Kingston Gazette, January 6, 1816, p. 4

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M Hcnd Has J r j «-» i Reqbive&i . . a }\D new opening at his ■■■ 2 Ulii'^, a A general ar.d well thofn *<rbrtment of " DRY GOOD?*, CROCKS IKS, TJQDORS and HARDWARE. ALSO, A General Afforttner*? oi- The ful>fcrioer rcfpeftfnliy informs nfaf5 . friends aL'3 the public, that Ke'ha* entered in-* . SM1XH to co-T>3r:*i.-,'h':n with Mr. Georo-e VI. TVrx* rv. • A 3 H lOT, ",arr "o 1 flip ' *■* «? • 1 Camphor ; | $&** ; Opium ; Ah ]'fs. Pep. Mint; fi'hcGPm's Itch Ointment ; Cheats V/orfh f.v*'n?rs ; Coir: PWs ; J jet* Pills, rfmlerfori:s Pith J __....... Bvaperi Pitts* tfr. Thewhole r.r«.vhich he will *ell low for ca!h Anv orders i'rotn the ues ; Flor Sulphur ; Clauher Salts ; British Oil; Tur!ingttirSs Bf'h. F.fs. Muslard; QpodMje ; frr>dfr>y': Cordial; **j jr country prxiuce. country, will be pvh&qaTiy avt-nded to, and rt}ank<'wiUbe returned for their cjlotn. KhgstetH An«m 28, .3i;- !a FOR SALE, ATtn'mhe: of Town Lots neat '.be French Church. The t^rms of payment ^ will he made eafy. H-. EARL. ^ngft^Sept.^, iSt^. _____l.6tf, BROKE into whe Mfeadcnv of the i'ubferiber on the 29th <.* October, iSi r, a Day Mare, The owner ?* re?i'ne*ted to come forward without delay, and prove bis proper¬ ty, pay for >he keeping of the Waift, ami take her away. J. Frrctiklinr* Pittfljtrg, Dec. §3| l9t{« 2 9 L -a ft Notice, * -HE fiiHcrtbef inform* all that have ar~ * demands again It the eftate of the hue jHLazleton Spencer Rfa. to pnicnf thefh dri¬ ly authenticated to him on ot before th«i ]Oih day of November, xfl: •, and no longer. AlfoaU fkofe indebted to the faid efca'r to Rlfcjre immediate fet dement, of they will be put in the hands uf an attorney1 fbf coU i^llor.i /j(!mir.';s<'\it),', 2 It f. Rin^fioh, fjlfc Nov. jftij Notice- THE fuhicribct be^r.a lea^e Co return h?* moil Tincere thanks to bis fliends and ^ub'i'* in general for the'r liberal fuppor% Acquaints them he baa no .~cnr.c*iVi v. ';h v.- Hj pc.rfon in bufuirf. ; thole to wh-jm be :i •ndebtd arcreqntlted to f-V'n tb.etf ac- counro, and thole who are ir.debted to Iwm fettdtftretito make immediate payment. No Pcifon is r.nthorifcd by me to rec«.;ve any accounts due to th^pr:- r concern. JOHN YOUNG. N. B. A r.y perfon having good merchan¬ table Beef ti> ciiipole »F, will find market by applyino to fhe ftcrc cf McfTrs. Richard v^mith and Son. For Sale, VrERYloTT for rafh, nr mod kind* of" Coiintry produce, three elegant wood* en cl< eks, n-arranred to keep ffood time. Enquire cf Mr. Peter Van Skircr in Adol- pfeuftown or ct the fubferibcr. C. MERRILL. Kingfton, 15th !\ov. 1815. 2Jrtf WANTED, QlTANTITY of go^d K*e GEESE FEATHERS* for wbirh a generous price will be given. Enquire at this ojfuc* K"in\gtton, Augttst 22, 181 e. it The luhfcriber has for fale, 2000 Pairs' Worked Hole. "WtM adapted for the army or navy • and a quantity of ready made gentlemen's and lads Great Coats, Lady's Bonnet?, and a tew pairs rantmcons and Vcfts, and a Small affort men t of Dry Goods^ And expefts a large alios tment of Goods from Montretil every dav. JOHN DXTNCAN. Kingtton, Dec cm her 3 o, 1815. 