Kingston Gazette, September 19, 1815, p. 2

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POETRY. • • • • • • « • • • • • • « ♦ • • ift • • • • r (j3*We hoi>e much good may arile \ofome one, by the frequent ptrufal of ihc following by oihers. THE PRINTER. "Who is it—" gentle reader," who That labors hard in pleating pa? By telling all that's ftraoge and new ? The Printer. Who U it bftn«« you F*om afar, Imelh'oence -f blo-dy war, Or feats of fome immortal tar ? The Printer. Who tells you of th' * fFairs of (late, Whflft legiflators legiflite, And are engaged in warm debate ? The Printer. Who i* It, that with filch and rule, Cha'tiTes well the knave and fool; And keeps in awe the party tool ? The Printer. Bv whom is it that learning's £ot, A • d genius to pe fe&ion brought— O ! reader, fay—fav, is it not The Printer ? dignity of the Provincial Legifiature to make some regulations y^ecting, imported^ school bo>ks> and imported teachers, elpe cially IB the schools that are supported by the government. From the univerfal ufe of" theie books in our schools, pernicious doc¬ trines may be imbibed that may sometime be injur! >us, firvt to the government. The coiiilitution of the United States is of £v recent date, and like every other novelty, it will en^mfs the minds of its admirers, and fh w itfelf to i much in their converfaiioo, difcourfes and writings*- Hence* a great part of their elemental y books Is fall of ■encomiums on its wifdom and merits This is very right, and we ought not to envy them for what gives therrusatilfaction. But when thev ffO so far as to"affirm that this is the only free Conltitution and happy gov- ernmtnt under heave:* ; that all others are arbitrary, defpotic \ true all Mouarchs, efpecialiy the King of Great Britain, are tyrants, and monlters, their subjects, slaves and bondman, whofe lives and fortune !:e at the mercy of the tyrant ; we ondii no t Say. ve who always wifh to know H w the concerns f nations $0— Who do you for that kiiowkdg* owe ? The Pi inter. Ye Politicians, too, e?n tell Who a-akes you u»deirhnd fo Well Th* affairs on which yon love to dwell ^ The Printer. Then in no caf ■ fhould you delay, (Tho' many do Tom day to day) With punctuality to PAT The Printer. MISCELLANEOUS. P VI 4 • | » • » - . • t • _ . • » FROM THE MONTREAL HE&ALD. Letter. V. ., Mr Editor f It may reasonable be admifrd, .that no lef retard is due to the books tauoht in our frhools, than torhc thiraeters .>f thofe who t ch. la the schools thaun I bee confidering, n kn wledne is received, nor any .-entimenta are impref cd noon the mind, but fiuch as are immediately dcr'v«*d fiom their books, They n-ver' g i so far as to have knowledge communicated fry lecture?. The utm-dt bounds of ambition, i^ to be able to read with 6 nuj u'dtr-tanding and profit. It follows tl.<v thai the bo k, wfiicft we put in the hind* of our child re v fh mid be calculated to furni'h the mind with correct ideas on R. li- givn, Moralhy, the, Manners and l^.Mvs of our own c mitry. The know edge of th,fe aubje^ts, to a certain d^gre--, is neces¬ sary for ad, in order to a t ■ nr prnt in society, and under the govern acnt of our country, AfbUrnine this, th;"!, a3 a pri'ciole, rnjr schools, I am cfrard, wi'l be found deficient in the ar.icl" of ftookg ; for the b.» ks principally taucit *r€ imp itei from t!'C IT. £>. and are emp eieh ca'-cnTated to tai ■ ip our chfldre-; as cftiscn* of ihat Republic, a*»dto-divtft the • of e -y asfectton and jepecc'or the oarent coufi<v- Thn-, our ch'dr' i i t'"e Canada^, in al! the et'lemcts on the St. I.awrnce 00 to De'r^it,*" a;d I sup-mfe in the Eng!