any per ton or prrf >ns Wifhmg to purcl-afe will pkafe to call ai thU O&e or at Mr. Jofeph Valbcr s H 0n fe. r 27tf. Among which are the following articles :— Super five and commm Broad Cloths; White and black Cott>n Cambrick-;; Sunerfine dr.ff'd and undicfT'd Calicoes; Black ai-k, Madrafs and Cotton Ba.sdan- na Handkei chiefs; A variciy -of Shawls and Veil -n-rs : Large damafk si!k Shawls ; F Ft Twili'd Sarcenetts ; iSiack Mode; Gtntlrmen'3 fine buck, doe-Ik in and beg- vcr gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'd Silk do. Ladies' fancy afforted Kid do. Black, b'ue, g:ren ScVbarltt Bombaretts t White malloon silk Veiveis ar.,i Cotton Shirting.;; Fine I,;ih Linen, Rufiia, Imitciii »n attdt Scotch SIneti.ig- ; ' Black ao'd white Jean?, Dimities and bhu£ rape ; Jackonct and Book Mmlins Lenoes : Ginghams, Ribbons and Lace's ; Fine pl~ed furr and wool ii3ts ; Oil'd Flit Covers. j lso, '■ Hyfon, Young Hyfon. J- Tli fS ; And Vivfon.kin \ r lug, p: jtati a d &$*.* i*u\ H >cco , Hiffh pro >f old Jan:.a:ca Spirit ; Coeniac Brandy, Holland Geneva ; • 5hrub; Pott Wine. iri.ry Kingiion, Dec. 9, 1815, s ■1(himis!ralr<x< Kmffftofij Feh, _2,_ rSi_ i 6. 35 Fox V* baiS9 K « „HTr, We^thalf cflot number nineteen in I the fecund conre^.m of the towndup ot F5:;^.,n. hn?\y ^ the Printer. For Sale, ^7 FRY low f.rcaih. or moft kinds of V Country produce lh €n clocks w^rT:ted ro keo 1 c eltpant wood o-Mcii ti: e. 8 ol. F%,ivc of Mr.?^' Van Sktver in Ad T v,,4 ^«?« or • f the fubfenb-r. MERRILL. n, :5 th Xov. C. MERR1 181 c> 24tt I # FSPFCTFULLV informs hit, fr;^nd8 S..\. ?r,d the pnbltc, that he has f^reived From Queliec an i M ntreal, an elet>allt af- fortmen; ofMtrrofand drtffiug Gl^;\SS- F.S, fr..m one to eo dollars each, of t^he firft quality tveri.: Upper Canada,—Bt-u\ Tur¬ key Carpeting, Furniture P,-pcr an.J gor. den'nu', Ladys work. Card and Cott' n hox- es. — Curt in ^ins and Ring*, Bell pull. Brafs Wails, ?( Hat Ping, y/n affottment 0f r^a. dvs and Gentlemans* Beaver Bonn-^ and Plat1;,— Boxes of Colours, with Cam..^ j1?;r Pencils—Crockeiy and Glafs ware, ^c% ^c# ALSO, Jamaica Spirit-, Brandy, Holland Gin, Peppermint Shrub and Irifli Wh.f/^v__a\\ which he will fell low for Cash only.' New ComTtiffi' n Store, Kingjlem, March 2, 1816. Navrii 8 } TWO hundred Cotds of Fire Wood wan- ted to be delivered during this and the next month. Sealed Tenders will be re- ccived attheHolpital, Point Frederick on the 20th January, in't. at twelve o'clock. N- B. ouretie* will be required for the due performance of the Contract. 39 THOMAS LEWIS, Surgeon. The ab vre goods, together with ~ vanity of articles not mentioned, will be fold at ihe nuift reduced" prices for cafli. We tender our thankful ackr.owlcdgtrents to our ens- tomers for paft favors and folicit a eddtiw ance o^their future patronage. Kmston, 6t% August, 1815. _9tF ADVlll'tiSKMENT. NOTICE, ^ 1 uiv, 7 -> * merit. ■g XT 0TlCEbht:ebygivvntoallfuchaS k - „, vuXe wdebted to few B«- leo, a-e i" «> n' 4 »nrwv for collecii ni an f"nf .i^vLa-Jd^nn.!. ^«..« the aforefaid fe.ttnte,?