Kingston Gazette, September 19, 1815, p. 4

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E- J. Henderson, Has Just Received, AND now opening at his STORE, a general and well clr> <"jn afibrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS and HARPWARE. JLSO, A General Afiortment of Dn/gs and Medicines Amongft which are : Cflmphor ; Opium ; Akes ; Flor Sulphur; Cloves ; Efs. Pep. Mint; Whcalon's Itch Oin.mfnt ; Chen^s Worm a Lozenges ; Coil's Pills ; Let, s Pitts, Atiderfon's Pills Hoopers Pills. &C. C i ' 'r & -iltl ; British Oil; Ti-rlrigton's Bals. Efs. Mustard; Opodnooc; Godfrey*s Cordial; The whole of which he will *ell low forcaih or country produce. Any orders from the country, will be punctually attended to, and thank will be returned for their cuftom. Kingston, August 28, IS 15.________ I 2 WHERE"AS ■OENJAMIN CLAPP, of Adolphns- J'}. town, did, on the 28th of June lalt, in¬ sinuate in a certain advertsltment publiihed in the Kir r*p, re' • »e ftin g STRAY MARE, that I deeoKXi 11 »i loo iiitie coniequenre to inform the owner where fhc might be found : 1 think it my duty to inform thofe who are inclined to credit the malicious affertions of B. CJaPPJ of a few of the ciicumltances attending- the above tranfaclion. I can tk vc m thp fatfsfa&ion of ai.y perfon defir- ing it, that the following notice was polled up in iht moft public places, in three differ¬ ent trwimips, viz. Adolphuftown, Freder- ick.tburgh and Erneft Town, for at lea(t three weeks previous to the advertising of the Mare by B. Clapp. «BROKE Into the Pasture of the Sub¬ scriber, on the 25th of May, -815, a likely Bay MARE. Any per¬ son by proving property and pay¬ ing charges, can take her. wiLLET caset:9 The above Mare was at my houfe on Fri¬ day, the 23d of June, lewards night; but fMf§htf dWtffe* A'^W, &*& fovtoing by chance that me was in the pofTeflion of B. Clapp. I ftnt rim rhe t<\lowing note in or- dfr to obtain her. I was credibly informed that B Clapp was feen ridirg faid Mare on Saturday morninpr, and in the afternoon lent her to go feveral miles. M Benjamin Clapp, « I hear that there k a BAY MA RE at your place, thai broke out of my pa ft u re ; if it is the one, the boy I fend will know her. She and two others broke into my encloftire en 01 about the 2Crh of May. The other two, the owners have got. The Mare I have alveitffed, therefore, I am holdcii for her, and I will th ink you to let the boy have her ; and the frit time I fee you, I will pay your demand? for pafture. You will 1 blige me fii fending her. " From yours to ferve, WILLET CASEY. Adolphuftown, 27th June, 1815." B. Clapp, refuting to comply with the recu^ff contained in the above note, I im- irediVelv wmt myftlf, and took her away. I think it proper to Hate that I had about nine months previous to her breaking into my tnclofuie, agreed for faid Mare and Ivr mate, for two hundred dollars. How¬ ever, the rightful owner has got her, and I really hope the diftnrbcd mind of B, Clapp, concerning her, i-> now at enfe. WILLET CASEY. Jd fobrs/row??. . 1l/o?//t 28, 1815. 12 JUST RECEIVED, A Kb I Hi &JZE AT TBi& OfFICJs, WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, MURRAY'S GRAMMAR, AND A GKEA7 fAJilErr OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Wm. McLean & Co: H. C. THOMSON, H v.z AVEjuft received, and offer for sale^ the following articles, at wholeiale^ \* < 3 Bales fine Cloths and Cafllmeres. 300 Flannel Shirts. 200 pair Army Shoes. 25 W. Quills of a superior quality. The Cloths are of various colours, and can be afforded very reasonable, by the bale or piece, as well as the Quills per thoufand. Kingston, August 20, 1815. 124W Smith & Cook, Have Just Received, AND now utter for sale, at their Store at the house of Thomas Cook, an ex- teniive affoitment of GOODS of every defcription generally in demand ; among-which are : Superfine, tine and Common Broad Cloths, Cafllmeres, Wellington Cord, Silks, .Silk, Silk & Cotton & Cotton Shawls, ' Black & Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Umbrellas, Mens* bell Buck-kin Gloves, Beaver, lined vviih Lambs Wool and common do. Bombazettd, Bed Ticking, black and White Cambrics. White Cotton Muflin, Cap Patterns, Black Velvets, Ready made Supei fine Coats, Wellington Cord and Nankeen Panta¬ loons and Veils. With a great variety of Fancy Good*, too numerous to infert in an advet tilt men t, ALSO, *# Glass Ware, Crockery, Hardware—and Groceries. And in daily expectation of an estenfivc collection of BOOKS, adapted to the raftC of eveiy defcription of readers. Together with Stationary and School Books. Eveiy attention will be paid to thofe win* may favor them with a call ; and as they ar€ determined to open no accounts, their goodl will be difpofed of at very 1 educed pi ices. Kingston, At/gust 28, 1 8 15. 