Kingston Gazette, August 18, 1812, p. 3

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sirfinfi us.—Ifalutc y.ri in frlend- jjiip, and hope you viH row act fuch a part as will promote your intereft, your fafety and happinefs. jVIay the Great Spirit guide you to peace. (Signed) WILLIAM HULL, Governor of the Territory of Mutism* and Comman/Lr of the North W$tm Army of the V- Slates. "Mackina, 17th July, 1S12. CAPITULATIONS, Agreed upon between Captain Charles Roberts, commanding his Britannic Majeity's force on the one part, and Lieut. Hunks, com¬ manding the forces of the United States on the other. artici.ks. 1. The Fort of Mackina mall be immediately furrendcrcd to the Britiih forces—granted. 2. The Garriibn mail march out with the honors of war, lay down their arms, and become prifoners of war, and (hall be font to the U. States of America by his Britan¬ nic Majefty. Not to fervc this war, until regularly exchanged, & tor the due performance of this ar¬ ticle, the officers pledge their word of honor—granted. 3- Ml the merchant vefTcIs in the harbor, with their cargoes lhall be in the pofiefiion of their respec¬ tive owners—granted. :}; IY/»"*e prrpcrty {lull be h.1.1 tad—panted. 5. All citizens of the U. States of America, who ikall not take the oat h of allegiance to his Britannic Majefty, fiiall depart with their property from the Ifland in one month iVom t)ie date hereof— panted.. Signed Charles Roberta, (.•vra.;"./'.-r flit Br'iiannic A/irjJ/y's forces. [Signed " P. Hanks, Cnz'wdi'ig the force: of the U. S- of .'Imvica. His Britannic Majefty*^ forces conlifted of 40 Regulars of the Royal Veteran Battalion, 260 Can- was with their Bourgeois or em- P'overs, ,\oo Indians—Scoux, Fai- lavoines, Puans, Oluppways of St. ry s, tec Artillc- IJofeph's, St. Mat. pytwo 6 pounders, v. hich cmbar- M at St. Jofeph's on board the Sahara N. \Y (V«<hfc> r~ M» ;oes, and 70 canoes The American Garrifon conflft- of 63 regulars and 2 Vcflels in |k harbor, having on board 47 ien, in all 11 o. Alter the capitulation two Arn- rican vcflels arrived laden with bracks of furs, which became Jrizcs to his Majefty's forces. TO THE PUBLIC. s. Byextracb of official defpatch- ireccived from Col. Procter, and ited Maiden, Augulc, we put in pofTcffion of the gratify- intelligcnce of the complete de- u of the Enemy in two engage¬ rs, 30 miles in the interior of Country. By this bold move¬ nt of our brave band of heroes, American army has loft in kil- '^J wounded, from 1 to 300 Ms convoy of provifions cap- Pi and the despatches from % Hull to the Secretary of War J»pted ; Col. Procter fpeaks *° valor, and cnthufiafm of all toned as truly heroic. Jn the ■Wctf dcfpatdies is defcribed L^WrabJe condition of Gov. j w*T«V,Av!jofc fafcty he dates ^P-riil on ihe immediate and ;;'!'/-<l exertions in his favur ' ;;':;^ir:n Troops on this .' " ■ ">ni. f.u1, my country*. L • 10 ir. denounce every "tf:' "'V--. poll, as a coward and a Traitor, and let us hope and rejoice in the belief, that the time is fall approaching, when we fhall be furnifhed with an opportunity of emulating the heroic deeds of our brave brethren in arms at Am- herftburg.—Both Militia and In¬ dians were crowding to the Brit- ifh Standard to march againft the unnatural foe, and as Major Gen¬ eral Brock with 400 brave fellows arrived at Maiden, the day after the defpatch came away, we might confidently expect our next * ac¬ counts will announce the entire ex- pulfion of Americans from our happy foxL lAfi cf Killed rind lYour.dcd. 41ft, three rank and lile killed; Do. one Captain, one Subaltern, two Sergeants, thirteen Rank and File wounded. Militia, one Rank and File killed, two Rank and file wounded. Indians, Tccumfeth, Prophets Brother, ilightly woun¬ ded, 1 Interpreter, and feven kil¬ led and wounded. N. B. The Wyndots, and all the dcrs of them in Cam, whenever they are prcfented at the Army Bill Office for payment in Bills of Exchange. And further provides for the payment in Cam, by the Receiver General, of fuch of the laid Bills as remain unpaid at the expiration Of five years from the date of the acr. Such pcrfons as may be defirous of lending Specie to Government, upon the fecurity of fuch Bills, will receive in lieu thereof, upon application to the Army B'..'