Kingston Gazette, June 2, 1812, p. 3

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• ed by boarding, after a fiiafp eon- Jlict, attended with very trifling logon the part of the aifaillants, though tlie batteries played the whole time ; the crews of the praams, from being fo ciofe in to the ihorc, made their efcape in the boits, but many were killed and wounded. The praams are bnp-riggedj and they have each three very line long brafs guns 24 poumW>.' One of the praams is quite Jiimafted, and another has loft her mW.en mail, fore topmaft, xndp.u-t or her bowforit; infhort, thefe have all had a complete fpeci- menot'what the whole rlotillaare *.o expect, ihould they ever attempt to put their once hoalted threats of invalion in practice. Their ems and here0, are now landing l.r.dor the direction of the Prize A^ent, and a fffeat cencourfe of people is aaembled to witnefs a mofi 'jr.uifvin?; fight to Britons ; viz. the Biiiiih ftaz Syiii£ over the V 1 ■ ° J ■ London, April 3. T) :* v. r :; I,.ivc ix-cn received f;om che Jrr! .rf Wdlingtnii. lw which *ve learn ti*<t tn&S'ijtf *•! T-iid »ru/, ^bipfnettccd on the t ^th 1 ■ > r lw 1 iiv .ore;; m * •p he.-n OHViirm'iicaVsd i'J ii* *. ;> 1 Hi- 1 u- P viiX, J«f":Bj '-' •■•• v k. cull pttikc* |t;,i cair^oi^y Ji-i: ■■;•■: — H .,-- Dcjhzrirr.irA, y/]/»,; r. ^ ttIl!{iP^-(ffcfjS lv;Ve j^eo received fritn the Wr.of Wdlhe-ton, datulaoth March— '"11:. lurj'ivfp fnveiird Bad>]02 on the ' :!*, and bru'u- gn"uid on the following *".tW-. i;( KrH pv.dlel v/iLllin 2CO i I iu ii iii.1. 1,• u >1 VftUiuf^-011 conduced i\\c (icgr in perion vitli tin ;u, 4'h. af.d Light Diviiiom, upon tlrl.'ft oi the r;'A:r 11 Sir 'clowns G.-TiV'm croffld the Gtndi- 3ii.ui \\\c l/uh. with three diviHons ot infan¬ try and earn brigades of cavalry, and M irehed hiv'iMmm Martha and Valverde, while i;r R. Hi!!, v/.thtu'o divffiuiw and a brigade efcivalry, moved upon Mcriua, wlicxe he* fvpt' prilbncr-ff. M Tii'-u- nvOH*raents fnduceJ genera! Druet ton tint h?m Viilctfrancu 10 Homafchas, to I'v-Mfv.' hts commuTiication w'th general Dsri<*in*<i divihi>n, llationcd at I Jerena. " Upon the 19th, a fM'tit wan attempted Ivilic prriiutt of Bodapfc • rcoo men pufh- cinu? .i^'inrt rhc n\fht tia.ik of our work, \ 11 vvtr inin'tdfeitcly driven in, with conful- \n » k ceneral Pic; no •fliHttj v.-ns fcilkd. and Ikut. t; 41 II tfc* aj ciWaHitclMY uigluly wour.d.-d. Slfici the co'VHivrncfrHCn* of the i^fccra* tlw lori of tlrr fdtics has been about :nk?UvJ "r v.vm.drd. "Tlicrcwa? \m g^urra! Wftvpracr^ of t^.c V-^v^m;, ;}u. r;> nfClmhd i^di^oio Ut istlu 171x1 .viaion, bin u.v rnc til .- divifwnsof Niannon:.1.; an^y vrfikli had been tpn» the TsjfWt had moved tTrniojfh tlj** momittw i*i the dired'on of Vall;:doV'd." HOMTIIE UNITED ST ATI-: ■ the manwr of its reception hy our £dvcrn- rti^nt, & the profpedl which exills of an ami¬ cable accomoiodation, entitle her to this pre¬ ference. Iffhe aCquitS herfelf to thejuft claims of tlie United States, we Jhall have good caulc to r.pplaod our eonduft in it, and it (lie fails we Jhall always be in time to place her on the ground of her adverfaiy. And on that ground, in that event, it is Imped Hie will be placed." REMARKS. The impudence ot the above infamous ar¬ ticle is only matched by its infolence. What i Dare the government tell the people, that it is now too late for them, even to difcufs by what courfe of.meafures the country has been precipitated into a war ? Is this language tint a republican adniin id ration dare ven¬ ture ? It is a language only tit for defpots to utter, and only tit fop slaves to hear andfubmlt to. " L»:t war be forthwith proclatm&d agaiufV England !" (fays our would be insider.) M With France wo [hall (llll be at liberty to puriue the courfe which circurftfiances re¬ quire," to which is added the oft-reptjatcd and difguUing faSfcliood that ** (he h^» repeal¬ ed her decrees.'