Kingston Gazette, March 9, 1816, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, Marbh 9, 1816.] : [VOLUME V. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollar s per Annum. Price of advcrtiftng in the Gazette. Six lines and under, ljh firll infertion, and m every fuofequent. § ^ Ten hues and under, 3/4 full mfcrtioa, and l|B every fubfequent. ; Ten lines and upwards, 4//. per line firft Jnfertion, and id. per line every fncceeding •infertion. . Advert'fement« unaccompanied with writ- !cndireaions are mfcrted till forbid, and chared accordingly. 77i£ Ar?'/>^5 Library WILL be open every Monday from tx o'Clock A. M. until L o'Clock, P. U. at the Court Houfe. Subfciiotious for Reading will be receiv¬ ed by the Treafunr, Wm. Mitchell Efq. at thirty {hillings per Year, or ten (hillings per Quarter, payable on fubferihinor, and a dc- polit left with the Treafurer of Five Pounds as a fiiretv a-'atnft the lofs of Bo; ks. Sub- fenberaare to coniVder themfelves iubjeel to the rules of the Library. Perfons having til their poflefiion Books belonging to t\m Library are irquetlcd to teturn them into the Library without delay. CHARLES ANDERSON, Sec\Y. Kioglton, fit Ftb. 1816, 35tf whereas; A NOTE Executed by John Miller and Henry Baker, fome time in the yeaT JK04, was give nto Adam Staaring to ferve W.heuofan Arbitration Bond. Thefe are to cpiutinn any and every perfon againll ta- feng the faid Note in payment, as we are de- tc-rmiwednever to pav tbfi fame. W^ ,' '"lOHN M1LIA-R, HEN K V BAKEIi. " Kingflon, jd F.bua. y, « 8 i 6.____3ft£ Wanted, FOR the fupply of His Majcsty^s Forcei at this Pout, From 14 to 16 000 pounds of good Merchantable 'FRESH BEEF . per Week. Deliveries to commence on the 1 st of May pfxt,andto be continued to the 31st De¬ cember 1816. Propofal* for the above fupply will be re- reived at this Office t.ntil the 1 st April next, on which day perfons haying tendered will bc.OHUfe acquainted with the refult of their Commijfar'iat Offer, »otf « Kingston, 17th Jun. *8l6. Notice. ALL Perfons indebted to the Eftfrte of Doctor Anson Smith, deceafed, arc iwjueft.ed to make immediate payment to Allan Mac Lean Efq. and thofe who have .dcmand$,'are requefted to exhibit the fame for adjuftment. MARTHA SMITH, ..... .... Administratrix. .Kingfton, Feb. 2, 1816.__________35^ For S THE West half of lot number nineteen in the fecond conceffion of the townfhip of Kingfton." Apply to the Printer. . .Kingston. 7uly 10, 18'5- ._______LL. For Sale, YTERYIow for cam, or moil kinds of V Country produce, three elegant wood- en cloeks, warranted to keep good time. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- phuftown or of the fubferiber. C. MERRILL. .Kingfton, ; cth Nov. 1815. 24tf Chair Store. T1HETubfcriber« have removed to the Sign of the White Bear, where they intend to keep on hand a variety of CHAIRS, 'Ofdifferent patterns.—They intend contin¬ uing bufinef* if the public encourage them fufficiently. C. HATCH & Co. Jtjngston, Fcb._8, 1816._________36tf .* MR. MARSHALL, Member or the Royal college of Surgeons, Lom'on, ^as removed from Mr Earl's Houfe to Mr. Patrick Smyth's Stone Houfe, Water Street. receivea an ber the following c by the fubferi- GOODS, to w:t : Cordage of different forts and foes, Spun Yarn ; Ropeing, fewingand Saine Twine ; Houfe and Mar Line ; Canvafs, Sail Needles & Palm Irons ; Ship Sirapers ; Paint and Tar Brumes ; Steering Compares ; ' Blocks and Grunnets ; Spikes, Boat Nails and Oakam. A large aflortment of Iron Hollow Ware. Stone Jats, Jugs, Crocks, and Pitchers ; Children's Toys and Dolls ; Backgammon Boards, and Damane Plays. A general aflortment of DANIEL BROWN, Cntgh Robinfori's Brewery^) "FIT AS ju(l received, and for fale, a large ■* * and very valuable afTortment of Garden Seeds, Of every kind necefTary for the molt ex- r-enfive Gardens. Among them are nine different kinds T _--.?