Kingston Gazette, October 17, 1815, p. 4

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E- . Henderson, Has Just Received, ND row opening at his STORE, a general and we'll chofen afibrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS ar.d HARDWARE. ALSO, A General Afibrtment of Drugs and Medicines Amonjrfl: which are : Camphor j Opium ; Aloes ; • Gh\ Flor. Sulphur ; Glauber Salts ; British Oil; Tut!ino-fan's Ba!s. Eft. Mustard; Opodeldoc ; Godfrey's Cordial: The whole of which he will sell low for eafh or country produce. Any orders from the country, will be punctually attended to, and thank* will be returned for their cufiom. Kingston, /Insist 28, 1815;. 12 oves ; Efs. Pep. Mint i Wheat on s Itch Oinlnmnt ; Cheng's V/crm o Lozenges ; Coifs PUls ; L^s Pills* Anderfan's Pills ; Hoopers Pills £*JV. f WHEREAS BENJAMIN CLAPP, of Adolphns. ) town, did, on the 28th of June la it. ie- ilnuate in a certain advertisement pubiifhed -n the Kingfton Gazette, refpeciing a STRAY MARE, that I deemed it of too little confequence to inform the owner where Cue might be found : J think it my duly 10 inform thofe who are inclined to credit the malicious afferf'ens of B. Clapp, of a few of the circuraftances attending the above tranfaaion. I can prove ro the fat; faction of any perfon deiir- ing it, that the following notice was poiicd tip in the moil public places, in three diiFer- ent townfbips, viz. Adolphultown, Freder- ick&hurgh and Erneft Town, for at leaft thr-e weeks previous to the advertising of the Mare by B. Clapp "BROKE Into the Pasture of the scriber,or: the 25th of May, a likely Bay MARE, Any Sub- SIC, per- 1 son by proving property and pay¬ ing charges., ran take her. KILLET CA>£}V The above Marc was at my houfe o i Fri¬ day, the 23d of I'.ne, towards night; but miffing her on that night, 2nd hearing by chance th'.t flic was in the pofkffi»»n of B. Clapp. I feat him "he following note in or- d v to obtain her. I was credibly informed that B. Clapp was feen riding faid Mare on Saturday Bfnniiug,1 and in the afternoon lent her to £•■ ft-veral mile* " Bfnjamin Clapp, « I hear that there h a BAY MARE at your place, tha- broke out of my-pafture ; if i' ii the one, flic b >y 1 fend will know her. She and two others broke into my enclosure • on 01 about the 25'h of The other two, the owner* have got. The Mare 1 have aivern'fed, therefore, I am holden for iier. and I will thanl: you to let the boy have her ; nnd thr fi?ft time I fee you, I will pay yc ■ '■ demands for pafti're. You will bluTi me in ft.ndi.iof her. " From yours r<- ic-rve, WIELET CASEY. Adolphuftown, 271b Tune, 18 re." B. Clapp, refusing to comply with the recite ft contained in the above note, I ira- mediaietv Went nayfitlf, and took h r away. I think it proper* r. ttate «hat I had about 1 me months previous to her bicaking in o my rnc'ofure, agrfMfor faid Mare and hfr ma e, fr>r two Biwated dollars. How- eve* the njarhtffll owner has got her, and I rea'K hop< the difturbed mind of B, Clapp, concerning her, is now at eafe. WILLET CASEY. jtfklphjjfawri* j'-zon'-- 28,1815. ia JUST RECEIVED, Akd for Sale at ^his WEBSTKR'S Office, SPELLING BOOKS MURRAl's GRJMMJR, iiNU A CHEAT VARIETY OF BiJOKS FOR CHILDREN. • FOR SALE, *_/ N reasonable term?, Lot No. 22, in the $tb Concession, l\o. 23, in the 6th Concession, AND - Lot No* 20, in the ilih Concession. The whole being? in the Towhlhip of Lan3- down. in the di&nict of johntlown. ALSO, Ttncn Lot No. c%2, in the Town of Kingston* For particfam enquire at the office of ALL/IN MCLEAN, jkfo K'ngsion, AugUSt 28,1815. 