Kingston Gazette, March 16, 1816, p. 1

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■ KmW»'-«MR : y* *.*v [SATURDAY, M.Aann 16, ,8,6.] ROT ss« . [Volume v.—*n<>. 4,.;i Vi *w K Kingston, Uppi-r Canada—Printed and Published by STiiPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars vfr Annum. /V;V* r.f aduiT/i/i/i^ in th?*Ga-z,ctlj. vSlx line-b audi under, 2/6 f.rlt infcriion, and ki$ every fubfcquent. Xeii lines and under, 3/4 fir ft. infertioa, ^t)'l i/SeVeiy ftvljfequent. Ten line* find upwatd*i 4<A per Sw! %ft infer lion, and 2;/. per line every fr.eceeding tnfertion* A IvertifcT.entsunaccompanied with writ¬ ten dffV&tQOT J'C inferred till forbid, and dhgrgecl accordingly. .' -t~: ^ ".••->: j *:<■< >g GOOD 7 The Kingston I 7 I Li. be op-n every Monday from IT ; o'Ckjek A M. until 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Court H'Hife. Sublet iVtion* for Reading will be receiv¬ ed by the Treafurrr, Wm. Mitchell Efq. at thirtv fcatfmp per Year, or ten &$*"£» per ()na>ter, [payable on fttbfcribtng, and a de- pofit left with the Treafurer or" Five Pounds 15 a furcty againlt the tafc of Book-, Sub* fcrihersarc toconfi ier thcmfelvts iuljca to the rules o'f the Library. PctfoM havino in their pofci&on Books IrlMpaJntr t.ithis Library arc lequeticd to iftwrn them mt» f-he Library without delay. CHARLES ANDSKSON, 6'<y. Kfupflon. >ft Feb. 1 Hi 6. 35lf to wit : Cordage of different forts and fizea, Spun Yr.rn ; Ropeing, fewtoganid Saint Twine j Honfe and Mar Line ; Canvaf?, Sail Needles & Palm Irons j Ship Sirapers ; Paint and Tar Brumes ; Steerimr Compafles ; Blocks and Grunnets ; Spike?, Boat Mails and O.karrt, A lare;e ailortmcnt of Iron Hollow I • Wanted T/OR the fitppry of His Majesty's Forces P at this Piwt, from 16 oc-o pounds of Rood Merchantable FRESH BEEF per "Week. Deliveries to commence on the r*t °f £fa? next, and to bt continued to the 31st De¬ cember 18 r 6. ' Pmpofaii for the above ftipply ***;!' be re¬ ceived a» tkfe Office 1 ntil t]i€ 1 s-t /ty.-/7 next, °//AvV. Wdw r^rff.M' hw*** tendered will Sl.^.c4uainwd with the mult of their Commijnut Ojprt> Kingston, 2'jtb Jan. I^t6. " Stone Jais, Jug*, Crocks and Pitcher* 5 Chndreii'a Toy.-- and Dolis j Backgammon Boards, and Da mane Plays. A general aiToitment of Seamen's Slops ; jto wit ; Gre3t C^ats, Pea Jackets, Dine Jackets, and Trowfcrs ; Summer Ved^; Cotton and Flannel Shirts of the heft quality. DANIEL BROWN, (nigh Robinfon's Brewery,) TJJTAS ju(l received, and for fale, a large *■ » and very valuable aiTortment i>f Garden Seeds, Of every kind necefTary for the mod ex- eenfive Garden*. ATtong them are nine different kinds of Lett fee feed, early, late and red Cabbegc, Cnlhflower, Savory, Kail, ei^ht kinds of kidney Beans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- for Beans, Celery, Canett, P<*rfnip, vSpin- ajre, Pauley, early and late Turnip, long Prickley Cucumber, Sqnafh and Melon feed, Thyme, Marjoram, red Beet, &c &o. A large part of them were imported di- re8 from England, and the others were raif- rJ in thi° country, and ::re all of the bed kind- and i> ft_quality. 39 / EOR SALE, Two Potash Kd ■ j Entire of the subsgrjh-.r in su dglphus-toivn, or a i thc. pr/nt- jxg office. N. H ACER MAN. Kingston, TOjth August, i 8 1 5, t [tf. NEW GOODS Johns & Finkle, Have just recieved a general ASSORTBgUft OF Drv Goods ry Ki.)gav)n, Feb. 26, 18 16. I For S aie > G AND Bv MONJEAU & .StGERM ATN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Shrub, Gin, «^frmiru and Wines. ALSO, An affjrtment of Pep- Drv Good Lad v s young La%'i and ChikJrea'i belt ik-,vcr Bonnets. Gentiemen's be\l Beaver Hits ; With fimdry <ther a'tie/^, too leJioJi to tn'ioa. AH of vv'nelihe fiii fell $tety AND H Too numerous to mention, Ki-^-fn, 29- h Feb, 1816. n ra for cafh. ALSO, I s A lar,-e aC»rtmi-\t cf \ LOT of land conr»i ring one hundred Ladies' black, white and fancy c f\ acre** iitm*e i-t the fcewnmip of Silk iio. is > 4.