*—Do the admimillration fuppole that the people of this country will tamely yield to fuch dictates and calmly lif¬ ter, to fuch lentimenta as theie ? N'-vcr. And yet inch in their grofs ignorance of the (late of the public mind, that they talk of making war to gratify u the veifonable \vifhc3 and j »(l expirations" of the people. Toe idea of daneer from anv tnins En- gl md can do, layj the government paper, is idle and abfurd. 1^ ir indeed ? Does thi-^ tool «■! the miniftry hnow, that the general Ci IcuIaUon of the belt informed men in our city, makes the amount of American prop¬ erty now in Englifh pohcflion, aad. liable in the eventotwar,to connfcatioii^ 100,000,000 of dollar ! Can the Engltfll governmc»)t, it is aflced, be io mad as to fend troops for iovaiion ? No tVn"i in ip'ti' «rf all this 16 j>* ">v^ tlte ccatnsr/ at Wa!hii*gtou, they may fend half 9 do7ca 74 fun (hipsv \vh;ch. with a leading breeze, would pais our Ijeautiful circular Hone fort:v and lay our city in a(hes, before we could get onrfjrniiics beyond the pavement. <( Some ot our towns {he might have laid all our towns on the feaborird* it i*> admitted, v :y lr i'xj>'jlif /*/ tfflngtf from Jfaifte of war% but, with iuitabic precautions it will loon vaniili/' ^Vhat but indignation u-ftrains cut cciilutint for Inch rrrant Ui>n-tVnfe ? We have the confutation*, however, not* w.chllandiiig all the rant and blulln in the National lnLelligcncer, tordhdt, that whr;t- tver may be the Wjfhcs and deiigtrs of the Executive, the CoriRituiion hay wifely vel" ted the power ot declaring war fofeh* in Ci»rt- gn-fs, and that a maj >riiy ot that body ar^ hardly frantic enough \>'t, to ru(h into a war* ■Without rrien or m )iicy, or the means of get¬ ting either, and v/Iih :\ fcacoail unprotected. lint even were it o'.hcnvife, and iheif appc- tnei ever h) keen the nev>s vi tli^ MafTtchu- Fctta euwtiwi* would piove a complete dam- It was reported in London, that the Hornet (loop of war had failed from France for Arrierica* The news from Portugal is no later than hitherto received. Petitions from Birmingham, Lccd3,Manchcftcr,ilicfiieId,Briftol, &c. have been fent to the Prince enced who are aware of her prefutnptloft,r*- 13 always diflikedand always (hunned. . . Thus void of all ojferuc I write, Who claims the fable knows (As right* V1ND£X DIEDj At Niagara, after a tedious illnefs, John Rutty, Efq. ont of the Magistrates for that Diftria. Regent, praying a repeal of the or? *___________^______________ Capt. Stanton has favored the . NEW GOODS* Editors of the Mercantile Adverti- pT-,utr rur -u u • n. ■ 1 c r • 1 t - 1 1 rS^HE lubfcriber has jnft received from icr with London papers to the e- X Montreal, a new and exteofiic affort- vening of the nth of April, and mentof Loyd's Lifts of the 10th. ■Philadelphia; May 9. It is dated, in letters which may be relied on, recently received from France, that Mr. Barlow has not been able to effect any fat- isf;ictorv arrano-ment with the French srdvernment. P )c: N. T. E<i>. P»jl MORE WAR. Toe lad minllleiial paper brings ffl war wall it? true horrors. The following ie an PtM'Sf Nnthml TnfclIieetKer. "The poblic aUcntion has been drawn To w? appjoaeliing an i«al of the Hornet as the p;ri'ti\\rhcn themeafmes of our government ftwH take a deciiive cha»a'5lrr, or rather war iir.alcall.