Kingston Gazette, August 1, 1815, p. 3

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it is certain that the icj *ei <1 agents of »te Jiv:cfT»Titly attempting, by menni tit lyinf pi'X-l.J p itions und rrrorts, to in- tcn tijjt the ° ^er which »1 d»»ly gaining jrronrid in &e co'ji'ry. But ;t »< equally ceitain chat the F e-ich nati >n in gmeral, 8n4ihearcr.y «« p* ticnlar, ar* extremely p'cilcu ai the cxpi: ii.m of the 15 uirbon*, :i id an* d-u"i ininej l.» fuppott NapoVon.—*- j* m'>cir<* fr,>:n -ill the new* we have receiv¬ ed ,rii.:n France, that the ek'^ions are going d:i with tb: gfc4teft older* and freedom, and f.iat the enihufiif'-n of the people for the £mperor and the new order of things h nWrly universal. We may therefore treat ivi'.K contempt ifoe ridtctiUitH reports of the alt.rnh'in r of 50,0 »o RoyaliiU on one point a:ii 60.000 on another. London, May 6. Yefterdat WC were favoured with frveral riumhers of the Madrid Giz^ttc to the 9th ofApn'L Trie Gazette of the 2ill of March contain the following : Articles which Charhs IV, prop'fes to his august fon Fcdinanrl VII, fcr his accept* cndfoltmn approbation. " Article t The relinqnifhment to my beloved (on of the c'own ot Spain impofes on him and his fueceffots the obljgaibn of affording rnc the fum necfTary to lupport me V.'iih th t decorum which he high rank in which it pteafed proviJence to pl;»ce me re¬ tches. Experience has taught me that the kin afforded to me fmce my deo^rtnre fiom Spain h-is been infoflie'ent to fnpvly the ex- pence0, which are hdi'penlabie to the decen¬ cy and accommodation of ;ny pj;{on, and that of my augttft houfe. I am aware of the deplorable hSte of the nation, and of the difficulties of my beloved ion, but 1 snow alio that nothing would he more p^in- »;il to his gvnerous f >ui> than that hi* aognft Varei.t ftiuuld want the convenic-neies wnieh Qre required by their high rank, their pa¬ rental claims, and ther advanced age, in which his own honor and that of :he nation ae intc;elted. That the good of the lnt:er ^d ot my beloved foil may N made com¬ patible with my own cornfo.i, I propofe ;hat there be allowed me in future 12 mil)' '•>ns bf re iU annually, to be paid monthly h\ advance. If my fon C?fl«ot at prefent p-w me the 4 millions of reals, forming the •M-renre between the 8 millions which he ft^salTi^ned me, and the 12 millions which L r»q"^, this exeefs (hall be a claim which I •wall have upon ibe nation, and which the Nation will fa.tihfv when its situation •»« m-b'- Uati '■ *• 2. From the time at which the viclon- arma of Spain began to expel »V.e Uftr- DeriiH-y^n nhlgncd me 8 millions of tcaK there was a peiiod in whi:h I was def- *' of all abidance. During this period, JcontraSed a debt of 6 millions of reals, a frht which my fon and his fucceffors oufrht knowledge a< their own, foi hofe'of exh^.nerating me from this bnnhen, aad to indemnify me {tit the turn wh«ch « was thf ir duty to afford me during the fa^d our titute W sc the t>ur- wastneu umy iod of time.' **f. The preterit arficfe nav<R^ beenVj?-; ami. < d ind a » .roved by my fon, fliall receive a cornffjonJing ratification. 11 Rome, Ja t. 14 1815. (Sigmd) "CHAkLES." " The a*bove articles of iitrreement hav¬ ener beep acceoted by the King our Lord in due form, v/erz ratified by the Father King at Rome oo the 4th of March, and the ratification* ex.hi'iged, accompanied with the reftri&ions that King Charles mail not reHde in any cnuntiy where Bona¬ parte or Murat bear rule. " A royal decree of the 24th of" March eflablifhed a new order in vSnim,bv the name of the u Royal Ame--icnii O-der «>f Ifabella the Catholic," of which It defcribe* at great length the infignia. «. Plymouth, En*. June 3. London papers of the ift fay, that Bona¬ parte re rained in Paris. Nothing wa« laid of his departure for the armv ; and the ceremony of the Champ tit Mai, had been further poftponed. 