*fli *£ttfenetit* f the E iflern Townihip3 in 1. >wer Canada, -11 -f them within the Britifh Empire, -ni under the Britifh Constitution,arc tjuoh* a- if t ey were wi-bin the ju'ifdicti-n of th- United States. What niak s it very unfort/ri: tc, is, that the maf. of the population after hnving been thus t.'uyht i,i their v fancy, generally no other mems of information, orofac- certainly to exclude thefe books horn our schools. It will be very difficult for a perio'n brought up in the ufe of thefe book, ever t.» have any other idea attached to the vy >rclf KING, than that of a cruel tyrant ; or t<« SUBJECTS, any other than that of op- prelsed sUves. What then i0 the con- (equence of all this, but that people will infei.libly imbibe sentiments repugi-ant f0 their lawful m6 venerable sovereign, and b*-' at heart repub leans, hoping that at totdS future oeiiod, they may have an opporti.niiy of avowing them ? In thefe book*»f on* children never learn any thing "ft!.v. Br.t;!!I Coiliit'.ition and Government, b»t 'he mar ijioe- flaudersof its enemies, partly compofe^ by the anth »fS thcmfelvcs, and partly tak^f1 fruoi :be works of dhafTccred petforis a1^ homfe, while t'.r.y are all the time learning the prai:es of a foreign oik. Hence yyhtr* they learn teaches them to hate and :ibh r.f if» and to wi(h for a change. Are th fe b^olr3 then, proper t~- be ufed in our fchools ? Bi/* what objection have you to WK Iter's SpVi ling Book ; fome may rep1)/, it otrly teachi*'* the elementary parts of the Englifli lan'run^e1 It Leaches tnore, we are ail the time ler.rniu- their cultorns, a d th< rtenominatibnaofthc^ coin a, before we know the i.a.nesof our ov.t1' Vv*e ouuht even f.»r i\m leafm t i give i i/r Boi'. the preference.. Cu'ti s ft niay l»c oburved", would mid f-ult w*t* much of the prouounciation and a*thxirn*vfi Y of t!iat book but f r my • art 1 do n : a!r the Lid of eritlcifm, to m-ik■■ room f »• oifr < vvh p.- ns, and to exclude th of of .\ bad tendency. In (hurt, I fee the giv.deit in-.otiiiiluicy in . iing bo >k imp >'rt< d from th- l'io*tetJ States in our fc ho Is. They teach us to hate the government that w ought, auda.t bound, to fupport ; fo revile the count.y that we are bound to love and relpect ; and to thi >k that there is nuthm-j gr- at or g«^ >d ♦ grene*"oos or brave, any where t >be found but in '-he Unit d Stares fhe unavoidable Confitjuence of all thit., i<, that in the roe i .f t. ne we mall be American Citizens in f miment and ceftoms, and nothing but Itrong feif' Inletefl and foce will keep us in lubjectijn to the venerable Butiih Con(tiiut:on. ^ I am, lir, your mo(l humble* fc-i-vrt■•:, PA LEMON. >5 own fpelling Bot !ii t'»c tueiere:»ce. J »1 ► or. Jon Courier, *fmi M rea qui ing knowledge, within their The e books are MorfA Geoffauhv, the American Preceptor, Co»umbian Orat r, Awericzn iSelecu'on, and the lives ofs.-i.e of t\>. heroes of the Revoluti' n. 1 .an) not a -tinM reading any one < f thefe book ; bnr a eh'o! b oks «atK>h;p -nd tl;e onl\ books ta .-h*r. exceot the Bible in fhe mott of -ur I ■ H/h c u try si hool>, 1 c^ruoL bur d/fip- pr e or rh m. It is a t i ig sftog.ther in»» ' itent, and attended wf.i bad coufe- q "C-:, ei> w.-ieh sooner or later .vill trjee p'aee 1 hey are$8 intended in every page to raife the meri4 pf th^tr own country, Laws, and Conflft'jfciot at the espenfe of Great Britain1. I am »e« .ei preju liced, nor difpofd to fpek -y-diul rarrons, for'ufi'g tneir uvii liber "ie-t and pra'fing tneir infl fitions j but when th; y canrot do thefe, w cfc ut reviling o«o', then i beg leave to th.i^fr that we, who are Bntim iubj.ct. , ought not to adopt their ichool book to inftroct our children* This i>claimi g ro rome than what is right. There hi no r-e. fflty in the cafe. Surely the e a»e book* enough of our own, if en- co ragc.ent -vcre given to import them.-— ."But now theK'is no demand for them, be- caufc .here is not a t-uffieient number of good PnVifh Teachers through the country to ■f -omend fh'.m, and to refufe all others. 