[TUESDAY, August 22, 1815.] [VOLUME V.------No. n.l -J KiNQSTON, Upper Canada— Printer and Published &y STEPHEN MILES.-Price Four Dollars per Ankum. TOC.* • r Terms of the Kingston Gazette. • Cj'Prics—Four' Dollars.per Annum, (exclufive of poftage) 7/6 1 1 advance, 5/ at tlie end of fix month?, and 7/0 at the end of o OR GenlraL Sift the yean *# Price of divert ifing hi the Gazette* Six lines and under, 2/5 fiVii inleriion,- and 1J3 every fubfequent. Ten lines and under, $fy firft infertion, 'Md i/8 every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards, 4'/. per line Hrflf infertion, and id. per line every fucceetlin flrfcrtion. Advertifenients t*H.accom':at'fed with writ¬ ten directions are infer ted till forbid, and toarged accordingly. Military SkcrlTary's Office^ Kingston, 29/Z? July, 1815. Several applications having ;^n made to Maj FREDERICK ROBINSOIW couj- mandinr the Forces in the Prof* ince of Upper Canada, &c. for re- rem'dr.eradnn for tofids and dams* Res fuflained by inhabitants of the faid Province, during th£ lit *ith ;he United Slates of Ameri¬ ca—and his Excellency being de- £rous that full information mm ^ immediareiy obtdncd of the ^ture, extern* and merits of *h . has di reeled cot ^ardsto aflemble for the Pu: oofc otmve{tiga:injrfuch calls as cmy J ^ught before then*, during teenfuirifx months of ■■usruil and e war pete pa: b Member,.at the following pla* ces,vi/,: TORT GEORGE > YORK, KINGSTON, FORT WELLINGTON. All perfons therefore who may hav.? darns for dana^espM ro have been done by our own troops: For damages d-ne by the enemy;: Forhoufes and buildings occupi¬ ed as barracks, or for otfof pub¬ lic purpofc, laid to Ks**« been deftroyed by the me y in con . "fequence of t3».tt ircum'1 ance— Are hereby direa i to delive fe- dulv utter pirate account or tne lasa*, authenticated, and eLiiled u the before me-tloaoi be;i;h»9 to the o3kjr commanding His Ma- ly's troops at either oi the above polls, on or before the 30th Sep¬ tember, after which diy no claims whatfbever of the native above defcriberd, will be received or tak¬ en into confiderarion. By His Excellency's Command, WILLIAM GIRSONE, 'dct*n Miry. Sm% 8 Wanted •. - F0D A. Lime Sand • 1 PUBLIC SERVICE AT THIS POST: bufheis do. 5,000 6,ooo '•Bricks 8 inches 4^2 120,000 So.gm4 1 2X 2 1-2 do. •iLir yak thffeer Do. Plank bufliels feet 3' do 4 inch ihvyr M.dLn-i Dilirid, ) pHE Court of Oyer to wit 1 j I and Terminer Niii Priiis and general Goal Delivery, will be h .;dcn at the Court Houfe in the Town of Khiortu.,, jn the fak Didn'tf, on Monday the twenty eighth day of Auguft, at the hour of ten of the clock in the forenoon. I do therefore hereby give notice to all thofe who will profecute againd any pvifoncr in the Common 1 r.jal for the laid Diiirict, that th:y he then there prcfent to profecute agativft them as mail be iuit. And I do alfo give nprke ro all j-iili.es of the Peace, Coroners, 13 . life, Coi.(tables, and other Peace 0fKcerS| in a.diAr the Di!tn*a afo-el'aid, that they be tutn and there in their own proper peifonsj with their Rolls Record;, <md other Rt- membrances, to do thofe tliloin which to then- fevcral Offices in tiiat behalf appertain to be done. CM A a L£S STUA RT, ShenlF. SheriiT's Uiiiee, 8th Auguft, 1-815. 9 GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Kingston, iyb July, 1815. HIS Exoliency the provifional Lieut. Governor has been pieafed to appoint F. P. Robiufosi, Ef^uire, to be his P> ivate Secretary^ 9 4t3 Wanted, T^OR the Public Service, at Kir.crfl.on> ■*■ Point Frederick a-id Point Henry, as may be agreed noon, 3000 Cords of r^ood merchanta¬ ble FIRE WOOD, and 8,000 BUNDLES ST5UW. to be delivered during the months of Au- ffu'i, Septcrt'ber ?nd Cclober following* Perf.ns diffofed to contract: for the wnole MISCELLANEOUS. . FROM THE MONTREAL HERALD, . € . A LETTER.