Kingston Gazette, April 28, 1812, p. 1

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Vl)f.. II.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) GAZETT TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1812. [No. 24 Jtif r, •.v/. '-•! fro m Eng hmd* /m ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimercs, £nJ arf «*>*'.• o'Vjp d F'W fale by the fubfcvih- CR ,-,t Mr. W?:. Sroi'oHDs's Inn, on the mod r< ifoo;iMv ivfnre f,M' Caih, JfcmJtantj Whitehead & Son. A\ - t.;7;.;.. 13, i?i2. 9 Sales, at AuCtion. TO re G..1J it Public Att&Ion, at ihc Sum:-rf the fubfcnbtft, the whole of kh Sutek in ttvde ; confiftlng of a very ex* tci.!ivca:i«1 well ebofen alTortmcrit oi %/#, Ma9 Weji- fadia Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery & Glafs Wan, Ltokinjr Glaffks* &e. SdL1 to .DTnnv;.-;; on feionday, the 27th of Jwury Mfnt, at to o'clock, and to be con- Jjou>- until l'KJ uhclt: 15 diI poled of. In the ric-n ti■**■*-' I*- w'*• Ml at pmate fale, ivhok- ftc«r«!a9» *r- r'- *r-'J eharitftt, without ;;- uya^r.W vh'Vh \ ill h' Horn 20 to 50 wrvc-t. lef* t-.'!» IM-i bfual jmww* Thofc *ho m;'• v.Vli »o p.irchaJc at private f«itc» uill do well to eall and examine for thjm- fekc«; as s;;ble part of the Gu&kls haveb*v< puivhjfcd v. i>h ca(h at a vuy low T3t.% there ccttatiily will be fome bafgaiuS mtihy of ; and on Aucllon days, (as the ft6fc»'iV:r is about to clofe his buli- nth in thu pbee and remove to Mo"t» Goods «S'bs fold to ihc high eft. bidder witlimit r V*■-•••. N. B. ThoCL who have account? unlet* tlcJ, will bj pleafcu to cdl a:id adjuft ihcu. 1>. WHITNEY. Kin*st9!:f JCiS J?!;. 1 81 1. 7//" *■ — ■ "w ■ n ■ 1 *- - ■ ■ _ -- _------- ftxjhhniibk Hdfs & Trimmings. THE firfjfciIbers have opened sue! now «i.Tci- for Calfij next door to RoUrt ftfirt Hotd, AS F.LEG1NT ASSORTMENT tjfjfr lfefg/2 Faflnonablc Hats & Trimmings; WhMi tliCV are determine:! to fell on the pii rcafnnable terms, cither v.-holcfale or re¬ tail, lor Caih, Country PioUucc, or approved Skma & butterworth. N. B. Old Hats neatly Drcffed on ihjhrujl notm—tCS" Cafli paid for Fur & Land's Wool. tmptto, 13/3 December, 1811. 5// Tew'booksT" JUST received from Montreal, and fir fak at the Gazette Office : AdJii'on's Works—M'Farland'a View of Herefics—Life of Jofepb-----AHic's Tra- ids—Seafons in England—Ira and Ha- belh, a n:zv r-ovel—Characler of Gtorge 3d •-Po-iicy's Ftenclt Spelli!ig-book—French Vocabulary------Child's Spelling-book------- Worlds difplaycd—Porteus's Evidences of the Chrillnn Religion—BibiC3--Tellair.cnl5 —Wattf Ffahns and Hy.nns—Pfahcrs— Children^ books—Catecbifms, ^c. THE fubferiber haying obtained Letters of Adminiftration for the Eflate of delate Dr;cbr John Gamgle of Kiuojfton, deceafd, requefts a!l thole who have any ^hims on the faid Eflate, to render their ac- tount?, properly attefted, on or befote Ga firil of June next, in order that fome ar- ^gemem may be made with them : And all ftcfc indebted to Eila^c are rrquf fted ro pay lhc fame to the fubferiber, that fiv: r.;ay j* F^p-rcd to b.y a ftatement of the Etlate uciorr thf creditors ' Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, Adrn'in'tjlrairix. *%rfwj, J,vc v.'r. Jrr 15, 18 H. 11 f TAKE NOTICE. ALL perfonsindebted to the Rttbfcribcr either in notes of hand or book ac- C0«lltS| are veqnc(ied to call and make a fct- tlemeut with him on or before the hrlt of May enfuingj or in cafe of failure tbeii note** and accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney, and a profccutioTi commenced ngainft them without furtive* notice JAMES PERROT. Emcft Town, RLircb 25* iSl2, totf ^------- - --------- -. _i_ __- _ _ J_ 1 ^^ I----1______ M ^___________^^_-^»^.^^ Land for Sale. IOT No. 19,111 the fifth conccflion of _j the lownfhip of Kmgfton, one mile diftant fiom Rider's Mill—About 30 acres under good improvement, I.(.t No-. 