Kingston Gazette, September 26, 1815, p. 1

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I I _ » • [TUESDAY, September &6, [VOLUME V;—*No. tCl Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.-Price Four Dollars per Annum. taw °f the KiM;s-roN Gazette. 4 * • ■ ■ 1 Wanted 5 (j^Price—-Fot/K Dor.i/?R$ per Annum; Kxclulive of p<>"age) 7/6 in advance, j^! at theenJ of Ik months, and 7/6 at the end of the year. PnV* of crher■"$"% fa the Cazr.ff?. Six lines a'Vd iM/fcr, 2/6 firft infer iiott» and Wj every fuhfcquer.t. Ten ikes said under, 3/4 firft motion, Sml t/8 every fub'fequent. Ten lines and upwards, $cL perlir.e firft infenion, f nd id. per iific every fuccecding wlertion. m . , • AdvertifclcnlMYnaccompanied with \vy± ten.dirt&UPS are inferted tiii forbid, and "charged accordingly. Warned* ffiR THE PUBLIC SERVICE AT ' THIS POST* bufhels FOR the Public Service, at Kingfion, Point Frederick and Point Henry, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, and 8,000 BUNDLES STR AW. to be delivered during the months of Au- gufl. September and October following. Perfons difpofed to coatsa«5t for the whole or a reaf mable proportion of the above cuan- titles will be cartful toexprefs in ihe body cf their tender the prcclfe periods of delivery ; and it is to be underfl ood that no n opolal wdl be accepted nniefs the names of two rcf- p^lablc perfons ars given as for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received Until the 25th Align ft next. * Lim6 Sand do, Bricks 8 inches 4W£ Do. 9 in* 4 i-2'^ 1 i-2 do-i Hair bufhels Oak timber feet t)o. Plank doi 3-4 inch C4 I 1 i-a 3 5,000 6,000 1 a 0,000 c 0.000 6.poo .5,030 12,OCO 5O/OOO 40;000 30,000 5,000 Commiffiiftat Office, I 21 f Kingston, 3©rf J?W, I* 15 McIHarDson, lygKs1Tc& T% ESPECTFTLLY beg leave to ac- JTV quaint their friends and the public, that they have juft received a large affort- tneut >f Hud ware; Glass Ware and Crockery • Looking Glasses and Pictures £ Iron and Steel ; Nai UPPER CANADA. GeGrce the Third, by the Grace of God, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful LegiflatiVe Cuuiellors of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and DurgefFeS of our faid Province, to our Provincial P,-.r,Jamei»t, at our town of YlJrk^ on the eighth day of Augurt, next, tr> becommeueed, held, calied and elected, and to every of you, GREETING. WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the thirtieth day of June laft, WE thought (it, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue our Provincial Pa»liamei:t, to the LiGH • il <l .y of Au^idt siertti at which ti re z'( eur town of Yoik, von were held and con drained to ap ear. But WE, taking into our Royal co iteration, the cafe and . convenience or our lov!*u£ fubfcits, have c Jam, Window Gfatt 6 Putty ; 5eht!emen.s% Ladies' and Chii- drrns* Kats and Bonnetts ; Englifh Soap and Candles. 18 inch Shingles ?2o,ooo Englifh Soap and Candles. fcwtea. propokW for thf whole, or p?n of And h^e on the * ry from Montreal a hrgi Ae above Adk will be received at this msvrtmmloj Ladies% ftid'Geo foe* latf m above articles, will be received at thic, office, until the 24th August i dtant. Qaltimifjnriat Offices 7 Km^ton^ 1 ith August, 18 15 • J bOMout of the fnbfcrlber. carving rB^inhislUble^Venetanl^n^ 1 >A«rA framed in maho-ony,. wuh P \ C Wck> Whoever will give 19. haadfomelv ^gg PERStJSON* fitf Boots, Shoes and Slippers ; L.!dics, Vails, S>!k Shawls, Rib¬ bons and Flowers.