Kingston Gazette, June 20, 1815, p. 3

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,rs^Y^^r^ic,2.]ymrv or dif- / ivr the ilouic oi: Rcilicfcnta- tivjs. Sittings to he public. _ J. nc L* left 'ra! Colleges are maintained. j_,and tax and ciircft t?.xcs to be voted enly for a year, indirect any be for fcvcral ycaT*< No levy of men for the ar ••••>*, nor any es- r • . i . . _ t to be refcorifiV.c. Judges ro b irremovable, Juries to he efhb- i Vihere he N • f pole, an; ma-ie Prince of that family, even \n c,ife of the exclufiun or the I n: pc i i a I Dvirauv. Lowell??., April -l, AnemMr.ry fenr to ic nice the trops ro Boiurar.e, hn been ra ken and feut to the prifon in » h:s city. This agent cried co'iir-Lai- ly'-'Vive r^p.leon \" He .had been rmi fixed £<em rtw&vek, had excited foine fol- diers to join hinv. A ccttrief Cent by Naanleon to Vienna hb been ftopped in Wurteiaberg; aod n.;t permitted to proceed except with an eicort. f Berlin, /fyr/V t. Official accounts frotti Keuf- chatcl ftare, that three of oonn arte s enimiSuries have been ta- ^eabythe peaCintSj and in} meat ate'y han^d upon tree-. fvmed'-ysa^o a French Gene- raK who wa> iikewiie a fpyot.N::- poleot.-'a, was ie:ze.i here, and ftfee d lys a-o a French Cap! da *U£ la-ter had oarers tending ro 'three orh*.r Fre cii Iples lu e fcepn taken at M jde',ur.ih. d Col. TV.rrens, arrived veiterday afternoon from their ixn- portcnt Vnifiion It is r.po-Ved that they are the bearers of the fe¬ cund Dcdarvuoa, to whi h we al¬ luded yeftcrday, as h,vin.; been le by the allies oa -h.. 29th of laft month, after B T/aparre7s ar- rival at Paris wis knov/n at Viert* na. The Ailed S^tv?vgn* « di not treat Vvdch Bona.?:«r.e, or aty of his family ; but they d i him all ideas of diet, tins a ^WTn- ©cat o France, i hey lav, tins mao, Bonarar;c, has Qio'wn him- feif to he a man whom no t-caiy binds; who k, where .e \% r>y the violation of treaty, 2nd therefore we will not trea; wVn hi;n. Ae apprehend that thev are **€ fec'tiy juftified by the law of nations in making this declaration, and c is weak and idle to fa\ t h it in ft") ' doing they pre* end to d a Government to Frame". Ihe oo~ pofiuon, in their 1-iind admira'.ion of Bonaparte, are curiouily incon- fifcot. They contend that wc and our Allies ought to have guarded Bo- Wpai'tc ixiote vigilantly in El a, oeuuie vve ought to have i;ee« a- Jttl that he would take the hrlt hvorable opportunity to « fcape, ar-d thus b.-cak the treaty he. had ^'ewhh them 5 bu> vet, with Jofilatnc breath thev contend that ne^apcrfon perfectly proper to n%oc»ate and cenciuded a treaty «4 1 ^licre was a report that the uke of Wellington was corning 10 tliis country, 1 here is no tPJtf in ir. He is moii acliveiy ^npjoyecii; nrditary preparations. £*«*&: fquadror.s of the 10th ;r^oons embarked at Dover on Tuesday. More troops have em- bar- ed from Lirs^e and Har¬ wich, befides irinunfe quantities of cannon sad (lores. •a .atf/t from England. t oV/(?r^ p M<— Shit) i\iilo. I <leterrcd by the p^efenrb of the mi* )i;ary from penly avowing thcif fenti j.ents, and it is generally th opinion, that when the allied ar¬ mies advance in force, they wi 1 be joined by peat numbers who dare not come forward until certain of Ver, 36 days from, Liverpool, has juil arrived. We have teen pa. pers to the 2^d April, but ran give only a (hort fummary of their con¬ tents. « The papers comaii the" Trea¬ ty of Aiiunce, Offeidive and De- fen five/' between ItuSia. Auftria, Prufiia anJ Great Britain, dated the »ct'h of March. The Hi>h Contracting parties, a^rree to fup- port Fiance, & every other threa¬ tened country, a^aitift Bonaparte and his adherents. Every one of tli.epa.tie> ema^e.. conftandv ro have in the he»d, 150,000 men, &c.