Kingston Gazette, November 7, 1812, p. 3

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R faved General Hull an J an Amcr- icanarmyof6ooomcn!!! "But, to be tenous—five times. within my knowledge, has tlic A- mcfican garrifon, at Michillimacin- ac been obliged to apply to the Britifn commandant, to borrow provisions ; while a Democratic m\bcrof Cmgrtfs ttW *** con- tractor, m the pari, of the Govern- iw-t> to furmjlyfupplm for cur troops. « This is a fober truth—which none can deny. I fhould bluih to tell it, fo publickly, had not the patriotic Doclor Newton firit blab* bed i* cut—to the {harne of our country, and to the diigrace of its government." hincl cf a letter from Gov. IIa rison to Gov. Saley. ■ " 11 0. Piqua, Sept. 5. "The Britifh and Indians have laid ficge to Fort Wayne, perhaps taken it. f$5* // feems by this ex* tmcl, that the terrifying accounts which have deluptd the papers cf the capture fome time cf Vjk firt^ and the horrid m a s s a c r k of t he prrifW) are to be added to the long lift cf Iks which have already been mmifatlured fir carrying on the tear.] It is their object to pulh on to Fort Harrifon and Vmcenns. You will, my dear fir, leave no tag undone to fuccor thefe pla* tes. I have already detached Cob Allen, with 300 Kentucky militia towards Fort Wayne; and he is to be joined by 700 mounted men from this; bUt I have been una- jfctb move the reft of the army f°r the want of two essential "Ofctoj [PgwcLt and Bail !^ *JWi fiapply will be up 10 day, ^nd the -troops will be readv to march irt two days. Gmd^l what an opportunity 1 may Joie Joi$mvm<* ir.v country, and 1 iv~ thcfn'-ticrs,/>r the want cf a triflino articles. However we ate amply fnpplied with bap* r/, and our ipirits are raifed to the hteheft pitch!" fill¬ ing feci WAR OPERATIONS. • We learn by &pafi'enger fa the lle::n boat from AlW?.ny< tint a number of tmop* were to march td'thc" weftwu-d this d-'v, frora the bead quarters &l Grc^btifh. Account ■ ti v 1 been received at Plattfljtjrg, dut the Imlkffs I'm, rli Uth united State* re^tment, was at It had been prcvloiifiy dated that tnc little run-on yetted.)-, on his Way to Albany, Dey bad been offended with the United ritouing two Indian chiefs, and nn iuterpre- States fertile delay of his tribute J and that ter to General Dearborn \s head quarters. he had demanded of Mr. Leaf a heavy fum of money as an atonement for an American Burlington, Oct. 1, On Wcdniday 23d inftant, four companies arrived at Platfburgh from the Southward. The "Troy lYdilcers," under the command of Captain Lyon ; the " Troy Invin- dhjtes^* under the command of Captain Highie ; a company of riflemen from Watcrv'lict, and a company of Light Infantry from Columbia cov-r.ty. We under- ftand they left Troy on Saturday 19th m the afternoon, diRant one hundred and fixty live miles from that place. The Regiment of the detached Militia from Renffalaer and Columbia Counties, underthe command of arrived there on Thurfday 22c! initant. 1 armed Cchooncr having fired into an Algeriae vefTel. Mr. Lear bad feared hoOilitics would enfwe* It h added that the ftotefhip in which the tribute hr-.d been fent, after failing, had bc«n obliged to renin to the United 8'ates, which had delayed its arrival in Algiers. It appears however t lint it did eventually arrive ; but that this Dcfpot would not receive it. 1 According to a Treaty of Peace and Amity* the United States agreed to pay to Algiers annually the value of twelve thoufar.d Al- getine fequins in maratirne (lores. Colonel Volburgh, BOSTON, Sept: 30. BrUiJh Squadron —The fquadrnri under Admital Warren rw»ft have anived at Hali¬ fax ere this. On Teufday lad week if <^as fpoken in latitude 43 Ion* $8—[Halifax is inlat. 