i did r.ot antieip&e any particular .:■"• Of niY remarks, but 1 pcr- . eiv :d i hit file went away pale and trftssblms;. She returned in a £ew- fmntttss asd told me that (he ncv- cr liictvctl her people to contraciiA \ :.cr7 that flic never (poke evil ol I r.-ny -evi>-n, was we 1 infbnr.ed b.i.*6 re file mentioned even the iVjltg other neighbours, aftd to x:\eet whli oppofitxon was highly ladceorouSj yet as (he found me on the whole a good girl, the/ a JitUe forward, file \vould pardon jnc'hisfault provided I made a Cult- nble apology. I need not add Mr. ilcckoaer that I left her houfe im¬ mediately. I lived iwo long month'} in my r»c.';t fervlec, owing to thcpcirvcrfc- iic!'; or* the children, who were J :ept in no £ >rt of order. It is true ! had not mere reaion to complain than their parents, for one of the boys took the liberty of {pitting in ills mothers face, and another throw his Fathers Inu&box into the fire. Seeing fuch faults palled without correction, I could not anticipate much comfort, but in addition to this, 1 found that if I ehofe to remain I mult do it for no; !i'n:\ for my Mailer hid n rrreat antipathy to the payment of debts. ] thought it more prudent there¬ fore to put up with labouring two months for nothing than to remain hv :■■■•■ in a houfe where I was dri¬ ven about by all the children, and forced to attend more to their whims and caprices than to tlioi'e 6f the parents. Ir. my next place, my Maner was a Merchant, and much difpo- !.,i to frugality. Here ourliving?, v»M3 by no means fumptuous, fait meat every day in the year.. As tka Gentleman was {nnavfiuiouious, I was for iome time atloniih.d at the rich clothes which my Mi lire is was continually purchafing. Of. •. v c":id i hear lecture 1 on economy, :.;•• i ohilippiesacfainn extravagance. they would have made her very resectable. In argument the Cap¬ tain had no chance with her, but he Hill maintained his point—&e fo was toto tfcrfw hmk» on;thej£- imrr,.;iatrly ft* dtt off™, lfc um.tary vaiW.andtbcw.-.thy fenfigacd th* corpfe oits,aiCntea-th. lie covered U u-,h mould 4 • command them to do another. But what was the moil extraordin¬ ary thing oi all, they appeared in company the moll loving couple upon earth. My dear was ever in their mouths. 1 have feen them more attentive to one another at an evening party, than two new lo\ ers, and the moment the compa¬ ny was sane, they turned away >"" 1,a" '"I1-" , „ . „ . , _. „ •' „ v° . ,-i- () i i ' Ah. who had you ?" GodMntetM; Sir.** m a apparent oii^uli.,, and exenanff- Ka rt > im „, j < „:,„,ij •» n __ e>„ "A veiy good aiiiUant, inched ; give <<m Dan a g'afs of grog,*' "Thank your hon¬ or* !" Dan drank hvs ^rog, and left, the cabin higli'y giT-'iried. Hois now a peufioner in the Royal HoFpital at. Grc^pwicb. l,\d never did I Ice nim crive ma wire any money to purel.afe the &;UVw]iich the procured in abim- .'tce. At Icnghtlciucorcredthat this - ficek Lady contrived to vilit the tillj and -o help herfelf pknti- fuiiv v■!-i*:e her good cafy frugal iiuihand nr^cr tutnttcted her in- | te^ritv. One evening flic delired n\i to watch my Matter's return :'..vm the ft bk\ .