Kingston Gazette, September 26, 1812, p. 1

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? SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1812. -o- 24 SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland DfotilJ T> Y yli uie of three fev- tnw'tt: J Jjjcral Writs of/YW/.'/- ^tt.ifluctlout ofhio Majdty's Court of King's* Bench, £t the fufts of Luumice Htrehmcv and John Kiihy, of the town of ICmgftorT, mtrclnnts, ntvl ]#\$\r\\m Ha#errvi3*i of the townflu'p of AdolplniJlown, F.fquire, again ft tVielands nrul tenements of fames Gwolofliy of t'.etownlhip of MWyfl'i>r-;rh. yeoman, to tnediieftcd ; I have fuzed and taken in ex- <votion, as beiOiirin'/ to the fa:d jeltttcs Gc- r^omy, tlie well billf of i"t nun.brr frveft* tfen, in the firft conccfison of the townlhipcf Ma/ylburpJ), eon?<THim£ by rdrneafmemeot on: hundred acre?, be the f;uMe more or kfs Kc-dver wiih a log haufe ►hereon created, 1 Jo hereby Hive notice, tint the above men- ttoi:ed lot of Land, with ihc building and appurtenances thereunto belonging will be fold and adjudged to the hi^holl bidder, rt my office in the town of Kingflon, on the kveiikcnth day of Mn«ch next, at the hour often of the clock in th-: forciuunij at which time aid place the conditions of" i'ale will be Unknown. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every peilun or pcrfon • hiving el&I«tW on the above dcferj&ed lot of land and premi- Vh hymort^e or other light or incum- ^3nee,arc hereby advatiftd to ghc notice ^th-f^d Sl»eti:F,'at his office hi the town iju^JloTN previous to the Qitc Uu:i*:i r. ^^mMm's sale. 0wd Di/Incl, \ T> Y vf, tne of a Will of tgwit; $ MJ f'**ri Farias* HTu&i art of His MaijeHy-tf Court of King's Bi fu4rf at tk Foil of Th«*RM Markland, of the tov-iiof lvi:»^tlon, KGjui'C, agriinft the lands anuteneme:it> of A(!i;k1 IViailhnw, of the feienfnip Of Fredcrirkfbtirgli, yeoman, to mc firofud ; I have feized and taken in execu* t:on,as belonging t-i the faid Aflncl B-nc;- fcaw, Lot number twenty-four, in the feventh conccfiiort rf the townlh'p of Loborou^h, containing hv admeahircment two hundred kkS| he '.be fame m;ore or lef^. I an here¬ by give n»'tic(\ the above mer.ti'onca lot of Land will be fold r.nd adjudged to the bighcii btddcrf at ray office hi the town of ftrgfton, on the tweuty-feventh day of Jan- wry nest, at the hour of tei of the clock in ikcfotenoon, at which time and place the conditions of Ule will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Swrjf And every pnrfon or uerfonfi Kfl-ving claims to the ab ve defcrihed lot of land, by mort- 8g*of otlier rij?;!it or incumbrance, are hae- ffrimftfcd to rive notice to the faid Sher- up O w, at his office M thrfwi nf KineftiWi pre- mobjW ita talis tlu'irol. Shrif '■' Oja, 1 ptfj M'y, t8 Notice. TO bdrt, and poffeffion given the fecund day of April next, from three to fif- (KAyears, a*? may be agreed t'pon, a vhIiki- KcPARM, in the firll eonccfiion addition- alficderickrourgh. There are one hundred 2ct<n of improvement, a good meadow and orchard on it,a good frame Barn and H< ufe, ik premifc^ 3re well iituated and calculate'! for a farmer, merchant or inn keeper, by en- faqpnf (he houie.—For fuither particulam s?p!y to the proprietor and fnbfcrlbcr, at fc hottfe of Mr. Florence Donnovan, in Wcricklhurgh, or to Charles Stuart, Efq. inRingfton. MICHAEL COYLr. u2/itta EXECUTION OF BELLlNCIlAM. 12. TO BE LET, msraaiw the Honic about twenty; 'wllcnt land, a good garden and Ibble, *tll, kc—.\ fcw town Lots to fell or Icafe. Applicaiion to be made to Alexander M'- Jwnett, ov Joha Fci^ufon, both of KinK- son. jhilen^ihJune, iSir. Hid for S l"f The foi ■' in diet • t, . . .......'(* •**• i ' CVIlil IV.IVIUUI Y*fcrfetch* rhtf fubferiber, vi7. £ln,;mWj^ m the lira Conce wing valuable Lots oi Land (-*nfhip of Frcderickfburgh, arc k,. . I. . r \ r 'i • .!j;.;l)iiil',,uv: *jh ln thc '"irK Conccflion ;""»«r.S-r tventy-fur, in the fourth ARTWRIGHT. tif 1 mm. ""HARD p. W H IT \t E Y has j u il reco ved a frefh ^# fupplyof GOODS, Amongst which /r/r, Tea,CofliK*, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, Stiirit?, iSh-ub, Peppermint Cordial, Port Wine, Railing Muilard, Fijj Dine, Suvch, Indigo, Nnrmc^, Almond^. Snuff, Chewing and Smoakini* To'>acco, Pepper, Ailfptce, G"Hgc*, Liidccd Oil, Superfine black, blue and bottle orevn Broad Cloths, do. biack, blue and mi\M (i<*e do. Calli'Tttrcs Stoeken- nctt, B«"unfwck m\A fancy GbwK a watlcty of falhioiiohle Veilings, fuir.djle forbcth furh- n\cr nnd winter, Litn.ii, Ihirrlng Cottons, red, wh'tc, arrtvn ViHow, Black and Blue F!n;.:e!s Table Cloths, low p.ic'd and FopCV- fine Caliches fnri'iture do. Gingham^, Tuown Holland*, Silk & Twill, color'd and Whit^ Thread , Men's l.cath-r Gloves La¬ dies Liath'r, Ki-1, Silk and Cvmbric do. Silk Ne?t Sieev.