2, in the fifth concfffion of the fnwnlbip of Porlland, one mile from Sldot'a Mills. Inquire of the fubferiber. LEWIS DAY. A few barrels excellent Newcaitle Salmon, for fale by GUMMING $t HAMILTON January tS. lotf Frcfli (roods ! SBARTLET has received a % complete affortment of Dry Goods, Liquors & Groceries^ Crockery & Hard Ware, whfebb* Will fell, wholefale or .ctail, a*t his tifual low prices for Csfh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.— Alio for tale, Boards and Plank, & a few Barrch Flour of a fupcrior quality for iamily ufc- Z'Y Caih paid for Produce, and advanced on property confijjned for fale. Kingston % Dec. 3, 18 LI. gtf Land for Sale. TFIE following valuable Lots of Land in the to\vn(hip of Frederickfburgh, arc offered for fale by the fubferiber, vi/. Lot number fix, hi the firft Conceffion additional. Lot iwrhber twenty-five, in the fourth Conceffion, RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. JUu\ 3, vol 1. if SPAFFORD's GEOGRAPHY, Fzrfale at this Office. To Clothiers. THE fubferiber informs the Clothier* that he ere&s Machines for Shearing Cloth ; the utility of them arc fuch that they are worthy every workman's notice ; a boy twelve years old can tend them. They perform the work of Sheaving in a neat man¬ ner, and will (hear fi>cty yards in one hour ; they are not liable to cut the Cloth, or to get out of repair. The price of them is one hundred dollars; there will be a reduflion to thole that pay the cafh down. Thofc Clothiers who wifh to purchafe Machines, will apply to the fubferiber, in the town of Hope, Diftrift of New Callle, and Province of Upper Canada. ELIJAH HIGLEY. Hop?, March II, 18*2. 18 $tn 4 Boxes Garden Seeds, raifed at Lebanon, State of NewYork, for fale at the Store of JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, March 3, l8l2. 16 Take Notice. ALL thofc indebted to the fubferiber are requcfttd to call and make payment immediately, or they will be fued without* further notice ; and all thofc who hold notes or accounts are defired to bring them for¬ ward. RICHARD SMITH. February 17, 1&12. 21{/L: Cafh paid for clean Cotton h Linen RAGS at this Office. ^___________ Wcbfter's Spelling-Books, For /ale at this Office. An ACT to extend the Provifiom of anAcl faffedin the forty-eighth year of his Majcjly's reign, intituled, "*• An Ac? to Explain, Amend and Reduce to one Aft of Parliament thejcveral Lcsjjs now in beingfar ihc Raifng and 'Training the Mil¬ itia of this Province." [Palled 6th March, 1812. WHEREAS an Act paffed in the forty-eighth year of his preicnt Majeily's reign, intituled, " An Acl to explain, amend and reduce to one Act of Parliament the fcvcral Laws now in being, for the railing and training the Militia of this Province," is found infuni- cicnt for the purpofes thereby in¬ tended ; Be it therefore enacted by the King's Moil Excellent Majcfty, by and with the advice and con- lent of the Lcgidative Council and Aifcmbiy of the Province of Upper Canada, confiituted and aflemblcd by virtue of and under the author¬ ity of an Ad paiTed in the Parlia¬ ment of Great Britain, intituled, " An Acl to repeal certain parts of an Acl palled in the fourteenth year of his Majefty's Reign, inti¬ tuled, " An Acl: for making more ciVectual provifion for the govern- ment of the Province of*Quebec, m North America, and to make further provifion for the govern¬ ment of the laid Province," and by the authority of the fame, That there fliall be to every Battalion of Militia now or hereafter to be for¬ med in this Province, (the ftrength of which will admit thereof) two flank Companies, to con lift of not more than one hundred men each, nor in any cafe to compolc more than one third of the llrength of fuch Battalion, and alfo all Inde- pendent Companies belonging to any Countv, Riding or Place, lhall provide their quota, to compolc one or more flank Company or Companies, but'in no caie to ex¬ ceed one third of fuch Independent Company or Companies, to be