hJ:ml M*tf tlut t!ic fcdcralifts ,,;[' cVcr thought of joining the Bricith ft* .my Inch purooic- jj-woukl refer rite documents to ike couimtttec of foreign relations. \\Vi ft'irfgcry iaid, among oth¬ er renwtks-1 he old gunner knows bN its fluttering when liehas vv'Oim- dedaptd^con^-ai coincides with mv Unowkdrc of fome men and '.'..v.imTs about that rime. I proceeding »w>ut tl,:,t nmc* A would ch-juire. Are we tojto otirBvcs up from enouiry— I b( foveas much in the truth of the, i be- lieve a> inucn m tut liwiu m //'</;* documents, fv'.'r. %eaker3 as that ) •ou are in tint chair. Mr. Gholfun hid, if any cvi« (knee, i; was highly honorahle to the Etftcrn ie:tion of the Union, for lie lVo.iiot one could be found tornrJdk in the project—But it tlcm.'inn.:tcs a kiieme to diiincm- hcr the Union. Jur. Outncy was thankful, if there js now or ever has been an idea in Gre«tf4kitain that there is a Brit- i,ii iun v in America, that the con- tnry is proved. .Vr. \Vri,vht was of opinion that the public tiion would be oilcuhi- tulfi dii;;ufi the Not hern lection ©f the Union. He had no belief at the federal party's having ever er.tcriained a with to join the I'rit- iiu. lie would refer them to the commiticc of Foreign Relations. a; they prove by this acknowledged traitor and fpy that fuch a plan has been agitated. Albert time iince the Ihuilh Minifter here denied thi;t Sir krecs Craig induced the Indians to acts of holliiity. Yet we fee whit Sir James car. do. Mr. Scvbcrt moved toorint 5000 copies, Mr. 1? hea having befor mo¬ ved for lcoc. • I\lr. Randolph would print them; it v.'cuid be imniilVible to kcepthem from 'he public, and if their prin- tffigffioulu not be authorifed, mu¬ tilated put? would go to the world like the mutilated accounts of the proceedings of Congrcfs—If wor¬ thy el communicrtion to the houfe thev were, worthv belnn; acted up- on. He would lerer them to the committee cf Foreign Relations- ^ath power to fend for perfrms* '.voidd decide 3t once, ana nca ******* i"« «*w*4?r <hv, left the man fnoukl 1 un away. Though branded as a traitor and fpvbv all parts of the houfe, per- fops ibme valuable teflimony may be obtained from him. Mr. Fifo faid lie knew Kenry.— He would not abfeond—'I le was an Ia^lifhman by birth, but had long rcfidedin this country ; married in Philadelphia ; was an ofiiccr in John Adams' army.—Knew not that he was more difhonourable than Jackfon at Copenhagen. What did Erlkine declare about the fame time ; declarations are now made in Parliament how much the intereft of both countries is u- nitcd. Not a new project this of feparation—openly talked about before : would refer the gentleman (Mr Ouincy) to two numbersinthe Boilon Centinel in April, 1705, adWfmg a feparation, it the Britiih treaty ihould not be adopted. The debate continued till 4 o'¬ clock, when it was unanimoully voted to print the documents, and ■■tf.anioaously voted to refer them to the committee of foreign rela¬ tion-. The yeas and nays were ca- --n on authorizing the Committee tofcad for perlbns, papers and ef- :*x ; the ycar. were 104,1 ;-•*•« |'\n\ci tv» itii'i J*'* 1 ( 1 s- M papers and effects. He would dcci it or.ee, and not omit til] anotl reaW) Roberts, Seavcr, Smiue, iroup, On the motion for prrn- ting 5000, the vote was not quite unanimous. The committee of foreign rela¬ tions were all together, immedi¬ ately alter the houfe role, probably they will make enquiry ot Mr. Monroe, and perhaps fend imme¬ diately for Henry. The houfe adioumed at four o'clock. Mr. Lloyd, in lenatc, offered a relolution ca'iing on the