4?cihap« it wou*d not detogate from the From the t.oruhm C , Astonh'mz Natural P'henommotf:— On the 27th of \\\g last, while the Majesfi1^ capt- Have,, was cnii.-ing otf Boston, a strn>^e figm-f was perceivt J,iu, the eastern (horn'rii. about two o'clock in ihe moriiinp-, \v hid), as th -on rose, giadually i)cc«onc more Jitn'g- uishsble, an 1 at fa t i-'sumed the perr'rCt n?- peardnce of a man dres.-ed in a shor '■ j-"-'!-- — a d half boot-, with a ftaff in hU har;,-» *- '°f t »p of which was a colon- hanai:ig >(>vcr n,t5 hear! m- rked with two liiic, pefptn#,G'7 ?' y drawn at equal distances, and Ptro^o1; re" qta hling the French flag. The fi£Ure con¬ tinued vi-ib e as long as the rays of trie sun would permit it to be 1- oked at—^-'Jm the twenty eighth, the next day, the fi^urc ~,s~ played itseif in the s^me posture, b(llt rat,,er broken. On the followinir moii,rn^' K teemed entirely disjointed, ?nd [.nl*^ ,nto shadow, urn H, at la>t, nothing more could be seen thm tlree marks on the sun's' Q'w*.— Cant. Have , .lis officers, and about 2^° °f the eiew, witnessed the spectacle, L^01'1 wlt" the naked eye and through gla*^S:3* *° superstitious limes, such a phenomena^- 4ti*ttta have been construed into a providential- "Va~u*% or ominous token of some unexpected cc"-<"f* tn this enlightened age, however, it may "* <<>sr7 accountedfor by the reflective power of* ^f ttT' mosphere ivhich is iurll known to be wonderful. Most probably th: figure represented was some one ashore, or on the deck of the Maje-s:tCt "<s Sbmuar. uh Somethin m Messrs Editors—-There '^ at this time at Mr. George Deave^r's in Hartford Cou ty, Maryland near Hill's Crofs Roads, a ca^ only three months old, which w¥as kept ia a yard with a ewe and a i iamb the ewe die<I when the calf was about fix weeks old, when the limb took to fucking the calf, which now gives a Sufficiency of milk to fupporr the lamb, and the calf appears as fond of it as tho* Ihe were its dam.—Bait. Pat. »et FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, July 20. Horrid Circumflancc. — r\ private letter from Mons, under date of ihe 14th of this month, contains the following particulars: — ,v It is only four days the burying of the dead bodies with which the field of the battle of Mount St. Jean was llrewed. Sev¬ eral thou'.and carts had been put in requifi- tion for this operation in the department of Jemappe. After tlie lapfe (-f to, vt and even 15 diys, there were found among the dead carcailes great numbers of the wound- ed, who, impelled by madnefs or hunger, had eat of the bodies of th? men and horfes that furrounded th^m. I fav madnefs, be- m eauTe there were focne of them who even then cried, in their dying agonies, Vive /' Erripe- reur, a-- they wee ra fed no by the perfons etiiiaged tn the r m-\al—that is to fay, «"© long live the man who eouudtie^ed ns to this camage, who left us behind him in his flight, With >ut caring, whether we were dead or living—long live tht man who, without p'ty, without feeling, left us to expire tedioufiy on a field of battle, with ut recommend¬ ing as t) a fingle perfon, while the wound¬ ed of the other armie. were attended to with f0 much precaution and anxhty. Maifhal Ney having, bef r his departure for Switzerland, aflced Ma fhal Macdor.ald what curfe he v/ould advife to pmfue— "You mould have confuted rne f r the 14th of March," aufwered Macdonald.