44, 4-, Ion. 63.] It eonfiltcd of two fail of the line only ; and had parted with a br?V of war the ni^ht before in atuqall, which carried away the mizen top-malt of the flag (nip. It is laid fever al large (hips **ith troops Xvere to follow the fqtiadron. Communicatic::, It is ftated in an extracf of a let^ tcr from Burlington, to 'die print¬ ers of the Albany Gazette, dated September 13, 1812, that " the \* hole of the military for ce at Platuburgh i^ about 1500 mc'il." In the above extract the writer flates that the whole of the milita¬ ry force at this place amounted to only 1500 men tlie 1 ^th Septem¬ ber* It is utterly talfe, and Web- fter and Skinner, the pubUfhers of the Gazette, knew it. r\ hey both knew that tne 6th and 15th rc^i- ment?5 wiih. the light artillery that left Grecnbufh with them then, a- mounted to more than that num¬ ber. The number of troops inclu¬ ding militia amounted to 2 cod the Neiwlttrtf-Port, October 6.—We have tori- vetted with a perfon who left: Halifax laft Wednefday week ; he oDierveS that a vefTel arrived thete which had fjjoseii Ad; AVai- ren's fquadrnh cj $&js before—they" moment* Ifex peeled their arrival. The Commerce, of Marblehead, was the laft prize carried in a (hii) had arrived which had r*?m cat tur- * fed by ilie Yar-keeand i\;-capiiired. LFRLIN 5c MILAN DECREES, A Paris paper of a late ^ate declares, that although. England has revolted her Orders in Council ; yrt, finee fhe bas not acknowl¬ edged ttie principles of Ljodkadtf and the ma- rritimo rights ()t i^-n.r'.ls, <:> dcfignattd by Napolconi, the B«rllti and Milan Decrees (trty end cr.'.'V bey CQtiJideretl in Jul/force dnd op- traiton, until En^lai»J iliai 1 acknowledgihe a- bove principles^ After the above calcuhltion'% has Mr. Madfon been doped, of has lie been a Volun¬ tary paitizan in intjuity ? toi ^cw-Bedford, wltn lumber, has been lent into St. Jo;.ns, by the Plumper, w'.ich vcilel was re*, pairing at St. Johns 19th ult. MICHIGAN, &c. Col. Procter, Governor pro tern, of the Territory of Michigan, has publifncd regulations of" the temporary Government of that difrxicf, agreeably to the ceffion by capitulation on the 16th of Au- * guft laft, by which the civil offi¬ cers of the United States' remain¬ ing in the country, are continued in their offices. The civil Gov¬ ernor is to appoint all officers to fill vacancies. Courts of jullicc are to be held as ufuah The du¬ ties, ciiftoms and revenues accru¬ ing according to the laws of the United States^ are to be paid quar^ tcrly* Augultiis 3: Woodward, Efq. (Chief Jufticeof the Territo¬ ry under the United States) is ap¬ pointed Secretary. ' All the offi¬ cers in the Indian department, re- gifter, receiver of the land.ollicc, and poft-maiLcr,. ate fuperceded. The order is dated at Detroit, Au- guit a tj 1812, und figned Edward Proclor, Colcheh >-^4Kt i Defeat of the French in Rujjla. LONDON, Aiigiill 21. We can Cow account for the delay of the tranfmifion of French Bulletins to thf* cOuntvy. The lad received \Vas dated on the 25th of laft month. The French have had ho favourable intelligence to announce : Since the date o? the laft Bulletin, they have been worlled in every encounter with the Rufii- an«. ■• i ii h beptember: By an Officer of the army Icarn that iacutchar.t Colonel'Mill¬ er has been exchanged for Captain Dacrces, of the Gucrriere and h?s Leer, attached to Colonel Simond's regiment. The foutuern papers ftate it is iii Of 1 he meaiures ofGovcrnment. Tbcv contemplation to ciiano-e iome A letter from Ncw-Yodv. of a }ate" date favs'Mlie member of the Cabinet who is now i'l this {'ate declares (hat it mattc'rs'not what ^lay \t<- the propoliii'-ris of peace vvhieh Ad- Ttiir:il Wafreii mav bKneout ?