—With a va* rlpt*T rif "I1 sorts of Dry Goods* All einbs oi' GROCERIES. The above go->ds will be fold :d the !oviJtft prices for cafh or approved credit, to approv¬ ed creditors. thought tit by and with the advice o! our executive council, to relieve you, and each of yo^or your attendance at the time a- f"r*JHk hereby convoking, and by thefe preferrcTenjoining you and each of you, that on the Fourteenth oVj 01 September next, you meet u:» in. our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, there to take into conuderation, the (Lite and wclfa e oi our Province ot Upp'.r Canada, and therein to do as may feeui hec» flarvu Herein rail not. In tt:iti<nony whereof, we have canted thefe our Letter* t> be made patent, and the fO'eat be.:! of our laid Piovlnce to be hereunto a Mixed. Witiuis our trufty well beloved Sir Frederick Phihpie R'.bi.fon, Kuight, de»- of the moil L-lt»norablfi Military order of me Bath—Major General Commanding our forces, within the Province of Upper Catlad;., and Pro- viiirnial LituW-mint Govt 1 nor of otir faid Province at Kin^ilon, this thirty* ♦7rit davofjuly, one thouland eight buudred and fifween,and iiity lirVh year The Public Are refpeclfull/ in formed that a fmall circulating library is ooene 1 at ihU office, and made accefbible to all claiTes of the community, onthe moll, leafonabfcf r ;-...j. Thofe who wifh to take out books will pleafe to call cither on Monday, Thurfdiy or Saturday, between the hours of one and three o'clock. At which ihnes tide atten¬ tion will be paid to all who may be diipofed to become fubferibers. There is alio left at this oili *e, a larje -number, and a conliJ'.rable va'iety, of child¬ ren's book-, and uleful traits, to be exchang¬ ed either for ca'h or clean ra-.-s. Rags enoB g"ii niight be laved in every f^iu- ilv to furtiiib the family with Books hoc! Stationary. And it is hoped, that no per* ion will be afnamed to eh'yase ra faVin? an art ice fo much necdeo. ' | A Friend to Education &EccnomV Kingston, August I, I815. H ~~ EOR SALeT " Two Potash Katies. Ey^JJiE OF 7HZ SVBS'GKlBER IN A- - v ' VOLPHUSTGlirfti OR AT THE PRINT¬ ING OFFICII * N, IIAGERMAN. Kingston, igi/j Au^iht^ \ 8 i £;, utfi A ri. LL Per lb u 3 indebted t%» tue riiatc ot uie h of OUI reigiu F. P. R. Wm. LiRt'is, Strretafy. 8 UPPi.R CANAiiA. FOR SALE, FEW ELECTS71 Kingston, August it\ t B15. 1 1 7ff £N C L E f r 4 y » x^^ ^-^ —- ---- warranted to fc«p 5ood thm> Inquire at this oSice. IN the Store of the. subscribed, about the 1'o'jitTH May iail, N't8 .jickages marked L. H. T. The owner of the ■ ^hriE West half of lot number nineteen in ■* the fecond conceffion ol the towr.fhfp of King(lon; Apply to the Printer. JGngmt July tb, i.Ris;. . . - *p Warned immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid and liitchen Maid —None need apply uv.lefs wdl recommended.— Inquire at Rt Walk¬ er's Kinrdlon Hotel. Kingston, April 2*)t 1815. 4S Rags! Rags ! Cash and the highest pi ice oaid for CLE AN COTTON AND K. afdrefdd articles i* requeued to prove th propertv, and pay the neceuary exjjeoce. SAML. MERRILL. o V Ktftglttohi August 21, 1815. ntf LOST, ■Afaui the Twelfth of Jam last; BAY HORSE, widi a liar fii hi* forehead- -three white fect^-i bufliy hTaiTanda fhort tail. Whoever will return George the third, by the Grace of God, of the tin:ted Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland, King} defender of thcfaithi Wheicus the adminu'Lation of out Government of our Province of Upper Can¬ ada, In the or otir G^er.nor arid Lieutenant Governor of the laid Province^ by our BLoyal imtuictions ha? devolved on our TruiU' and well beloved Sir Frederick Phiiiple llobinFoiij Knight^ Commander of the molt Honotable Military brder of the Bath—Major Geii-.ral Coiurttandina o-jr forces in the faid Pi6once. WE do here- by require and Comirand all ouroliicers and Minillers Civil ami Military and all ether' inhabi'arits of our laid Province of Uooer Canada, to be obedient, aiding and allming tirtto him the taid Sir Frederick Plulipfe Robinfon, in the execution of all and Bngu- are rcquefted to fai lag furwatd their accout^ lor a.'julbnent atld ptymenr ro A. M'liean^ Stq. who is duly aiiilioriied to receive oiv- ments, and fettle the accounts of the laid Eliate. JOHNSTRACHAN, Exi'cuior. KuVflon, 13th Scpti f**$. 