Kingston Gazette, June 29, 1815, p. 1

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[THURSDAY, June r9, 1815.] [VOLUME V._No: 4.] TTE rv.*.- ** e * KiNosro,-,Ui>PKR Canada—Printfd and Published by STEPHEN MILES-Price Four Dollars per Annu M. i*% :»^-', Terms of the KiKGsrux Gazette. C^Pricf.—Foot Dollars per Annum, {exclufive uf po('r:jt) 7/6 In advance, 5/ at tie enJ of fist mouths, and 7/6 at the end of >he year. Pr/ v of advert if ng hi th'& Gazette. Sk Hires and under, 2/6 firft infertion, and j/fl eve'y fublcquent. Ten line-* ani under, %fy fjr(l infertion, and 1/8 every fubfequent. Tci lines and upwards, \d. per line Srft infertion, avi 2#, per line every f.iccecding infetion. Advertif*TienvS unaccompanied wi'h writ¬ ten dirc&ions are mfci'ted till forbid, and chared according1}'. Article 'first. *M*«ta- FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. t ■ • ■- * « • us xiwFrexcii Constitution [Trsmlaiedby the editor fifth N. 2". Colum.] Paris, April 23. hfpkfmiary Ad t? the Confiltuiions cf the Empire. Napoleon by the Grace of God and tiie Conftitutions, Emperor of tlic French : To all prefent and to cgt.c Greeting : Since we have been called, now £3 years paft, by the voice of tfrfcnce* to the govcr'nilicnt of the &tte, we have at different periods, £rtcWvared to b> ing to perfect-on &« conftkuti -liii iVftfti*. accord- *-* cv\ rh • ______ _ -------- __----------- ^gtothc defircs and nccelTuicsof the leffons irtF experience, conftitutions of tlie empire have thus hci« f >rmcd by a fenes at acts which have been confirmed by the acceptation of the people. We have therefore now in view, Cohfequently, the following ar¬ ticles forming an act fupplemen- tary to the coni'lirutions of the empire, Shall be fubmitted to the free and folemn appr< >ba- ion of all the citizens throughout France. CHAPTER FIRST. . GENERAL DISPOSITIONS. The confticu ion? of the empbe, namely, the confti- tutional act of the 22d Frimaire, in the year 8, the ienatus confulta of the 14th and roth of rhermi- dor, in the year 10, and that of the 28th Floreal, year 12, ave modified by the following d=s- pofitions. Ah their other pro- pro vi lions are confirmed and main taixied. 2. The legifl itive power ill .11 be exercifed by the emperor and by two [chambers] houles. . 3 The fir ft chamber, called the Uvitfs of Peers, ihali be hereditary 4 I he emperor (hall nominate the members, who {hall be irremo¬ vable in themfclves and their male defcendaats, by the eldeft and the direct line of tlie eldeft. The num ber or peers thai! be unlimited. The dignity of a peer {hall not be conferred by ad ptton. The peers ill it][take their feats at 2 1 years of a .re, but not be al¬ lowed to vote until 25. j- Tfc* ar^h tliahcdl T of the empire ihal: prefide-.wer the houfe of pee- s ; and in the c afe . rovided for bv the cist article >f the . ena- tus coriiultum of the 28th Floreal year ia, a member of the houfe fpefeially appointed by the emper¬ or. the pace of convoca-ioh, nor for 4c da\ s after the fefiion. 16. The peers ihali be judges' of their houle m criminal or civil matters, according to the forms which Hull be prefcribed by law. 17 The quality (or office) of peers and representatives ihali be comoatible with all the public functions* but thofe of refponfibil- ity. The pre-fecls and fub-prefects mall at no time be eligible by the electoral coiesres or the districts (or precincts) of their finances. 18. The emperor will fend to the two hoitfes the minivers and c >unfellors of ttate, who iha'l lit and take part in the disc flions, but (liall Jiave no votes untefs they are membe s of the houfe of peers or elected by the people. 