Secretary of State for the names of all con¬ cerned ; a's many names arefcratch- ecl out. i>,: i\i}. Frm.lY*iJhiMioit9 March io, 1S12. It is laid tiiis morning that Mr. Monroe appeared before the com¬ mittee of Foreign Relations, and ifoteii that it vsas Icipulated with Henry that he was not to be fur¬ ther inrciTogiired, with refpect to penon^ or other particulars. It is alio laid that he has failed from N. York for France ; and that hede- # clarcd that he would on no confed¬ eration whatever, cxpo.fc the name of any perfon with whom h<d had to do in his million. You will ioon probably know a little more of the matter, and how very cun- ningour oclniiniUralion is in elec- tioneerinc: bulinefs.—Aib. Gaz. ^ noes 10. y.:w;,,,-{ :J,; f '.. /\ dill dl\r,;Jh ngton* t:'b I ti. We i;;uiic wry near taklu/ Ca-ini!.i to day. —N- ttbiug prevci'itcd but the fo8'Iifliobftin- r«cy oftKc m-jniry. Mr. J*<>rt-.M- this mur- ning t fLrrJ i\w i'ullowTii^r^Toluti^n : IZcf'j/irtf/Vhn: iicommitKC \n- ;ippi>:ntC(Uo briug in i\ bill authorillng the L'rtili-dent of th. Uruitd t>latt*s, to enjy ipr, omrniffion and orgmizo, an aJdttioni] u uviiional military iotve. You know the ItttclKgftiCfr ftatfij fornc fi.ne pnro, ib it 4i eonfulerablc unanimity " prevailed in i hr committee* of foreign rela¬ tione. Here h a proof Every member of the ccmir.iittc of lorcfvin relations wlio was iri the lioulr *-orc<] a^aiull the ivfolutin. 1 admire the Int;<rllii>cnccr. One can depend upon it f.', thr.t k is the vcr'; bible of politics. li is a iatt thii£ *>"^* of the comm'ttee had fo much " itnanunitY1* whh bimfeif for two d?.ystcg-£her, that He did not alter his mind for all that time, hut prod need an " ulterior meafurc. Nov.' this U conf'ierable unr.uim- Mr. p.n'trr defended hU rcfolotion moft valiantly, thongli nobody bad attacked it. i'Vow tic London Ewnltig Star ofTati 17. In the account which \~c hereunto fubjcMi will be found 1 he melancholy confirmation of all our fears refpecting the St. Ccirge anil I>eftnce.—Government received a flatement of this dilaltrous event ycltci'lny : Mxtafl from the Dartijl) Neiifyvher of ihr. 31 /? Dec. 181 r. " We have, received accounts that the Englihi ffeip St. George, of 98 guns, commanded by Admi¬ ral Reynolds, and the Defence 74, Capt. David Atkins, were driven adiore on the morning of the 24th inlt. near Cape Ryffction, in the Lordfliip of Rinkiobing. The crew of the former is faid to have con¬ firmed of 850 men, and of the latter, of 550 men, not including the officers. Half an hour after the Defence had touched the ground, the whole went to pieces, and all the crew (excepting five feamen and one marine, who faved them- felves by holding pieces of timder) were drowned. Capt. Atkins rea¬ ched the more dead. The day after in the afternoon, there were feen from the land fomc part of the cab¬ in and poop of the St. George upon which were (landing many men. Part of the maft was cut away, and fomc men endeavoured to efcape on it; but it is conjectured that few have been faved, iince the waves and the current, with the wind comma: from the N. N. W. would to five themfdves on a raft but arc laid to have perilhed; and when accounts came away from Lemyig, intelligence had reached that place, that the St. George had totally gone down, and that only 1.2 men of the crew had been faved. The mip was upwards of 300 fathoms from the land. " The fix. men faved out of the Defence have, on examination, de¬ clared, that the iirft cauie of this misfortune was the Sr. George ha¬ ving lafc month loft her malt in a gale when otfTIelland,in