Kingston Gazette, March 31, 1812, p. 2

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•• • tumtPr the:.;it^r, is uw Ic tv," U .1 pktiiure hire r,i P ,« ;-,! vvbich nunc but ma»i • ;,,Kvr ajfid the chum* V'tl /or the nkrdurrof a ten porary W- .r;:.- otlCn in,:>rs_ ihc pam .ofc iovJ^VrtWtnueel uneafweis, and fcU on .. irijeronation. ll is related that AnarharGs, fjjcn duM'U.rlmg on I'iL'c1.:! co.n- icqsi-ences oi*.c::tcis in drinking K*h £ ..I!-.,1! bv wiial means it was v.i t . svoulcv), replied, ufay bear¬ ing i« migd die uufocmly Ian- ^". . _•; aiul bcIviviouK ot drunken a ; U ':" And in theory one •• uld Juppcfe the old Scythian V', ilolbpher ; i be in the right. Slit the ineiiicaey of tlie remedy 1 to well proved by practice; k thau-sjt it i^ Lmpoillble to overlook the frequent examples of thole v. hole health, life and honor has been facriiiccd in this decoding purlin:, thv path contiriitcn to be «arj v.d;d widi infatuated mortal,*, though ruin lies obviouily before •; is often aiLrleu that it i- nc- cciiAry to ice a man drunk before yon can aicertaia hit, real dur«c« But ti.i is a inoft erroneous ter, allerlion. .iuuuvm.—You might as well iud,re of a man's general health rorn feeing hivn m a tevcr. It :-, true, that then every latent -v« .\) t il's i. cxpnfed ; every tur- ■ui;.:V. p.n'non exeited ; every ap¬ petite inflamed ;• but it is highly viniuit to form an cftimntc oi anv man's temper or character &o*n \yiut appears m UU behaviour :tv a time when his r&itbn i.i gone, & he b impelled by the opera¬ tion era poiilmcas draft, that not unf:*&}ucntly makes tlie placid nun fcrious. and lac ccntfc ill— Lt is matter o£ curious pecula¬ tion to trace the various expedi¬ ents to which the human rice have retorted in different aires & countries to procure the delirium of in:.'ideation. The juice of the Grv-a leems to be tlie moil an¬ cient iiid is ftill the iiiou i'uhion- •aoie ; for Doct ir Bcddaes's vital ^ir, which at one time promifed :'.- 1 :'.. lizvia r.ct %'c '.-. nvacli in vogue.— The Tartar-; or Seyth- ' ins had re.ourle to Marc's milk. The Gaul; snd Germans made tbcmierve.-i a kind of Beer, which would not hare been very grate- rul to a lover of modern Ale or Porter.—Fingal and his heroes iblaccd thcmielvc.? with that fer¬ mentation of honey and water cal- led Metheglin. The Mehometans v/ho arc forbidden the ufe of ftrong drink, indemnity them- ■.elves by chewing Opium.—The inhabitants or" Otahitk and tlie o- thcr Illands, called friendly Iflands, in the South Sea, indulge them¬ selves with an extract of the Ava Root procured by chewing it, & {pitting it into a bowl where it is left to ferment. A njoft delecta¬ ble drausht ! But what will man not wallow in when impelled only by his pafiions!—P.Ioft of thefc ex¬ pedients have been fuperieded by the modern improvements in Chemifcrv, which bv extraclincr ardent fpints trom almoft every veritable fubfeance, has made the proces of drunkenness cheap and eafy, and has in this way deftroy- ed more of the human race than war, peftilence or famine. If thefc defultory obfervations ihould rurniili you with materials fcr your future fpcculations they art m'ech it your fervice. .SOBR1ETAS. r : ■: ; r. k\Jm. *t. . v U: UIOUAKE, ( Wr. JauTea FJetchcr, in w.".- ie iia:v...c;.t v. e place the ut- m<-:: reli:mce vvc have received the follov in.:; narrative :— u At tne Little Prairie, (a beauti¬ ful fpet on the well lileoi the 'Mi£ i'uiii pi river, ; la ut :•:- miles from NtW IM.i-hidj on th- iGtk ofl)c- evmhef laft, about r o'clock, A. 3\1. \\e fell a i'everc eoneu.'ion of the earth, which we fuppoled to be oc- calionedbya diilaut earthquake, and did not nppivhcnd much dan- car. .Between that time and day w< felt fevcral other lighter ihocksj •about funriie another very i'evere one came on, attended with aper- pendicubr bouncing thatcaulcdthc earth to (, ■!) in many places— fome c\m\t and ten feel wide, nunr- [p. ,-s (t I is v* idth, and of eonfider- ;-i:le length, ibmc part:; liave funk much lower than others; where or e of '. hole large opt mngs are one iidc remains as Jiisjh as before the lho< k an 1 the other i • !unk ; fome more fome lefs ; but the deepeft I faw was tbout twelve feet. The earth was, in the courfe of fifteen minutes after tlie (hock in the morning, entirely inundated with water. The prcilmg of the earth, if the cxpfcllion be allowable, can- fed, the water tq ipout t;ut of the pores of the earth, to the height of S or id feet • \Ve Uippofcd the whole country finking ! & knew not what to <U) for thebeft. The agitation of tlie earth was (a great th.ii it was with difficulty anycould lt.iud on their feet, fome could not — The an-was very itrottffSv im- prca;na'.ed with a fulphurous fmell. iVs ifb) inftincl, weilewasfoon as we could from the river, c^rcading Tei.Q danger there—but after ram- Inino; about two or three hour-., hundred gathered at about two ('apt. Francis Leleuer's where we encamped, until we heard that the upper country was not damaged, when I left the camp (after (laying there twelve days) to look for ibmc other place, and was three d.