A ! i .,.....riufcdCpv^pocket. difcovcrcd to be Frencli, and, 11 ] Mvhoic, Henry h.is made though double our force, our gal- ^^V/Jrw^ai'vpvaujc. lie left lant Captain rciblved on immedi- 5* npkh&a thaa a quarter of a Vcvr he ha* #« »** elegant eftatc •nVr -cwand borne ell probably, f^^ifctt eagles. Who but ki).nv.s'i^,-l1oil(,rs and Swindlers woSwr now a clays !" /^r; '•■ Baltkim Fi-iLr.il R.fabllnm, ffcf *%'* Inktttit a$fof\^fi^th mrr f,J kwf& Y itrtrxvj!'>n,<.—The recent flif- dtftas m;uk tocpngufd by Mr- Madifon, fiirmfU-itoo much mister fur rc4lt^iaah*U food Mitten. Every nation, according to tmvtU pjctfce, lias a right |<> eticU-avwV to iiic.wr In- private or pubKc agent?, lite flifft-ti or'\ve:.knefs, and Ihto of parties ill an; cmirilrv with which it has c o:nu<\Hr.t;s, ar^i fam \vhicll it fears war or injury. Wlu> tbrthi&Yu^ has been ftrittly BtUifcml to by gir jwsc* Cr;%, we (hail not here CK»nrb, Tfi;r'"r; are before the public » and we \\'ii.Vli is swft ctnf'irdllf, tl# povcrnmc;:t pfa f - race, (three l!i<>ula;kl miles (liltaivt f m li< rar.jjiit c-.MMirrv, and threatened tvl'ii :t *flilrv !.v a powerful people in its i.,;-!i*,.ir!, .,„;\ vi,.) fcndsotiit a fpy or ajjctiE I- trcirv.w tiir fiatc of the pnrttss* and vvho t1, r mm 'ifrhcm arc difpofed to revolt, and „;,!,,,i .»!' .i ifcuuuv, who having iM'thii»«t Jo |., liom 351 adjnmug colony, or from its pislui^Mioity.'tikcs menl'mes in a lime (if p:,<iM.! jnacCi to bribe tjicromtnaiidaiit of tl.c fa!.l Province to violate his obligations to ;|ris saltan a»d latrenckr it into foreign lends: £vcrv member ©fCongrefs, wild vo¬ id for tlk fcc-i't act, ;.fter\vard* divulged, i;!l-rs livis to bf fiCT. Which of" thel'e 1 kVO, wt atK, ls "a' mul' Cr'mir;>-1 ' ^Vliicii have ofe&d ranfc«aw»fl morality ? The chicfof a nation who induced a kgif- laiivL -v^v to voir one hundred thoui'.uul deUartj fni ife esp^rfs putppfir ofhribing tlic comina:»o.ir* smd uil'-rers of E- IloiHa, to furrfneer tjiftt pnwiwc to the U. States, mj* cerlaltily urA\r h:vn«ls with Sir Janice (fraij, ivhethcr h< (hall meet with him in litis or the next ^vo»l I. Mr. Pofiicet, n rtiulcmnn of talent3f PX* Unlive rfn.jt'i.nr, and much curioiiiv, is now in Spaniel .South America, wli.:rc he has lor . ic:ne j-jE3rs err.ploved himftlf in tin? f;imi' line ofburr.tfa Mt- ITcnry Followed in Llic Uni- tid Stater:, \i/..-—i'.mr.ding the difpofuion yf the " " " "" If Sir pma 6>./^, thmugli leardf »f .province emplovwi a Mr, Henry to fpy jfcvtaknefs of our land, and aleertam wlle- ther fcdcralilcs were dlfpifed to hecofne tra»- tois, in order to obtain relief f.-om an oppref. five and ruinous fvflem of adminillrotion, Mr. jmn M.v/ifon, 'through the dctcftable am* bition of a,:fn'inS a Province, employed Gen¬ eral Matthews to bribe its commander with one hitndreJ thoufand dollar* to deliver it up, vith all its military (lore? and implements ot war; a proceeding which has fixed a ftain tpon his moral eliarafter, that not all the at¬ torneys from Maine to New-Orleans can atciy engaging, when every prep¬ aration was made for fo unequal a combat ; in a few hours we were Vvitliwit piltol inotofe.Tch other, when our Captain, in a very rcfo- lute ariiidafhiag Ityle, rail our little brig dole onboard the larger vcl- lil, civinff and receiving the whole or each other's broadiides of grape cannilkr and mulketry, during which time the zebec lav on our quarter pouring in a cofdtant and uumolefted lire from their great Suns ami imall armrj, our attention being wholly engrolled by the cor- yette w ith whom we were engrtged yard-arm & yard-arm. Our crew.' tho' young, and bent dpon snaking one dreadful effort, as if bv one general confent, rallied and cheer- cd ; the vellels entangled, at this moment in each others rigging— victory lecmed doubtful—and, ff though fliort in action, each vcflcl bore evident marks of fevere con¬ tention—each heart palpitated with emotions of the moil (anguine ex¬ pectations, we heard the dreadful yell of to board, from our oppo¬ nents ; each ruihed to the point contended for ; u fwas death or vic- f.