\^d cou:di loud as he approached the houfe. This • a; .. tbrvice not very agreeable, *st : did it affe.vd an improving lef- ibii lof a fervant. It was notne- .firv for mc to eoui.11 for the T .ady was cjuh k anil dexterous, but 1 determined in my own mind to leave a place where 1 was fo degra¬ ded as to be made a watch while r-.liberies were committing. At the end of the month 1 mms obliged to take goods out o! the {hop, in- ftcad of money, twice a. dear as I might have bousjht thenj at the t] - [■ door. My Miurcfs wiflietl to I'urtiule my lecrecy with a new ;./iv.-n, but 1 had not fufiieicrit ref- 1 eel: for her to accept oi her prc- lents. 'I he laft of the fix months, of A.Mi-.ii l am giving you the hiftory \vas p..f( in \ (lorm. Capt, 1;. and - '..-, not able fpoule whom 1 now fer- wdj delight in contradicting each • •• her. i \\c\ eouid not ain'cc about ■ he x. riefl t i"iiU.s,nnd being equally y ti:;'•••■ U pcrvcilc, v. c have wran- i'liug -'i'»ni rnorrime toniffht. The Lady was the cleverer and prided h rulj nor a littlas upon her abili¬ ties, and had they been united to gocdiiatu! in/br«l of malignity, ed not a word for a week. Yet it the Captain is abien.t a few days Ins moil aiiecTmnate Spoufc wilipre- tend to mope and f>gh for his re¬ turn and fall slmoft into hyftcrics when lie actually makes his appear¬ ance. Nothing offends me fo much as dometlic contentions, they are fo foob'fh, and when joined tohy- pocrify, as in the prcfent iniiance, fo odious. Behold then the labours which i have gone through during the ]:vl halt* year, I can iclcct a few {"till more remark ihlc for the enter- taimnenr of your Readers. Yours SKRV1TIA, back vrtai over to tuc enemy and wa- r v.v/n has btcn hanged by Lord WcUiagior/j c> Atr. TIi* di'tchcfs of Gordon h given over b^ her pliyficfen* ; Her grace's calamitous cafe > riife frtun a fa!!, as fhe was alwut to fit dow^ l>y wlrcl' ;.ccid^r,t the fpine became fornucH i.'jii.L-J, -At almoft icomcdntcly toparalyfeher whok Eramr. Jioyd IL\rhar*«t•, London, ^.n7 n. Rdllian Declaration of War. Thl« afttrnodfl - gentleman I123 reached this city f»om LibaUj which plac.; lie left as late as 26th oflafl: fftt? sth. He ifatea poll. lively^ that at l! Xi period a djclnruiion of war by the errprrMr of Rufiia agamft Frarce, had, at rived at-tiuit place, ?ad that it was 'jspeftcd that hoitilit ic3 v;ouh- oe immediate* ]y commenced ; as Bof»apait*i marchd ,45, gqo Freuchnicn to the L'ontierr- By two additional Anholt madfi. wt h^ve advicc< tlii" evening of a very impO"tant char. after from wiow iuuation^ cftlje ii-Uic ami its nu.Miborhooii ; 'rind two rf th^ com- rr.u;iicati(i>^ confirm die inut\:llia;Mida- hove Hated, in a letter f-om KfWiii^g^'ir;^ and another from Calllnm i'» ou; p fTeffion it is afTcrrcd, that Napokon had ac- uiallv arrived at Drrfden. \W Ihouldob- fcrye'that the ^lonhftur rfifejd iaSaw, mentioos UHp^rfiibg at 3 council ;;t St. Cloud on the pvci 1 edulg c i>- ; fctf this r> --------------:-----------------" "TT " fetttrin may Iw tr.v*rcly an rcped&n1 ' *«^ [By arrival at Nrw-\ mk.J j b*d«ar»:re to the north. Tbf &llo«; J.orJ.r:, sip.!!6. - r - 1 . ■' ■■ 1- »aM Aarrlve<3 th<- Americati fchoower Betfey J. HI. h, mailer, from NaLn/,withacrr;;oc-onriU ting of iilks» cambrics, brandy, &c. bound to Pclion,late from rcn/.ancc, detained and fent in there, n few days Hncc, by the Nicmcu and Mcdnfn frigates. D't/hirhiincc in raw r—Tbx French papers He wa^iu-n^it^lMs piok-ax. and Oiovel bottled into tb« town, and the taftik &««g r- comir.cnced. . ^ fe>v davsafu-rward^ Sit Sidney, having t-ccn informed of the circumftaiic, oidmd Dantohe railed into the cabin. "Well, Dan, 1 hear you have buryed the Erencft Central ?"