1 wo frigates were pre¬ pared in France, with fecrer orders, ready to takeoff Bonaparte and his family, in cafe of extremity. Infurrec~tions cominue in the wcflern and interior French departments The rr^ils between England and France continue four time-* a week. All Bonaparte's anxiety appears to be to fortify Paris ; and fome of the batteries were calculated to batter down, as well as to defend the citv. ■ Admiral Hotham, ha3 failed with a fquad- ron to take pofleffcon of Martinique and Gnadaloupc. Tioops are continually embarking and failing for the Netherlands. The Briiid) Paniiment had rejected the petition from Weltminlter on account of its indecorous language. The motion for an addrefs to the Pvince Recent, promifing the concurrence of the Houfe in effective mcafures to carry on the war againft Bonaparte, was carried in the Houfe of Commons, May 31ft, by a majo¬ rity of ^21 to 9? ; the largelt number of members prefent which has been known for a long time. Lord Cafllereagh officially intorm^d the Hotife that the troops which the allies would bii^vx into the field would exceed One Million. JLLIED ARMT. On the 25th May, there weie 200,000 iPruhV-nson the Rhine; 90,000 Bavarian*. \v noiiburgers and Badcnefc, on the Upper Rhine { beside.the fvee under the Duk • of Wellington, and i£Oj©oo Rufliaiisvrho wcrS advancing. «••••. kriad ot time. Let it therefor* be an ob- Lation on mf fon and his fuccefTors to pay tomethefaidarrear of fix million* of reals \9khin the period of three y-^s, that 1 may ■fettle vvirh my creditors, or let my fon take vponhim the debt as his own. and ftipulate frith my creditors for their payment^ « i. Should my beloved wife furvive me, tiothmg can be more becomi^ our ddar fori than that he fhould afford his good mother the means of fubiillanee befitring her high rank, and the dignity of the Sovereign of Spain, her owtl f >n. The iOve whii:h 1 bear my auguit wife, and the obligation I am under, that fhe fhonld live comfortably ever after my death, make it my diity to fix tier widow's portion befofc God ihall call me to judgment. It Siall therefore bean obligation on my fon and his fucceitors, to pay the Qjieen my wife, the annual fum of eight millions of reals, by monthly intlall- 'toent*. "4 My beloved fon, the Infant Don Francifeo de Paula, has beert placed by God in hia high rank, and as fuch is entitled to Mjoy that edablilhment which his brother ind uncles have always enjoyed. Preium- ing that his loving brethten will not deprive liim of this right, h will be an obligation on him and his fucceitors, to pay him in future the ufual danatiou which U paid to the In* &nts (J S pai n. *; 5. Should 1 live in Spain, I (hall have aught tochoofe my domicile in that prov¬ ince and city whofe climate agrees heft with my conftitution, tidvanced age, and habits. But not finding k covenient, at lealt for the ptefent to return to Spain, it (hall always be "t my optioo to live in the country which luits me, artd transfer my domicile to it. "6. As the title of King arid the royal prerogatives which rhy fpoufe and I ought to c°toinue to enjoy during life arc facrecS^ and that the honors ana* refped due to us may "e paid wherever we refide, our beloved fon , ^Imfuccelfyrs (hall be bound to requeft tne Sovereign in whofe realm we refide, that I"? rights, prerogatives, and dfliindions JhicVi belong to our rank and high ^gnity, IMPORTANT- On the 12th May, the congr-efs at Vien¬ na, renewed their declarati >n of outlawry a^ainll Bonaparte, of the 1 3th May ; and this new di-laration wis figoed by the minifters of Anflrta Ffanre, Great Britain, Bavaria* ' DshMArk, P<rtugal Pruflia, Rufia, Spain, Sweden, Hanover, Nether* lands, Sardinia, Saxony, the Two Sicilies and Wertember?. * Dunkirk and Lifie had been declared by Bonaparte in a ftate of rebellion. teM From the Boston Pitriot, July 19. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. Arrived at this port laft evening* BritiOi Cartel brig Shukeipeare, Captain Liddillc 43 days from Plymouth, 14B American prif mers, releafed from Dartmoor Left at Plymouth, fhip Meptune, jortes, and lhip Agawan, of Newbnryport, arrived % days before. She broiiaht London papeis to the 30th May, and Plymouth td the 3d June. VVaf had not commenced, but prepara tions were making in every quarter. It \% Mated that 200.000 Pruffians had already affembled on the Rhine ; that 250,000 Ruf. fians were rapidly advancing, and that Wir- tembuig, Bavaria and Baden troops, 90,Ooe> ftrongs were on the Upper Rhine. Ail expedition from Meffina were faid te> be on the point of failing agaUnlt Naples, conilfting of 6000 BritiOi, ij-ooo Sicilians, <ind a bOdV of CaLbrians. A BritiOi fquad- ron was to convey the troops and cover th*» landing. E- C> H' B' H. hi brig Efcrtrt, a few days fince oht Cnpe Canso, boarded a number of Ameri¬ can fifhing veffels, eridorfed their regifteM and ordered them off the coafl. New york, Jul?