—and that they w:d't not lay down their arms till all the o- lefts contemp^ted by the Treaties vS Pa 1 i.> and V ennt are attained, nor until Bonaparte Avail be wholy and comoietely deprived of the power of and of being able to a'.empt to 00 tain the chief power ?ia France ike* The papers itate thai RufHa was or^a>:izing and p^tttxig in n arch 110.000 men • would have 20c,- 000 in Rac bv middle of »:piiK 200,oco en tbxe Kibe, m ■ icoxoo in Poiand—Prtaffia ha^ 90,000 in full march for the Rhine Glo. Support, exciting d fturbance- L 1 !3 land, Holland Ban- ver and H: ffi?f 60,000, to be 1 eady by the 15*h M;>y—BayaiiaT.H 44.000, 2 2l OOO in motion r r • he-Kbine — Auliria provides iio..ooofor the Rfami% has 180,000 occupying I aoc— vVitdembcrg :uH)ilhes 10,000 tor the ii! 11 ii'.e, the rril of her forces k'!ptm 'eterve—rdtde-i h ^ 10,000 itAvly, auvi j,ooo u line—fleife l)ai».l"tuit to tur ;(h k.c Piedn ont to fufr»fli 1 5 ceo. i fie troo' s O' the A des, whi h were marching tgainft France, we.e to be on die Rh ne about,the enduf \pril. Tne Ahie^ prr.pofe to debouches according to circutu¬ ft an :\y with a corps by way of iyicej Ar.tioes and Marfeilles ; to make a v.t thodical war, and r-ot to act on the offenlive till all are in the line. The Gra^d H. QrW were aiready at F. aakfort. 'ihe ^eckonrd up on Nap-dams tun bei^i? a Ac to prr.rufe muikets, that he had no a tiilery, nor artiU iery h -rle- *, an-'- th<it Napoleon had onlv 20 or io 000 cavalrv. 0 \J f wherea- the? wi*l have 70 000 in line Ihe Allies, it is faid, dis- tiuft the SwTs ud the Crown Prince oi Sweden. RamsgatCi April 16. The Sir William Curtis, Rams- gate packet came in lad night from Oilend. By a gentleman who came in this vtfiel, we learn that the Duke of, Wellington is before Liiie with a confederate forces aiid has fumironed that place to declare for Kingr Louis, & given three days for deter mi nati on: that at IJankirk theRo>al party is much the ftrongeft, and although the military have pos¬ sesion' of the iffong works, yet they are pent up there.—Our in¬ formant was in Dunkirk at the time the tri-coloured flag was hois- ted, but which the inhabitants did not fuffer to remain more than one hour \ they tore it to pieces, hoHled the white flag, which ftill remains up, and drove the military to their barracks, and the com¬ manding odicer thought it proper to confine them to that fituation. That along the coaft the Royal ^iO his mnnv friends, bat JX$, * PARIS, April 2: Martitah Snilr, Lefebre and Strrurief took thti'-ouhs of allegiance to the Empe¬ ror the 19th. Gen Grouchy has been app-iirited a Mar- Hj ;1 of France April 30. Y -ftenhy I ^5DOO troops af¬ ter defiling before tnc Emperor, commenced their march For their deftinations. Horjnnnvjhij). MR. STEWART, H^m&j \u- form*th. Indies and Gentlemen of Kiiiglbo ai d its vici ity, thdt- o.. I i Vc chief day Evcmrg J ,ne 2 t, he intends to perform a Gren variety oi Surprizing FEATS of ACTIVITY, I'i a Grand Dil) lv < HORSEvtANM-IIP. Kingston, June 20, i815. • » 9 - • • • 9 • o • BOSTON, jiine |; Lareft from Kurope. The Britifh tranfpHri (Hip which sm'veci this day t,om England, with rekafed Amer¬ ican pnf'-.ncr% has Drought London pnpers to the tit May. ■ Wa'- preparations continued whh hcteai- in7, v'g°r on an Immenfe fcale. Three large armies were forming near the French fioi>- tier?, of cliCcipbtied tioops to be led by the belt talent and experience f>f the alie-. The French Armies of Olferbafwn continue! to be r;-jnforced da»iy ; bill not in correfpon- dintj fore-. rFhc fpeedy departure df Bona¬ parte to vifit his northern frontier h:d be^n announced in the Pari- paoers. He wa? to frt out tltc 2cl May, and to be only fifceea days. . . ^ It is dated, [April 2(3] that Sirmiifeing had taken between the Prnfltan and French outpyfta near Givct, [ >n ihe French northern border] in which the iarter had four kilK-d, and fifteen takexi pd'orters.—-■ Thiols piobably true; the Pruflians, fioni foTic ciiufe are extreme'y inveterate a^anft th" French ; and appear deterrttined to nu-a larf fword^wit'i thern» The reports f'.om Italy arc contradictory. Some iffirm that 'he Kiiia of Nap e- TVIu- r^'J had been defeated both at Ferrara and OcSio-belloj—th. t h- had been bounded, and that his army wa* re inng ea ft ward. O'.htr accounts fay, that >n the 15th A- pril, he was advancing weftward, on ths »i"hr bank -F the Fo 2 and ti*as neat Plat- %Hnes the 14'n ; whi e a oiu'vn or ms ar¬ my operating thi'-ugh the Appentne«>i men¬ aced Al.-xand-ia aid Ge.oa. A third re¬ port tKj ?hat the Allied Powers at Vienna, bad at lail. recognized Murat an King of Naplc ; and th^ti in conli-qucnccj he wa3 ab'"".it to citHn'Tr his m**alures. The ianjt'iaffe of the Britifh Mini It eta was a (Tumi Hi' a more warlike tone. In a de- bate on the 28th April, Lord CatllercaVK av')wc*M tha* aithfH?s£h ho't'lities were direc- ted again ft bmapaite himfTt, the French people would be cxpolcld to thei' optfatio'^ iftley upheld his Uinrpat ion. Mr. Whit- bread's f*ioii»n to Addref- the Re- * war by by perTorrring <t numuci ui new an»j ex ra ordinary Feats, fucli as picking uu c .1 Handkerchiefs, and a Watch fro 11 tne g'-ound without difmounting, wiii e he Horfe is in full fpe- d. Mr. Stewart will;dance 2 KornDipe on Hoi e hack whi e Ki full (peed, and will ftan 1 wi.rh hi^ toe in bis bahd, in the attitude oi th* Flyin.- Mcrcuy Alf-will jump rhf Whin backuard3 a.^d orward« thriugh hi- knees, and a number of bthT SiR■ reni attitudes, wh le the Horft i? in fiil1 fpetd) which will be furpTuOngly af- tom<hi«>£r. a He will alfo execute the neat trikr?, fo a number of different attitud.'s, which will fiirnrize the audience. He will do th-r aftpniKihg Feat^ of Sill Vaulting, Tumbling &c. ar>d a variety of other Feats, too numerous top ticulnize. (T> Mt. S-ewart feegs l^ave to alTj-e hCT audience, that no e^eition< or his part ih.ill be granting to rend r th'. Entertainment highly Gratifying and Anrifing. ■ __ _ _ j 1 y- <jcnr to avert nv- negatived 273 to 72 x negociation w^a De-'ma k, it was reported,had acceded to the TVea*y of.VI-mna, a-ml wan or^arii- zing an army of :6,000 men, to join the al- G army. Boston^ June :o. The V?.rU papers fpeak v-iy parttcuhrly of the devotion of individual reefofts to the Emperor's caofe. If the dev ti ttwasgtn- er..l the'r paiticuliiritiei v.ouid not bt no¬ ticed. Napoleon had adb.