\y~ ■getting about thirty miles, from heir? obliged to travel round thoie chtfni". Previous to my leaving the coun¬ try I heard that many parts of the Mifiiflipi river had caved in ; in fome places fevcral acres at the fame rnftant. But the moil extra¬ ordinary erTecl that 1 faw was a fmall lake below the river St. Francis. The bottom or which is blown up higher- titan any of the adjoining country, and inflcad of water it is filled with a beautiful white land. The lame effect, is produced on many other lakes, as I am informed by thofc who faw them ; and it is fuppofed t hey are generally filled up. A lit11c river called Pemisece, that empties Into St. Francis, and runs parallel with the Mifiifiippi, at the ciillance of a- bout twelve miles from it, is filled alio with land. I only faw it near its head, and found it to be to, and was informed by respectable gen¬ tlemen who had fecn it lower down that it pofitively was filled with fand. On the land that was thrown out of the lakes and river, lie nu¬ merous quantities of fiih of all kinds common to the country. The damage to flock, &c, was Unknown. I heard of only two dwelling houfes, a granary, and lhu)ke houfe, being funk. One of the dwelling houfes was funk twelve feet below the furfacc of the earth ; the other the top was even with the furface. The granary who were ilvakcn into the MUlii- fippi._-.This we learn from one who cfeaped. Previous to the mocks coming on we heard a rumblig noife like that of thunder. They continued until 1 left the country—iome very fevers—4 cannot t-!l how many there were. The above account is confirmed by letters from that country. A gentleman in attempting to pals from Cape Girardeau to the v\\U of St. Francis found the earth io much cracked and broke, that it. was impollible to get along. The courfc muil be about 50 miles back of the little Prairie. Others have experiencedthefamedifficult y in getting along, and at times had to go miles out of there way to ihun thofc chafnis. We have no idea that the prin¬ cipal cause of the lhocks originate on the Mifliu'tppi—we have not yet heard J he woril. ___»^^^________. ^■v___r_^ __^■^^^te^» ™ ^^^^m^^^ _^»^__«^^»^^^ ^^fc^__^p^"^^p FROM THE UNitfit) STAlhS. Tlie following rficiTagt was j'trccived frcra the Prefidewt of the United States. 77> the Senate and Ihufc of Rcprcftntc.itver ij the Unitetl Uteles* I Is*y before Congrcfs co]>?C8 ofctttain dtvuments which remain in the departmciit of State. Tlicy prove that at a recent: peri* od, vvhilft tlie United Slates, iiOTwilhdand- mg the wronjra fiillained by theut, crated not toobferve ihc l-a\ra of peace raid ncnttai- ity towards Grsat liiirain, ;:nd in the mitllt of ainicabl'i profeflions and nogciciations on tlie pait of ihc Brailh govatimCnt through Jier public minifln- here, a feeret agent of that government vn& employed m certain Kates^more tTpecially at the ieat of grwern- Rtentm MnluichnfettSj in fomentiiigrdifaffec- tj.>n to Lite conftfttttcd autliorltics of the ircfr two. pnj in mtrjgding with the dif;;ITcc^«;d, for the putpofe of bringing about renlUnce to the laws, and e-/cnf.ia.]y, in concert with v. Britilh fire\ of dcliroying the u.iion, and forming the Kallem part thereof iwt.o r. po- Hiical connexion with Great Britain. Iii addition to theeffe^ which ihecfifco^ ery of ftich a procedure ought to have on the public councils it will m t f^.il to render more dear to thr; hearts of all good citi/ens der Divine Providence, is the guarantee <-f thin liberties, ihih fafety, their tranVjuiliity and prot'perity. JAMES MADISON. March 9,1812, John Ken] ,." Fclrum-y 20, ??! 