fc- lecled and formed from among fuch Militia men, as fliall at any meet¬ ing or meetings of any fuch Battal¬ ion or Independent Companies, volunteer for that purpofe. And if it mould fo happen that a fulfi- cient number ot perfons mall not at any fuch meeting or meetings, volunteer for the purpofeaforcfaid, then and in fuch cafe the deficiency {hall be made up by ballot from the Militia men of fuch Battalion, or Independent Company or Com¬ panies, who lhall be under the age of forty years. II. Provided always neverthclefi, That when it lhall happen that two or more perfons lhall be called up¬ on fervice from one family, that one of them mail be excuied for that time, unlcfs it fliall appear to the OfTicer Commanding fuch Company of Militia, that there is another perfon living in the fame houfe, capable of taking care of the faid family, who is not then called into aclual fervice ; and alfo that when a widow or aged perfon, fliall at the time of making the faid ballot, depend for her, or his-main¬ tenance on a Son, Grandfon or Apprentice, fuch Son, Grandfon, o r A ppre n t ice, fliall be excu fed from ■r„.. 1 crvice, while fupporting fuch wid¬ ow or aged perfon. III. And be it further cnaclcd fo the authority aforcfaid, That when any fuch flank Company lhall be formed, it lhall and may be lawful for the Captain or Officer Com¬ manding the lame, to call out fuch Company, and he is hereby requir¬ ed fo to do, lix days in each Month, for the purpofe of being trained and cxerciied, as may be directed by the Governor, Lieutenant Gov¬ ernor, or Perfon adminiftering the Government, and fuch Company fliall continue its training; not ex- ceeding the faid fix days m every month, until it is found that the men compofing the fame, are duly inftructed in their excrcife. Pro* videdalways, that the Officer Com¬ manding fuch Company, fliall al¬ ways after the faid Company lhall be pronounced duly imtrucled, have it in his power to call out fuch Company one day in each month to be cxerciied'and' reviewed1, ami* oRcncr if he fliall be fo directed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or perfon adminiftering the Government. Provided alfo, that fuch flank Company or Com¬ panies being called out for the purpofe of training, it fliall not be lawful for any Field Officer, except fuch as may bcfpecially appointed for that purpofe, by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Government, to command, or othcrwife interfere in the faid training or excrcil- ins;. IV. And he it further cnacled by the authority aforefaid,rW\\\\. it lhall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Gov¬ ernment, from time to time, as oc- calion may require, to appoint fuch and fo many Staff Officers to the ivmiLiaui"tfiis novice, ;t&-iK.iwu-v- think neceflary, and alfo from time to time to remove any Mili¬ tia Officer, now or hereafter to be appointed, and appoint another in his Head. V. And be it further cnacled by the authority aforcfaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Gov¬ ernment, as often as occalion fliall. require, to order any and every of the faid Companies, to march to any part of this Province, upon any fuch duty as he lhall think ne^ cellar y. VI. And be it further cnacled by the authority aforcfaid, That it fliall and may be lawful for the Captain, or other Oflicer commanding any Company of Militia, if he" fliall think neceflary, to divide his Com¬ pany into ftpaads of fuch number as to him lhall fecm proper, and the convenience of the men of fuch Company fliall require, and that the Captain, or other Officer Com- Branding -any fuch Company, as aforcfaid, fliall always appoint fome fit and proper perfon to exercife and initruct in Military difciplincy the men to be affcrnbled at each of the faid fquad meeting?, and that if any non-Commiffioned Of- liter or Private -fliall refufe to c- »•

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