Kingston Gazette, June 9, 1812, p. 1

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Vol. II.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J ^5p^ TTE. lUhSDAY, JUNE 9, 1812 [No. 30. Juft received from England* A SSf ASSORTMENT OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland D:<!rlly to <u.< t: 1 "O Y virtue of threeftv- . f> /^> fP "'"*■ » JO^ral WriUtiffori fa* Cloths & Calhmeres, ^|^<>^ J'onch, at 1 he futts of Laurence Herchmer MISCELLANY. For the Kingston Gazette. No. 65. And are now offered t^r f:de by the fufofai lb* as at Mr. Wm. Stoughton*s Inn, on the tnoft reifonablc tertns F<»r Cnfll. Broadbent, Whitehead k Son. A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon, fur file by CUM MING k HAM1L TO V. ■ Janua-r l% IOif -^TT-^ f Frefii Goods ! CJ B.YRTLFT has received a *Jt aCTonmscut of fin/ Goods, Lienors & Groceries, Crock er\ $ Hard War?\ *!'tohewill filf, vWvW? or 4**fl. M V* dace.—Alfo t'r fair, Board* and PMt< & ^ few Burets Flour of a luperior iju-ility for fctnly ufc- Cj" Ca'h ps&l f >v Prod ice, aflJ advanced on pn^pcUy Cftnj:£i)<<] for fitk. JLinM /5?r Bait* PT*HE foll-iwii^ vsluafck Lots of Land £ in the to&n'fiftp of FrcdtricScfboi <h, arc fifed for file by the fub<'ciibor, vi/,. Loiw^bcr Si:;, hi tlw tiril CoucdTton Lot number twenty-five, in the fcarth Ceiid-I: hi. RICHARD CART\VR[GHT. D: 5, i9it.. jtf THE fubfedbers have opened anil now oiler for file, next door to JtdLtf '•-^.r.' tiuld, 'VJ FLKC INT A",Sf>RTMRNT Hats & Trimmings; \ -; ; I-.... ss\ \;ii:i-A:v}.. •.;, u\. •»,« mi-fl i:ah'.;'.bU- terms, Cither vhol.fc'c or ic- tiil, f'iC.illi, Cuuntry Fioduce, or approved "SMITH & BUTTERWOR.TH. N. P. OU Hats math Urefvd en tkjfarfffl w*sr.—-Cj^Cafh paid for Fur 3s Line's Wool, /u»;;/.>//, 13//* Brcmfor, iSir* ctf "NEW" BOO IS. JUST received from Montreal, rod for fate at the Gazette Office ; Aoililoirs Works—M'Farl-ind'd View of rlfaefa—Life of Jofq.h—vAfiic'a Tra- vtts— ScafoiiG in England—La and lfa- blla, r; /.-. iv wjvd— Churacitr of Gtrorfffi ^d -•Policy's FiCiic'i S|/ Nilf;ig-bo;>I: — French \Woula-7------Cljild'a Spellkg-ho«ls------- "onk <li"|;|.>j 1 ■•] — Port^u.i's Evidences of f.Cluj'fi;.. U.iiKi(;.:--.E.b!^ ^Teftr.mcnts -Wy.-.i? Pwims and H--.r,n>—Pfalteis— ftwicw Cpok-cry^Cialdrei^s b-joks—Ca- f IT1 1 T io be Let 5 A"-' p.'!v.-fi!'>9 given i»n.mcdiatetyf a rJtJod i\m Yard and Currying Shop :.'Tr'r,-» v.rJi its Tools, a, alio a Dwelling -Jui ttn ii;- |,reimfes of the fubferiber. ANDREW KIMMERLY. Wanted, A JOURivT.YMAN COOPER; one j.X wWmidcrftaods hisbofiaefi pcrfedly. •'^[v.-,^, wji| be given.—Inquire of xJrJ**U# SHAH', at the N^pane ;I,Ai-H)Rirs GEOGRAPHY, Vwkh at this Office. ' and Kiibv, of the town of Kin eft on, raerchantK, and Nicnolaa Hagei^riaa of the tci'.vnlhip of Adolphwllown, Efquire, a^ninit the lands and tenements of James Gcrolomy ©i the townlhfp of Mary{bnrgh| yeoman, to mc dire^td ; I have fci/cd and taken in ex¬ ecution, as hclontfinjr to the faid JaurCi Gc- rolomy, the w<$ balfof tot number feven- tven, in the firil contvffion of the townfllipqf Mswyfbur^h, containing by admeafnrement one hnudied acres, be the lame more or Lis, feg'cvliei' tvufo a log honfe thereon crctlcd. 1 do hereby give notice, that the above men* tiui cd lot of Land, with the building nnd appurtenauees tlKicunio belonging, will be fold riui a•ijudj.-.ed to Lhe higlteft bidder, ?t ?^y fuuce in the town of King lion, on the f'■'cntetnth day of Ma«ch next, at the honr oi ttfo of the elo; k in the forenoon, at which ti'iie and p)v.c& ll?e condiiiona of fale will be rvnrJK' known, ■ CHARLES STUART, Sheriff'. A r:d every jj^rfbll or persons lnving cliilms on Lire a)>ovv- dfefcnBed lot of land and j>»*cmi- T . 1 m.'..»:.'-( v if ','h'r v-jjjjrt ©If isSfiV-rtW- binnce> $*c hereby ajlvcrtiftd uo give notice to ihcf.i, 1 Sheriff, at nis oliice in the town of RicplM,,-, ^revJii is to the &\t there-'i". Mfdi tmf Dy?rU:,\ V» Y vhtueof a Writ of ;vC(.;;- j £j /Vf;7 /v.vV;t, lffned out of id is M.