Kingston Gazette, September 19, 1815, p. 1

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iiiiwiniif iiiiiWif ;~ , xm , -•. . p. .. . ^TUESDAY, S^ptlmler 19, 1815] i. # ▼ * [VOLUME V._Nb. 15.] Wuyil* Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Fublishid by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum ,*«..■*, V*W ***<* \f Terms of the Kingston Gazette. , • 0 • Wanted (Tj»Price—Four Dollars per Annum, fctddta of po!»age) 7/6 t» advance, 5/ at the end of fix months, and 7/0 at the end oi the year. Prise of adverli/ing in the Gazette. Six liner, and under, 2/6 M infcriion, and 1/? every fubfequent. Ten lines and vit&r, 3/4 firft infemon, and 1/8 every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards 4./. per line firlt tnfertbn, and id per line every fnccecdmg iiifatinn. # • u • Advertifements unaccompanied with writ¬ ten directions are inferred till forbid, and charged accordingly. E.JW! ■■.<U!la^.-■: . ,*w* w d RUt THE J#ff£8? SERVICE hT Augu Lime S-md THIS POHTf bu iliels do. Bricks 8 inches 4 X2 Do. 9 in. 4 1 Hair Oak timber Do. Piank 2^2 1-2 GO. bufhels feet do. 3^4 inch 1 1 2 3 12 5,000 6,000 ■ I205000 - CO,OOO 60 6,000 5,000 12,000 50,000 40,000 2^.000 5,000 120,000 13 inch Shingles Sealed proyofals for the whole, or part of fye ak? amcH'ft, will be received at this lk .M the 24th i&£«* ' Ua"u I s 1 OHM out of the fobfrribers a^JJl RCAvi o« , . ft hi a Venetian Bund, pointed f.«*».,g* Whoever will gl* i* Mfowlj 'ewar^ t,ERGUSON. FOR SALE, 6if T^'OR the Public Seiviee, at Kington, ■*• Point Frederick and Point HelVy, as may be agreed upon, 3000 Cords of c;ood merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, and 8,000 BUNDLES sTRaW. to be delivered during the months of Au- gnft, September and Oclobcr following. Pcrfoiv. difpofed to corti act for the whole cr a reafonablc proportion of the above quan¬ tities will be careful toexprefe in the body of their tender the precife periods of delivery ; 2nd it is to be undei flood that no p'Opolal will be accepted unlcf, the names of two ref- pectable peffons art given as feenriites fcr the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 25th ft next. C(Anm\Jj7r'uit Offix* 121 f Kingston, 3 oth Jutie, 1815 RICHARDSON, LYONS & Co. V% ESPECTFTLLY beg leave to ac- l-V. quaint their friends and the p irdic, that they have juit received a large aflbrt* meat of Hardware; Gla-s Ware and Crockery ; Looking Glasses and Pictures j Iron and Steel ; Nails, Window Glass & Putty j Gentlemen*\ Ladies' and Chii- dfeiis9 Hats and Bonnetts • Englifli Soap and Candles. ■Atld ha-xe mi the'way from Mcut real a large assorment of Ladies* and Gentientens1 BvlOtS, ioliOCo dii 1 oll^C:?; Lidies' Vails, Silk S!»awl-,5 Rib- hom and Elowers.—With a va> riety or' all sorts of Dry Goods, 4LSG, All kinds of GROCERIES, The above gc^ds will be fold at 'he'oweft prices for cafn or approved credit, to approv¬ ed creditors; Kingston, -August 22, 1815. 11 7 Wo C Fl wanted to keep good umc ... Inquire at this ofiice. 10, 18 '• v For S THE Wevth,lf of lot numbemineteeu in * the fecohd conceffioti of the towulhip ol fitltRi Apply to the Printer. W aired Immediately * A COOK, Chamber MM and Kitche:. Maid -None need apply unlefs Well iccommeuded.—Inquire at R. Vvalk- te's Kinjrfton Hotel. T N. the vStore of the subscriber, ^bout the X Fourth May lad, five pvckages marked L. H. T. The tiKimt of the K. aforefaid articl-s 1* requeued to ^rove the property, and p^y the neceflary e>'penCe. P ' SAMl MERRILL. * Kinfstofa Aitgu-111• \815. 