—ifc Yes your honor." 4! Had you anv body with you f 3 'r$ vour honor.- *my Mr.-------— fry; « Bill I had vour h >nor. r:r rr»-*. • '^' t**j *■ *^^*'- ^si^iwii^^^-'-iTaHr FOREIGN 1NT1XUGKNCX.. »^It^:'^^ * Cliaracleriflic Anecdote of a Brit- ifii Sailor. Darnel Bryan was an old fcaman, andc«1p- friention that a tumultuous aflVrftbiy ai Cam had committed tltUCu ch*!ordv'r,iuuk-t preterve'e of the dcarftefsof proviilons, Some women Mxricc »"to the hnufes «>f the c»rn-dcalerf?, and ftolc from thtnee linen and jroods. On the 1 fill nit. 61 pevfons were aecufed before The military commifilon, \i'hen \. men and c wo¬ men were condemned to Puffer death ; cioht were fentenccd to ebht vearshr.vd lahuur, and tain of 1 he forciopj who had beei. turr.e.l o- ten9 to live years f^h'tary confinement. vei from the Blanche ir.ro Sir SMncy Sn.il !t':; April 9. flii'p lr Ti rre, DiM'ms: t!:c 6cffC of Acre. YirfierdaY mornmrrthcearlof Afliburiiham thi- Iiavdy I'vierStM m..ide rrprtftrd a])pKcatIuns Vj be emi:.I..\'d t»n Ihnre ; hut h^'wi an el- cleHy man, a;u! raihtrrdut^ hi< ri'(|o. (lw,r;i ot sic<*i\lcd ii>. At the Crrt llorminjj <»1 ihe hrtrfch hylic Vrt tieii, ;t; >ng I he mnhitiidc llato. fell one of the neueraus of that nation. 'Hie Turks in triompli !lru.-k ofl t1)-; head of thfs n 1 fortunate • AT\* cr, und affcr inhumanly mansii-iifv the body withthcir fiibres. h-fi it naked, a prey »o the clo^s. Erecludci] from the rights of leptdturei it in a tew days bc- caiae ] utrefcent -, a (hot*1cHig lp*ctacle, a d»\ i.llul memento of the horrors of W?r, the i:1 .,ility of human nauite,and the vanitvof all fttblunary ambition, hop-?sand expeeVn- t'uins. Thus expofedj when any of the tailors vvh > had been on lh»*re returned to their ih'p, iuqairJcs \-cre con 11 amlv made rcfpe^ling the d/eealeci gvlicrnl- Dan f.ec|iKnlly alked hi« mclVma- ts why tlur had not buried him ? but ■■ !■■ »ejuy thai he rece'ved was, **(lo and cio it yourfelf.'f P.ui ftvore he would j pbfervincr, that he iia-1 been taken prtfoiier hx tin- Irene!?, who always cave iheirenr- rnjVsii decent bur»al not like iholed----------d Tnrk*| having ihem to rot aboVe l^.ard. In the Morning, having at ten^ht ohtah\e<l leave t) goaud fee lite town, In dtefled himfelfai tin-u.;)i for an CKCtti tiou of ple;ffur«», and went aflnu • with rhe frc-vou k\ a jollv h:>;»t. A- hout an hour or two after, ivfcUe th; lurgi'OU was drt'dinor tlic wounded Turk* in the liof- l>ttal, in caniv hondl Dan, who, in his rmijjii goodnatuied ffianner, u I've been burying the gvitetal) 5f, and now I'm come to fee the liek !" N.*t p; rtu'ulr.rly auei-din^ to the tar's lalute, !;ot fearful ofcaiciiin^tlu-plaugCy the ftiitgeon immediately orditdhtm out----- Uetttriuiv* on board, the codefwain enquired of the fur^eoii if he had feen old l)an : c< ** cs, lit hai been burying the French ir&m- eral. ' It was then tlir:< Dan 5 words in the ludpittl full occurred. The boat's crew, who witntifed the pvneious jiclion, :rtj afikion truly wotthyofa Iiritifli fatlnr, in xvhofe characltrta ever blended the noble.'