Kingston Gazette, July 18, 1814, p. 4

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Sales at Auction* I> WHITNEY prapnfes filing his Jm who'o (lock in trade at Auction, a- irongll which are p+ ~ Puncheons high prooFanji well fia- / (j vorcJ Jamaica Spirits j IO pun¬ cheons Leeward Ifland Rum.;' I £ipe L. P. Tcneriffe Wine .; t do. belt Port do ; 2 do Cogniac Btandy ; I barrel heft Holland Gin ; 20 barrels Shrub ; 20 do. Pepper¬ mint Cordial ; 100 'gallons -Lftfie Juice ; - 45 chctts bell .Hyfon Skin Tea; 4 tlftgv Beads and 20 barrels Brown Sugar; p box¬ es MufcDtel Raiiiaa; 20 drums Bloom do ; ,4 calks common do4 too "Ib/lflu-'iled Al¬ monds ; 50 barrels Salt ; 20 kc »s Plug To¬ bacco ; 15 rolls Pigtail do.; 2 Regs Ladies Twill do ; 40-:reams Writing Paper ; a few Jt*gs SuufF.; a quantity of Iroirand Steel:; -Pepper; Allfpicc ; Nutmegs.; Muftard ; Indigo andStarch. ** ' jess, JBrft fuperfint black, blue, military gWfj London brown, and icarlet Broad Cloths ; r»****; Contraft. REQUIRED for the Service of the Royal Enginetr Department, 93 Toifes Stone. 37,000 Bricks. ^,100 Bnfhels Roach Lime. 6,2CO Do. Sand. j2 Pine or Cedar Logs, each to he tS feet long, and about 9 in. dfameter. .40 Do. do. .24 feet long, about 9 in. diameter. 6300 feet fqnarc Pine timber, 16 inch by 12, and not lefs than 20 fe<:t long. IOO pieces Pine Scantling, 32 feet 6 in. long, each 8 in. by 10 inches. Journeyman Joiners. F. fuhfc.ibe. is wmtiogfeven oretpl* Journeyman Joimn., „r Carpmters wages will be gt«en. Apply lo .7" 'bcr at Km. ft Town. J hc r *~ ANDREW PECKINS. prnrjt Town, April 21,-1814. 14 HE SuVlcriber ha« for Sale, at ihc J Stgjes of John Kirby, Efqr. the following articles by ihc Package only Jamaica Spirits of a foperioi qua'ity by the Puncheon or Barrel. Gfcgniac Brandy, by the barrel or k 250 Do- do. 20 5 10 Do. do. 24 7 ^o Do- do. 1 j 4 4 Do. do 26 6 1300 Do. running do. 3 6000 feet I inch pine Boards 9000 do. 1 do. do. 6500 do. 11 do. de. 8500 do. \\ do. do. 4500 <\o. 2 do. Plank. 300 do. 3 do. do. do. 4 do. 9 do. •5 4 do. 4 do. s 8 in. wide. 12 do« black, blue, brown and grt^f.cond do; -6o>000 .l8 jnch Shingles. black, drab, and dark mix'd, Caflimcres ; Seakd Tenders for the whole or any part BrunfwickCord.; Stockinette twill'dand dftheabovc WJU be received at this office pelice Velvets-; Corduroys ; Toilonette and Maxfeiils Veiling ; blue and black Serges:; -white Flannels ; green Baice ; blue and until! Monday next the 21st. inftant. Depy. Commiffary General's Office, 15th February, 1814 »4 black Ladies Cloths:; Bro^i Hollond ; Dowlas; tlripM Cottons j fi^ Cotton (hir- ting ; black, brown, green and printed Bom- J_ public that he has j till received a frcfll Dowlas; ftripM Cottons ; fifft Cotton (hir- rpHE fubferiber refpeftfully informs the bazetta ; Dimities ; pink crape ; men's fupply of Dry Goods, adapted to the prel- Shawls j Cotton do; Morocco Slippers; in high tfiimation^ I bale undicfs fiioerhne Calicoes-: 1 do. common do. t do furfiittire dtfc; Gin^hims; *hc Grocery line, viz. Together with the following articles in •flrlp'd and figured Cambrics and Mull ins ; plain white Cambrics ; Lenoes^ Handker -chiefs; lc^Th-r-coinfoMers •; role, dude! and p?