11tf r UPPER CANADA. Gegrge the Third, by the Grace of God-, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Legislative Counfellora of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and BurgefTes of our faid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, on the eighth day of Auguftj next, to be comm.nccd, held, called and elected, and to every of you, GREETING; WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the thirtieth day of June lait, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice oi our executive council, to Prorogue our Provincial Parliament, to the EIGH f H day of Angult next, at which time at our town of '/oik, you were held and coiii*rained to appear. But WE, taking into cur Royal consideration, the eaie and conveyance of our loving fubjecls, have thougiit*fit by and with the advice nf our executive council, to relieve you, and each of yoUj of your attendance at the time a- forefaid, hereby convoking, and by thei'e prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the Fourteen til day of September next* you meet us in our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, there to take into coniideration, the (tate and wclfaie of our Province or Upper Canada, and therein to do a^ may feem neeellary. Herein fail not. In telttm my wftereof, eve have cauled thefe our Letters to be made patent, and the great Seal of our laid Province to be hereunto allixedi Witacte our trultv and well beloved Sir Frederick Philipfc Robiulbn, Knight, Comman¬ der of Hie moll Hon.nabie Military ordtr of the Baih—Major General commanding our forces-, within the Pr^vvirvf? of l.T^yper Canada, a.d Pro- viiional Lieutenant Govcrnoi ot our laid Province at Kiugiton, this thirty- hrlt day ot Ju'.y, one thnuland eight huudied and hfteen,aud fitty fifth year of out reiinl. *\ P. R. V7m. jAftvfSj Secretary....... ., . 8 UPPi-R CAiNAiJA. George the third* by the Grace of GoJ,ofthe Umted Kingdom of Great Britain, and irtiind, King, defender of the faith. Whereas the admmiliration oi our Government of our Province of Upper Can¬ ada, in the abfence ot our Govei ..or and Lieutenant Governor of the laid ProvnuK} ___D. LOSK YESTERDAY^ in Kmeiton, be^v<ea Mr. Patrick Smyth's Stoie, and the governs ment Whaif formerly occupied by the late J. Forfyth, Efq. or between that and the Eliza, lying- off at anchor, a Black Morocco Pocket Book, containing eight Fifty 'dol¬ lar Bills, dated about the lait of February, 1815, together with about lis hundred dol¬ lars, in tens and fives ; aH'o, the Reenter of the Schooner called the Eliza Ann ; and a large nember «.f Notes of confiderabte a- mount, and Othet papers-, which c^n be of no ufe to any one but the owpth Whoever will deliver faid Pocket Book with the Money and Contents therein, at the Printing. Oijce, Ki.iguoiij or give information where it c-m be obtained\ {hall receive the above reward. TOKN BOWKF.R. Kiugs'ion, July 1S, 1815. 6 The Public Are refpeclfully informed that a fmall circulating library is opened at r!.is office, and made aceeisibie to all clnlTes of* the community,'.):) the molt reafonablc terms. Thofe who wim to take out books will pleafe to call either on Monday, Th'.irfday or Saturday, between the hours of cne and three o'clock. At which times due atten¬ tion will be paid to all who may be diipoled to become fapjcHbcrfc There is a!h» left at ibfa oiHre, a large number, and a ctmfirferable variety, of ch ld- ren's books ancj nieful tracts, to bt exchang¬ ed either for cafh or clean rags. Rag^ eriongh might be fayed in every fanv Stationary. And it is hoped, that no per- fon will be aihamed to engage in laving an article Jo rhncn needed; A Friend to Education & Economy Kingston* Augu*t t, IH15. 8 EO& SALE, Two Potash Kettles FRESH MEA ..«. Rags f t Rags Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE* Wr A OU ' vnTITY OF ING PER Of Ouain No* 1 and No. a* For Sale at rnis Office, . Kmgitm, April 22,1815. 47^ About the Twelfth of Jan* last, A BAY HORSE, with Maf [n his Forehead—three white feet-..* buihy main and a fhort tail. Whoever wjij ret.jrrt the laid Florfe to Town Major WkBMtfi (ha1! be handiome-y rewarded. ^. Kingston, August 2 2- 1 8 1 5_^_ iu*__ ripHE fubferiber offers for fa], to the » Public, on liberal terms of payment* the following lots of wafte Lands. Lots No. zzinlhe^thCon. T^o 9 in the 6Lh Con. S. Welt . 