I** f. " Jn,S-rW*«« "Mhout the affiliate of •T.ft v'b\- ruling .h«n to WRnum 13 i-Vrty jar. Btf~»i intfi ccrfy:e:ition XvTth them., e,ave been Co fur extended as to employ a great multitude .of hands. Humanity may in this cafe require that the frved >m of trade lhould he relbucd only by flow gradations, and with agocjd deal of referve and circum- fpc&ion. Were thole high'duties and Bro- h.ihitions taken away all at once, cheaper for¬ eign (roods of the lame kind might he pour¬ ed fo fa<\ into the home-market, a9 to de¬ prive all at once rn.anf of o.ur people of theoir ordinary employment and perhaps of fo rea¬ dy a means of i'ubfiflcnce as they formerly had. There mi^ht, it is true, be fome dis¬ order occafiohed by it •, but it would not be fo ro'nfiderable as i$ generally^ imagined.f- himfejt on the Leu, where he Gepf . quietly lor two hours. According to term'? of the procefs, the Chevalier jQaueby read the fentence to the Marfhal, wjio a Iked for the confolatfon of religion, and exprciTed a dcirrc to be affilled by M. Pierre a relation to the Cardinal of Bcruis, and Curate of St. Snlpice. The es¬ timable rcclefi.dtic haltered to attend him ; ilfoner fek indebted ts him for U» t* tention *'So grateful (fa id he,) i, Bona- purr he told the this morning, that if an opportunity for Heaping offered, J, t- wouM fpt embrace ir, and comproaufe th- c.ha: after of one who had treated him fo honour¬ ably." Admiral Cockburn proved hoy ex¬ cellently he was qualified for the office affiga- JLimahJc rccieu.'itcie naitencoi to aticno mm ; ed him, by replying, " Had he told me fo t' ey patted ihe pfght together..The Maifhal himfelf, 1 would have clapped a couple of ititl retained the fame degree of fortitude fentinels upon him." -'^ ! urv of trade between tates U on- Thus fat;, Mr. Editor, I think, 1 have .met Ihejrfio .) ; :n eac*, other, „ CamUdus" as fairJy as could be exfjeaed. a m~*nr*'<otn in the finance ■Herchant r'o property TheWfe^, nWer, to bttfto cafes in • i n'• V- l^M-r..,- f if the defence ol tf.e fix pence per bufhel cheaper to him than to * "anv other pcrfon. . In tvucof.penland GitVeft, t believe, I have ferved v y errvtry a.faithfehyas rerhaja " CandMu.s" or the proprietors of the fleam- boatha*e. To them I owe notl.'n'j, ind bom tlu.v. I hHr^asl^iletoerprcj, or eventofear, »* C?.ndidus.".rnay iikely nod, tlvt lam n«t in " ;tf^ clcl.hei;in the (Ion of the li-n^-" hutthfl Q^.o't ofCaiii tli?; Cenfor, diftufb- Irtry hi« itm iii,';^'-' dreams with the mou-mul found,—Carthago ifc&tiditMi y K.'ncrflon, 15th Ivb. lfvi6. ♦ //M,' Re'vnxPi East rtrJ' H'lest Ir.iUcZ- f Smith's Wealth of Naiio-.s. Mr. Editor, In von. m paper T perceived a .letter From a tmvnfman containing the higheft approha- tion of the y/mareur ThearricaU, and I {jn- c<-^]v v:0i evcrV one may f e3 the iamc {entime^as myfelf, i» milihvx that the of. ncersand jrentlemen w)\o ha*c fo k-udjy cone foiv.