*.. DistrcJJhig Coriflagrami,—Several letter* Were received in town this morning announc¬ ing, that on Sunday evening, more than half the town of PtTERsauRCH, Virginia, was burnt to tlie ground. In the principal bu- finefa ilreet, not a building remains 5 and many :wcre confumed m Sycamore and Old fticets. It is fuppofed the humber of dwe!h'ri?s and (lores destroyed cannot fall much (hart of three hundred ~ The Farmer's Bank kamong the number. Kingitbn, zyh Jttffo 1815; Several appl'dciorls hiving feert made to Major GeneiUl 8irt. FREDERICK ROBltfoON, co.n- mandirto; the Forces in the Prov* ince ot Upper Canada, &c for re^ remuneration for lofle* and n^ma- £es fuftained by inhabitants of the faid Pj ov.nce, during the late waf With the United Spates :f Anv ri- av NATURAL CURI031TV. There has lately been difcovered a Caverrtj in the Farm of a ptrfoH called Martiueau, at St. Michel Thla difcovery has attract¬ ed the attention of the curious, and Mt. Martineau has lately been vifited by a num¬ ber of inquiTitive obfervers. We hope to be foon able to give an exaa defcrfption of this CaVetn, with the principal cuilofities it con¬ tains. We are informed by the American papers that a remarkable Cavern has lately been difdovered in the vicinity of Sacketa Harbor* 01, the more of Lake Ontario.—i He who informed the Editor, dekended himfelf whith hV others nealy thirty feet, and afterwards went more than half a mile throngh many apartments miiaciloufly form- ed by nature. Some of thefe apartments are about ten feet in height, and others fo ca—and his Excellency ;?eittg d firbus that full inror-nitioh mc be immediately obtdre^ of the nature, extent and merits or thefe claimSj has directed co»i>peient boards to afiemble for :the pnfp .d of inv^ftga in# fuch ttaf 3 s rn ..y be brought before them, idLujing the ending months of uguil of d l3i pm i September, at the following ceSj Viz. :-^ AMTtERS TBUtlGH^ fort george, York, kingston^ fort wellington. All perrons therefore who may- have claims for damages faid 6 have been done by bur Own troops t fmall as fcarcely to be pafT.d without d.fii- For damages d^rie bv the enemy : ciilty. For want of attention, the light Fof boufes and building OCGimi- with which they had defcen-^cd got oat, they remained in difpair during five hours, e"x- pecTti'ig at every moment to pen(h, when a perf.ui, who had remained at the entry, d- larmed at their long abfence, went in with a few of the neighbors, and relieved them from their fears. The air of the Cavern was extremely impure, and it was difficult to breathe. Montreal Herald. Kingston, August i, 1815. At a meeting of the Prefident and Truf- tees of the Midland Diftrid School Society, held at the Rev. Mr. Stuart*. \*wfo\ l\ Truflccs. the following refolntions, were pafled Piefeit the Rev. Mr. Stuart, Prcfident, Allan McLean, Esq. Th'js. Mar&tand, Fsij. Laurence Htrchmcr, Luf. Thomas Strickland^ Esq. Who conll tuted a quorum. RrfoK-ed, i. That the TrewT'irci be authofifed to col¬ lect the fu"fcripiio;?s without delay. 2. That the Treasurer depofit at imereft th<^ fubfciiprion money* and reqneft of the fnhfciibers iutereft ort their fnbfcriptk)n3, provided they do not pay at the time on which he caiLfOr p?ymertt. 3. That the Preiident of the Midland Ditlri6t School Society communicate with trie Preiident of the Canadian School com¬ mitted 4. That a copy of the peoceediri^s of the Midland Dill n'cTt School Society be tfanf- mitted to tne Secreta-y of the Canadian School committee, and that the faid com¬ mittee be reqi-elled to tranfmit a copy of its prodeeili gs 10 the arorefaid fociety. 