—We are among thofe who fa« atta^hata high degree of importance^ NWcshercfore lo >ked to it with the lit- t^\lolu:ui)Jc. M But if the reports which we now hear fctfuerthat witli England rdl hope of hon. Wik accommodation is at an end, and that v^ France our ncgociations aic in a for- Wtoieft eneom n^ing expectations of a fa- **pb*« refnlf, where is the motive for longer *'*! ; tKC iii.jl dep ou^ht to be taken : f'/^t Rep i5 wak. By what courfe of ™m wy&t rejchcthlnprvftntafis h not J." ar^y"-vf,rf c ^;,v ami'patriots to difcufs, ^; and it isbynpen and manly war J! tl.3t vw ^ get thro' it vith honor and ,cnta^tnihecon ur wrongs have g»Fc3t ; oi»r can-;- r^julV ; and if we are •Jrt atf i.nn, fo^ft is i„cv;tabie. . # V'5t ll.crcforc he forthwith proclaim- ; (1-,»- ll-nd. Wish her therecan be ;u,:1,ir^:^-. Auyforthcrdifcufliou, . JL^P" n:*KOnation, would be „' ">k V/uh Fran,c v.e(hdlbcat KINGSTON : Tuesday, jfvM 2, 1312. Dry Goods & Gro¬ ceries. Among which are the following articles : Spirits York Stripe Wine Blue Nankeens Brandy ' Yellow do. Shrub Bandanna Kandker- Vinegar chiefs Hyfon & Green Tea Cotton & Silk do. Loaf and Mufcovado Thread & cotton LacS Sewing Silks Nun's Thread Ycttcrday was held the Election for a Re* prehntative to Girve in the next Provincia' Parliament Tor the County of Frontenac :— the candidates .\ver<j Aluej Mac Leah, Efq. and Mr. M. Furpy. At 2 o'clock P. M. the votes ilood, For Mr. MacLeani - - I05 Frtr Mr Purdy, - 10 When Mr. Pordy declined being considered as-a candidate, ?nd ALLEN MacLEAN, Efq- was declared as \xing duly elected, a- midll the loud acclamations of a large cen¬ courfe of refpcctablc citizens. __ • MrC. MrtPS, Rr' fhgxn I mtjft j>rmifi j hat people, now* are gotod-Gnu wife* And when I [peak of times w'i knozvn0 I ne*er pftftiins to mean our own* <v ffap foxjt touchy folk apply, Fniy ivhat care you, or what care I? Modcfty r.nd Affurarce, after numerous cOntdlsj fi-ora which neither derived any fo!- id adve-ntnge, at lail determined upon aceifa- tiou of holb'lities, and agreed t(^ fubmit their uilpute to rhc :udga.cnt of a friend. Reafon Wdft chofi n umpire, and loon decided that iheir mtefefts, inftedd tf differing, were in- fcparabh, and that the clofer their union, the greater tVitir influence wru)ld become. Thi^ amicable adjullment was accecd^d tc ; and both bciijg dclirousof improvementt they re- folved to travel After fome preparation thev fet out tOffethcr* Proceeding flowly Sugar Coifed Chocolate Pepper, Allfpice Ginger Fig Blue Starch India Cottons Printed do. I.inen 5: Cotton Cam-Common do. brie Men's Fur Hats Leno and Book Muf- Men's and Youth'* Una • Wfiol do. Silk Sc Cotton ShawIsWilWdo. Shambray Jockey Cnps Silk and C'-Uton Vcl- Morocco Slipper* Color'd do. Bombazette RulTu and Imitatioa Sheeting Brown Holland Ladi-3 Falhi mable Beaver Bonnets Leather do. Cutjon -\d Worilci Hofe Beaver Gloves Cutlery 3c Hardware Glafs, Crockery and Tin Ware vet Black l-ureflring F^lhionable Veiling Gnrdnray Thiekfett Tean Faftian Aifa Anew colleann & BOOKS- % ' HUGH C. THOMSON,X. arVifttng for Mr. Q^St. GeoTgc. j » Kingrtcri, May 29, iSl». 29//" icy • -'"j 1 U-r rnyrfr which cirenrn- t|Hir.\ Th.- advance Hie bus •'].■• TfM^.,1 r,fh«ir d-'-f-i -t J\l \v-Yo:iK, May i i; X t ry late from England. Lr.;l evening arrived a'L tbi3 port the line fell ikilini^ anil regular Era- ding iliip Pacific, capt. Stanton, in 37 days rrora Liverpool, from whence lie failed on the 13th of A- pril. Mr. Jofeph B. Simm:? came paf- fen^er in the Pacific and is the bearer of defpatches from our Min- iftcr in France, and Mr. Ruiiell our Choree dc Arhiirs in London. A London paper of the 11 th or April itates, that Mr. Ruff, the melfenger, had left London the day before for Plymouth, to embark for America, with dcijwtches for the Britifh Miniiler, Mr. Poller. The L'Orient fquadron, after being at fea 20„ days, arrived at Breft on the 29th of March, having made feveral prizes. The King of England remained as well as ufal, and no change had taken place relative to American affairs. Provifions were very fcarce and dear |n England.