*' Ext rati of a letter received by a gen. tic nun of Stamford. <• BRUSSELS, June 25. u We. arrived h're two days after th* bat* tie, and to k the infl moment to go upon the fie'id. I c\o not rhink it is pofiihL for JanJUuge to defcihe 'he lunrors of the fight; thoufauds of men and hnrjfes lying cm the ground in i (biie of putrifaftion, and in eve¬ ry variety ot (hoc-king and mangled deform- ity. Tlie peafintry (wlio'e (irft ehjecl vas Gripping and pli.nd,) were employed in burring and burning the bod is* ; but I am told lint yet rlierc i*rz crrSt mm.ber> on the ground, and, of u-m -fe, lit a fit 11 'ore hot* rible fute It was at a iVm whtVh from a (ingwl tr coincidance. U calk 1 La Belle Alli¬ ance* that the c-vhVt wjls mort (Vve.e ; its irnation is clofe »o the road leading from Wateilooto Ham»rfind about three Fmg- liih mile> fforti the former liaee. There the n?ughter was rnroucaivably -ri'Lat; and in a (mail wood adjotnTUg, the fcene was to frightful, tiiat I Could not remain, a'though ] had view d with comparative compofnre rhe thouiand;-tiiat lay extended ©n the plains the whole of which eonfifted of corn-fields, a::d moftly oi' Rye. ■vfeich at this time. Is 5 feet high, ov more, but in the cirCumferance of fome miles was not only levelled, but out cm the appearance of a faudv plain covered with bills and heap of the /lain. You will form fome idea of the total lofs when 1 tell you that tw j days ago the return? of woun- 6^(1 ill l^ruflcls only were laid to be 23,000 and, ever fmce, the toads have -been lined »i'.h waggoii m ads of mangled funerers, &£#. ny of whom have been lying negle&ed ov i.uidifcovered in th.. Cizndinz corn. The lead of the Medical tla/f told me -.-tderday, to.-it there arc rtianv more to arrive, whole woondshadnot yet been chciTe 1, and it is confidently laid that the grand total lofs of k'lied <vi.' WMiHs.led on botli odes, amounts to more ti:an ?o,o0o. '* Th^*rench had tile advantage of a great ulperioifty (.f numbers till the clofe or t.he A'4frwhen the P'-ufnaus earner up. and fought with rbetnofi deterrnirt d invcr-.'T-tcy. Tht;;.-artillery was well fewed, nnd fhcif cavalry, pa*rtteuliry the cuiraiilen, rrothing ould (urpafsi Bonaparte directed the ope¬ rations of the day from a banf on the left of the road froffi Waterloo to N-tffftr^ and at 3 o'clock on Simdr-; afternoou wis confi¬ dent of fnccefs. Capt. 8. of the-------was made priioner and conthicl.-d to Jfo^par'e at Ur.t Ii.;,ir • h* ( nr-rtreil of the Captain wno commanded ? &c and on being tn form¬ ed faid in Lnglift, 4i L k very well, ; blft I Ml beat -ri, .rndbe thi% night in Bras- f-^ " He alfo ;.n-.i'd what number of Eng- )j<h cavalry were in the bv'ci * fhe anfwet was,** I do not kimri" mi Officer of his fhn immediately faid " I will tell you, you have 15 regiments ■ J r,ui JU London fifteen days an0." We had precife'y 15, and four of Germans. 1 had thi: rcla'ion f>om Capt. The Duke of VveVlinfton chatged at lead of the* cavalry moie th»n once — An ofTieer of high tank near him, iaid, "My Lord Duke, it is too much ; leceoilecl of what c mfequenee your life U." The Duke laid, " my dmy demands .V Every one ot hui (lull, and all round him wun killed cr S. T\ thel Wounded—but fureiy ve r/?y fay the in of Proyiden. e was Confpicuous, vv'h-n neither him fell nor his horfe were touched." Of thc.iitraehment of his followers to Bo- naqartc the following anecdotes are cited as proofs founded in fad: — A favourite Mai»ehikej who wa* taken prisoner on the iRthj having heard of his mailers dieilivc defeat, exclaimed. •« Thea 1 (hall ncv<er live to fee hi* downfall." With thefe words h£ opened his knife, and cut out his eyes. . A French foldier who had juft fuffeied the amputation of an arrrij actuated by a like .fpirit, requelled that the limb mould ha^fven to him ; when taking it in bib remaining hand, an'! brandishing it round his head, he exclaimed* Five I' Mm&rittrf m Five Buonaparte I . ' >■* LONDON, IW\: iL To the lift of wonders (;ayi a paper of yefterday) we have to add, that thoe i* now in London a peifon who left France about a month ago, who iufrX* that he U nft lefs a perfenage than the IVauphin, who, accord* ing to all accounts, died