2. informs the Secretary of State, that he was in Monti cal u'i the win¬ ter of iSopj and became an agent and Ipy fW Sir James Crai/, then Governor of Can- ada, to refide in the eafiern States, and ren¬ der aceouuti? to the G<wern<>r, of the Ctua- tion of pubbc affairs, proceedings of legifla- tivc and other bodies, iliengih anil plans of parties, profpe&s, &:c. and, as fome expect* Utim had been entertained that on account of the ruinous operation of the embargo hws, if they were not difeout'nued, a fepara- tion of the Union might take place, he was t- afecrtarn whether fuch a plan was lifetrly' to fuccecd, and aritiiarifod, if thoHght ncccf- fary,to promife the fuppojt of the Brilti?). Hence a cypher was agreed upon ; Henry departed ; wrote letters from Vermont and part of New Hampfln'con his way to Dot ton in February and March, but moflly from Bofton in Man h, April and M ty.' Tor his ^ruary a Henry fays he has learned the cypher*the? not completely. A letter &om Vermont fays, the people there eonfider the emWa unncceflary, opprclhveond; talk of making Vermont an ally, A letter from Windfor, Fehtuarv t? favs, half of Vermont will not join in any or. pofiuon to government ; and there U no man lit to take the lead i:; cafe of civil com. motion. A letter from Amherfr, (N. H.) T&rn^ ry 23, fiys he clioofes to fend by privai:c:r>. veyance whenever practicable, becaufe d^ mocratic Pbfl>MuJler$ will allbr.-ak ii kA g? quick as their vvurd. and tltere i.^ no ttiffti:.r them : the adtntmltratbu love p<ipu\ariiy and will do any thing, however mean or no- j-ilt, \o maintain it ; feolds about democracy. Bofton, March 5.—A \»rp partyhc;cat¬ tached to France. The embargo he ilnnhs trill be taken of, and a mm-iniereourfr be- eced—fpcculations on the fubjeft. Boflon, March 17-—Thinks ,; Norllmn Confederacy quite fulibh:, an alliaiccilr: 'r.nifr-queiue ; but the leading fedCTslifts Jrt in.I enteitain an idea of withdrawing if it CJ» polfibtv be avoided—The cotmnof pvojnl; love thv Conliuutiou, though the)' hate ih; enibaigo and would not r*-pu'diate the o«- O.itution, though they fiiffer jullr..>\/ 11m! ' it, or under the adminrOraMcn oi it, Ti.: dhUiieiiUhed fcderalills will de rrothtng for a feparauon ; they have g'^'t iu;egrity o%ic- tent ion. March g\i\ and 1 8th.—Ununp^rtnnt fot'o- nlations fhould a non-intercouri'e tike phcc — Not necefTary for Great Britain to R^kc COlrC< iIRmUn March 29th.—Mew-Haropfnine has elrc- tcd a federal governor—Gomre&icut neakny change—[a laurrh]—of no confequen^ whrt is governor of Rh>de-Ifiand, as he i-» merely the prtfident of the council. The adrnmit- tration wilh a war with England., b»*t ran do nothing without tlie aid of the Northern States, the bene and rnufclc of the whuii* U* nion. Apiil i$.—The Northern Slates «rill ^ iio;hing for ns towards reparation. April 26 —Speculations on Rrffbne's%»rangeni<mt. May 5.—Madilon will not be fu;»p(*;ed by hi^pavty ff he condu£ts honorably towards England. May 18,—Opinion, id\.Ui.:g from the New-York ele&ion. Hei'c Henry leaves Bollon xnd f;oes to Montreal, beina; tola bv Rylaxid (Craig's fecretary) that lie is no lono-cr wanted there. At Montreal lie gives more oninnitt and advice. In one ot R\ land's letters to Henry, tee firys, "lam n-allv mit of Spirits nt tlie idea pi Old England truckling toiuda debal'ed and accuri'ed govern meat as that of the U. States. k appears Henry could not oh. tain pay for the vait i'ervices llc rendered : and we have, dated June 18th, i8ir,his memorial to Lord Liverpool, complaining and begging an oilicc : Lord Liver¬ pool's fecretary replied, that Gov. Craig laid nothing about his be¬ ing recompensed in Lngland— Other letters pafled till November Jo 11, but Henry gets no office. Hixc Lachimai:, and hence his polriolifm towards this country, and his cxpofure of the whole to our Government. When the reading was finifhed (which rafted about an hour and a half) a motion was made to print the moiTigc and documents. Mr. Pitkin had no objection to leu- unfolds all his own ami their iniquity. Firll comc* a letturfioTn H. W. Rybn.l, S<cn:t.n;y to Craig, BtflfhfQti&mi to Hcnrv, pvopofinga cypher, Sic. dated January 26, \Vca). Re accept*. A letter from Ry. land to Craig, dated Fel.mary 6, unfokls the cypher : tell, him to Ro to Boilon : find out thclpadrog charaacrs ■ the (brn^th of par¬ ties : af^rtain wl-.vtlur ■■;■ fcderalifts, df>- xma county jjb j «th^ Government, on fed- eraltfts, on democrats, on every body but himfclf, and himfelf he had proved a traitor. He would not confent to take a eliaracler from fuch a man. Mr. Bibb thought an enquiry ought to be inliilutcd j tho'lie

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