^, Cott n do. Wi'.dborcs, C;di:na^coe?, R; ilVlls, Ladies Lcath-.-r, Kid and Worocco Shoe'?, do. White and colqt'd Bvava P)onnets, d«». emmon do. Men^ Dcii\cr, knapt ;v»d fcU liat-, Cotton Urn* hrellac and Pinifc!/., White S: fancy Cotton 8h':vifl*e-. Bandanux*1, and fancy fiik Hamlker- chiefs Cflttpn Pcjeket t1 >. !,'atkand olive \elveteens, bhek ancj (late color'd peltCC Velvets, hfeck 5c fitn v Cordi.^ys, Naalteeti?, jeans, black Cambrick, plain and figured whiicdo Loolwino- Glafh'^ Glafs 5c Crier.- cry Ware, Mcn\ and Women's black a» d colorM Vifcorllcd Ho "c, do. do. ivhitc Cot» ton do; Redrieki.i^ (lntJ:d C&ttbrtft, Sttf. pendeta, Ofin.bughi, Chambrays. blu.-rst- tons, Leiuw.^, Int-pmnl Ne-t^ Rube \\x* terns, colorM Cr.rribru'M, MiPo tt cotton c}u\ k, hhtci; Crap,-, Ribbons, Vtbet Pind- i'^s, black and vclu'te Laces,taf&m* d colore (jlk cord?—Alfo, a general ftffbrtf&fctlt of Hard Ware, araoftjvft which are t'l^cant Tea Tfr*v«%platrd Cruett Stand-?, do. T'djle and nSt a Sio^o^--; Knives and Turks, fee. ore. All of which will he fold very low for ready pay on1)' Kingston^ tfttfo shmrfl% 18^2. 7H Groceries lor Sale, CHEAP as the CHEAP LSI, by thc Sab/crikcr. RltNf, Notice?, Slvub, P.09tK« m Peppermint Cordial, Peppermint^es I .oaf and MufcovadoC^rreclionaf-es Sn^ur, I-iquoricc, Green Tcp, Barley Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Chocolate, Scotch Snidf, Root St Ground Gin- Rappee do. per, Sc^ara, by the dozen Allfpice, or hundred, Barlev, Bottled M«ttafd, Oatmeal, Waihinp and Shaving Rice, Sian Wr.:. JOHNSON. Kir^rfor., Aegt(ji I 7, t S t 2. 3!* The fottewwg recount cf the execution of John ticUiiigbam, for the mur¬ der of Mr. Perceval, late Prime- Minijhr of England, is ex traded from a London paper of May 21, 1812 :— Thc morning was wet ; the Guards were all in motion at five, and many bodies of military were At feven about alTcmbletl u* fi v at . 1 -\.• S. B?rtlct, INFORMS his friends and the publlc,that he has jull received Liquors and Groceries, and a genetal affovtment of Dry Goods $ adapted to the feafon— Crockery, Hardzcare, &e. whu-h he will fell wholefak or retail, at his ttfual low price", for pajr down, cither cuHi or any kind of produce. Kingston, Jviufl'zG,x9ih 39 B Whitney 5 HAS jttft received 20 hogtods ftrong well flavored Jamaica Spfu'ts, 4 Iio^l'- heads Mufcovado Sugar, 2 hoglh*ads Loaf do. 1 pipe bell Tencri(fe Wine—which will he fuld low for cath.—S//fo, 2 crates aflb.ted Crorkery. Kingston, I 1 fkStjV. 1 S 12. 41 Webiler's Spelling-Books, For Jit le at this Office. C Blank Bills of Lading r->r fa'o at the Gazette Office. ^o gentlemen, chiefly men of rank, aflemblecl at the Seflion Howie: About half pafl ieven, Mr. Sheriff Birch and Mr. Sheriff Heygate, with Mr. Poyndcr, tlic Deputy, ar¬ rived in the fame room. The Lord Mayor foon followed. Head¬ ed by thefe ofiiccrs, thc company proceeded to the yard of the con¬ demned convicts: Here was fct out a fmali anvil on which to Itrike off Bcllino/ham':> fetters. In a few minutes BcJlingham appeared, at¬ tended by the ordinary of Ncw- ffaic—BdliiHham looked a little about him with a quirk and {harp manner, and obferved, " it is a ve¬ ry wet morning.—licfecmcdc aim, collected, and firm,.quite attentive to what was sains fenvard. lie was del1 red to place his left leg on the anvil, which he did, but feem- ed a little afraid they would hurt him, he bcersinac they would take Up O 4 care not hurt him. Ll-was in pcrfon thin and upright, a little a- bovc the middle Icaturc ; and ap¬ peared in age to be about 36. When his irons were off, he re- iired into a room attended !)y Dr. Ford, thc Sheriffs; the Lord May¬ or, thc ivxecutioncr, fomc oilljers, and two or three ereiltJemen, to have his arms tied back, with ropes, &c. Here he put on Hef- iian boots, talked to tlie Sheriffs with great cafe, repeated fhortiy what he had faid at the trial, rcf- DecHnsrtbc vpronco which he con- ceived hlm'leif to have iuilered. Mr. Sheriff Heygate then laid, he hoped at this awful moment he felt due contrition for the dread¬ ful act he had perpetrated.