^ily's Con-t of King's C-nch, «lt the fnii of Thomai Markkud, of the to^n c.f Kin^Qon, Efquire,agftinfl theliinds and t.Mu-nviit« of Allnel Bir,.!fha;v, bftbes tovvffiflii|> of Fredui- kfburgb, yeortiart, to me di-r^LCtl ■ I hayt1 feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as b?!ongi^g to the faid Aih.vl Biad- !!.;.w. Let nlinibiT twenty-fcuir, in ihu feventh concclj*i>n rf the tovuilhip of Lcibn'ough, ndmeafiireruent two hundn d acs^S, be i!ic irc.n.e more or lefs. J. do here¬ by give notice, that the above mentioned let of Land v.ill be fold and adjudged to the hi.;httl bidder, r; my office in the t'-wn of KiM^dun, on the twenty-feventh day of Jan- uaiy next, at the honr of ten of the clock in the forenoon, at which xhm and place the conditionscf fulc Will be roarle known. CHARLES STUART, Shmfl And evu-y ]:erl'i! o*" p'-rfons having claims on the alwve r!..;eiibcd lot of land, by ntort- ga^e or ofh.r ri;.l»t or incumbrance, firehtre- containi (r by RECKONER. Sir—I have been fcarching three days for a good letter writer to anfvverycurcorrefjxindentTeftitia, who makes a great noifc about bad fcrvants. Perfpns that are under the hard neccdity cf working for their daily bread in the houfes of people, no better than themfelve.% are fkbjecled to contumelies, and infults enough, without being ex- pofed in printed papers* But it is very eafy for poor fcrvants to re¬ tort with intereft, they have only to give the hiilory of a few of their employers to turn the laugh com¬ pletely in their favour. My iirft place, Mr. Reckoner, was with an officer, who lives on his half-pay. This poor man had been accident¬ ally made a Captain in the Ameri- mental mefs he had become a (me Gentleman. Some of the old lea¬ ven remained in his compofttion, jnotwithftahding frequent mighty pnralions, and in one of his Fro¬ lics he married the widow of a Sol¬ dier, who was killed with General Fra&r. This lady-^ad all the tal¬ ents which qualify a woman tor becomimra follower or' the camp, time feems rather to have impro¬ ved, than impaired her Abilities. You will not fuppole that 1 had a very profound refpccV either lor the Captam or his Lady, or that I fhould have coniidcred mylclf mightily honoured by fitting at the fame table with them. But I was willing to confine myfclt to the Kitchen, and as little inclined to afk. as they were difpol'cd to in¬ vite me into the Parlour.. The Captain foon found himielf out¬ matched by his wife, who chole to if Hie had lefs than all the feven ia her full drefs. Accordingly the little money which the Captain could fpare was fpent in finery for his Lady, who regarded very little how he was drefled himf.'lf. One evening returning with his fweet wife from the AiTembly, where the poor man as he never dances had taken a liberal allowance, he {tum¬ bled over a flone, and falling pull* ed her down with him in the mire. You may judge how her red rib¬ bons and fine pink gown looked after rolling in the kennel—the poor Lady was almolt in convul- fions, when fhe came in, and it was fome time before her tongue could articulate. When her rage found utterance, fhe oppened a peal upon the Captain, which made my hair iland on end, but the good man fcli alleep. This enraged the dear Lady itiil more. With fome hefr- tation 1 attempted to coniole her, obfervins thct it was accidental* and that her pink gown in my humble opinion did not fuit her complexion fo well as white muf¬ fin. She feemed to hear me with attention, and I was proceeding with my foothing fpeech. But her filence which was only that of rage broke forth in a torrent of abul'e upon me. How dare you interfere or prefume to tell me what fiats my complexion or how I fhould drefs, down flairs to the Kitchen you trull—faying this lhe puihed me out of the room, and ihut the door upon my heels. Next