—the vcarwill \w conltnuc<i uhltl Ctikmm is conavercrf 1 'I^ik j Vou may STIp he aifured thfit while the French Miniftet remaitfsin tlie United States^ W\tbrejlht iiihuifi'ij'ihtitoti*fc\\\ not rhdlw-pia Since bur laft, (ftys the Albany feffifter,) a Confiderable number of lcamcrij and a b'ody of about one hundred and thirty fine looking cej,p On the 25th ultimo, they attacked Bragtf- tion's yan guard, but wete repulfed with tire )of- of 8000 rrtvn: On the fame' day they attacked the m iin Rnflian Army, but were defeated wiih the lofs of 6000 men; On th? jothaiid 31ft, Oudlnoi attacked the RuHlans, but was beaten with great flaugh- ter, liavin^ 5000 killed and wounded, 3000 taken tio An article from Koniglberg talks of fome ft 1 ccef§ grained bv the Ruflians at E'.hn near Mitt:iu, on the 2tft ult. How great it mult bave been, we may itifet from the total JV lence of the French Bulletins refpe&ing it. *------& >---------— —■-- -----------1 i----- aken prifoncrs, befides baggage & ammunv- ion. This i* a moll favorable Outlet. i\**.~j& t\i„ 1 -r r i 1 * marines, completely armed and e- luggeUjJMr. eiterion has been con- . .< % l ,rJ 3 , , ,+ i r,-u j «. * 1 *i it co quipped, nave nailed through this lulled to take the oflicc ot Secrete- *. i i r * i 1 tt & \ nearthe lines have be^un to be trouble'fome, & have carried offfcveral of the Ame'iean inha¬ bitants in the neighborhood of Chatugee, A detachment of the militia had been fent fccmPlittiburg for the defence of that frout- ku Prom CooVs journal Ofcher 3,- M*jor Vander Cook and Dr. Stewart r.t^ rived at General Dearborn's head quarters laft evening wich defpatche's from General Bloomfield.—- We learn Irons Dr. Stewart that about 4 o'clock on Fuday morning laft, 16 Indians attempted to carry off the picket guard at Champlain village—The guard iir- cdand wounded one of them.—On Saturday, Sunday and Monday feveral Indians were (een fkulkincr about the lines. On Monday anexprefs arrivedat General Bloomtield'shead quartersfrom the committee of fafcty of Frank- lincounty,informing that Colonel M'Pherlbn had arrived at Cornwall, fix miles from St. tgis, with theScoteh Royals—the Glenga- ^y Sharp Shooters—a regiment 01 militia and three hundred Indians. General Bloomfield immediately ordered Colonel Vofburg with his regiment of de- ^ched militia, the Troy Fufdeers and Troy Invinciblcs, to reinforce Major Young, who commands a part of the 8th regiment at Chatauga, Molum ar.d French tg$U, and Co- Jone! Green to march with his regiment to ^hazyand Champlain, to bttim wckndcr, who commands a pat of the 7th m 8ih regiments at tlmfe pa.ts. General «oomfidd has at Phttfbhurg the 6ih, 9th, '"hand 15th regiments of mfantry, part of a,^>ment of United States artiUcry—oart ^WlThorn's regiment of detach d at- lllcry-;: detachmenc ofh-rfe and a & tach- jptot rigemen. On the Vermont tide, SfCr^afc1Sw:inton'rOo,at Bu!linoton2coo, '* cvernt other* were paffti .• • **# v/ay t-o }\ irlm^on, Cnion-l Cbnk, of ry or State, and Mr. Monroe to be Secretary at War, If this fnould be the cafe, we anticipate the re¬ bellious houle of Mafiaclmfetts wii! be in an uproar 3 their local prej¬ udices are iuch, wc ihould not be disappointed., fhould tliey> inftead of prefering the belt men in our country to nranacre out affairs in this critical time, deiire fome of no experience, whom locality had ren* dered a favorite. The lofs of a dozen armies, like Hulls, would not preponderate in favor of a man of experience again it their p;eju* dice. city for There did been a mutiny among ahe fea- men on beard the French fleet at Toulon j which was attributed to the Italian failors. It feems they intended to carry off fome of be lake?. Heavy ord- thr fliips. One friipof the line was loft in nance, 24 and 32 pounders, V/ith confequence of the dilUnbance, and 4 or 500 their tackle furniture, kc. are con- fg?