13 FOR SALE, A number of JWn Lots near the French Church. The term* of paymt nt u ,11 be made caiy. Kingfton,Sept. 23. 1815. H.EARL lOtf. WANTED^ QUANTITY of good live GEESE FEATHERS, for which a ge< erous price will be given. Enquire at this office, Kingston> August 22, 1815. II Smith & Cook, Have Just Received, ND now offer for sale, at their Store at. the house of Thomas Cool, an ex- teniive afToitment of GOODS of every defcription generally in demand ; among which are : Superfine, fine and Common Broad Cloths Caffimeres, Wellington Cord, Silk?, 1 Silk, Silk & Cotton & Cotton Shawls, b aik & Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Umbrellas, Urns' heft Boefekm Gloves, Beaver, lined with Lambs Wool and common do. Bombazetts, Bed Ticking, black arfti White Cambrics White Cotton Muflin, Cap Patterns, Black Velvets, Ready made Super fine Coats, Wellington Cord and Na^ke.-n pat'fa¬ lcons and Veils. toitn a g<ei;t variety of Fancy €**&&$*$ ) numerous to infer! in an advettifement- ALSO, Glass Ware, Crockery, Hardware—and Groceries. Aid in daily expectation of an extenlwe collection of BOOKS, adapted to thetaft* of every defcription of readers. TogetP*' With Stationary and School Books. Evety attention will be paid to thofe Mfho may favor them with a call ; and v.s they <irc determined to open no accounts, their gol?"S will be diioofed of at «eiy reduced pricesj too 'Kingston* August 28, 181$ 12f I QTRAYEDfrora ihe plams ^ear R5«ig- k3 iton, on ThmlVhty, t.;.th Sept in(t:i"^ alar^t GOWt of a Iij>ht bay color, the enf?rc fpotaon her {houldersand feet, with a larg<c L.TCT and a long white, and from 5 to €> years old. Whoever will leave infofrnatioi11 at thisOfSce refpeclinp the faid Cow, \\:$i be handfomely rewarded. 19th September. 2* 2 HE subscribers will do Commill .ja Uuunefs, and More and forward 1 GOODS on the mod reafonable term3 under the firm of SMITH & COOK. CYRUS >MITH. TKOviAS COOK. istf Kingston, 28th August, 1815. w an ted 5 pOR the fupply of His Majetty's Forces * at this Poft, From 10 to 12,00c pounds of good Merchantable FRESH CEEF., per Week. Deliveries to carameiien on the ift of JD,-- cetnher next, and to be continued to the ^ift March, 1816. Propofah for the above fupply will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the ill November ne:;t on which day perfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the refult of their propofals. ■ Qommijjartai Office, I4lf Khgjlon, 12th Sept. 18157. TUST received and for sale at J the Printing Office, Kingf- ton, 31 Reams Crown Wrapfng Paper, 31 ditto Cnp ditto 2 ditto Writing; Pod No. 1, Velum II ditto ditto No. 2/ 9 ditto gJItt i uncut. To be Let. npHAT well known Houfe and prermifea * n.nv occupied by Mofes Carnihan as an &im. Its convenient fituatlon In the nown renders it worth the attention of men im ba- finels. For further particulars Inquire .of H. Cassadv. i(S Kingston, Sept. zi, 181 r. For Sale at this Office, A Discourfe delivered at Brackville, Eli- zabethtown, April 27, 1815, being & day appointed for a general thanksgiving ini Up¬ per Canada. By William Smart, MimMcr of the Gtofpel. ALSO, THE CHURCH CATECHISM. & NOTICE. THE fuR rtbers relpcdftilly infbrifl tne luhabitams of Kingfton audits vi¬ cinity, th.t thty have entered into a Co- Paituerfliip, in the jira&iee of Phyfic and Surgery. AH calls in the line of their pro- feflion will be punctually attended to. They ketp alio on hand a large and com¬ plete affoTtment of DRUG6 & MEDICINES, Paints, Oil, Dye Woods, &c. &c. The following is a lilt of a few of the ar¬ ticles juit received. 