morning fhe attempted to make an apology, but I departed with the Lois or*a months wages. My next Miilrcfs had been fent to England for her education, and thought hcrieifa being luperior to the Ladies around her. She was quiet at home, and not otherwifc Frefii Goods "D WHITNEY Ins ju(l received Cot- • ton Shii'lin'gi Cotton Chtnibiay Giog- hams, Clack. Cambnck Lftoes Cotcoa Cliccks, Mch'h Ik'.ivcr Gloves, Women's White Cottoo IJo'e, do. \,} W..i(led do. Men's Wh4■_• Cutti n do. While and color d 1 liivad-., Crown Holland*, Drab Brunfwiek Cord, Blew Kib'd Cafljinere, OfuaJ>tnglls, Roma! Hrtn-lkcrcliitfs —Alfo, Rom. l\-p- pctmiat Cordial, Blown .Sugar, .SnufF and Tobacco, l'cp'.'Cr 5t Alll'pici1—Ivory Combs, Pocket and Penknives, Ladies' Hair Combs, Superfine and low prie'd Bread ClolllH, Yel¬ low Nankeen, Men's cotton Gloves, liar 5: Shaving Soap. A'ir.^s/u/i, iSl/j M,iy,lSl?.. 27 < Nor ice. ANY" pevfon niakinjr pro(»f ofb'M'ii'T TlrW to the EftatC of Chnlfopher StJoper, oi* Mary (burgh, ikccafcd, are ilciiied to come forwa.d PETER COLLIER. fthryjbur?!), I Cjtb May, 18 I 2• 27 TAKE NOTICE. ALL per Ions indebted to the Subscriber cither 10 note* of hand or book ac¬ counts, are reqneftcd to call and make a kt- tlcmetlt with him on or before the full of May tnfuing, or in cafe of failure thtrir luitcfl and accounts will be put into the hand:; of an attorney, and a profecution commenced againft them without further notice JAMES PERROT. .Ernrjl fowl* March ?.rJ% 1812. tOif ^ WebilcrV* Spelling-Books, •Rrfilt (it this Office. fhe never allowed cnndlci in the evening to the people in the Mitch- en, for they coulcl ice very v>cll by the fire. She thought the leaves rcmaing in the Tea-pot, alter die and her fpouie had breakfailed, ftrong enough without putting in frefh tea, altho* the quantity tiled at Civil was not half fufiicicnt. She counted the Potatoes, weighed the beef, and if {nc forgot her Keys, lhe was filled with terror lealt lhe had been robbed, and took the op¬ portunity of making long fpeeches on honefty and fidelity. She was always peilering me with acclama¬ tions again!! my predeceiTor, one was dirty, another flow, a third proud, a fourth light fingered. She was forever in the Kitchen, and continually finding fault, talk¬ ing of her gentility, therdpccla- bility of her parents, and the ex¬ cellence of her education. Some¬ times flic aHeclcd to pity poor fcr¬ vants, who were frequently for¬ ced, to become drudges to low vul¬ gar people, without feelings or hu¬ manity. Her pariimony however was confined to articles of houfe- keeping, for in her drefs flic was exceedingly extravagant. She had a great predilection for a variety of colours, and was never fatlsfied tions. Even perfons confpicious for their virtues their attention to'* their families, and fweetnefs of dii- polition could not efcape her flan- derous tongue. And what was worft of all, (he appealed to me for the truth of her obfervations. This was on the whole the moft painful iervice that I ever endured. I felt mylclf degraded by liitening to her flander, and not oppofm-j; her. I became in my own opinion a part¬ ner in her <niilt. I was therefore extremely uneafy, and longed for the expiration of the month. Not having any children, much of her time was fpent in company, and flie would receive with the greatefr. cordiality and demonftrations of Friend;!dp, thofe Females whom, ihe was the moft apt to load with calumnies. One evening; flic be- gan to fpeak moft difrefpedfully of Sophronbj a. Lady of the moft excellent character, whom I had formerly ferved with delight, but who was obliged to difcharge me on account ot the lofe of part of her fortune. I ventured to (peak in her defence, by ftating mildly that lhe muft have been milinform¬ ed, for there was not a mere ex emplary Lady in Canada. I had neve- feen m\ Miftrd^ anffry, and •

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