*J ^K* ^ ™ ^^ ^ tben ,. . . ,-. t , the (hips rit i uulon nave been dilmantled. leantly ^om^ on. beveral thou- r ____ Falmouth, Aimifc 18. Mr. Fofter, late Britith Envoy to America, Col. Barclays Confui General, ckc. arrived this day in the Atlanta from America; The 2d battalion of the 89th, Ordered for Liibon, are now or¬ dered to embark for America. -* BOSTON, October ft Another War with Algiers* Extract of a letter from Cilraiiar, dated Au- gujl 5, lgt2v " THE Algciines have declared War a- gainlt us, and Confui Leah ha^ arrived in the bay with his family. He report-, that the Algirene fleet is numerous and that they failed the day before him on a cruiie. Tfcev no doubt vvi.l be foon down and through the Gut, to cvuite off Cape St. Vincents and Lis¬ bon, in which cafe it will be a lorry thing for many of our counny-men." Mr. Barret, lnprrcargo of the fhip Mark- and jlligail, has at rived from Algelira.s, and hate- that he fa w Mr. Lear, the Confui ot the Unned States in the-bay of Gibraltar ; w-ho informed him, that the Dey of Algteti had declared War again! the United States: — char Ik would not receive the ilores {trib¬ ute) which had been feat out from America, but had ordered Mr. Lem and his family to emba k suunedutily in the ftore (hi.. .— Mr LVj.;\t ha-i dclptch'-s from Mr. Le¬ ar fat y-ovcrnment going on fand troops, beiides volunteers and militia, arc now on the frontiers, nnd are tolerably well fupplied with clothing, eke. About 1000 troops remain at Greehbufh; —ooo§§§ §004-21 BRITISH PP-JZE LiSf. The frigate Southampton has cap¬ tured a Philadelphia brig from Ri¬ ver Plate, far Havana, and fent her to NafTau i—Alfo, a Boflon fehooner from Cork;, for Havana, faid to be the Harmony* The Britifh frigate Jafofi, was Spoken September 12, lat. 45, long. go; informed they had captured § prizes* A Philadelphia fliip, 7 days from Philadelphia for Lifbon, with 3500 Uarrels flour, has been captured ^nd fent to Halifax ; alfo, a brig <>f and for Portland, from Rich- Jnond, with 800 barrels flour. Ship Melantha, from South A- %erica, for Baltimore, with 45,000 dollars in fpecie, and cargo worth ioo,oco dollars, has been captured Hy the Spartan frigate and lent to \ lalifax. Montreal, OR. j.~* Ext raft of a letter from Quebec $ by Pojl this day. u A paffenger from a Greeriock treffel reports, that 14 days ago the Elcctra Coop of war boarded them, and told the Mafter, that the Prefident, Commodore Rodgers, was taken by a 40 gun frigater and fent to Halifax." ».'v; *-*J£?> ANV perfons willing to Contrax.^ for . HAT, OATS and STRAW, are re- qnefled to fend in their Propofals to the fub- feriber on or before the 10th inft.—Room is yet left open for propofals tor Fire Wood. WILL. ROSS, D. A. C. G. Kingston, 6ih November, 1812. Twenty Dollars Reward, TTCTILL be paid by the fubferibers to any The Adeline, of Bath, was tak- V Pf'fon who will make known to them r. r ^u r^ 'I-., s ' »« • the pc.Ion or perfona who Hole a piece ot ^nfrom the Couihtution s prize B JWiC!Slhc:. 0r:h,;r ^ Cu ruef crcw, feveral weeks mice, and car¬ ried into N. Scotia. Sloop Sophia., from Little-river, dav the 27 th inft an:. M'Cunitte & PrendergalL K*r%tlont 29/v Otio&er, x8i3. 4^

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