-,s, f,—when a moil tremendous ihovcer of grape, canniiter and mikctr), from the corvette, ssehefc and two forts, levelled 13 and my- ielf. I recei\ed the French ft&cer's muiket ball ill my breallj when, at the fame moment, my well Reeled hanger halved hisicull j being in a violent heat) and my {hire and handkerchief looie, the ball carri¬ ed in its way three i'okU of my ihirt, and two or three of toy hand • 1 * kerchief, ot'ierwti'c, through my bodv, day-light would have been viiible.—The fucideh fhock of our broadiidc and they failing in their attempt to board, we feparatcd. ' Decks were immediately cleared of the wounded ; but monueur^ in hisufual ttyle, declined arepeti- tion of the combat ; and, at the fame moment, the wind getting round, prevented our taking poiTefhon of the corvette, as being fo clofe fe the fhore, they fucceed- edin getting under the battcrriesj the Guadaloupc being fodreadfully wounded in her hull, fails, and rigging, as to be unable to follow, O? our brave fellows who were wounded, two are fince dead, the Gallant Naval Jdwn.—The fol¬ lowing is an extract of a letter from an ofiicer on board his Ma- jefty's lliip Guadaloupc, Captain JnfcphTctley, dated Mediterranean 4th September, 1811, giving the particulars of a very fevere action toMned by her, off Cape Creufc, againft a French corvette and ze¬ bec, aflifted by two forts, nearly threetimesthe Guadaloupe'sforce; which adds to our lilt another bright example of the determined and unconquerable courage of our Britifli Tars :— It haspleafed the Almighty Dif- poicr of all events to allow me to tfcapeonce more in the hour of ganger, and to which my profef- fonalline fo often cxpofes mc.-On ™C 27th of June, we perceived, cl(tfe in thefliore, two ilrange fail, ^fech, from their njancevres, wc reft arc recovering flowly* Thus, once more, have I narrowly cfcaped with my life, and am the only offi¬ cer who was wounded, though our brave Captain had fomc nar¬ row efcapes- t mould not in the leaft regret my wound, had we fuccecded in capturing the cor¬ vette, & which we molt inevitably mould have done, had it not been for their proximity to the more ; in which cafe I mould have hoped for promotion. " I have again joined the brig at the recjueft of the captain ;— and, for my own comfort, mould have written you before, but was not able ; indeed, it is quite an ex¬ ertion now to hold my pen. " 1 will defcribe our own and our opponents force in this place. " Guadaloupc—Fourteen 24 pounders, two long fixes, 98 men and 4 boys. " Tactique, French corvette— Eight 32, eight 24 and two long 11 pounders, and 265 men. " Wafp, French zebec—Two long 24 & fix 18 pounders and 76 men. «' North Fort—Fotfr long ^ pounders, manned by folciicrs. " South Fort—Nine long pounders, manned by foldiers, " Total French—39 guns and 281 men. " The corvette loft 11 killed and 48 wounded, 10 mortally 5 the zebec wc can mix no account of ; I hope you will allow we have done our duty 1" London, J&huary 24.. By letters brought by the Con¬ queror, dated 13th December, from the Mediterranean, we learn that Admiral Pellew, after rcconoi- tring arkl enticing ouL the enemy's lieet from Toulon, on tile 1 ith De¬ cember, (Britilb. j 2 fail, French i 6 fail of die line,) returned to JYlahon-liarbc;r, aS the enemy />//£- vedtheir own ihorc fo clofcly, and it being Very fine weatherj it was impoffible to briiigthcni to action. Two fail of the line in the Medit¬ erranean arc coming home. The Pcarlen had dafhed into Toulon prior to the 1 ith, but on coming out, Ihe was encountered by a French 74, and could get out only by cutting away the rigging of the Frenchman. January 25.—Two Heligoland mails arrived at a late hour this morning. The reports of war be¬ tween KuiVi.t.Uid France arc reviv- ed with additional confidence. " By late accounts from other parts of the eoafi we nave been in- fcirmedi that a war between Riiflia (in conjunction with Prufha) and France is 'more coniideiitially look- rd t'ciY thari ever, and that hoftili- ties may be certainly expected to Commence by the beginning of next month; The brave Pruikan General Blucher is, it is laid, to have a command in the Ruffian army. w T«e hofpitals in Hamburgh nre ftated to be crowded with lick of the French army, coniiftinaj of troops Who have been marched thithet- from .Spain, and who are dying from 16 to 30 every day, in ccmfequeftcc of difeafes brought on by cxccilivc cxcrtioiis, fatigues,- and famine. The dead aw pat ceb lacks, and buried in tlic hhch on the (notes of the Flbc, during the night, to conceal their numbers from 'the inhabitants." Capture of a French Frigate, janaary 30.