14 lbs Argent Viv, j 12 lbs Bolus Armena, 24 do Antimony Cid, 20 lbs Blue Vitriol, 25 do Annatto, j 4 do Arlemc Alb, 2 Cwt. Allum, 12 Gallons Alcohol, 50 lbs Gum Aloes, 20 lbs Nit;e Acid, 20 lbs Bailm, Capeb, 1 lb do Peru, 1 lb do Sulphei, 20 lbs B'-rax, 3 Cwt. Brimftons 50 iDd Cieta Alba, IO lbs do Rubra, 15 lb^ Calomel, J4 Doz Curt PL, 6 do Flcfh Colou 2 Grofsc. H. Pen'l- 2 lbs Cowage, 2 Grofs viol Cork>, 10 ib? Crocus Martis, 30 lbs Crm, Tart, 12 lbs Bay Wax, 28 lbs Black Lead,4 4lbs Balm,Socatillas, 4 lb? Cantharades, 15 lbs Cloves, 1 Cwt Cort Auranti, 15 lbs doCalcarilla, 50 lbs do Peru Fluv, 10 lbs do Winter, 40 ibb do Caffia, 6 'bs do Anouililra, . ayanu e Pepper co^al V«o nifh, coi k screws, co: bo:.ic tooth Pow'r Burgamot, Emplft, Diae Simplx, urn. do do ( Kmt. Tart, Emerv, Ens, Veneris, 6 Doz. Bottlea, Cell FJos» charri. phalic Snuff, Flos, Ben Zoin, do Ztnci, Senna 1'olicula, 10 lbs Gum Arrobac,, i 2 lbs do Asfoetida, 12 lbs doGnac, 6 llis do Myrrh, 6 lba do Gambouge,! 4 lbs do Opii, 10 lbs do Manna, 1 2 ibs *uu Kino, 6 lbs do Arnioniac, KiT'g.-) Yellow, Haii Powder* Lamp Black, Leith Auri, L A row Koot, Lg, Qualha, Lozenges Ppt, Lemon candy, Lead Pencils, rX>wn Lancetts, 1 M.U^ Pumise, 1 Bbl Sulpher, 6 IbiGum ca. phor, 6 lbs do Copal, 8 lbs do Gal ban um, 4 ibs do cotat, 8 lbs do Shclac, i Pack Goid Leaf, 2S lbs Glue, 4 *bi cum Scam'ny, 1 111k. Powder, 1 Flotant Indigo* Ichthyocula, India Rubber, Mag, Alba, j Mete, cor. Sub, Mace, Muliw, Madder, Maccuboy SnufT, Nut .vfeg-^t, 14 Gal. O'ium Olivar 6 c\oz fiot do Kicini, 1 lb do Aunis, I lb do Juniper, 4 \b$AojHayg L*liL> Ip doz. Eottlca Opo-j Veier»au, drldoc, j Serp, Virgin, oe'neka, curcuma, Galangall, i abl Rofin, .1 lbs Pi:; Burgundy, Patent Yellow, pomatum, Paint Boxes, 2 cwt Rad Gentian' Ro'.rcn Stone, 2o lbs do G v, I Eole Water, j Sue, Glyc, Sac, Saturni> Semen, anr.isj Syrringes, Semarouby, Sspo caftilej do WindfoT, Rofe Soap, Sealing Wax, J-'. "■ do S y. balls, Verdigris. Wa do do Scilfo, Sal, Niter, Refined, do Tavtrr, I [ bi £ '1, Olaulj, ro lbs Sal Sodi, refi'd] Spirits Nitre Dulc, do doTcrabintb, Tamarinds, do do Vmct, ; Ortnsk, 1 o lbs Goarfe Sponge, UiuhT?r, 5 do Fine do, Starch, Sand Paper, iVi 1 EST MEDICINES, Anderibns, Hoopers, y PILLo# Lees Sc Coits, Bateaians Drops, Godfreys Cordials, Briiifh Oil, &c, &c. &c. A vai"ietyof other articles, too numerous to mention in an advertHement. Pbyiicians and others are r:fpe<£tfclly in¬ vited to call and judge for themi'elves, Fam¬ ily chefts put up and directions given gratis. CARLISLE & MARKHAM. Kingston, August 1, 1S25. 17 tf Richard Smith. & Son rlAVE SEVENTY BARRELS T A R. Kingston, 2 Sib Aug ust, 181^. 