—Flour was 75 millings per barrel—wheat 19 {hil¬ lings ; and rice bore a good pi ice- upland cotton is. to is. 3d—New- Orleans is. ?d. to is.4d. A war was expeacd between France and Ri%flia, but the French Eroperpr had not left Paris, on, they amufed therofelvca wiih each rloyel- ty.f and omitted no opportunity of gaining knowledge, Affovancfi rnailc the inquiries neceflary to obtain information, while Mod¬ cfty liltened with eagemefs and attention. When A durance feemed likely to overllcp the bounds of propriety, Modcfty was ever at hand ti> check her career ; '* d Mudeliy often acquired proper firmuefs by the timely affiftance of Affurancc. They had continu¬ ed long together in ihi^ iiate of harmony, when thev were overtaken by Vanity- Mo- defiv fltrdnk fiOm the ollentation of this boaftinjr intruder, while Aflurancc, charmed by her flattering blandifliments, attended to her with the greateit delight. Vanity now took every opportunity «.f infituiating to hei new friend that the brilliancy of her talents was ohfeured by fo humble a companion^ and that a pcrfon of her uncommon judgment could never need a monitor to prevent her from rui.ninjr into error. Thefc arguments w*/?c too fpecious to be wilhftood, the art^ of Vanity prevailed, and Modcfty fcon had the mortification of feeing hcrfelt deferted by her former companion. Afiurance now left without a guide, and hmricd on by her now aflbciate, ran into a tbonfand extravagancies. She thrult herfelf into every company, aftumed airs of vail im¬ portance and wifdom, was always loudeft in convcrfation, and in a flioit time became no¬ torious for the folly of her conduct. Thole who had before felt an intereft foi her, en¬ deavored by advice to convince her of her er- ror. This vvas laughed at, and forgotten* Public cenfure wan then tried, but this ihe retorted with acrimony, and it produced no good efTcfct They then hoped that when Modcfty appeared her influence might do much ; hut though Die at lad arrived, (he was difappofnted in every attempt to regain her former power ; the ulf fulheiency which Alfurance had been taught to affuroe by Van¬ ity, repelled ail her cffo.ts, and deeply regbSt- ting her difappointment flie returned to her firmer acquaintances. A (finance nowgoes about, hand m hand v..:h Vanity, doing much injury to the v'onr.g and un« vty by \-. -v^ude and tafluence ; by thz xne-i- Notice. TO be let, and pofleflion given the fecondl day of April next, from three to fif¬ teen years, a> may be agreed upon, a valua¬ ble FARM, in the luft concefTion addition¬ al Fredericklburgh. There are one hundred acres of improvement, a good meadow and orchard on it, a good frame Barn and Houfc. the premifes are well iituated and calculated for a farmer, merchant or inn keeper, by en¬ larging the houfe.—Tor Further particulars apply to the proprietor and fubieriber, at the houfe of Mr. Florence Dottaovan, ia Frederickfburgh, or to Ch.v'cs Stuart, Efq. n Kin^dcn, J 'inr MICHAEL CCVLF.. 1812. iptt* Notice. THE fubferiber forbids any pcrfon or perfons pnichnfing lot number two, ia the fit ft. concefTion in the townfhip of Hope, in the Dillrift of Newcaltle, from John H* Covell, as he holds a Bond againil the fiid John H. Covell, conditioned th^t he will give him a title for the laid lot, and that he the fubferiber, intends to hold poflelTion un¬ til he obtains the laid tide. SAMUEL POTTER. Hope, i*]th May, 1812.________29 Five Pounds Reward* DESERTED FROM a Recruiting Party of His Majef- tyfs Regiment of Glengary Light In¬ fantry Fencibles, quartered at Kingfton, THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Juvu of the townfhip of Loughborough. Who¬ ever will apprehend the above DeiertCT and lodge him in the common Jad of Kingfton* (hall receive th^ above reward of FIVC POUNDS, and all readable expencespauL And whatever pcrfon oi4 perfons, alter this public notice, (hall be found harboring or concealing the ab< ve named THOMAS ARMS TRONG, will be profecuted to the Utmoft rigor of the Law. ALEX. ROXBURGH, Capt. Glengary L.t. Infantry. Kingfton, 25th May, i8i-3t aStf A TO BE LET, ND poflefllon ^Iven immcdiatelr, ^ iVnall HOUSE in a central part of ths town. Inquire of the fubferiber. P. X. ROCHLCAU.

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