—lie re¬ plied, "I hope I feel all that a man ought to feel." The Sheriff ihen faid, as he was about to appear in the plcfence of God, he truffed that all feelings of refentment and revenue were eradicated from his mind :—he faid, yes—that no man could feci more finccrcly for the fitualion of Mrs. Perceval and her family than he did—that he was aware he was about to appear in the prcfence of God—that it v/as in vain for any human being to hope to appear in that pretence free from guilt—that man was but corruption. Mr. Sheriff Burch faid, you hope for mercy from re¬ pentance through the 'merits and intcrccflion of your Redeemer. He laid, yes, he was conftious of the nature of the act he had com¬ mitted, and added, you know it is forbidden in fcripture. Mr. Sher¬ iff Heygate faid he was glad to find him in thtt temper ot mind, and aiked if he wiihed to have his fen- tiinents made known. Belling- ham anfarered, " yes, certainly, I wifli 1110ft heartily to have them made known."—The Sheriff then aiked him if there was any thing further he had to fay, any com¬ munication he had to make to his famih—he replied, no ; with ref- pecc to himfelf, his cares we-e of emtrfe over, that all his concern was for his family, which he ;,\id conllite.i of his wire and three chil¬ dren, all fons, and that he was moft anxious that they fiiould be provided for. He then turned round to a table on which the ropes for binding his hands and arms, and the one with which he was to be executed, were lvinz, cc faid, " Gentlemen, I am quite rea¬ dy."—One of the attendants pro¬ ceeded to fallen his wrills togeth¬ er ; he turned up the fleeves of his coat, and clafping his hands to¬ gether, prefented them to the man who held the cord, and laid, " lo r" \v~hcn they were fattened he defired his attendant to pull down his fleeves fo as to cover the cord. The officer then fecured his hands by a rope behind him ; he \Vi'0Y-cA Y\h hVnc\ vujV\V ;/;•<!-, :.%". > afcertain whether he ccvld reach his neck, add alked if they thouglit his arms were fufficiently faftencd, faying that he might pofnbly ffrug- gle, and that he wifned to be fo fe¬ cured as to prevent any inconve¬ nience arifmg rrom it, and requcf- tcd that the rope might be tight¬ ened a little, which was done. During the whole of the awful fecne he appeared perfectly com- pofed, his voice never feultcrcd, but juff before he left the room to proceed to the place of execution, he ftooped down his head and ap¬ peared to wipe off a tear. He was then conducted to thc fatal fpot. Bdliniiham afcended the fcaf- fold accompanied by Mr. Ford, the Ordinary, thc Clergyman, the Executioner, and one or two offi¬ cers—he afcended with rather a light ftep, a cheerful countenance, and a confident, a calm, but not . ft * 4 t r, all an exultinc: air. Thc lal: at thing the Clergyman faid to him, v/as,afcing him how he felt; to which he anf vered calmly and col- 0 lecledly, faying, ct he thanked God for having enabled him to meet his fate with {o milch fortitude and refip-nation." When the execu- TO tioner'proceeded to put thc cap o- ver his face, Bellingham objected to it, and expreffed a ftrong wife thc bufmefs could be done without it ; but Mr. Ford faid that was impoffiblc.—Thc clock fcruck 8, and while it was finking, the fcaf- fold was {truck away, and Belling¬ ham dropped out of fight as tar ae; the knees, his body being in full view. He did not ltruggle at firtt, and hut very little afterwards, thc executioner being below pulling his heels, that he might die quick¬ ly. Thc body hung til! nine o'¬ clock, and as foon as it was cut down was placed in a cart, and co¬ vered with a lack. The aiUffant of the executioner and a boy got. into the cart, and, preceded by the City Marlhal, the body was con¬ veyed up the Old Bailey, anda- lono* Novvcratc-ilree'. v<\d the body was delivered at St, Bartholomew s Hofpital, in the Bell-Yard. The populace then difperfed. He took the facrament thismor- ninii with great devoucr., making I

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