12 tf Last Notice- A LL thofe indebted to the fubferiber, by ■** Note or Book account are requcftcd to make payment immediately to Mr. John Fife, who is authorifed to receive the fame in my behalf All thofe who do not attend to th* a- bove, will find their accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. SM1TFIBARTLET. Ki ngston, S?pf. 37, .1815. j 7 w fl Notice. THE fubferiber has tor fale a val- abb. tra& 01 Land, fituaed in th firtl U' c-ciTion of the townihip of f r^.kLbu,^ taal, Aeuig pan of the HometteadX with good buildings thereou erc&ed, -J<\ Rood well of water ; lying about 28 mji' from Kmgflon, on tilc flont road leadino- through the Bay of Quinty. For further inforrr ation enquire of g B. C SPENCER *AA^r*± •n , • i n ,tit ' Administratis Fredenckibur^^Qaji,!^ m 39 Difcharged Non-Commifii.ned Officer, and Soldiers, who may have been reco* mended tor receiving Grants of Land to repair to Cornwalj without delay, & t0l port themfelves to Alexander M'Donelllt fuperintendant of trie Department for jJ! ting the new Settlers. • By order of His Excellency the Proviiional Lieutenant Gr-venior F. P. ROBINSON,^ !£/ if Kingston Bock TdrL R 17 th "June, is'ip EQTJIREDforthcufc-oflhe^ Shingles, - ------Jm\ Yard, the undermentionedatticlcs, 1 Bricks, 60,000 Lime 85ooo Bufhds. Sand 4,000 do. 34,000 1 o commence the delivery of the abov; mentioned articles im mediate) v, and toenn- tinue (weekly) by fech quantities as fhall be directed by ihe Commiilioner, or Offi¬ cer? of the Dock Yard. Ptopofals to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point F.edenck.n// For Sale, A FAST failing Schooner lying it Saekets Harbor, about 60 ten* bur¬ then. SllK. has undergone a thorough re« pair, and corked from keel to gunnel, and is tight ; her Sails ard Rigging news and in complete order. She was built in Kingfton* and was calicd the Elizabeth, of Kingston, when captured by the Americans.—Any perlbn wifhing to purchafe, will call upon George Arirjhong or Copt Vaughn. Sacket'a Harbor, June 26, 1815. 4 —j Take Notice. THAT whereas DAN E. JltH figned a certain Contrad with«« Deputy Barrack Mailer General, for bo* winch the iublcribers became f- • mint< fohave advanced a Jarge fcoi f?,ai* private property, with engage^T^ mm of fome Goods in ftffi^ the above BuilrJino-s— b tofofH Tin's h therefore to reqBeft p. or any other perfon, not to m&t T'Tf • payment on the above femltlmg,, Jt? dement is made, an,i lawful BHl ds V"" EL I EMONS * n , « r00beRTyounc _Kutjstm, Jme \ 8, 181 y. u THE fubfcriber"hir^7^S ana ,nt«,d. keeping ready for fak, aiu|r J reant of ™** Saddles, Bridles d s I »i rs 5 With other articles ufually kept in hisliw, His prefent means of obtaining workmen and flock, will enable him to fell rcuchlowo than formerly. Repairing done on fhort notice, A. METCALF. Kingfton, June 12, i8iy. \ j ALL perfons indebted to the e/hteofElijd SUijford, late of Longhhrough, dncajcJ, cm rsqwjled to make payment; and th-jje <wk may have dams on faid ejiaie, are requtjld /. Irhigfo, ward their accounts fir adjujlmenl. Iranda SpafFord, Executrix. Stephen Miles, txecutor. Kingston, Sept. 25, i8iy. 17 Go -Jernment Houfe'i Kingston, tXvgujl 21, l8lj. A LL Perfons having anv Right, Titfc t( io tra to me the particulars of the &* togeibef xUU c-piesoftlie Documents (p upon which ».licir claim is founded. F. P. ROBINSON, 13 . SunW'^ \ Wan ted AyoungLadaboutrixte^Dg refiding in the country. AppW'0" made at this oXueeV U Kingston, July 25, l8l/.

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