^ i ...e.,. .1,- 1. t. e before the laid THE Partnerfhip heretofore f^] ^ between Patrick Smyth & ^aii Taylor, under the firm of Patrick Sifiylh & C ».is this day diff -Wed by mutual c:iareiu. Thofe who have any demands sgainjj them, are deftred to fen 1 in their account^ f6r pa>- rrirllt__and all thofe who are to faJd nrm are requeued to fettle theff ilCct?s immediately, mO* the: firft 3ay <-. ^1 next their accour.ts will be given tQ I). Wafhbur^E^tohecolleaed. Patrick >my>Hj ; u, the fobCcrib* <,, or = «. ■ David niNi-bt.\. st tministrator. A™*n<!shtrsh* .3*'° "■'*"■■-.-------------T- uit^^^TIIIH^ fid* w this Office, QOfflE*AfS WRAPPING ° PAPER. as Allan Tayl>r 1ft TO LLT, & poffeffion givM1 IV! ay, *fhat valuable (land for bufinefs iDW oc. cupied by the fublcriber. Y Patrick 0A^rff, Kinofton, February, 24th i«16. 38 STRAYED away from. Mr. B«%ky** Stable, a Dark Bay HORSE, about twelve years old, with a fm.ill white fpot on hi? Forehead. Whoever willbrini him to William Evans, at Kingfton, fiuT be re* warded for their trouble. Kingilon, Jan. 10, 1016. $fctt Wants a jituation, ■ IN a whjplefale or retail store, a young rran tor whoie integrity and capability he can produce good vo.ichcrs. A line addrefied to S. W. and lodged at this office will b attended to.______________1$ WHEREAS, A NOTE Executed by John Miller and Henry Baker, fome time in the year i8g.|-, was given to //dam Staariog to ferve in lieu of an Arbitration Bond. Thefe are to caution any and every perfon againil ta¬ king the faid Note in payment, as we arc de- ,' the fame. JOHN MILLER, HENRY BAKER. Klngfton, 3d Fcbuary, 13 i 6. the following lots of wafte Lands, Lots No. 22 in tlie 8th Con. ■ No y in the 6th Con. - S. Weft I 238th Con. No 8 Eaft |flh Con. of the town> (hio of Pin (burgh, also Lot- No. 7 in the 51b concehlon No. 26 in the 6th eonceHiori . Nos 28, 29, 30. 32 & $3, in fy.h con- No. 23 Eaft \ 8th con of Pitttbnrgh. JiLSQ, Several Lots of Lard of one and two acres in extent, on the front of iot Number 24 in the townfhip of Kingilon, ly'ng and fcituate on the (hore of the Lake. A*a» like wife icveral lots cf land of one, two -:r.d three acres on the rear of ^he faH lot Noi 24^ lyinj^and fcituate on the road fiom the tOWtl of ICingfton to the country.—The lots are well adapted from their fitu?-tK>ti fov buiidincr on them, and for the eftahitihRient «. of Gardens in the vicinity of the ^owll. t Application to be made to the fubfenher. GEO. OKILL STUART. Kmgjteny Sept. 6, 1815. 14 For S i termined never to pay 35'tf To be Let, A O'JA.NiiiY ri 'HE Farm new occupied ky jf°!b Ea. \ Prife,being the eaft parte' ' WRITING PAPE OUTtl- fcer fev.nUtn. in'the fecoud cmccfRo, ofthe 2, Of punli y No. townuiip of ICingfton. jflot fiio For the tec '.'is ap* ditto ^.iii'-. u-:.' '>y- ■ *}-* to the fubfertbet. rr»HE tublcribers keep conllantly on hand, 1 In their Shop, at the iign of the Wlute Bear, a variety of \V.tcrloo, VViudtor, Kock a;;d Chiidren's chairs, ALSO, BUREAUS for fale. Shop Painting, likewiiV, done by 0 C.IIAlCii,&Cot IT I i 1 \ VALUABLE Farm, with building **- also large improvtnv nts .tlurtcn, fa¬ vorably fituated within 28 mile-; of Kings¬ ton. Perfons d.diroua of oUrchafji;g to 9 quire of the Pi-niet. Km^tnnrjtdy 10, 18!,-. 5 ** R. MARSHALL, iMi-M. on. h s re- M .Alt of vaccine or cow po< K maUcr. \ i\ V Gc».tu-m.u;^ a fcfin tn let or ^^ fell, wrJ'lu five or ten milfs o'.' Suug t'ton may mte. wi;h a ten,hi or pnrch-faa by a|- plving at ihi- Office. 'K-ing^on, March 15, tSifi. At

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