—There is no doubt (though the official accounts are not yet received) that another action, honorable to our naval arms, has been fought in the Ad* riatic* Whether there were more than the Englilh Active, of 38, and the French Pomone,-of 44 guns engaged, is not known ; but it feems certain that the latter has been taken by the former, after a furious fight* Captain Gordon has loft a leg, but is doing welh Since writing the above, we fin- derftand that the Marquis of Huntley had a letter yefterday, via France from Captain Maxwell, of the Alcefta, dated Lifla, December 9," that the Pomone had been taken from the enemy, and that Captain Gordon of the Active frigate, after the lofs of his leg, was doing well." January 31.—Our readers will recollect that about two months ago, the Auftrian government iflued an order that French troops fhould be allowed to pafs through the Auftrian territories, and that provifions and other necellaries ihoitld be afforded them. It is now iaid, that the French have affem- bled a powerful force on the Eat- tcrn confines of Hungary, and that in the event of hoftilities with Ruilia, France in connection with an Auftrian army, will come on the rear of the Ruffian army on the Danube, which has been ligh¬ ting the Turks. This army, it is thought, Bonaparte will attempt to feizc, and thus make Ruilia fub- fcribe to iuch terms as he may choofe to dictate to her. London, yanaaty 31 • On Saturday the two Archbiih- Ops, the Duke of Montrofe, the Earl of Aylesford, and Earl Win- chclfea, held a council at Windfor, and examined the King's Phyficians. Thereport was, that the agitation oi his Majcfty's mind continued with very little abatement of vio¬ lence until "Wedncfd ,y laft, when it lublided, and his Majflty has been much more computed ever fince. The Bulletin which the Phyficians ligned is as follows : « mndfor-GaJlk, 'Jan. 25, 1R12 " His Majcfty is nearly in the fame hate in which he was previ¬ ous to the late increafe of hisdif- order." Wanted, A JOURNEYMAN COOPER ; one f\ \v|io nnderiliinds hisbuiliiCW perfect!v. Liberal wajres will be given.— Inquire ot" HEMJAM1X $;i.!Hr, at the ^apaisc Mills.' _______________ CHARLES SMYTI I, OFFERS for (ale on moderate terms, a very capital lot of Land in I he Cecorwi concrfli >n of KingfttfUf %\ miles from townf containing &nv httiidted acres, about twenty of which 3fedfarcdi and well fenced.—Alfoi fcvi-raj oilu-r traces of two hundred acre* each, m i!>e towufliips of Rawdon, Portland and Eltfiik:yJ—LtktwifCf an excellent porta- MeCo!)' in--- Machine. With brafa Cylinders in a Mahogony Cafe, well iecured with brafa baiuls. Xtn«slon, I.>'/'• sffir'it, lSl2. 23 Giv For Sal e THE-Sollth Imlfcf Lot number twelve in thr Hilt Concefiion of th; town- fliip of Loughhorough, containing oi\4 hun¬ dred acre?. Inquire rf th'- fubferiher. RICHARD CARTWRiGHT. Kingston* April 10, 1 Hz2. 2 2tf Midland Pjfiritltl #TH HE Court of Gen- infinti C X **'d Qonrter Sef- fions of the Peace for \liU Dilliict, will b^ h'dden at l!ie Court Houfe in ihe town of Kinglton, on Tucfdayj the 2«th tlay of A- pril, at the hour of Ten of the Clock in the forenoon :—Therefore, all Juftices of the Peace, Coroners, Conftables, and all other Peace Officers, as we'll as thofc that have a- ny bufmefs to tranfa'61 at laid Court, are here¬ by required to take notice, and give their at¬ tendance accordingly* CHARLES STUART, $/**•#: Sheriffs Office, i $th April) 1812. 22 A SMALL Red Morocco POCKET BOOK, with feveral memorandums \\\ pencil, of no nfe but to the owner. Who¬ ever has found it and will deliver it to the . Editor will receive two dollars reward. .... For Sale, AVERY gomlfpan of HORSES, fit for fanning work.—For particulars inqoire of the fubferiber. CHRISTIANA. TRUMP. Kingflon, 13th Apfil, 1812. 22 * — ■ — — *■!■■■ —- ■ ■ _ m 20 Dollars Bounty Will be pnid to Able SE/tMEN------and 12 Dollars Bounty To Ordinary SEAMEN, On eritering for the Marine Service for 3 yenr's. Apply to Lieut. EARL. , Senior Officer M. D. fencsloih $otJj March, 1S-72. 21 1 Wanted ■ \ FEW Ship Carpenters,in His Majef- XJl.1}"8 Dock Yard, at Kingflon. Ap-• pliSfion to be made to Mr. JOHN DENT- NI'§,.Mifter Builder. « March 30, 1812. it>