-5 r\ acres tituftic 11 ine i» 4>OOlS% Lou'hhoro;i{{h, beir-'r No 10. in the fifth »*^ *T* *^ Amonp* which are the following articles :— Superfine and co':- boh Broad Cloths , White and hlack Cotton Camhrick^; Superfine drtff'd sad undreff'd Callroeti Black Silk, Madrak, and Co.ton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veftj Tigs ; Larpe damafk si'k Shawls ; French Can.briek, f.;r Han^kercllicfs ; line Linen Camhriek and Kobe lV.-;r.»?; Black, white & changeable col'd Lufiritig. Twili'd Sarceuetts ; JSlack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, dee ikin and bea- ver ^l<,vcs ; colo D Of all kind-:, w'th ry Got d ^1 n ^ owp AND . J9>f £________^- G N At I. P>rfon« IwAefc*ed to tVe Efcw ff b.>a»r Anson Smith, tfcecafed, are Wjurfkd .0 make i««f« i^T^L*" Allan Macl-eanEfq. and thofc wlio have £S£ are r.nueft.d «, exhibit tte &«- for adjaftment. MARTHA SMITH, Acim'mulratr'ix. 35 tor Sale, rrH* West half of lot number nineteen in 1 the fec,mc! conceffion of the tcwnlhip or SmA^ Apaly to the Printer. "ami*. 7«/y 10. 1 Hi5- *,h F S . , ERYtow f>. ralh, or mofl kinds of V Conntry produee, three elrgan, wood- w cWks, warranted to keep good. M* ^onire of Mr. Peter Van bk.ver m Adol- ^—fthefubfc^ MERRILL. As ufual. ■ James Richardson, Sen. KJagfl .n, iijth Feb i8l6- 3QW6 John Duncan, RESPECTFULLY rnfatm hisf.n-nd* and die public, that he baa received from Q rebec and M ntreai, an elegant af- fortn:en; of Mirr-T a-.ui dreffi'ig GLASS¬ ES, fr.»rh one to jo dollars each, of thefn!\ quality ever in Upper Canada*—Be ft Tur» key Carpeting, Furniture Paprr ani Bor- deiius>\ Ladys; work, Card Cotton box- es—Curt in pins and Rings, B'.-ll pulls, Brafs Nails, Sf Hat Pins. An auortmetit of La- dys and Gentleman** Beaver Bonnet * and Hats—Boxes of Colours, with Camels hair Pencils—Crockery and Glafs ware, &c. occ. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gin, Peppermint. Shrub and Irifh Whiikcy- which he will fell low for Cash only. New Comttiiffion Store, co-.e'iTion of !fd 1 towtrfhip. The lot is very .l-;'.).'."....^^^ Cv.rate-L with ^ aercHofIfnpm- wri! land,» convenient ho rl'e, and 1 nail tlabie The itrmsof paytosiif will be made eijfv. App'y to BdVlD HILL. Ku^k-M* March 2, 13 1 6. 39tf Uk an KingjUm Shoe Store. C- H SHIPM^Vy having cftabLfhed a 6l/!">-' Sttrtl, on the corner iHree doora w«ft ojf v»r. Burnlhles tavern offers at wh-le Tale id retail ;r lar^e alf .rtment of Gotlemens an. \ Ladies foots and Shoes ; alfo a large afl&irtmentof Leather. LSO, A few Saddles and Bridies, which v/rU be FOR ^alL, of Town Lots near the French . The terms of payment will he made eafy. K. EARL. Kinn.ftnn.Sept. 2J, 18 I 5. ,6tF- A A L tdiet*' fancy aftbrted Kit! dd. Black, blue, g'ren 5c »cailet Boii'hv/.etts; Wbi 1 e iha.1!qkm «'k V<'I•/*• ■ s ai»vd O•• >t • • s 1 Shirtings : Fine Irifh Linen, RulTn, Imitation ano" Scotch Sheeri:'^'1 ; Black and white Jeans, Dimities a^id bid* k Cra^e ; Jaekonet and Book Muflina, Lendea j Ginghams, Ribbons and Laces ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats j Oil d Hat Covers. ALSO, Hyf« ITouas Hvfon, J- T^//5 ; A Plug, pigtail and ladies' twift Tobacco j High proof old Jamaica Spirits ; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; Shrub 5 Port Wine. " The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mtntio'ed, will be f'dd at the moft reduced prices i>t csfli. We tmder our thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomers f>r pall favors, and folieit a contum* ance of their future patronage. Kingston, 6th August, 1815. Qtf F S all (> U* Kinzjl'jn, March Z, \ 8 16. Chair Store. THE fubferibers have removed to the Sign of the White Bear, where they intend to°keep on hand a variety of CHAIRS, ©f different pauems.