-ud for ihc fake ofgrairifyuijr the imbKo m«v meet arith the nxft .Triple fticceh t and reliffnati.OfJjt'c) his fate, which ha3 actua¬ ted him throughout the whole of the J)ro- ccedin^s. t ,. ^ f . At 9 o'clock yeflerday morning, the Mar- (hal was informed all was re.ady for the. exe¬ cution iff lilts lenience : — he put on a blue coat and roi'hd hat, and entered a hackney couch, brought for him from St. Michael 1 the cu':-;te of Snlr4:ce occupied the back feat of ihe eor.ch with him, firm officers of the Gfuuarmerie v/erein front 5 a great nxm- ber of veteran*, mp1 grenadiers and genda^a mes, nccompanied .the ecrernony, ft'hiehcrof- f?d the garden.of the palace, and lei't it by the iron p2te,pnr.thr fide of ihe Dijfervaforie'; on arriving at this pite, the ceremony turned to the left and flopped at about fifty pacea further, Under the w&llsoF the avenue of :hc OhfervatonV. , ' • The Marjh.il defcen-kd Trom .the coacti, > 1 advanced a quick pace about eight pjcea from the vrzVL, and al;ced the officer at hi-t f.-le if that was the place .chofen Ji-r his ex- ecutioTi ; on recciymg an a^ftfwer in the rf- firmative, trie Marinal turned arj fronted the veter ita who were to lire upon him ; he took ofI'i:ish'it wtth his leTi hand, put his right innd on his heart, ar.c saivi to the foldiersj *' My comrades tire it rr*e,,i*—at that mo- er :ftavc the f^i^l with hia London, Dec. 4.—A merchant vetfel has reached the Downs with inHhVence fror; Cadiz, of the date of the lath alt. .".The Aurora h?.'d entered that port from Lirna» and had brought 3,000,000 dollars. Auo- ther fliip, with A j'ike fupply of fpec:er was fially creeled from the fame quarter.' »:: - . * Quebec, Januar ALARMING FIRE. Again have v.-c to record 3 cJamity by tilt* of a fen'ons and . alarmi^ nature. I' broke (^t between one aid two o'clock', A. rt. by trie beft information &e have be<m 0- bJe to prftcurti, in a room cf the Anuour--, nfed aara gun-fmith's fhop, where there fey * forge, laying in aflies, n.jt only the far grta%,' ter part of the 2TT3, confi/l-n^ of muny" thonfand*, and the v.hob,- of the armoury that was cambuftib!:, but the whole range of e£fiiy eflimated ., hut the amount h eertaiu- iv great.—The en^inei, from the" feveri.--/ of the weather, Being choaked with?ice weic of little ufei ment the ofixr fivotd, and the M?!rfiial fell under ihcir Hrc w <ho;it moviTif-. THe hodv was plated on a l;tt-*r, and remained er.pofod to tht- public swrw Fir a qi-arfcir tl an h^ur« Thr^r balls enferell h\n head. THe v<*»>erah!t Ecclcfias- made it ufei The v.^njows having bar^ very tr^'ous bu.-nefj to get out fi tl rmal tax H.o,^ be .ir-pof?-! upon We i'- ^ ^vv rW| ^;th the h8l.ft a,,,], li;ccth produce of tie f^ti^ *-^ X T U reward'their Ja^aWe ^rtions- Aitjp Cive the r-onHDlVoi the r.orr.'. rn-^:et to o- - ^ , ^.^ ft ^ expeclcvl that any parr(,t what WOtlM l&WftyiV P^ .« I) It t:-.u, the fanie footing *« hf re it \MheU:aretwo cafes in wh.ch it ^«1 ^iK.nV k,-u.V.......M.....WNl-V.^....."^i" ^..nfor'-.Vn.rortheeueoura-ctrH-nt erf <Jo- m««,V tn;!««ty ; f.. there are two «*?*•/*»■ wTiTch :*t div urmt-tifnes E?t amStts't ol aezm- rr.ui^: ; :'• i*i„j o::e, how far i{ ir. prnpet to c:> 'it'.:1:' the free importation ofcertain goo&ij and m :!»■• tJther, how far, or in what m.outer, it may lv prone* to restore tha; aftetit hits fcecii for foiretrmc intcrruprcd. j he c5^ in v>b;<.*h ji mav foii^fttnH hs ft . * • fitter ^t driiheratiV-n haw far it n pfr>pef to C4>nt!nue th? r.;«w ifnportntlon of crrfjin gnnds, ::. when ! >me foreign 1 at! >n refiilKng thehbetallup »licsof morcy oieh BJgnt of ncrformiHTce pfodnces, will en ibie them to Imo^ve m«ta.v prefent dti".a*. Whenever Mtcn'danfa m4 rroAiierf np-vn th- fUge4 tn w perhapsrfl be abk to'havfea better let ol meithan thole who have generally ajiwar- c.