19. The mmifters who are peers or reprefenta'ives, and who fit, by qHer of the government, fhall rive all llecciTarv info-mation to thchoufes, the publicity or which is not detrimental to" the public in- ter^ft. 20. The fefiions of the two h-m- les lh dl ve rthel be public. They may ne- fs fit in llcret committe, in to organize a grand European fed- or. eral iyftf.m, which we have aoop- 5. The branches of the imperial ted conformable to tlie fpirit of family,iri their hereditary ciefcent, the h -life of peers on the rcquifi- tio 1 of 10 me'nbers^ and in that of the repefentatives by the re* qucft of 25. The gove; ument may alio require clofed doors , for its comm mications In all cafes deliberation^ and v^es cannot take place but in ["iuhltc fitting. 21. The emperor can prorogue, adjourn or difloive the houfe cr re- niefentatives. The proclamation fill each year, ar their annual flec¬ tions, the vacancies in the electo¬ ral colleges. 1 29. From the year 1816, a mem- \ ber of the h >ufe of peers defignated by the emperor, ihali prefide for life and irremovable, over the elec¬ toral college of each department. 30. From the iame date, the electoral college of each dep 't- ment fhall name from among the members of each college of the cir¬ cle (®r larger district) a prcfi.ient and two vice prefidents. For the purpofe, the afiembly of the col¬ lege of the department ihali pre¬ cede, by • 5 days, that of the Col- 31. The colleges of the depart¬ ments and circles ihali elect the number of reprefentatives appor¬ tioned to each by the dct, and table hereto annexed, No, I. I. The reprefentatives may be ehofen indiffei eritly from all parts of France; Fach college of department or circle which ihali choofe a repref- enautive out of its diftrift, ihali appoint a fubilitnte who mall ne- ceffarily be taken from the de- partmen t or cire'e. lege of the circle. » i - ' 33 Induiiry and manufacturing ai.d commercial property iliall P ted conformable to tlie fpirit of the age,, ar.d favorable to the pro- grefs of civilization. In order to arrive at its completion, to give it all the extenfi'-n and all the (labil¬ ity whereof it appeared {bscept'bk Ve have deferred the eftabliflimeat of feveral interior initituiion^. that are more particularly defigned to protect the liberties of the citiz°ns Our aim in future will be confi¬ ned to the promotion tff tlie pros¬ perity of France by the ftabilitv of the public liberty—the necelTary refults of feveral important modi fiations in the couftittMions, se- ratus confuita, and other acts which are rendered in the cm- pire. To this end, defirous on one fide to prefer ve as much of the pait as is good and falutary, and on the other, to render the confiituiions of our empire con¬ formable to the wifhes and wants ofthe nation, as well as to the fta.e of peace which we are deiiroits of maintaining with Europe ; we have refolvcd to pfopofe to 1 he People a code tending to modify and perfect the conftitutional acls, ind to embrace the rights of the citizens in all their give to tue reprefenta:5ve fyftcm ZW its extenfion, to inveit t he 'inter¬ mediate claffes with ail defirable influence and power ; in a word ^combine the grcateft degree of political liberty and individual fe- curity with j.he concentration of iprce ncctiTary to obtain from ftraiV^s Mieir respect for the in- *? V.\^e of the French people ^ tue dignity of cyar crown. are peers of right. They will sit whicii declares their difioluiion ihali convoke the electoral coneges for a new election and convene the new houic wkhin fix mom lis at fartheft. 22. In the interval between the (lions ot the houfe of reprefenta- * or in cafe of their diltolution the houfe of peers fhall not aflerh- ble. ■ . & lives. 23 The <T-'Ve'nment has the • next the prefident. They take their feat at 18 years, but have no vote until i 1. 7. The fe.ond houfe, called (he House of Representjfive*, fhall be e- lected bv the people, 8c The members of this houfe fhall be 629. 