12tf notice: " ' TTtTBE'REAS a number of gentlemen n Canada, previous to the war with the U. States, did fubferibe rowards print¬ ing certain books in this country, wi,jc}, ,*n IVrff ecere t,t*t nor could not be printed—This is to inform thofe of the fubfciibers who paid in advance, that they may call at Mr. Menifield's In Mon¬ treal, or at this Printing office, and t«ke to the amount' of their fuhfeription in at.y BOOKS or TRACTS belonging to the sub¬ scriber. And the public is refp eel fully informed, that a variety of lift fill books and tracts were committed to my care by different So¬ cieties and charirable individuals i/» Great Britain ; forr.e to be fold at a moderate price, to defray the expenfe of tranfporta- tion ; and others to be given gratis, for the benefit of fuch as may fee difpofed to read. I feel truly grateful for the many favors which I have received both in Great Bii'ain and in different parts or America; and a- bove all, I thank that Almighty benefactor who has continued my health, and enabled me to devote seven years of my life to that employment on which I look back with fat- isfa£tion, and from which I hope effential good will arife to my fellow-men. lam, with due refped, the public's molt devoted humble fervant. THADDEUS OSGOOD. Kingston, August 28, 1815. 12 Richard Smith & S RESPECTFULLY informs the public . that hehasjull received, and now of¬ fers for fale an extenfiveaffortment of among which are the following articles, viz Cloths & Flannels. Cottons & Linens India Silk Shawls Cotton ditto Toilonette Si'k Hhdkfs. Pulicate do. do. Bandanna Handkerchiefs Fafhionable Ginghams. Ditto Lenofc and Muflins Fine Muflin Dreffes. Ribbons & Gloves Fafhionable Straw Bonnets. Siik and Cotton Umbiellaa Silk Parafols Black and white Silk 7 and Thread Lace Veils y Ladies, Gentleman's, > Shoes. ^Children's Cotton, Silk and Worded Hofe, Bombazeene & Bornbazctte, Printed Calicoes, Table Cloths, Diapet and Dowlas, Ruffia A India Sheeting, Threads and Lace, Stationary. Sauces and Pickles, Cinamon, Liquorice, Nutmegs, Mace & Cloves. Pimento. ALSO. A general affortment of Cutle ery & Groceries & Hard 10 are, Liquors. Kingston dugiyf 7, 1815. .9 NEW GOODS. Johns & Finkle, flAVE JUST REGIEVED A GENERAL I ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods AND Greet * H AVE SEVENTY BARRELS T A R. . Kingston, 2Sth August, l8ie. I2tf HE subscribers will do Cornmiflion Bufinefs, and ilote and forward GOODS o for sale, > N reafonable terms, Lot No. A & 12, *3> in the $th the 6tb sswn, Co nee. Concession, and L6i No. 20, in the i lib Concession. TKe whole being ;n rhe Townfhip of Lans- down, \\\ the district of Johnliown. ALSO, 7own Lot No. 0S2, in the Town cf Kirgs ton. For partirlnr* enquire at the office of AL1 AN MCLEAN, Efj. Kingston, August t'df iHif* it on the mod. reafonable terms under the firm of SMITH 5r COOK. CYRUS SMITH. THOMAS COOK. _ Kingston, 2%th August, 1815. Igtf WANTED, A QUANTITY of good live GEESE FEATHERS, for which a generous price will be given. Enquire at this °JP':e- Kingston, August 22, itSie. 11 US T receivedand- for sale at the Printing Office, Kings¬ ton, 31 Reams Crown \Vraping Pap<ei*> 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Port No. I, Vdum 11 ditto ditto No.*2,"' 9 ditto diti/> uncut* July 11. ries : Among which are the following articles :— Superfine and common Broad Cloths ; White and black Cotton Cam bricks ; Superfine drtff'd and unJrcff'd Calicoe"'; Black siik, Madrafs and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handkerchiefs; * ■ m variety of Shawls and Veilings ; Large dama/k si'k Shawl's ; French Cambvick, for Handkerchiefs } Fine Linen Cam brick and Kobe Puterns; Black, white 5c changeable col'd Luftring j TwilPd Sarcenet is 5 Black Mode; Gentlemen's hne buck, doc'fkin Xnd bra¬ ver g'ov-.