15 »4 ~ New Goods^ RICHARD G. CLUTE, TJ AS ju(l received a very riaiiGfomc zfa *■ * 60vtment of w Dry Goods tz Groceries, which he will sell at reduced prices for c^fli» among which are the following article.- : Superfine and Common Brood Clr h ; White Q Black Cotton Gamtfrici ; White and Blui C-Aion Cullies ; Colicn Shaivls ; Black Silk and Bandanna Handkfs; Yellow El a? do; rr <5> Black Silk Shawls and Vales ; ConiJK Hi Silk Shawls of all kinds j Si rued Cotton ; .- 1 main and a fhort tail. Whoever will return jaFj ^ powers and autltdritij?- contained m ihcfcdHorte to nwnMjjorCORBETTi our Comminim to dur Governor of ouf Ihali be hanchomely rewarded. iaid provjnce. RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. i and No. 2, Foa Sale at tins Office. Kingston, April 2 2, 18 l y • 47L f Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale ____ at this Office. ______ THE SUBSCRIBERS .HAVE FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of Very Excellent FRENCH BRANDY.------Which % will sell cheap for cafii. THOMAS MARKLA2JD Hi Co «%/«*, iBtb Angustf x$x$* i il Kingston* August 22> t8ic. Iltc _ aDvERTISEMENT; THE fuUcriber offers for fale to the Public, oh liberal terms of [i^yment the following lots of vyafte Lands. Lots No. 22 in the 5-1 th Con. &09 m the Cth Con* S. Weft | 23 8th Con. No 8 Eail { 5th Con. of t|lfc town^ Ci\p of Pittsburgh. also Lots No. 7 in the Jthcbnc. (flon No. 26 in the Oth coneeHt;.n Nos 28, 29, 30, 32 Sc 33, i\i 6>h cofi- No. 23 Eaft { 8th con. of Pittfburgh ALSO, ' b ' Several Lots of Land of one a^j jwo Ace< in extent, on the front of lo| Number 24 in the townfliip of Kingfton, lying and fcituate on .the (bore of the Lake# £$£ tikewife fcveral lots of land of one. tvv0 ancj three acres' on the tear of the fay tot No. 24, lying and fcituate on the roaq fiom t^e town of King lion to the count$ym__'fj,e lots are well adapted from their fouatj0ll fof. bnl'ding on them, and for the eita^lifhuitnt of Gardens in the witinity of the toJVvn# Application t • be made lo the i'«,[3J"cr;)>e,-- GEO. OKILLSTUART# KingJIcn> Sep. 6, i3i^. j. Oi laid Province. In tellimony whereof, V/E hate eaufed be thefe otir letters to be made Pateuit, an' the Great Sea! of our faid Province to bt hereunto afnxed. Whnef^ oU«- t.ufly and well beioved Sir FrtJericS Phihpfe Robinfon, Km'ght Commander of the Molt Hdnorablo M.l.tary order or the Bath, Major General Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can- Jfritifh Oil i Scar:et Kersey ; Vtjhng of all kinds ; Ycll-w, Black and Blue Nankeens $ Apron Checks * Bumbit~ettes ; JLong and Short Boots ; Ladies' Walking Shoes ; Ghildretu Shoes ; Saddles and Bridles ; Hard nnd Brown Ware ; Glafs Ware ; Porvdtr, Shpi9 Sails and Lead i Tea; Tobacco; Coffee; Allspice ; Pepper ; Red and White Flannels ; Furniture Calicoes ; r-e Turlington's Droj. 0 acia of la and Provisional Lieutenant Governor four faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thdufaad eight hun¬ dred ?nd fmeen, and fifty fifth year of Our P.eign. Wk.Jarvis, Secretary F. P. R. 6 * - Naval Storekrfcr's Office, Kinston, YOthJaly, 10-15. ^ ERSONS defirous of contracting to de- * liver in any foecified quantity of White Oak and Pine Timber, prior to the clofifig of the navigation, In or out of the water, at Point Frederick, to be frfch Timber as is fit¬ ted for the (Wbec market to exp >r, are requelted to haA in ftiftafli by the tHm- PeVPermint ; Coit's Pills ; turkey Strip? ; Blue Dimity ; Bed Ticking Velvets* Spirit Nails, Hat si P.ibbon.: s Indigo ; A lar^e quantity ^ WH EL 1 Y bf ill lands, ! J - llani- tered into. I2tQ at which time contract will be en- « EDWd. laws, Naval Storekeeper. of FiterK Ri ht . 1 HEADS, Wiia a vuo-ty of ^hcr irtn e3 rot mentioned* HdIIqivA Bridget Augujl 2ji k ijf. 1^

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