/ Office* for that purpofe, Army Bills to the amount lent. Army Bill Office, X:th Augnft, i3l2. Boflon, AugvJI I. IMPORTANT. Repeal of the Orders in Conned. The Pilot of the Thornc, has po¬ litely furni (lied us with the Lon¬ don Star of the 17th ult. which he received from the captain of the brig Felix, from Galway. This paper contains an im N. B. The Wyndots, and all the 1 his paper contains an import- other Indian Tribes had joined the ant debate m the Bntifli Parlia- Brithifli to a mm. nicnt> on tnc ^ibjecl of the Orders Provt 1 he purler Gt/vrtfr. BY AUTHORITY. 77.'." f'/:hiv:i'g Ko 1 ijj,;it'•'.■'! is mud? to the Piih- lie by order of his Excellency the Cornrritin/ler of the Forces. An Armv Bill Office has been cfuMiilu-d by Wn Ext-cftcmy the Commander oft he-Forces, of which James Green, E'fcj. has been appoin¬ ted Director, and LouisMonrezain- bcrt, F.fq. Calhier, who .have ac¬ cordingly eives due fecuritv, the fud Director, himfelf in /\oo; and his two furcticsin/^qcoeach; and the faid Gafliier hhiifelf in /, 1000, and hi' two lureties /,'^oo each, for the faithful pcrforniance ci the trufl repofed in them. • 'this Oihcc is nonopened at the Court Houie, and from thence, by order of his Excellency, an iflue of Army Bills has been made, con¬ fining of Bills of 25 Dollars, 50 Dollars, 100 Dollars, and 400 Dol¬ lars each, figiied by his Excellency as Commander of the Forces, by the Director, and by the Military Secretary, made payable" to the 1..>.,,.., .... iSk.i*xd£id9 *ll i'l^e Aniiy Bill Office, in Government Bills of Exchange at the current rate of Exchange, or in cam, at the option of the Commander of the Forces, with intcrcft. His Excellency has alfo directed an iffue to be made from the faid Office of Army Bills of 4 Dollars each, payable to the Bearer on de* mancl, in cam, which Bills of 4 Dollars each will be figned by the Director of the faid Office, the fi'nP in Council, of which we can only give an outline. The obnoxious orders, were unqucftionably re¬ pealed a few days after the debate took place t but what bearing tins repeal can have on us now that war fa declared*. G<xl 01?Jr kiwswfc, But wc v.tmld recommend to Mr. Madifon, immediately to fend com- miffioncrs to England, to negoci- ate a Peace. KINGSTON : ~* ■ Saturday, Auguft 22, iSi?. We are authorifed from author¬ ity to ftate, that a fufpenlion of oflcnfive warfare has been agreed on between the rcfpeclive Com¬ manders of thcBritifh Forces and the troops of the U. States ; and that no hoililities be committed until full four days (hall have clap- fed, after an intimation {riven, of an intention of fuch re-cemmcncc* merit of hoitilitics?. IMPORTANT! Note from Major ALLEN.,, Com¬ manding at York, dated 20th Augufl, received by Exprefb this morning;. The Garrifon of Detroit, under Gen, Hull, confiiling of Cafliicr and the Military Secreta¬ ry only. The whole of the Bills arc now depofited in the Military Chcff, from whence they will be iflued in payment of whatever demands there may be on the Commiffiiry General, or Pay-Mafter General, on account of the Public Service. By the act pafled during the laft Scffion of the Provincial Legisla¬ ture, to facilitate the circulation of thefe Bills, it is declared, that they (hall be receivable in payment of all public debts and duties, and that a tender thereof fiiall prevent arrcft, and Hay execution upon the period and property of the debtor for five years from the date of the aft ; by the fame aft it is made felony without benefit of Clergy, to forge the faid Bills. The aft grants the fum of 15,000k yearly to defray "lie* intereft upon the faid Bills, which is to be paid to the hol- two thoufand five hun¬ dred men) with twenty* Pieces of Can- furrendered non, themfelves Prifoners of War, to Major General Brock, on the 16th in ft. with- out the lofs of a man on our part. N The late heavy Rains, wc are in¬ formed, has done much damage to Engliffi Grain, in the country— The lofs fuitained by one farmer, wc are told, amounts to nearly look ' The Royals landed from the Tranfports this morning. They are a Regiment of the firfc reputa¬ tion, and coniift of about 1200 men. Quebec Gaz. !