-s ; LaJies* black, white and fancy colourM Silk do. Ladies' fancy a-Torted Kid 0*0. Black, bine, grren Si scarlet Bombazetis ;• White fhalloon siik Velvets and Cotton Shirtings ; Fine Irtfh Linen, Jluffia, Imitation and Scotch Sheetrngs; Black and white Jeans, Dimities and black Crape ; « Jackonet anc1 Book Muilins, Lenoes ; Ginghams, Ribbons and Laces ; Fine plated furr and wool Hats ; Odd Hat Covers. ALSO, Hyfos, Young Hyfon, }■ TEAS ; And Hvfon-pkin Plug, pigtail and hidies* twtH Tobacco: High proof old Jamaica Spirirs; Cogniac Brandy, Holland Geneva; Wbrub; Port Wine. The above goods, together wiih a variety ot articles not mentioned, will be fold at the moft reduced prices for cam. We tender our chankful acknowledgments to our cus- tomem; for paft favora, and Mick a continu- ance of their future patronage. K^gstor^d^^ust. 18 if, 9tc For Sale. J{ VALUABLE Fa and large vorably fit u a ted ton. rm, with buildings improvements thereon, fa- wkhin 28 rniics of Kintr Notic i THE iubfcrlber has for fii-. , abletraaofLand,fituat,edin^;> ccffion of thetownfhip of Fredm Irfl? ""' ditional, (being part of t he Hnl 1 rg,ad- with good buildings thet ecnta^')- good well of water , lyiag ^"J. from Kingfton, on the \^nnt 7, ^ through the Bay of oS„, ^ r°ad ^ For further information eiK,„;re of ' Frederickfburgh.Oa.^. |S, ™ Difchargcd Non-Con,^,,7, ej Offi5' and Soldiers, who taay Iiave gj?" n-,euded for receiving Grants of Ll , to repair to Cornwall without delav i , * port themfclves to MumAr. M'Dom„V?L fupenntendatit of the Department for [„ ting the new Settlers. cmtori-oca. By order of His Excellency ,ne Provjhonal Lieutenant Goternor *W F. P. ROBJNS0N.&-J; I Kingston Dock Tori, 1 "ith June, 181 j, REQUIRED for the ufe of the im\. Yard, the undermentioned articles, ■ •"Bricks, 60,000 Lime 8,ooo Bufiick Sand 4,000 do. Shingles, 34,000 To commence the delivery of the above mentioned articles immediately, and to con¬ tinue (weekly) by fuch quantities asfha'I be directed by the Cominiinoner, or 01- cers of the Dock Vard. Propofals to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point F«edeu'ck.i2// For Sale,. A FA ST failing Schooner lying at' Sackets Harbor, about Co u*> bur¬ then. She has undergone a thorough re* pair, and corked from keel to gunnel, and iw tight; her Sails and Rigging new, and m complete order. She was built in K.^gloBK and was called the Elizabeth, cf K'mgs'Mr when captured by the Americans.—Any perfon wifhing to purehafe, will Call upoft George Armftrong or Capl. Vaugw* Sacket's Haibor, June 26, 1815. * Take Notice. •J-HAT whereas DAH P.„ i (igned a certain ContrTA ^V Deputy Barrack Maft« Gft£? ,*«, ding a large Store Honfe JJ >l the ufe of Government, for Z {H*fc Wh ch the fobferibe, b^jftlj fc have advanced a large &«>.«* private property, with e„„ap "'™»«n ment of fome GUfc in g?* W the above Bojldingt-. g This is therefore to renuell a -any other perfon, not t^fe* 0,»»f4' * ' EH EMONS, RQBF... THE fubfcribeTb^rto^tJ andiime„d8 keeping ready fOTfale, n^ Saddles, Bridle - and Spm with othef articles ufoally keBt'.Vft- H.s prefen't mean's of obtaining w^ flock w.,1 enable hfm to fell «!«, than formeily. Repairing done,on fliortaotia •. A..METCALF. King Ron, June it, i8if. Land for Sale THE fuSfcriber offers for file th Weft half of Lot No. % in the fourth and fifth concefiion of the townftip of Longh- borough, with 50 or 60 acre's underg«»4 improvement, and a good ftiaad for any pub¬ lic bufinefs. . - MICHAEL SL00T L^'ighborottgh, June J2, 181c. Kintrston Packet, o JAMES CHAPMAN,- Captain. rT">HIS veffel will fail regularly b* I * I IJiU vcilCI Will lU'i iv»r,u*%-..y JL Kingston to Sachtt's Harbor. » will leave Kiugdon ercry Monday, Wednfl* day and Friday, and Sackett's Harbor a* fv other 6uy 1} the week. , The price will" be Two- Dollars foreicB pa-flenger. Kingston, May IZ, 1815 Wanted A young 1 >n Pt-rfnnQ ,? a r " " ."-----^—«b«- . of tftfe, as a Servant, to live in "re fffct" °f PWrch^ to - ^ - the conntry. " *ingihwi July to, i3re. 5 tf. .ad about sixteen ^ -«ID i fiw" ^ Applip^*9, made at this office. gjf Kmsttn* 'July 25i 1-814. * <

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