the Belt ;• and confequcntly, when flic came into the North Sea, could not ea- fily be brought into ftays, or keep np with the llect which came out from Wingo, near Gottenburg, on the 1 fith of this month, and con¬ futed of the Victory of ico guns, Admiral Saumarez, Commander in Chief, St. George,' Dreadnought, Vigo, CrerTy, Onon', i Icro, and De¬ fence, befides fomc fmallcf fhips of war, and a fleet of about 150 fail of merchant vcffcls. As it was blow¬ ing a heavy gale Admiral Saumarez gave orders for the Defence and Crcify, to keep dole to* the St. George. The Hero and fomc o- tlicr lmal'cr fhips *vere directed,as the wind was a^ainif. them to re- turn back to Wingo, with a part of the merchant vcfiels. The other fh!(-K of rhr line flripiM (h/ir murk* for England. The St. George, Defence and Crefly, kept thcNorth Sea five days, Ln a dreadful gale from, the W. N. W. Weft and South ; but at Leriffht had to com- bat with a tejrible temped from the N. W." We lament to fay, that the mif- fortune which befel the Defence and St. Ceorgc, has been attcded by the lofs of upwards of 1400 brave men atnons; whom we have to enumerate the following crallant oiheers : Officers ih the St. George—Ad¬ miral Reynolds, Captain Guion, Lieutenants Napier, Place, Thomp- fon, Bramek Douce, Triftram, Riches, and Rcgers ; Tipper Flag Lieutenant ; J. Belt, Maker ; Mr. Ileynes, Surgeon; Win. H. Lake, Chaplaifl ; Mr. $.&i\&d>:,v$r ftanfec. Oillcers in the Defence—David Atkins, Captain ; Lieutentuts J. II. Barker, Prccvcr,Philpot Nclfon and De Liftlc ; Mabfon, Mailer ; Nicholfon, Purler. KINGSTON : Tuesday, March 31, i8i«. w, Aiabn, Bard, Eovd, Fife, fweep them off before they reached ::;'-r--. Miiqnn" (if heard cor- the land. Some, like wife attempted Montreal, March 23. The Extra rmbl'rmcd on Satur-* day evening gains its principal im¬ portance in this place on account of the traitorous actor's having re- fided here. That he has caufed to be laid before Congrefs the papers alluded to cannot be doubted but that he was ever entruiled withany confidential agency by the govern¬ ment of this country, yet remains to be confirmed by fomethingmorc fublkantial than we are yet induced to believe is in the power of fuch a wretch to produce. Henry was fuppofed by many, immediately after coming to this place to be an hungryoffice fieker—hewasoonftant- ly intruding himfelfupon men of influence, refpecbability and public character ; and in this way he pro¬ bably obtained a correspondence which at the time was unmeaning as to its effect: on any government —but after being vamped up,might have made his iniquity merchant¬ able at the American Capitol. The price of Henry, report fays, was 25,000 dollars, a paifage to France in a national fhip and a right to draw for 75,000 dollars ' more. Should this report prove correct will it not be tnought the Finger of Napoleon is in this, and that Mora. Scrrurier is one of the Co¬ partners in the purchale of this <v bone and mufclc" of iniquity ? CJ~ T/jcson>cnts of lb; alovs mrn'ioneJextra may be found m the preceding columns of ibis fir* aay s L?a&£iU* From the Connecticut Mirror, ThefoUorvi.nzp,ni:uhirs refrain?a tr.mfaction which appearcdin the papers ajhort timefmet I'Jv- been f,,it to us as cor re J. .A Tin-Pedlar was lately l ravel I iftg with his cart \n Vermont, near the Canada line, when he was accotlcd by one of Mr. Galaiin'a land tide-waiters, who demanded of him -what he had in his cart ? The pedlar replied, that he had fome old p-wter, fomc tin ware, and feme rags. " / mi/t examine for myf-lf" faid