-They Mend eontm- 3*MmS if ^e public encourage them Juffidently. Q /^TCA' W Co. Kingrton, Feb. 8, i8i61_____3.6li Advert ifement. OTrCE is hereby given to all fueli as x , are in any «fT< mdebtcd to the Es¬ tate of .he late Hailing Carrenter, deceafe , Wmake payment to the f..bfc.-.b.r, at h. ,hce of abode in the townfttp .,f Am,.ia,- fcUir, on or before the firft day of May next, ,nfu;„g, or they u,ay reft tSited that a 1 foch demand, will then be placed ,, the pof- feffinnofbis ^torrey for colleA.en , and dl pcrfons having any demands agan.M «■« .fowfaid Eftate, are reque'led to «xor ,. t e fame to the fuble'iber..,. or before the laid irft d«y of may next for ac' DAVluHiNl:SEY. J.!):J.-iisfrc!tcr. T NOTICE. HE Partnerdiip heretofore eJtj&IrTg jl between Patrick Smyth 'k AWnii Taylor, under the firm of Patrick Smyth Sc this day dilT»lved by rnutud confent. Thofe who have any demands agaiiuV. them, are defired to fend in their accounts "for pay¬ ment—and all thofe who are indebted to faid firm are reqiu-lted to fettle their sect's immediately, as after the full day of *#prii next their accounts will be given to D. WttfhburUj Ebq. to be collected. Patrick .Smyth, Allan Taylor, TO LET, & poffciGon given ift May, Trnt valuable (land for bufinefs now oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. Patrick Smith* Kinofton, February, 24th 1S16. 3S To be Let, HE Farm now occupied by John La- A quantirv of O.k (unable for Stave, and fquare T.mb ft within a reafima- b\» distance of the water lea-bng into the Bay of Qulnty For particulars any pel fon or peiLmTwimiug to p-trchafr will okafe to call at tills QS# or at Mr. Jo%h Valber 3 Honfe. r Kinofton, Dec. 9, 18.5, 27tt. f\ X^! » i... XV A s U Liitiijn X . IE fubferiber oJTera for fale to t^re Public, on liberal terms of payment. } %thJanuary, i«tO, THWO hundred Cords of Fire Wood wan- * ted to be delivt-ed during this and the next month. Sealed Tender, will he re¬ vived at the Hofpital, Point Freder.elc on the 20th January, inlL at twelve peine*. H. B. Sureties will be required tor the d-ie performance of the CouVz.St. -,' THOMAS LEWIS, *J Svr?e'jK. OTRAVLD Bvvay trom Mr. B»lgi* )'* h Stable, a Dark Bay HORSE, about /vclve years old, with a fmallwhrtc tpot o hi. Forehead. Whoever will ban? htm to William Evan,, at Kingfton, ih^l be re v,ard.d for their trouble, Kingilon, Jan. 10, 1816. 32" aDVlRTISF.MENT. rH. the following lots of walle Lands. Lois No. 22 in the 8th Con. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Well | 2.; 8th Con. No 8 Eaft § 5th Con. of the towc* fhip of Pittftmrgh. also Lets Nn. 7 in the jthcOncefllon No. 26 in the 6:h eoncefiicri Nos 28, 29, 30, 32 5c 33 j i;; 6th ccn- No. 23 Eait 4 8th con of Pittfbutgii. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two acres in extent, on tiie front oi lot 24 in the townhSip of Kingllon, lyin^ nhd fcituate on the (bore of the Lake. Aiul likewife feveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the iear of the faid lot N■». 24, lying and fcituate on the road 60m rl»e town of Lung lion to the country.—The lots are well adapted from their fituatton f«»r building on them, and for the eftabUm.neut of Gardens in the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to ine fttbfevibeft GEO, OK1LL STUART. King/foil^ Sept. 6, 1815. 14 . *: Pnfe,being the eaft partofV>t m^ t r 11 n in the fecond concr.fTiv>« ot the Wa ft For s ^aie •> 1 N a Whokfale or retail itff* a young rran i Uw'.ofe integrity ana caunb.hty he ran Pf04.ace good vouchers. A hue addrdled !, s'wr.raKllodgeiatthh office will be 3fii»ndei fv " A VALUABLE Farm, with building albO large improvements, thewon, la- vor '.bly fituatrd within 28 ni'.e: of Ki ^g3 ton. Pcrfons dthvous of rnchafing to irt Gnire of the Fruiter. ,1W w* -.^ -J '

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