—1. Mi\ Editor^ Sir—It it is the fate cf ail new settle- ments, to labour under many difauvantages, not only till they clear land, build houles, make roads; but HkewTc till they gfct oth-r inttitutions brought co fume ordci and uti¬ lity. Among frich iuHtcutions as they Wanfc tlie education of children ought to have the firft place. But that the plan of education hab improved in thefe Provinces comme^iu- rate 10 their profpenty, or that it is con- duelfd in t\: bcfl manner, is what I will not affirm. The few fcho'ds that have respecta¬ ble and able teacher- arc opfc here to be cou- Notice- Dt hputy Paymaster General*s 0/fire, 1 KWGSTQ'V) ~th Aug. 1815. j LL Ferfv'OS having- any claims whatever of a Pub¬ lic Or Private n.uure, upon tlie Deputy Pay M...-t.er General, or upuxi any Peribn belon^in^ to -he I>ep*a"tment in Uppor Vunad*, are ceired ro fendtn their start me ts io ibia *'frlce, oa or Dciore tiie •24th >>f ;-ugtst inflant, in order that the fame may be forthwith dilLharged. W.P CPvAT/FURD, qw% D.P.Gen't. r 11 .• C \ ♦ " «"»«ui. uv.civ.ui. 1 - (jtt iiv,'-- licit: tO lie! '"Oll- or a reafanable prooortnmor theaoove quan- r* . ^ J ,, . ,. *;*• lu »*• <■"« .'• • ■ -n 1 rr'», r ■ *i u j c "tfereii. i he r u!cvv:no[ obfei vatioin are en¬ tities will he carctUi toexprels in the body it ;. , - a 1J1 rtlt » r tireiy conhncd to our common country schools, without any reference to :hofe, feboolu, that are under the fuperinteildance ox experienced and well educated Teachers.—^ All men, in evciy civilized counttyj wilh to give fome learning to their children, but 011- their tender the preciie periods of delivery ; and it is to be under ft ood that no pronofal will be accepted unlefs the name cf tworef- peaable perfons ar« c.-iven as fecurities for tlie due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 25th Auguil next. iotf Com^rjfj.nat Office, King j ton* iOti) June, 'l&i). ..- - Ua'K HUNDRED dollars R EIV A R 1). KINGSTON yd dugnft 18150 To be Sold, Ah^cdfbirse En*U{k made Gig, m every refpeefk eq"a! to new, wi'h a new Tandum hnrnel'-. They may he h <d tor^ethe^ or Ccp- arat'.-iy, as may bed iuit the convenience o£ purelialersi. For Particulars apply to 1>. D^/VFRKE, &uarUr±Master GenrraPs IO // Office* Ktn^tor:. Stole n 5 11 ROKE into the back Store of the Tub- Tj ROM. out of the fubferibers carriage, J iciiher, 0 » Su-iday n^ght the 6th intt. JC ftanciinf in his (ViWe, a Venetian Blind, r,..-i r..,J, ,,.,* .K.> r it....*.... _ .; i_ . ' • . . r . s ».. ___i_ ______ ._: U u:i<\ uMjk out the fallowing articled, 1 Piece mixed cioih 24 | ya;ds, No. 66 1 do Blade do. n \ do. No. 356 :6 yriids Toilonctie. . 1 X do. do. 32 \ do Dimity. 20 I do. Pfiocm Cord. 2 lb. Nuns Th.ead, rtfo. 18. i lb. do. No. 10. I lb. do. No. 16. 4 lb. do. No. 00. and Si:; Ears of Soap. Who.ver will give information of the thief or thfeves. fo th it he, fee or they may be brought to punilhment, lhall on convic¬ tion, receive the above reward. GEORGE DOUGLAS. fainted green, framed in mahogony, with a metal fpr.ing locb. Whoever will give in¬ formation where it may be found will be handlomely rewarded by JOHN" FERGUSON, Kingston, August l> 1815. 6lf FOR SALE, A FEW ELEGANT Wooden Clocks, warranted to keep good time. Inquire at this office. July 30, 1815. _________ All Discharged Soldiers 8 . Kingston, Angii.?* 7, 1^15. o Kingston. July 17th, 181c. Dlfctiarged Non-Ccnum'lTioned Officers no Solctfer&j who may have been recom¬ mended for receiving Grants o{ Land, are to repaii to Cornwall without delay, & to re¬ port themfelvc; to Akxa:uLr M'DoneH Elq. fuperintenJ uU of the Department for Loca¬ ting the new Settlers. By order of His Excellency the Pro-.ifional Lieutenant Governor. 6 F. P. ROBINSON, &*Vjn \ PPLYING for LAND, are to give in -"« thdr names to Edw. Jones, late of the 9th Regiment, now riding in the old Barrack Square. F. P. ROBINSON, Secretary. g ly a few are capable of judging how it flv.uld he accoitiplifhed. The oulv dnetliori which 13 generally deemed necc{fary to be canvafa- ed is, now to hire a perf.in, calling; himfelf a fchool mailer, For as li1 tie money as pnfll- Lie. Engaging for low wages :$ the beit qualification that a man can have, the bell recommendation he can bu'ng in bis favor.