Mr. Gallatin's representative. The tinman very readily threw open his cart, and the treaftiry-ofliccr mounted t!ie wheel, thrull in his head and flioulders, and tumbled over the pedlar's cargo, to find Whether there might not be fome contraband merchandize, hidden under the ruhbiih —Finding at lead one half of this faithful fervant of the United States, in Ills cart box, the pedlar concluded it might be as well to pot in the other half. Accor¬ dingly he clapped hia hand gently underneath his hind quarters, and by what we New-En¬ gland men call a looft chucked in the reftdur. put Jo- -ii the lid," fattened the padlock, mounted the bo:i, and drove oil at lull fpeed to the next neighboring town, about fi:< or eight miles diilant, much to the comfort of the officer of the revenue. Upon coming t<> a tavern, the travelling merchant hitched hi* Itoi! c to : ':.■ pod, ive?C in. and ordered" lorn© hay i.ir his horfe, and a dinner for himlelf, 3t the fame time propofing to the tavern-keeper to take piy out of his cart. The holl en¬ quired of Id 7i whit he fiad to f.-ll ? The ped¬ lar r.-pl cJ, ;!iat he hid fome old pewter,fome tin write, fome jag* and one of Mr. Gallatin't Cujkfit'lfoiife OfTi.-ers. The bargain was urucfc ; and when tli** tin-man bad finished liis meal, and 1 ht: Imrfe hislny.tlic tavctn- kreper proceeded with \m ^uclt« to the cart* when upon unlocking It And opening the Jul the tide-waiter crawled out from among; the con¬ tents of cite cart| with his ribs well braifed by the old pewter pots and tin kettles, and manfully fo-itrd his way back to the pbee from whence ho carne, to mnkc report of hi* doinjra-to the Secretary of tHc f rcafuryj and watch for more Smugglers* — rLid fuch a fucceflion of Earrhqnnke.cr ns have happened within a few wcck*tbcen experienced in thi; country 50 years a^othey would \\HVt excited miiverhil terror. The c::tent of territory which has been (haken nearly at the fame time, U adoniHinig — reaching on the Atlantic coaft from Co'mcc- tficutf tw(S«ngii; dHd^tfow tile 1tore8rctffitiff ocenn inland to the ftate of Ohio. \Vhat power (hort of omnipotence, could nifo and (hake fuch a vail portion of this globe ? What a tremendous natural agent mull have been nfed,to produce fuch a mighty effeft !• It is Rated in North-Carolina a volcano hflfll appeared, and that in an eruption a few days% fmcet a flood of lava poured out, which run to the diftance of three quarters of a mile. The period is portentious and alarming. We have within a few years feen the mod Wdndcrful eclipfes, the year palt has produ¬ ced f. magnificent comet, the Earthquake? within two months have been almolt without number—and in addition to the whole, we conftantly *k bear of tvarf, and rumors of wars" May not the fame enquiry be made of us that was made of the hypocrite* of old -----**CAN YE NOT DISC&RN TIIK SIGNS OP T!!F. TIMKS. 9} ib. Errata,—On the Sph column \Jl fiagi of tbh day's Gazette% 17//' line from topy after the word lavyhedJljoulJ be infzftut upon compofi- tioiis. Wanted, • A FEW Ship Carpenters in His Majef- ty's Dock Yard, at Kingfton. Ao- plication to be mad- to Mr. JOHN DEN¬ NIS. Mailer Bnild«-r. March 3% \%\2* 20 fAKE NOTICE. ALL perfonsindebted to the Suhfcriher either \w notes of hand or book ac¬ counts, are requefled to call and make a fet- tlement with him on or before the fir it of May tnfuing, or in cafe of failure their notes . and Accounts will be put into t&E hands of an attorney, and a profeeution ramroenced ■ againfi ihem without further notice JAMES PERR01\ Er-A Xour., March 25, 1812. 20tf *