3 01 f Wanted, TWO tit three Journeymen Tailors, who will find fleady employment by applying to JOHN DAWSON, Tailor. P'ngficn, Dec. 15, 1$ 15. - 8 tf fnefit a continuance of l^ictr favours. As i* - s t!^.e iubf-'-ibe'r'o w'lli, to clofc bis in rnerr bufmcf« as foo'n sh pollibb;, he will tb.-.n" thole wtio are indebted to cill end arrai'--r • "heir rcfpe£iive accounts. H. C. THOMGOr:. Bea\ Hata ; M er, Caflon P en a. li — ,, ~,^,:,c,n, ^renticmcn'- ^aor R3r,m an(1 K out-s.and Boy's Wool .. . Wool I and Cliildrcn'j onnets ^o Hats. JUbWi-fe, iwfit, 'Crnin^lS^ f~« ^ P as they can be purchafed at paid foi AND ^ALIi. \J N reafonabJe terms, Lei 7^;. 2l, in the kih Confession-. -Nfe. 23^ fe &&£ 6/4 Concession, -alb ascten Montreal. • % fcrtr. J,^ life.-2 •hole 1 The vhole befog in the TownHiip of J.ansr. down, in the district of Johnftown. • For particlurs enquire at t'Isc f»^ ALLAN MCLEAN, Efc Kingston, August 28, 1015. Tice oC< r"p**S fu'orsr&wrefpeafullj.^fQm, |:- At the ola Br • 1 s t -/^; j By ewery of /:• t *» CpminiM Fo '■SPI". r Sale S3 ^bo^, j gtf^ ^ titv 02 W C4 ted ©/ oncard STRONG B fc*, 1.1 p --« T made at this ofTtce. /C;^ HQ», JuJy 2 ^, 1 % t J. P. t f 'HE subscribers will do Co^inuflioiij BuGnefa, and itore and forward GOODS on the mofi realbnable terms under the iirmn of SMITH Sc COOK. - GYRUS .SMITH. THOMAS COOK. K>gs!or.) Z?th shgusty 1815. Vp ch doiton the River fii!;^; ^"T '!enm'is ^50i«iJt3ii- con- o. aoI,,R,Ja,(lcon,ml(lk„.Lvcal!in-r „ ,K„ '£^i^%'/.t8,|; ^i^K,. o L ne,-coIn,nif,;„„(lore. """Li'Ca'linSat *h ICjURfton, Dec tjo, |8.1 ?. ri Keward. ^ M«r?«a Pocket-Book, «<5 No ' .. ,nf— 170R falc, thr « ce. *r VIST received and for sale alt *■ b,ar^'- r°r ttrn» ="""' f nn the PiuNriK'i Office, Kir.gtf- vho lias j bof»lcs. n jooksofthe jiivenHe Lti apply to the Printtr, ms pv./Tefilon, a eatalogne of the 31 Redpia Crovvil V.rrar;i<;; Paper, 31 ditto C^p ditto I ditto Writing Pod NTo. it P^fhm II dim ditro No. 2, ') riinov ditto uncut. _ 7-f:' ! ••__________________ For Sale r*t thi:: ■ 'flic'4, \ D'iscdutfe tlelivered at Brwfcv.illc, Lli- ▼abtihtt'wn, April 27, ! ?•< 1 5, beinjr :* dny appointed for a general thanksgiving in Up¬ per Canada ; for putting an end to the War iu which we were engaged again ft the Ubt- ted Sate nf America, True Piety, a (burcti of individual h.ipp!- nefs and national profpe'tiry. By William Smart, Miniilcr of the Gofpe). 0 Unfair^ trnJl the Lord. Thy foes hi vuih Aitemflt thy ru't'i, and of'/'ofc his reign. King ftnn, 2Sdi.D«%emn er, t R t e ?a E the Storr door of Mr. C. Finger R *&t*ifAoiA C.A ?i?ir. Opposn sniped1 n theinlde [S,] Whoever rnav rerpcafully inform their friends and thep,4 nd it and will return it to the Piiittcr <hall \\c ,'n general, that they have brought from '. » u......