! and the milder \irtnc3, tons related its chcnmlian- cos : — The old man procured a pf'ek-axc, a lluw- cl and a:opc,and infjltedon bcittg.lct down, out oi a port hole, clofeto thcl>rcach. Some of his more juvenile companforis * ffercd to attend him—" No !*'he reptl'd, (t you arc too young to be rtiot yet ; a« i'^r mc, I am oM ami deaf, and mv lofs would be n , ,r,r^t martcr** Peril (ling l\ his adventure, in the midft of the fiftnjji Dan, was Hung and low¬ ered down, with his implement* of action on his (boulder.— HLf.rft difficluty, 0*1 a very trivial one, was to drive away the do rs. Trie French now levelled tin tr piece.—they were on the iuftant of firing at ; •• he 0! It uaj an inteteilinff moment!— B m "• nfR :■» perceiving th*3 friendly Jn^ntivna of the W- Tvfierday morning r breathed hUlaft. TIA noble earl was <S years oi ;:^c. Sir Sidney Smith continues c:;tremily Pari; papers have arrived to the ifnhinft— Bonaparte h llill at P.uis, \\!wrc,a^ we find yeilerday, ]\c will remain till about the L;id ui this momh. Afrit \ 1. Lafl night Mr. Ruff, the in?.IenLu, left town for Plymouth, where h: wil! ctnbarlc for America, v:;th defpatches for Mr. Fof- tCT. ft i^ with extreme regret ve ni»" obliged ro record another inflantc ol eomtnotion, which has arifen from caufci firftilar to thofe that have routed the miners oi Comwol, the in- I'-ibitaritsrlCri li:e,andiheneoj)'t;o[ Munch-f- ;cr. A ffentlcmau jufc arrived from Urillol Ibitrr, that fomr dill'ij hanc ■-. toot" place in thaicUv thsbft matket O«\»0ii <- . • ,,: the dearr..f:*. r.f urovUro^n, Potatoes hadpecn on the rife for lomc time ptevioiH \ and t!ie fu-men, wl.oh.Hl fevcFal waggon loads at the maiketjiverefittemptiuj^.ovlvanertheir price, when a mot alh'iv.blc-.l, and ihreSbtcncd them with their vcnsanCc. Some of the i-cfuecta- hie inhabitant:; of the town in roiiequrneein- t.-iwicu, and end;avoted to 5»ppri,ft*th»- rardl hv l*r<vuufiu«? to nrevrul on th l'inn:-rs to fell !"■ prOMUUU^ ^.n prevail on n rirmrr? co 1 -ril the potato'1-, ;.t the price of the previous ur.;- ket"dav. — tnthis thev wrt uniurci'fsful; a:ul rlic m:>b fei/.cd the proviJions "1 fprtcQi every o; poiiiion, and either deUroyed orcheviei! «- wav the whole. \Vc liave lirtle to add tothchi&nriatinri uc communieatcd yeilerday, w-IpeCtmij the riot atManchcftcr, m no letters have renthed m hv -hi. day's poll frotnlhat quarter. Thefol- lov. in." was iL-eeived in WWII } eik-ro ty c v.'.! • ing". <( [ j nil learn thai fc-e ml *d theurUT:;h:r": been lodged in Hew 1'ailvv priftvn. Theeof Itahles at c! military are paradiutj the liners. The mob, In fniall hodtiN, are (till uil/mhlrd at dillant parts of the town, and appear to he refractory.M <( jV/V Lt.nch #|-H The nipvht h dark, and if is apprehended (,>rri* mill loci mav (-ceur Ivrfoir m«»rn.ii ,rt ; C;ie iuh;ibii'i;its are mo'.lly aftiud of fuv, and many v.ill not '/'to bed. At prcfent thank God, all is welt, and I hope will continue fo. fttio a.T. A'H-pn-fs hanbeen fent t^ Liverpool for more troops. \\Y ;neyet qtucti" To the ahove^fjysa monjiu^j n-tncvi it I« pirating 10 add, that <ve have k n a / I'm! - nia'n, who left M mrhrlb-r iii tlie muH« at tweU\r o'clock on Wcdnefd^v tuuht, at vvhie!j li.v th. '• /ii v.js fji it t. P h hid, t*:»» iheuQicei who funic monilis inrt are e\'trac'.3 :- m our lc. •• ea wlvtcli will be found 10 contain I'siuabk :,.:*?•.