in the Terr.ple. He ailedge's, that he was confided to cottager in the department of the Ardennes, in thtjesf 1793, anc^ tr,at tM^ Df>y v/no c-"<"- 'n tne Temple was fubftituted for him by the per¬ fons who carried him off. He fays he d'd not make his cafe known to Louis XVllf. till la't year, when it vvrfs done through the medium of Gem Duirn ricean to wham hs Communicated hv» hifto'ryt The: anfwerof Loui^ XVIIf. w. , a- v/e ar< uifo'rrr.Cd, that he Stolid prefent him felt ; which,- liovvevsr, was nut done, for kuXqh* which we cannot enter i<>to at piefent. We und-r (land tha: he has applied to be ad muted to an inter* view with the Dutehels d' Angottleme, fwet his arrival in London. which has been re- fufed, on account of the went of inch proofs as are thought neccilary to fupporr h'.s.moft extraordinary flat emeu t ; which nmofs, however, he (ay6 he can produce "when ut> T- •ranee. LONDON, July 2$. Jofeph Bonaparte w ia he fent to Riife |erome to PnifRa, LuciVr. to Lug'^nd, Lou¬ is to Aufiria, Madame Lrr-:ilia, and canii- 13I Fefchj to Rome, NT. Hortehfe to Swit- BrulFds, received on S* l i&rhntlm Letters from any ilate, that the KiVg of Ncthetlaods to created the Dike ofWelHngtop, Pnnce ol Waterloo, and confer.ed on" bun the t ft ate of I.a Belle Alliance. . Htf '■ -yal Bighnefs the Prlnee UegcnUas been pleaf.d, in tlie name and on toenail « his Maj-llv. t^poruY^ »f ]SZ*Z*TZ Confulat Liverpool, for the United *? lroops from America, faction of fhe arrival at Port b of our brave vetrsn troop. (Toto&^L? exprefs the mod ea.tieft defire to join S late rencwued chief the Duke of W«!li„ ton. F»fiy.two fail of tranfporta have d this hue part of our army. "2 he Ninety fecond Highland R$mu In the afternoon of the 18th uh. therw< imeut, which was then reduced to aboff two hundred men, found it aauafynwfc ry to cluirge a column of the enemy ^ came down on (hem, fr>rh two to uxn men "" - * * • • im col they oiciiieu u, uie occts ureys oainea in to their fupport, when thy and'thec^duW cd and huzzaed «* Scotland faievrr!" ^ the effort which followed, the enemy tot man Were put to the fword or taken prifoa- ers, after which the Greys charged through ne uown on tnem, fr>rh two to 3,000 n. They broke into the centre of tit umn wich the bayonet, nnd tbe infot y pierced it, the Scots Greys dafhedioto the enemy's fecond line. J oe 1 oun» Kin 7 of Rmhe. \dve oorfic doubts have b- en fequcnthftarted refpe'cliMg this infant beir.g the genuine of- fpring of Marii F.o-ifa by Ron^rte. Th a=e now revived at Paris, and 1)11 frM) account from the notes to M. Lafont'DWj. fonue's Fugitive Pkce.5 of Poetry, is (tatd to be in Circulation. tVe certaifllj attacS no credit tc the ilory, at leait as it is told ii the notes :—- i( The delivery of iviaMa%i.ouMa, in fp* of themeft delicate precautions, waseXtfrn* ly dimcult ; and tlierc: Was a tfoment wM the Pfineefs was fuppofedto be loft. ^ the pcrmidion of her " augufl ifrwkPM rifed fnftruments, and thn &flwl cpfl*- r'on effected the delivery.^—TJp/ftotWftf id, but the'Ihrle girl'which ifee brp^ into the world was dea*«J before its birln; its body was entirely mutihiteJ, an-i valet* chamhre was ordered bi bury if «r»th ftetno* • ** ii\ mid Kinjr, wanted a fon at ah1 events. A* h-ih naturally fuflteient'y refolnte, w*3 raker. meafu.e« beforvhand, ai>J Caoibaa^ the virtuoiHprrop of hisdynalhschanp^ hi-n tlie girl into a boy. Jt was M?tJ^.' serein an adj-miing c!of"t, an.! d** Princcfshid aiiitle come to ^'^'f; fold her with cotifi lence-" Hf"e'„ f(l' Prince whom vou haw tfven f<> '"• ^ P. ince was entirely innocent of all thai p» ria Lou.fa had fuffered ; fhe, h*^ proached him with tc ,dernt!*.and tW him for the Urii ilap. »V &<"/ profound sccrccv. However, *'ti:e Empe #

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