5 That 25 copies of the fubfcription paoer be ptinted for the ilgnatUrcB of fub^ fcriher- 8 occupi¬ ed as barracks, or for other pub¬ lic purpofej, faid to have been deftroyed by the eheiriy in con- fequence of that circumftance- Are hereby directed to deliver fe- ■ parate accounts of the fame, duly authenticated, and clafied under the beTore mentioned heads, to the officer commanding His Ma* jelly's troops at either of the above pofts, on or before the tember, afcer which day no Claims Vvharibevcr of the nature ab^ve defcribrd, will be received or tak~ en into confideration* By His Excellency's Cotnmdrd, V7ILLIAM GIBSONE, Act*?. Wtp Hec-'i. :J1 Diacharged Boidic s 3cth Sep- Xx APPLYING for LAND, a.e to ?We in their names to EdW« Jo<,tP, »ate of ^he 9th Rcgimen:j now r.iiulr.g iii the old Barrack Sduare* F. P ROBINSON ... - .. . e.«;;eury< KitigStoti. July 3?, 1815. * 8 4W The DIED, At Montreal, dttThurfdly laft, the 27th iult, the Hon. Richard CiktWRiaHt, of this town, aged 96 years. A NEW • • # Capture of Naples. Gibralter, Jufie 18. Official intelligence was received hffc night from Naples, by which it appears, that our fleet under Lord Exmouth having arrived in the bay, the land forces, fent ove* frorri Sicily, took pofoffiion of that Capital, on the 2 1 It of laft month, two daysbefor* the arrival of the Atrftrian army. Murat, who had fucceeded in reaching Naples, iftef the difperf.on of his troops, ef. feded his efcaoe, in difguife, on the- tam* day that tin: town fell into oUr harids. King Ferdinand was hourly expected ther^ Madame M »rat, with about 2000 Frenc^ officer*, IM relent to Tried. The ar'ied . rmies a: Naples confitt o.^ 32,000 r<n, .vc-i will immediately j>ro«ctf| g& ttlterior oj>ei atloa** MUSEU M. MESSRS MADLEY& ROGERS refpe'cl fully inform trte Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingftort and its vicini;jr, that they have opened ah elegant mufeutn at Mr. Olivet Thibodo's Hotel. They have a fupcrior Organ, playing a vatiety of mufic, accompanied by fixteen fmall figures, performing upon a chime of bells, to which they more particularly invite the attention of the public. In acldiiiOn, they have a number of fupe- rior Wax Figures, better wrought and m^re elegantly clad than any that has ever been exhibited in the country: Fof a defcription of which, they beg lea*e to refer the reader to their hand bills exhibited in public place*. The pioprietors cannot but indulge the hope from the patronage the} have received, and the fatkfaAion they have given in other places, that they fhali fecure a proportion able (hare in this. The mufeuni will be open from S o'clock A. M. till 9 P. M. and will be removed from thia p) ace on Monday next. Admittance 2/6—children half price** Are refpecifully iiifptfftcA that a fmall circulating library is Opened at this ofBce, and rrade a ctfsible to all clafles of the communjry.on the itiolt taf dable tefms. Thofe who wfh to t^ke oik book- wi;l pte^fc to call either on Monday. Thirfday or Saturday, between" the hout^s of one and three o'clock. At *hich time- due auen4 tioh will be paid to all who may be ctipoftrd to become lublcnbcrs. There is alfo left at this office^ a toy? hurnber, and a conflderable variety^ of ch'ld- ten's books and ufeful tracts, to be exchange ed cither for cafh nx clean rags. Rng* enough might be ftved ill every fara-r lly to Furttift the family with Books an^ Stationary. And it is hoped, that no per--- fon will be afhamed to engage in faying ar* article fo much needed^ A friend to Education &Ecdhomy Kingston, August 1, 1815. a LOST, - Alout the fifth Df June laj, a L$rge Bap HORSE, tuilh a star in his forth md, 117 HOEVER will return the inid Horfc ' * to trie fubferiber or giv»= Inch irfi^r- mation as fhall lead to hia recovery, Sail btf handfomely rewarded. M. McNALLYw KihgXbn, July 31,1815. ^ 3W Watited* A young Lad about sixteen years of age, as a Servant, to live in a fmall family refiding in the country; Application to be xnadv at this office. Kingston, July 25, 1815. 8tf FOR SALE, A FEW ELEGANT Wooden Clocks warranted to keep good tinte.- Inquire at this office* 5 Jul] jo, x§:z * ?

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