— When a pcrfe-n is thus found wi'diVg to woik cheap, and to undertake the tuition of children for the pittance that fordid parfimo- ny is willing to afTord, buii. ef* will i.nooihly go on, till one or more of the employers ci^nrcl with the /O'aiV.r,, then an immediate difmiffjon h the refnlt. Hence, a Country fchoolmafter ia an infignifiden't Contemptible being, a mere cypher in fociety. No man of any ta'ents atd refp'£»ftability of character will ever un-jertake 'he oiHCe for want of en¬ couragement ; nor i? any fuch wanted unlets his demands be on a level with thofe of the perfons that have alwvys been employed. Men irfually hire the brll workmen they can get, for any ether Work, bufinc.'j or employ¬ ment ; but the cheaperV mailer to imtruci their children, let his qualifications "and mor¬ als be what they will. Our fchoolmafters, art, therefore, compefed of untaught boys 5 f»r of dunces that are unfit for b\uincfs and too h?.y to live by the M fweat of their face-*" No wonder then that the proK Ifion is redi> ced to the ut rr*oft contempt. The trurh of this remark is fofenfibly felt, that though many are wiliino; to educate their f-ms for commercial bnfmefs, no man hasevei", within the fpkeie of my acquaintance, edeeated bis fon, unlefs he were a dunce and cenfequemly good for nothing elle, to be a fchoolmatier. If you will piiiu thefe irma.ks [\lr. Editor I itiall fend you more on the fame f^fbjecb. In the mean time, I am 6r)* your humble fervant. PA LEMON. , From the Canadian Gcurant* For Sale, LOST, A lout the fifth of June lujl, a Large Bay NORSE, with a star in his forehead*' \\] BOEVER will return Ihefaid Horfe * to ;he fubferiber or give fuch infor¬ mation, a- (hail lead to fits recovery, fuail be handfomely rewarded. H, McNALLY. rT^HE West Half of lot number nineteen in A the fecond concellion of the townfnip of Kingilon. Apply to the. Printer. For Sale, Sett of BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Inquire of J. Bennett. Khirston, July II 1S15. J I e in A r 1 - Rags i I r 1 1-2 w cs 3 ft - ?o,ooo 60 6,000 5,000 1^,000 » 50 000 40,000 30,000 5-000 . FOR SALE, TPHE South Weil Tide of Lot No. So, X in the 4^h ConcciTr.m of the townfhip of A.neun-.burdi— containing too acres 5 well watered and timbered. For prtiefr Raes: Gash and the highest price paid for COrTON AND LINEN ibinCk* Sinn^les 120,000 Sealed nropo&ds for tlu' who'-e, or part of Lc above anicleg, will be »e-e;v.jd at this '«5c^ until tlie 24th August i llant. K Won, utb AugWt, 1815.3 IC4 W HcilloivcU, August ±_}^JJ- -----------j0o FKECEIVZO, And for Sale at this Office, WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, MUHRAVS GRAMMAR, RAG S, AT THIS OFFICE. A QUANTITY OF 9- WRITING PAPER, i Of Quality No. 1 and No. 2, For Sale at this Office. Kingston, April 22,1815; 47'-f Blank Summonses Fot the District Courts, for Sale At this Office.. Mr. Mower,—As public appreWnnon has been lately excited by feveral dreadful cafes of BvdtoyVnobia^ wtr:ch have occuned in the Province, I beg leave to comrminicati a Preventive, difcoveved net long fmce it Poland and which palTes for infal'ible. The inventor of this mode or treatment \5 Dr. Demoneta, Phyficiau in ordinary to the late King. Ke -directs that the wound be covered with frefh eanh or with fnufi*. in order to imbibe the faliva of the animl—ar.d then to walh it with water. When the wound is thus cleanied, he orders that half a pound bffb.ofc- ter be melted in four times the q-:antity of vinegar, and that a compress of linen be fteeped in this m"\ture and often applied to the wound for nifeduys—after which it may be difconnnaeds elides this topical application, be directr. that an ounce and a half of vinegar, w:\imea with a little frcih buiur, be taken m'efna-ly four time* a day—drfnkmg from time tb time vinegar and water, as s common beverage. u~A rigid diet is alfo inn lied on, ?s well as a total abitinence from JA fpirituctis i!qno«s. This bsrpy mehf.'d of tre.'iment has enabled Dr.* Demoneta to prevent Hydro* phobia in more than fixty perfons. Other Practitioners have tried it with facceSs—which renders it well wouhy of a trial in the fiift new cafe that oecurs in Canada* "• ^* *^* Botteberyille, Jnly c, 1S15-