-it^d the reffoi.Qtt&fery rnc?f> of fe .dino military Commifir-'nerH, armed with pie iaVy powers, ifflfeu ah the di- vifion- of France. A number of circumftances mew that Bo¬ naparte wa. too precipitate in lefnminer the, French throne, Several thoufand-of Fn-nch prifuner^ from the interior «f RnfTn we>c travtvfino Germany whui he entered Ftawev, they havp been ftopped awd det-'inrd Wanted i^OR fewiceofthe Royal Engineer De- X parlment, A MILLWRIGHT, Competent to erec> a vS,-uv-MiI\ on K"n^flon Creek, who will furnifn and complete the whole of the Timber work. ALSO, A larj^e fupplv of Stones, which will be re- ceivic! at the Qjiarry at i'oiut Henry Sealed Propofals for erecting the Saw- Mill and furnifhim/ the whole or part of the Stone, will be received at this Ollice on or before the 25th June infla'nt, on which rta'y tht loweft tenders will be accepted, on fur nlfllina fatitfaclorv lecuiitics. ■ Commijfiir.iit Ojjlter KihgstQHi \$lh Junt% 1815. 3tf FOR SALE—A full blooded Mc- nito RAM Knquue of ihe Printer. M Oft. %t- *Si4.. ai By AuMiq&t XVILL be fold on Lliunday next, the 22d -lay of J ne inftant,, it i z o'ch ck, at the Bottle ot the fubferiber, Ihe Eff,cls of Capt. -Ft*HER, oftkt Royal Navfo J CONSISTING OF We>rirt<» Ap.-»aiel, M iboganj' Scr«toire# Cheft of Draweia and BcokCde, a v..l'.ij, ble cohecliou of Book—Shirts Towel- Table and Bed Lm-n, Glaf» Coffe and l\aCup>.&c—Ivory Kf.'ves and Fozka« Cf.'iki ijr Utenfila—zi Tn^ iT.i r»a K' e and Bridle (al noiir.ew)—with va ious . titer ar¬ ticles. Catalogues mny be f en ;it tiic Auc¬ tioneer's a dny previ.uis to tbe fal*. JOHN" DARLEY, JuSbwr. KlngftdOi Juile iS, 1815. TO BE SOLD A7 Public Auction1 On Saturday, the 24th inftant, THE Government Schooner VINCENT, QfTirriy Six tm Burthen. \V»th and R This velTc, h-*- j nit und-.rjri. e a tfl nr- n<rlt repair, a id can be f-tn by a i*ilicat-j n \i be Batteau Office, where an inventory fa her iio'e- i> l<ept. The la'e will take place in the Nbiket Square, prec 'c'y at 12 '">"ciock. Com >>l[f'if'tnt OMce^ /wVvro«, ig{& June* ifhf. Notice. THE fubferiber being duly aurh"rised t 1 lett e the affairs of the l«^< C. tvje- Get?; Efq. Ordnance Stofe Keeper at ti.ia P. Ii, ?-t qur i^s all thofe who' have de-ran Js 3 - jp*t«ift the'.(aid £ftate» fo produce tie ( n ^ authentic, -ed,) f r pay.n-' t—and nil ffeofe who are indebted to the f**id Es¬ tate, are herehty requefted to piy th*- laoni- to Mr. J. T. Wilsc*. at the Ordl apre On fice. H '.Md GO VVE V. Kw$ fori, 1 -V 5 Jto*» 18 * 5 • 3 w v jj Tirrtj &tx yttns burtocn. \ aU her ?/a>s, Spars Sa»I^ St" df^ [ i£ K'j^in^ com^lvie ; all), two Cables anf] two \?irhort- _ $ . > Take A . r-pRAT wherea D 1\r B SLLEV J_ fjvrned .1 cerai- C0"tr»§ 'Aitl1 he Deputy Bafitack Mali 1 Geuerjl, f r b.ii- diiHT a lar^e St re Houfe and H b Uai for tire u^ of Go.crment, for th fidfl'Pettf of which »h< f«'lielibers be -aT.e fee ir.t; j -is a(- f. hive advanced a large fun of their «wn private pr p»iiy With ftugaoeni ota f p y- nuntoff«>me G>rds ?:t Kuigitcan tof rwaij thi abov. Buthli' iT> ncf This is thcrc/ote to rer-uell Qmt c crany otherperfon, not to »nikean> fi»rtl payment on the ab. ve 13; i di • , m ' i • fet* lleraent U made, and lawful 1 il paid :t. E 1 '"* A'S, i^O BRl*aUUS&

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