< it i^cllkiio^W^lth'^^vu'tori. bd to Amafeur Pe lurmeH, th:-t the ff«m- t'c:n.-i." will no* r?kr th*jt«*r |*m* and rhcr,-iore it WOnld he, wrll.o, h-^e a few men oe^rror-lln; ?W<^tW;w»M, Id the Tfagen7 iii-i w**Vakly perhu'oe'l., the ac- teivdanta unnH Li>rtl R.m,**i!f,h ?,nrj fholr * * • • * 1 { g>m&Sg the priG.virer, almolt ehWcd it deeo I rn^c.iy m'iiii hb. riuii'.. a number of arms. Tan wu'I ac-ount fi io matiy having been de :roycd and renderrd ;ifelefs. . The range 6f buildings confumerf was covered with ftuqct iron; but the iir> worked its way v/ith.'-'-. .The heat oY U:: ,- y , , , , , ,1 rA rri^i- if> firervasfo ir.tcnfe thyt lomc-f thearms v.^re tic who nauattended the Marinal at Ins laic • r.r « 1 u i(})ion. rnvvients, rdn liiiecl dnr^r 'the cxcoiKi ??i iic.ir thrco;?ch, playing wjih fervor* There we^e very few people prcU-ntt on ?ccount of it* btmfr iuppolV-1 thit ihe execution wotild have t*ircn plftGt in the Plain rf 0»ef.tllea where ?. urer.: muliicuJe had aficnbl<ra- ^ H ;f Excellency trip y/c!.T)fu. Iratcr in Pwfi«« W focie hoors on the fpol anl lu'mnldted the exertions of all prcfeiit; tho' with little efR&. / •* I*-urfae*+ptirttfmars prelim to if.*? execution vj the Se^ttet upon Martial A7/r At f ^ur o'clock he wa^ in a foiiri-J iieep. fr.j'r whi* fi he was aroufed bv the arrival of h;s ".vif(* jind ciiJcrf.M), w;th Madame Can- For aalc, <::i his filter . 'la vv Madame Nf. ori eater- ')? \)^ f'a-rher (. f >er h•?!:. :-,d, fe'l fenfe* inrr the c'.'imner of her hrjloind, re'i icn.i- 'tin rryardr;, to">k her up, and afterja iotig t-.m-- remaining in that Rate, fhe began to rec';ver , +-\-:-m* a,nd a hs I'ir-.ve-'c i M-H-iame Cara- <i'i tell r:t \\\t y. •r.'fj:il,.s f.ft fa a firftfLrr ftate to l-t'r fj>er. Tiie ehi.'Hren (iood fijent but AF//RM, cor.ta.'ninr r-,e ljund; fd acres of land, fixty of •••vr.chare iu,d . im- provement ; a framed b uifeand bat». gnd ?n orchard of 200 apple t^ee| ;—22 hi. iVefs of Wheat imVm thejrroucrf. Saidfarm lap on-tt';.i..L te ■/1r«'.". "frfc, -v v,^ m !•.: and a half from golfuwcll Bri«%e.-A Enqtilre of thvfuhfcriber (»n the prc?ni?:-3. - F'.-" . *4, i3i6. 37w3 One irjranccin the lalk ff-rfoTRiancG did l'^|t'r. fi>er. Therhitoren flood iilent but ;>t rc-fjcfi much crcdi: r;potJ th« jude'^eitt (-"^ry » fr,,e Cid.-O ih aoonr n or ij: years f lomc of the afMrenc**, m louder ripDlanfe '^J'jf- The Marina! Qjo&e f u- a lonrr t.'aje 01 tome of fhe a-":<in.nce.. as fonder applanfe, w-?< heard f. im parrrof 1 he H»»ufe ac .the a!<!'.iru hufoonry v.\ one. nf thele aitend- m r< .thvi w^ grjwcfetq th:. cr.a'i.-ly ferioug or aduiirably comic e:i.>rrs Ci fome of the &eft perforrncr?, . Whdll offering jhefc opir:l~rf« Cnr tftihllc with l\< wife a'<d fimoy took a tender by high duties or prohibitions llie impoita- Whilft oftertng theft opirj^rf* f:ir pnb?..'c tion of fome or* our manufactures into their pem'4 \*\ n»<* he underdo ;d, Mr. Enftpr, coantrr. Revenge in this natuf^lv dictates :K "".'>' er-^raforing to point out thofe im* cjotratry. Revenge iti this natul*jiiy di'-'bne^ fetaliatim, and that we fhpuld "iuipofe the like dntie«! and prohibitions upon the im nor- tarion of fjme or all of their mnaufaclnres into awn .Nations accotdinjlv fVtldotn fail to retalkfe ?n th»s manner. There may l)e good policy in rrtaikUflns of this kind, when there is a probability rl.