-•...itiou. " Acccmliii^ 11 -1 tic-iv eifi^rcJ rntooe- twceti P.u::> *& Frtiifi.% tit lattern**^ dcr, ao«3 011 t'.-- htlier n.iu.'.i^ t.. I i :-■ i»«:..i- fion viC fomgt Pilfali. k&r.l, •::• '• R^* W.lll'.L'. " Mai (V..ihKi tllorcr. :iu.l IVAv.-s-.l. ^ ' 'iav«r ili<- fimn: in.! <■? :1k 'J -^- ^ ■•'i"J remain i:\ ;i Itucc < I i" ulialii.. The PiuiTi.i'.t court has retired to Ii■ tfr.j in order not to iviinefi the inareh of Frc:ch troop« through Koninghnrg, l: fn the Berlin paper of the jthpfthii mbrith h the following uflicial par;'-jr,-iph ;^ 45 Ace*:;-*' it ; , ;■ c«»ir - »noa «.;:'u I •: ;;f - ■' ': pran;e, the eo stl i'-.t.t.'.ur, ditc frorti Pi" T) 1 v.l.;.-h ve"; in Krrears and v. rir ta be j :! !.i \i:. current coi'i of the rt ■ :, li..vc I ^ -n retnitU'ih Ontlteotlur i-iii. r i-1- rr^cdthai Prtrfli.i isto (ur&tdt *;.:-.:^nvn iv) aclu^a ii; Ivulfu, and is befidi j to uud > t?!;: to provide for the uu;;.! i_ar.ee cft'w rVenchtrvopa during theh'mareh Lliroa^htlt: cotintry, <■ CtpMaint Mar • ~ . "TI.c fuiiJt of 1 ,\ir-,t .•ci.ue.'* "p; !/«■ i-. 1* thxly fu'vktti, iii confeqodKC «* ofEcf&i nui Wr genre o' the declaration ct v u by RtH'va s- jrafr-tl rr.»nrc. Ti e Ruflhtn3, r.*e ar^ a;i i-j i have 200,000 men on their frontier?, aitu 1 ! marlhaltlie JJ:ir6n tit Toll! h:'sa!ie:J; oracl¬ ed fhclH'-ui-quirrers of the arniy- " In M inei they wore under great 2pjtt- lienlhm of the iatrufion of th- RtrfTnns, vt.c ..nr. j/ement at \hr. d.'iiance oi < ; I; ill : German miles. Equal.£<&&were felt .r ■ IIuFans Mpd : O -.'.teftbOrg. The Inhi! -. ar»L. oft}.*- l-MiP-r fent to-the com:? wrier gcr. .-ai r'orch a( Lvoningihurg for Prtifli.in troops toproteil ilnm. lie accor'hVly detached tbr I u_n4rfl*vj of CninftmrM their aCILanc^. 1%*3 pfPeer, lufws-^T, :a hii fe. Hit^s is agnrnii the I'r-nch, a .d ' • | ss yd received no inllructiooj Itrbm'xlr. PiaTi^a j-'o crnmct.i, " The fn!ia!irtair!^ of the counthr arc JGy* ing rnalldi-.' ,;(;i> towards liotnngshwrghj in order to pu '.'■■_ thenuei^e^ afi tiuft tfw v. ".-■.•; ■■; re-fi It ing tVom fttch -^ di.",»... iretis itau of rhinri. 4 The qt»an;3iy of grain in PrtiClain co.t« feq:. \:i.. u; the la': lir. at KonlngSoiirgj m hen ;o^oco hifts vere c<*tvfumed, :^ lo i::a;- f "ucan, '1 . : \i ;re will inevitably i t a fant* tne the sroncnt the armL*s arrivi thw- Th :•! :ano lie. f. either of wine or I*; juIvm t::- country ahhongh French licence* w pro :•• " them may lie csfiiy ofhtstiiii th 14 "i i : fn'lrefsfif Pi'lan h Vl"r" delict ntljf f.n.ooed whil. Colhersei* Hirni.hed «ritH*ir- ( *.- n:^;.(i"T. forpx mouths and i bwwwtlt« thtsfurtr.'fi ■ illr.otbe^Tri rt uptothe Fftocbi ahltough :i. khig ! miM:.(K?»ld rorfwn^nJit, the r :ti"cns and th : govctamctit ^vin^eooic to (in fi -t d.-terrinai! -u. 44 Th • Pin'"..in army conft'Vj befi*lw y> 000 "i't*«hr troops,«»f r rotooom-n, Jiicij«-- ned, but not emhodit 1 Rcgimcnls ul ;.■. ratsi arc Itatiop*:;! ii t'.iillii Kmik'ih'-'- 1'•- ro.il h..-n Dutxaubutg-Iinv4f4« W:rt6* ; covcrcil ft'itti militiiy, op ihcfr ftiaroh r-1 «•" fcrt'irt i*!acejrf snd uul H n'l rha pnn!i>rwn'J ;ir.- ripu'.lc.l 11 pri.-H.rtiuil. Stroi'.:,' in I-J*. /.Jiws ate u.i,- •. l.a>.HiM '" evl/ |w't.ul il-.L-couitrv. I'.»i .•..•(...it)-.!'.-..! ;".irjil«,Jc ri..!it win.■■ .•■-" tit- Tivi'i-'. Si««y cnf»t»,fe«« ioOjOOC, under t'l-J o/d.*rso« M-1, ,:t"