> t Blankets ; Sewing Silk and Twill ; I.ifh Linen ; Linen Diaper ; Cotton do; black Durante j Cnlimaucoes ; Cotton Foot- in-: ; Fulh'anx ; Nankeens ; Yoik Stripe ; --O^tvabur^hs,; Gr:ind:iuu:ls.; Jeans-.; men's beaver, k"att and wool Uits^ boys wo'l 1 and cancel's hair do ; Jock y- ; bat covers:; ' n quantity « f r ady made Jackfitt and Trow- 3cv«, and flannel waiftcoats ; cotton wick ; G :ifs and Cnvkery ware ; t* gcthet* with a general aft rttrent of Hard War*, a' d a.any other article* too numerous to t-numerate, Sa e ta .convrence on ftJQNBAY the . 41th of APRIL next, at To o'clock, and to continue ev^ry Monday ti'l the* wh le is difn fed of.—In the mean line he will X II a nrivnte 'ale who'ci le or retail at the moil Ja naica Spirits, Port Wine, Madeira do. ■L. P Tcneu'ffe do. Loaf and Mulcovado Sugar. Hard Soap. v/11 of which he offers.for fale on-reafona- ble terms -for Caih only. B. WHITNEY. Kingston^ May 31,1814. . 19 NAVY YARD. A 'NY perl'on wiThft) to nndeitalce the red nred r^'cc*, many aric ts to\ oil and repaii of the WharR in the Navy Yaid, Point Freiicfick', srw retjnefted to m* ply tnthvvitu, li-ecifying their terms. Jli/igjton, 2jih iltny, 1814 ? 19 Navy Tarrft Kingston. z6t!i Hay. 1814 \J{ J ANTED mikU Majefty»«Nav«l Ymfc a qn^nnty of KMKES, of'Oak. Ell* or Spruce, 1 -fide Teinn.he-;—Irngth of tree arm %h£e? to four feet, to whicfe 0-d London Particular Madeira, by the ke* of 9 gallon?, L. P, Madura Wine by the Hogflicad O' 'keg 6t 9 gallons, ~?*kt. P Tencri.Tc do. by t"he keg of do, "L. M. Teneriffe do. by the keg.of do, Superior OiJ Port, by the do. * Port Wine by the do. Green Tea by the cheft. R. MAC-KAY. . Kmgftori, 7'.h February* 1814. 14 JNOKMAN BE11IUNE & Ctf? JLI AVE jnft received, and offer for fale, />"a on reasonable terms, the folio wing 9 iicles-: Jamaica Soirits, Cognac Brandy, Shrub, v . Peppermint, Tort and TcnerliTe Wi.nea I R^iTins, > Pepper, Hyfoti Skin Tea, Mufcn'ado nnd Li^nf Surar, EellG.een Cdffee, Currants, Almonds &c &c. ALSO, Superfine, nilxt, blue black and olive ClotH Second do of the feme colors, Chintz's an! CaMcoes, Cambricks, while and coined** Ribbons Ginghams, Cotton Laces, SilkiinJ Cotton Sh»wls, Bandannas, Pocket H^nd- ■kerchiefs of-vnrious krad*, Brown Holland, Cotton Shiru'nps, White Cottons, Sewing Silks, Tlwvtd, Tapes, Worfted Hofr,Wj ting Paper, whf-.e and colorM Pannel*,Cafr fimeres, Guernfay Frocks, Fui Caps &c— And a few pieces of rich Silks, for Uli« D1: fles. 'Ki"grton. 20th jannsrv. 1H14. '4 W.\N /LDfwrih- N.v:>. y.iMlatFoiof f-ede-nk, imnMBiSMclT. ^ Labour- crs. Liberal enconr:jj«--Mcni will begi«» Naval Yard, Pniot -Fix-dessck, 13th May, 1814. '9 iix f-et, <ha- .e , & • th,.S at a ve.y t ini g advance. S^^V'Sc ^1^ • , , kt i lmj,' KS wir be received at the Na¬ vy Yaid op the 5 th <f [one for picket! the new Hof lit 1 at P -in' Fredf-K'-k. K: .-fjllon. 20;.h March, J ? 14. For Sa/c at this Qffice, l3 :r.- m THii ^LM'XNACiv FOR 18 ■14 ALl.H ni-C-ir-c.tei'a p' ' .;> for c •ploym "t at the Naval Yard, (tfillfoavc g -,d encouragement, iq 9 Wanted for the Royal ArtiHerg A FEW yo g HOKSr.S hr » /A drmght. f.-ui^n h*nd» •'■"" -"V"1' !.i,;h. App'i Ui-.n t0 he mad- t« ^'«* l.i. vir, ;it the Artillery B* •* T^ ••M.ney will be paid on approval <» * Hurfc. , *

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