_.. C*~A ~mm*A*» 1~*~ —J _-J r> I « c kidney Bean for Bean* EOR SALE, .TJHM*"^ »'m»mi **■». linn, .inititlll KMIU5 OI .ettice feed, early, late and red Cabbage, 'iilliflower, Savory, Kail, eight kinds of :j----«eans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- , Celery, Carrett, Parfnip, Spin- Two Potash Kettles, Entire of the subscriber in A. IHJLPHUSTCWN, OR Aj THE PR1Nr. ING OFFICE. N .H* GERM an. Amgston^igth August, 181 c, ,,tf# NEW GOODS acre, Parfley, early and late Tiirnio, Ung fATT.Tn Q ~« Prickley Cucumber, Squafh and Melon feed, JVJliNS Cl t I Thyme, Marjoram, red Beet, &c. &c. Rattc m^_____ di- Seamens Slops ; i ■> to wit : Great Coats, Pea Jackets, Blue jackets, and Trowfers J Summer Veils ; Cotton and Flannel Shirts of the belt qualify. ....,. , Lady's, young Lady's and Children a belt leaver Bonnets. Gentlemen's belt Beaver Hats ; ^ With fundry other article,.too tedious to mention. All of which he will fell cheap for calh. Prickley ~..w.......-., «.»,—. «.1VJ » Thyme, Marjoram, red Beet, &c. * A large part of them were imported v re£t from England, and the others were raif- ed in this country, and are all of the befi kinds and firft quality. Kingfton, Feb. 26, 1816. For Sale, By Have just recieved a general ASSORTMENT OF vry Goods G AND ■ MONJEAU & StGERMAIN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Shrub, Gin, Pep¬ permint and Wines. ALSO, An aflortment of followine O D / Good AND Hard Too numerous to mention. Ki'V^tcMi, 29'h Feb. iSj6. 39 r*i ALSO, For S c A large a 55 ' Z ft rtment or 1 Shoes and B Of all kinds with Drv Good ts LOT of land conraining one hundred „ > acre^, fitn^K" in the town Hi ip of Loughborough, being No. 10, in the fif?h Cooci-ffion of faid townfhip. The lot is very y AND As ufual. Groceries; > r - ;................r. - .--— ... .^ hand loo.dy htuated, with 35 acrestof impi ved land, a convenient houfe, and fmall llal &c. The terms of payment will be mr pafvr. App'y to D.1VID HILL. Rlrrfftoa, March 2, 1816. 39tf ro- )le made James Rtcs»Mf<* Sen. Kin*fan SJlOe St K l * Rtt-m. 29th Feb Hi 6.________39^^. ' J J 3 0. II SHIP MAN, having eftablifhcd a Shoe Store, on the coiner three doors weft of Mr. Burniides tavern -ffers at whale fale and retail a large afTortment of Gentlemens and Ladks tfoots and Shoes ; alio a large aflortment of Leal her. iL5, trom one 10 $u aui»«>w«'j^ A~rp' ALSO, quality ever in Upper Canada,—Belt ii«> A few Saddles and Bridles, which will be kev Carpeting, Furniture Paper and Bor- foH v-ry W. RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* and the public, that he has received from Quebec and Montreal, an elegant af- fortmem cf Mirror and drcfiing GLASS- ES, from one to co dollars each, of tbeiitt is_______:~ TT»m»« Canada.— Beft i ur- key Carpeting, rurnuuic » uFw. ________ dei iurr, Ladys work, Card and Cotton box¬ es—Curtin pins and Rings, Bell pulls, Brafs Nails, S: Hat Pins. An affortment of La- dys and Gentlemanu? Beaver Bonnets and Hats,—Boxes of Colours, with Camel* hair Pencils—Crockeiy and Glafs ware, &c. Sec. ' ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gin, Peppermint. Shrub and Irifli Whifkey—all which he will fell low for Cash only. New Commiffion Store, Kingjlon, March 2, 1816. $ 9 * [ rOR 6ALF,, ^ number of Town Lots near the French ■ Church. The terms of payment will ■ ocmadeeafy. H. EARL. Kmgfton, Sept. 23,1815. l6tf. For S Among which are the articles :— Sup^flNE and cominjn B White-and black Cotton &„,Wck,, ' i^°%^raCand Cotton Bandan. aa lianukerchit h ; A variety of Shawls and Vcfl-.iifr8 . Large da malic ailk Shawls ; ' French Cauubrick, for HandkrrchiVfs ; ■ Fine Lmen Cambrick and Kobe P.tern9 ; Black white & changeable col'dLuftnW? 