<j£D, At Cliambly. Lieut M G:,ic,cfdie Rcr- al Artillery, aped 25 rears. At Montreal, J A. Grar, Lh. Notary Public. E Court of Ov-r Midland I)j/lritl,l -]p; to wit. j" Jl and Terminer STrfi Prius and General Gn?.\ DrliVcy, will be Mden at the Coiirt Houf< in the Town 1 f Kinglron, in the faid Diftricl, on Monday the twenty-fourth day n{ Au-u(t. at the hoar often of the clock in the fore.ioon. I do therefore hereby give nonce toalithofe who will profecute againft ar.v prifnner in the Common Goal for the laid Dillrirft, that they he then there prelent to profecute a- gainll them as Hi all be jufl And I do a: • gne notice to all Juftices of the peace, Cor¬ oners, Bailiffs, Conftables, and c*ther Penes Officers, in and for the District afvefa..'., t!>at they be then and there in their own pro¬ per perfons, with their Rolls, Records, and. other remembrances, tn do thole things which to their feveral Offices in tfmt behalf appertain to be dofje. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Saerffl's Office, 1 -jh Augufl, I S l :. J Groceries for Sale CHEAP as the CHEAPEST, by the Sub/cribcr* iV Shrub, Peppermint Cordial, Nuttreg$t Clove?, Fj Pcppcrmsnt I orcnges Loaf and Mulcovado Conicc^iorutc:, Sn^jir, I.icjuoricc, Green 'IVa, Parley Su*jar, Coffee, Tobacco, Chocolate, Scotch SaniFf Root & Ground Gin- Urippec do. Segarj, by the dotal or hundred, Bottled Mtiftard, Walhing and Shavbg Soap Wm. JOHNSON, Kingstoni Slng"Jl 17, 1812. 3$ ger, Alll'picc, Jiarlev, Oatmealj Rice. Frejk Goods t B WHITNEY lias juft rccel^d a frefn fupply of GOODS' jimengst which dre. Tea, CoiFc'C, Loaf and Mulcovado Su^nr. Spirits. Shrub, Peppermint Cordial, Port Wine, Raillns, Muftard, Fig Clue, Starch, Indi'ro. Nutmeg, Almonds. Snuff, ChcMViW and Smoakirtg Tobacco, Pepper, AlUpioe, Ginger, Lin'ccd Oil, Superfine black, bine nnd bottle grtdl liri^ad Cloths, do. black, bine and mix'd fine do. CafEmeres Stockcn- nett, r>runfvvic!< and fancy Cords, a vanVtj* of fiflu'onable Veilings, fuitable for botlHum- nvfr anU winter,lliittciii thirtiitg Cotton?, rr }, white, rrrcen and vcllow, Black and Blue F'an^els, Table Cloths, law prie'd and taper- fine Caliches, furniture do. Ginghaifc?, Bfown Holland-?, Silk (k Twift, color'd ar.d White Thrcr.ds Men's Leather Gloves, Lz** dies Lcath»*fj Kid, Silk and Can.brie do* Silk Nett Fleece^. Cotton do. Wiidhorc^ Calimaocoes, RufTella, Ladies Leather, Kid and Morocco Shoes, do. White and colorVi Beaver Bonnets, do, common do. Men'n Beaver, knapt and felt H^t^, Cotton Urn* hrellas and Parafols, White & fancy Cottort Shawlg, Bandanna and fancy fdk Handker¬ chief;, Cotton Pocket do. black and olive Velveteens, black and flate colorM pclice Velvets, black & fancy Corduroys, Nankeen** Jeans, black Cambn'ek, plain and figured white do Looking1 Glafles, Glafs &: Crock¬ ery Ware, Men's and Women's black anol color'd V?orftcd Hofe, do. do. white Cot¬ ton do. Bedticking, rtriped Cottons, Suf- pendcis, Ofnaburghs, Chnmbrays, blue cot¬ tons, Lenoes, Imperial Nefts Robe Pat¬ terns, colored Cambrics, Millonett, cottort check, black Crape, Ribbons, Velvet Bind¬ ings, black and white Laces, ntfbrted colors filk cords—Alfo, a general afTortment of Hard Ware, amoilgft which are elegant Tea Trays, plated Cruett Stands, do. Table and Tea Spoons. Knives and Forks, Sec. &c. All of which will be fold scry low for ready pay only. Kingston, i St/j shny.jl, 18 r 2. 3$ Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the fiibfciibcT are requeued to call and arrange -.'leir refpeftfve Accounts on or before the a^d day of September next—as all accounts re- maming unf^ttled at that time, will he put into the hand** of an attorney fcr colte&voft* HUGH C THOMSON, .. 1£S I ■ \ + ^ A»...-.: fr .r)fr. $t. George* 4« • i? Xg As I*

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