1 hey mull be of the age of 25 yea's at lealt.. • 9. The prefident of the h'-ufe of reprefentatives iliall be chdferi by the houfe at the p'peVing of e'eh fiffior.. His fu: 1:0ns ifnal! continue until the re-election of the houfe His nominati"n ihali be lubm'ttted to the approb'ati -n of the emperor. 10. The houfe of reprefenta¬ tives (hall be the judges of the qualifications of ifs members, and decide on the validity of their co'ii- tcfted election's. 11. The members of the hou£ o^ rcprefinta'ives iliall receive a com^ehfation for thc^.r travelling e pence\ and fervices d ;rin » the fefiion, a fum to be decreed by the co-dtituem aifembly. i 2. They iliall be re-eiigible in- c)efin*-tely. 13. The hcufe of reprefentatives, mail be wholly renewed by law ev¬ ery foe years. 4 No member of either houfe- ihail be arretted, except in cafes of flagrant crimes, nor profecuteJ for mCsdememorsv during their fes- sions, but by virtue of an order oft the knife to which he belongs. r 5, No one ihali be arretted oiv detained for debt, in going fmmx 28. Th« diiiact aikmblies fbti£ (3' prooofitiori of laws: the houfe 'may propote amendment : if the am¬ endments arc not adopted by go¬ vernment, the chamber? «rc helcf to vote on the laws which they have propofed: 24 The chambers have the right to invite government to pf opofe laws on nny particular fubicel, and to ciigeft what they think infert in the laws; J his demand may be made by ei¬ ther of the two chambers When a digefi (or bill) is adapted in one houfe, it fhall be fent i i the Q'htv9 and if approved there, fent to the emperor. 26. No written difeou'rfe, ex¬ cepting the reports of committees, the reports of miniilers on th laws which are prefented, and th accounts which are rendered, ffiall be read in either of the chambers CHAFFER if. mgs e Of the elecloral Colleges, and the modes J O of Election. 27. The elc: toral coileo-esof rhe departments and circles ihali be held conform tb:y to the fenatus confu'tum oithe 16- '•< thermidor, have a ipgcial repr^fennation, The election of the reprefenta¬ tives of the merchants and ma-iu- * facturer* iliall be made by the e- Iectoral c Ileo;es or the Tenartments frorri a lift of eligible candidates drawn up by the chambers of com¬ merce & clumber of confultation unite 1, according to the act and table herewith annexed, No. 2. CflAPTER III. OF THE LAW OF TAXATION. 34. The general direct *aKe3, oil I mds as well as movables, ihali be voted for i year only : inii- rect taxes may be laid for a longer term; In cafe or the difiolu'ion of the houfe of reprefint-.tives, the du^ic^'s impofed in the p^eced- fiion ihali continue till a new meeting or the touie. 35. No tax, direct or rndirect^ in fpecie or in kind, iliall be collec¬ ted, no loan iliall take place; ho fubfcriptioti oi credit to the great books Of the public debt fhall be made, no domain (or inheritance) (hall be alienated or exchanged, no levy of men for the army ihali be decreed, and no portion of rer-* rhory ihali be exchanged, but by vittue of a law. 30. All propositions for taxes, loans or railing men, Sail be made in the houfe of reprefentatives. 37. To the houfe of reprefen¬ tatives alio iliall be carried, 1 it, the general budget (or expofiiion) of ttate, containing the (report or) ftatement of the expected receipts, and the propofed funds neceilarv, for the year, in each depart merit: of the adminiftration ; and 2d, an account of the receipts and expen¬ ditures of the year pail or prece¬ ding. . , CHAPTER IV, *r*% and their Refpcn- Of the Miriifr Jlbility* 38. All the actV of .zovernment year 10, excepting with the mol- fhall be ^our>ter£»Tru-d ov t ifications which follow. ni'fter oi ^^e.>a tme-.r. r\ ri"»i I • Y> ** I I• r ft IV he mi- ^0. The miniums ajere^poafi - •

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