-r,- t,**-',r,\fi\. " Europe, an elegant atfor'.meu't of fnicj Wa/Uf & Patrick McCuHijfft%" McCunmeeb C ll; " • , 1 be-haiidfomeiy retr^rdea. Koi'Tst<..r>, 20th Dec. Icf.5 JVajt^m ALSO, rHf CHURCH CATECHISM. * - Wttiier Kofs & Francis lhfel!-, Tj ESPECtrULLY aeqtiaml tb..'r X\_ iViends and the public in general, that tha|* ha'-; commenced Public Houle Keep- fog, S-talling for Horfea, and Lodging for Gentlemen, with f»ood accohimodatton^. una sai.v;. A feSi Barrels vf excellent Prime Pork. Ehcttiircat Mr Badgley'3 Tavern, A imston December i$, 1815. NOTICE* * THE fubfcribers take this ihcthod to inform thcJr fVlends and late culW".-.1; that all neennnr, and no,eS Ah the COWP«J ot 7/„r/> C5- ft™^.,', the ten.U day ot Ub- ,-uary n'xr, wdl be left in the hand, of an . - ton.vfovcolledion T^retorealpcn. _ indebted to the laid thorp 0 *«*«**! , » dtfitcd and n.ake unmed.ate payment TyT G00D5 * >v adapted to every fcafon, together with 4 great quantity of Groceries and Liquors of every deferiptiou, which they will felling for Caih. The goods hav?rg been fclcCt?1 by themlcU'CS, a:e well worthy the atten¬ tion of town and country Traders, bat pi too extenfive to foiYrt in an advertilen^ftti Fotehafers are requcfted to judge for thl& fclves, by calling at Mr. CaiTaday'? dune feotifr, lately occupied by Mofes Cavnahau, a3 3n inn. . Klwto-, Hb Dccenber, x3te. 1*1 CA R D - I Kingston, 2^d Dec, tKi 2- * j t f. rl 'HE iubfcribei informs the people of * Kingston that he has commenced the Boot and Siwemaking Busiru Over the (lore of Geo. H. MacLean j \vhere he propofes feeping conflantly on baud Gentlemens Back (trapped military Boots, Long fuartoW do i do do Wellington, do Gentlemen's fine wat'd Calf Shoes, Morocco drets pumpi and (hoes for gen¬ tlemen. Ancle Boots tmA talking (hoe3 trimmed in the neat eft manner. Miilcsand childrens (lioes. He pledge* himfelf to thofc v.-ho are plcafed to favor him with their cullom, that y?MEiuto.>"enclornreofthefubtu- bcrabm* five «-e,k* ago, a Coxv, an a vcatllng Bull and Heifer. The owner or „«-ner8a.ererl..etted to prove property, P*3 Eintrfton, Dec. 27, :;:;raUcaU3in his lineal be immedmeh; attended to. 1815. FANCY GOODS mM^a-^r rale, (bcM^.^'- fi,;tLe.totdn,,si;nrned^hl.nfelf)^ following patent rncd.en.ev v... Briiilh O.U - : ^ndcvfiin's pi1.!'. Godfrey's Cordial, r Hnx Cheltenham Salti., RIBBONS, ■^ • Eio^'d for fale m this place, Wh,,- Deer, I*: rfij- ____ th: Opodeldoc^ Paregoric, Cinnamon, Gintrer, Nntn^eg"^ Tamaranc^, ;; . Li(luo, ice Ko-.t. Etrence of Bergarn^ , Po of Peppermint, . TV* of Role!*, Jefuits Drope, . ' -------:—.^'w a IT B0ND&> a1^ property ai The owner is requeued to prove property, JSLAN^ B/\L„ ^ A ,;e nay charges, and take him away, SllKRlF* 9 ^'\.<,\Vr^ **•* Thomas Graham. ] 'or sale at this Office* Kingtton, 15th Dec. xS 1 5. *8wj »i 1 *OT» ***" *9'»J

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