2^ oth Con. No 8 EaS l 5lh Coh- of m - Jhipof Piwfewrjrt ALso LotsNv-7 iHt>e5thconctffi3| No 26 in .he 6th co.»e*.mSil N-3 28, 29, 30, 32 Sc 33; ih 6«h cdti- Nd 23 EaB 4 8th con 01 Httlburgh; ALSO, ^"^ rm own Blank Si For the District Courts, for Sale m at this 0:lice. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FOR c,ALE, QUANTITY of Ve.y Excellent _ FRENCH BltANDY.-------Which *toy will sell cheap for cam. THOMAS MARK LAND k Co, Snipwii 1 %th August% 1815. x it- Several Lots of Land of one aT,d twJ acres in extent, on the front <>* M Number 24inthetownmipof Kmgfton, iying and (cituatebn the (hore o the Lai.,. And hkewilV fc-veral lots of land of one two a„d YJ £ acres on the rear of the fat, U)t $«. T 2A IviniC and fcituate on the n>ad frcm the fjwn J Kn.gfton to the C'mnUy.^ThC lots are well adapted N «tof ^hation fot bu Wing on them, ind to the eftaMiIhmcnt rfS Xm h the vicinity of the t^ Application to be made to the^hbfcribcr. JSNSyt&. 0F rH£ SUBSCRIBER W A- mLPHWSIOWN, OR AT TBE PHI XT' ' /A'G OFFICE* EFi HVGERMAN. Kingston, lgthAi^ustyjSij^ \j_th ~ SOTICE4 ^*HE fublctipiions to Lieut. Colonel ^twu___________ A B'Hictictti's Topographical and Geo- by our Royal indruttions has o/volved on :grafi-L,ai Maf>s, which were originally fixed our Trufty and well beloved Sir Frederic^ ^ pive ^f Bag> art uoW ac]vanced to the Philipfe Uobinlon, Knight, Commander ot x.oncVon pi ice of Seven Gm'^as, arid will the moll Honoiable Military order of the COiitiiiue [4l lt rtvcived by his agents. Bath—Major General Commanding our ^W 22,1815. .47 ; force, in the faid Produce. WL do here¬ by require and Command all our, fficers and Mimiiers Civil and Military and a.l other inhabhants of bur faid Piptinrtrf Upper Canada, to be obedient, aiding and affilting Unto him the faM Sir Frederick Phdipie Robinfon, in the execution of alUndfuigu. hr, the powers and authorities contained in our Common to our Governor of our faid Province. In teRimony whereof, WE have caufed theie our letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witnei, Our trnfty and welt beloved Sir Fredenck Ph.hple Robinfon, Ku-ht Commander of we Moll Honorable Military order of the BatH Major General Commanding our forcts within the Province of Upper Can- da and P.ovi,ional Lieutenant governor JLur faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thbuland eight hun¬ dred and tifuenj and fifty titih year cf wrR^n- F. P.R. 6 THE subrcribers keep cdnftantly fot' sale on the Ma.ket Ground adjacent to the Main Guard, t very deferipiion ol Fteih Meat, fucri as Beef, tvTntton aid oth¬ er kinds in thti p-oper feafon. Tlicy will alfo couilantlv keep eVcrjr kind of VEGET ,BLES, whete fnth as are difpofed can be fupplicrl by calling at the faid 0.and. N. B. Prime Beef at 6d. per lb. Soup do. at $d. iz do. JOriN YOUNG, & . ■P GEORGE CHARLES Kingston, Aug. 22. 1S15. 1 itf Yov W m . J a a V1 s, Secretary.^ Naval Storekeepers Office, Kinston, loth 'July, 1815. ^ GEO. OKILLSTUART. r«N fop* °>jSl? H Oak and Pint Timber, prior to the clofing of the navigation, in or «ut of the water, at Point Frederick, Co be fuch Timber as is fit¬ ted for the Quebec market to expoi" — requeftea to fend in Tenders by the * fcit^al which tiinc contrac s w;h be en terediuto. LD\vd. UWb. lattj d in- WA.NIED, iting Lad about 14 or 15 years ofa^e as a' fervniit, to a (ingle penticman, to whom good waees will be given. A pplica- tion to be made to this Gr-ice. £ Kin^rfton, 2Qth A up) ft. i^ic. _t_2___ Government Houfe, Kingston, Au'gyJizUlZlS- ALL Pcvfons having any Rt^rt, TiO^ lntcreit, Property or c^aim to, m, or upon the/Lands in Long Ifland, Woltv- or Grand [lie, Garden Ifland and Simeon. Iflan4 fituate in the River St. Lawrence, fttae y me together with copies b? the Documents up- upon which their claim u founded. F. P. ROBINSON, Kingdon, are hereby directed immediate! to tranfmit to me the particulars of (H.e ium li *•*

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