#t they will prncr.rc the rep^il oi'tu.- high du¬ ties or prohibitions cdmplnfned of. The re¬ covery of a grent fore.om market wi'l ocnrr- anymore than rompenfatc the trc%fit*r? in- canver.ieace of paying dearfr for a fc in time for fome forl* of gntfch V/he:i the* e is no probahilhy that any fetch .rtpeal ,can be pro- tyrcdi it feems a liad method of ompeuf;- tmg the injury done to cma.V dalles of our people, to Jo another injur,- . ijrie'ves, not only to thofe clafTe*, bur to almoft all the Wnerdzncs of men. .When r.nr neighbor.! Fombrt fome manufacViire of oi-.W, v.-c rcner- allypfohibit, not onl> the fame, Sir lhr.{;alane* *'ou!d feldom afle.a them c6r,fiuer&hTy, but »ome other manufaclurt or theirs. pro. imeni:. that perhaps can be made^and not pretending to impute the charge of neg¬ ligence to thole whofc duty it was to &r- rangf them, as the interval t£ rime fmce the or.*niiiir of the Theatre hz* not been fuIH- eirotly long to remedy ail thole defect* yvfiich i truft vrill evertunlly be removed. A&ijTICEE, I'TiVii gfthetn-, a,H M^dnmeNey was earri- ' :(i ?.'.*• ay in a feni.-iefs t'r->fr. Shortly after- w,!r,]«!. k veteran who had ferve*d under the j\hifr.il mny cami.aJiT,5,?i and who vras one of h\ Erinrds—u.-.I •'• f rev -t rspr&cd deatfei &ffnih d, withfitjt thinkiugof God."—The Mar.lial ("topped, looked at the man with atTTiiVn, and aufwert-d 5—»« iO,u arc ri./h., it'n 1 lor my Confefror."- ^V'hen all wm r r-adr. 'he wonld not '-qu-r tm coach befor .theCurate, fa\fnff~>*' iVfourt firlL M. le Cure, as I c...n go up quiclvvr than you." NEW.GOODS. . ^^11 E"f Vich'Vr has just recrivrd an^ J novv r^e-sfor fate, an e&tetifivv awl •*:'il chofen affortment nf Dry Go'ods .i ^rocenes. and Hardw U!Co ^ZoC? e A well chofen Afibftmcni of . MEDICINE. 1 j£jiiraBi <i *riittn c.v board the Njrihxmhert&id* 4i O . . FlRE On the TTth instant. !:-twccn th.? lioura of nine and fn in the aftinioon, the dwrt- lir-g houfcof David Ahnr.c:ryv £nJ>opiiia^ burgh, took ftre and burnt down to the ground with'all its concents. .....St. 7-Ifltva, Och 19. 1815. " We arrived here on the 1 6ti., after a ve- yrv-lonrr and very fatiguing palTagr, rnd v.c jjanrled Nr.pcleon on the 18th,—He j now r. t..c country, at the houfcof a icentleman rnamed Eateome, nnail L-;igT.ood be made -ready -"ci h rn. Tft./5e who have followed }.:..-.?. .'•: wc'::ied. <.:.i, 1 believe, £ncerelv The wiio!e of which .,*tii be fclu zt the lowest prices fcrcaih or country produce. EwD. f. HENDERSON1.' Kington, /', January 1.8 »6. . 3«j. Advertiferrient. • I »' T • An Krmrefs palled tl rough tnn town y,'lerdn} frtr York, bearing defpatchen fo H?s r.yecllency the Lieu tenant Governor, from England. /tpcr,tof havinc r'--oTpar!ied T.i.n. r.I.;i- / (^REIGN INTEL L JGENC t. Tlrii may gement to fome par- no feU t;;ve encoiira......... J'ciOardaliof workman among o.:ricIvei, h • • «r welarfwg f„me of their ,iva|3, nra-, ena- 2 nen"»':■>•& tWir rriee in tfe ho^.-- S M h"f- ««*««»> f'»v.cver, who Z?\ • "ur ^'Bi^ne* prohibitiort. will the', aTU2 hy °"rs" °" th' cOUti,^ lilC r-i« "_ t • « ?-./ r e?^ m traich ir u^y lomet;'fi*s be a na!ll,.° ','.^rat,un.h,,. far, or o, u hat December e.—The follo^feg arc the principal details ftnSfeqnc'nc to the judgment cf Martha] Ner. We ciech.ic oifcr-n*- eomnlTit". and merelv ftste fawa* r * *' *l The M:uih;ii on ef.reiir.