1 will d .^arcenetts ; &» i^lack Mode ; Gentlemen's fine buck, doe-ilcin and bea¬ ver gloves ; Ladies' black, white and fancy colour'd Silk do. L idies' fancy aflforted Kid do. Black, blue, grren & scarlet Bombaze!ts • White fliajliuun silk Velvets and Cut'oa Shirtings ; Fine Irift Linen, Ruffia, Imitation aud Scotc't Shreticgr- • Black and white Jeafts, Dimitien and blavk Crac.e ; Jackonet and Book Muflins, Lcnoce - Ginghams, Ribbons and Laces ; ' Fine plated furr and wcol Hats • Oil'd Hat Covers. • ALSO, Hyfon, Young Hvfon, i TEAS : And Hyfon-okfn J Plup, pigtail and ladle.' twift Tobacco- High proof old Jamaica Spirits ■ Cogniac Brandy, Holland Genela; 5hrub ; Port Wine..» The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mentioned, will be fold at the moR reduced prices for cafh. We tender our thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomersfor paft £avor8, and folic;t continu- ance ot their future patronage. Kingston, 6th August9 1815. 9tf NO TICE A quantity of O.k fukaWe for nnU^l^^^^' ' ' Stave, and fouareT.mber within a r^afona. HT All vl ^ for ^ to tte VUi- J- - * ' rcalJna jAi f^Wic, on liberal terms of payment- the following lota of wafte La.ds ^ . Lots No. 22 f„ the 8th Con,. . rrHE PartnerHrfp , heretofore exifting I between Patrick Smyth & -rfllali Tfylor, under the firm of Patrick Smyt** c7\ this day difUved by ^^c^^ faid firm are reqaeftedI to fetrle V* 1 immediately, as after the firft d y ot y next their accounts will be given Wafhburn, Esq. to be CblWW. Patrick om/i»» Allan Taylor, TO LET, &"^«on given ift • May, ... • That valuable (land for bufincfa no* oc- ,11 j. 1 - , ""*•«-»• www a reaiona- bld.stancc of the water leading into the 'Bay of•Qjun.y Fl)r particu,ars6a ^ nll« ,T "Vtm% l° P"rC,'afe wi!1 P'™fc t» ffiL or at Mr- JolePh Vam«'a Kingfton, Dec. 9, 1815, *f& 1 'TZ?, ',rdr,d Cotds <* *™ Wood wan. ted to be debvered darfng this and the «*rt month. Sealed Tended will be re- the 2oth j:il)uary> ft. n uvc)ve o>cI(ck_ 39 . THOMAS LEWIS. Surgeon. S 3 at copied by the fablcribe^ ^^ Kingfton, February,Jfhilll To be ' 3« ^HE Earn, ^^CJ^J^^ j Prifi, bemgt the\gtfg*** of the berfeventeen "theteco .ownlhip of K.ngfton. Tort ply to *« ***g%ta MARKLAVD. No 9 in the 6th Con; S. Weft j 25 8th Con. - . ?• No 8 Eaft -J 5th Con. of the towi> fljip of Pittfburgh. ■<.».* also Lots No. 7 in the 5th conceffion No. 26 in the 6th conceflion Nos 28; 29, 30, 32 & 33, in 6th con- No. 23 Ealt 4 8th con.of Prttiburgh. ALSO, Several Lots of Land of one and two acres in extent, on the front of lot Number 24 in the townfhip bf Kingfton, lying and fcituate on the (hore of the Lake. And likewite fcvcral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the faid lot Ni. .24, lying and fcituate on the road fiom the town of Kingfton to the country.—The lots are well adapted from their fituation for building on them, and for the eftablifhment of Gardens \i\ the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fnbfcn'ber. GEO. OKI LI. STUART. Kington, Sept. 6, 1 8 1 e. 14 , .. -^v«i«. uay oouotij aoor 'twelve years old, with a fmall white fpot on 'his Forehead. Whoever'will bring him to ^William Evans, at Kingfton, (hall be re- 1 warded for their trouble. Kingfton, Jan. 10, 1816. 3«tt W aUlS a JltvvKAvcvtl, * VALUABLE Farm, with building? JjN a wholesale or retail stv^re, a young man t* also large improvements thereon, a- * for whofe integrity and capability he can, vorably fituated within 28 mile* ot Kingg f produce good vouchers. A. line .addreffe.d ton. Perfons "defirbus of purchafing to m Ho S. W and lodged at this oflk;-- ^vill be quire of the Prnire*.

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