^ \m Ch^mbef, p. t the time, i fc co'i 1 r t wa s d e 11 be rn tin o- <*$i h i j reritoBGe^ Jfp'pearffd v.:^hiy ftfiiniHie^. *Ttd fupported by the ftrr»\jjrjt rcfbhif'ton. He embraced hia counsel t NC Berry.er) who laid t.' the MaHhaK " irou would have it fo"— *• \»\l! my dear friend*' ?.n['v?ercJA the fwar-. ftiil —"It i\tin:fhed, we fhall fee each orher it another world." He th^R alked to ehne, and ate with a great appetite ; he noticed a fmall knife Ivims on the table, which, on finding it attracted attention, and caufed un- ea'oiels to toe perforMi appointed to guard hi'■••. .- do you think, fafdhe,on looking at that i fear de'th, and i'lflantly threw t^ TOI/L. ?'. from the fubfciiber on the 30th l3 of September laflva dark bay Mare, Jr.-- ye^r,s old laac fj)ri.ig. . She is.a nr.tural trotter, dhout 1 >prteen.anda half hands high \\iih a heavy mr.j?c and fail znd a. fear an p.'.-r.! ■ berM-and, --';:o .pea::s E'lgh'-.:* very w^. the-right fide of her breast, perceivable by J, bit) me to c;.v u*i the i ..and was abfolute- ""'^ng'.th? H^r upwards, two curls on l^r W/-& rlc/Jir?, af,c:---!.V:ho!ace of the deoi- ^ rehea^ and a wh;re fpot on her wixhers- " " "■* "■- • '1 ,.e thief is one ]ame« Cluitrerfon, lately of tins place ; he is rbotit .twenty .two vear« oi agetofa ilciicler rnskc, a fwarttiy.cnwplejt- foa da; k eyes and hair, £m<I a rlowncaft look-. Wis ^ • r wi'l retu n Cud rrnreor fectire tht* ill Iti ir.-any \nu itj t 1m-. u ovince To that he may be brought to juftice fhall have all r>s- (bnable charges paid and receive the thanks of the fuhfa iber. . SEBASTIAN llOGLE. li,riie.; .)wn< Jan. .lothj t'8i6- jc-, Europe. {- order SoH " Hte ler children. J*idined font times ,v*M Lon,.; nrte, o- 1 .;7?,rc the NorthurroVrk-.ne , be fpoke a b"t- t)^e at the table, and in.ger.erai uejdrefied hit or-".n^:i..t. .r. to 'he AcTrr. t?..". lie look li%- v.«* ■ t]c.. exerc tfe, and d". u"T 'V djy i'e walked' on'ilv lor abo'Jttvvo (lOiirs ak'irr .ii'ine*". O^n- rr. -"in Pert rand 5£ L"s Cahasare his jjrs ited fa- t rnf«ir he confrrrHVJ raKi}* vrithany ot!uerr«. f-jir p.ay«*x3 'it cards e^erv pvenJng ? and in .. ■ at ;fr:u:on r.t rhel?. R* went to bcclcnr- \v atidr^lc very J-^rc* He was. :n mpfleral jc ^ • fpir»ted ; and f*4ic : he baa arrived Ucre, jils I fpirits ar« r' )t better. tf* Tllf iiUiul r» very flridJ'r grnsirdrf1 ; t>iPrrr* "c 6-goais irrtween all the poftn of tltp j limine! anu^the velTels ; guard boats nn»l bn'ga i. *: T-or Sale ^ arr ^^niji^/Vti - " Hrieri [;:(.-r -u. thcat* that J fear dt*th,and nitlanU} '^^^i-^biir^w ' r^--'^ l" ?I <!';:^- t're knife far fivm h;ro. Afjer d,n ' ' ,v : r* '« • 'i-f • r.; 1 -i. Or/».;-f : 1 front attf1! ffrag ner the rra^infr aroirn^ ic : fo that nnjefs !»** Hv, it is i?r.po57ih!e he flionld efrnae. 14f> pCrf!->n is oermitted to be ahfent • from thin ' tr 1 after funfet. and every vellM is ready /ihp hrr ..-able at ihe fjrft fli*nal ". I v/ I 1 J phinaij Bonapafte'.a voyage *<> iif- Ucfe* on fOcrrnl Berfraru] took an rtpportiujjt.v Y >hr f;hforibcr;i Blifcldmith'^A^/ii ar.ii ;"/,6V.') f»i which produce will be pted of iu pavment at the market i rice* ELIJAH BE./CH. r.nrfli !i, Jan. 2|, 1S16. 34;^- Wants a lit 11 at 1 on, TN a whol/f ih: or retail store, a vot: \g man for whole integrity and caj ah lity he cm produce" jjood von*.hers. A line ad':.o-i^d to S. \v\im! Kx*cvd«t ::.'> ofoc rill U-