Kingston Gazette, March 17, 1812, p. 3

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' SuSwiEH!?.^-8™^ lT. 5. 10 ' ail r-roani/c nn.l equip, i\ pro- t.:;iU>r!r-r.)Jiti..n,l Kguto- firatt be rail* (fer fn&-ic« femftftiuM t0 our r^e^hf u^mn-toc.-nv; foru-a'-l—H- hoped hrt Litifttol w«*1 '"• rwrt»ed with the lam '.m \Jr Port'T ohfrrved thar his object ..',, (|jM -;V//;•*;(•.' a&'iM *jffrra immediately 9 }',. ,-,/.. *-/v/f/>fir. Hll With 14, t»> ^mUir ar make* it. II*. iV<! he. we can and r,(lri-iirf:Ur*, in uiir*£i« and dertanrtiim*, ?.** qtfr /• trended tigtxinjl Grtat Tlrheiin ; rj)hea&led, vc ought not to ddpife the ^Srrcifthhcs»my« Wcfrtaj headlined, (Sati> 'v:l! not ho funiitf and w! & while we ?rcp7,.;n-. Sin' does not !^nc!;il!v wait to give the fe-;<v>d blow. She my give us flnc, uVrewe doVt expert ft. He did not rift to acenfe any gentleman of apathy. V.'en;h: U kiow our fitiiatinn. No one hr1fvi:!i nure rctufltattt^, determined to n- br'n otir peaceable and proiperons fitua- tta, ifon htfpfelf. Having r<>me to the <l,-:rr'"'rn::on, we cnght toproJ%:utt the* war a';:/-/r. lie lived on the Niagara river, and within the reach of the giwsofa Britilh frt; y\ffl& imnv frieiufa in Canada ; hut vUw '.! m»t re(l\iin him fenm fiipporting t'c njhl* nf otw povenment, jw his friends would tlW:r& 7"/r war GugLt to be promptly tit'!:*"! is ,.";/ /"v^'A' decided. He kne w fcnetliitijj <f r;.c Uritiih force in the Crv^a- 4w. V'-v Live a force of between 5 and (:;c(!7 rtlv-f nvn in Quebec, who dare not Iwv€ dift! Iitftirtffi ; be/iaea which, they have mlttttAjh hch Provinces between 2 Jft©3 -.p-\ nH 0 rHitfi <*f p^ . _,, ,_. «Kh «fc«« « ! Mir* in cvr r>' lVlPecU ^ljc Jlritifh ojntiot throw any greater force mtd thofe?r*w««i »^ ahout Jone> nftcr the Jce ii cot- /' h our kightjl w$bm tit talcs it kfaiihti tifiit* No one can foppofe the 7*5,000 tntfo fettered aa they are, and not v^i rccr«itcd> and the nfew n.»t yet com* miI;oT»cJ,can be nf.-d for that purpofo The rrci, now proofed, can be pmcuni m the ftrtlwtt M Eaftern Static itwewfil but &y the word, and may be ready by the i\v([ cfjune.—Ifuv co-lid foon raifeabout 14,- oao voiuniCvrs, and join to them 5 or 600Q Rgii'ars9 «« rr%rA/ r:rj- jftpff t'-ducc ^p*i <mi a(;.r the rartc'rrf mdfnp*>hing t/r/rt civ'/A tl: r.-p'.ir' to je r,j f',d. th/y might tktrtgo and rrf-irc Hal fax crJXova Scotia* The States tfXrwJjiri jr.J t'ennont nhr.? wouldjuf>ply tkmen; li:t the ;;cnjd-of thofe (lates would cot ealiii for five years. Mr. Porter then porccld to ffenv, that by the conflitntion th? mihtM ennnot l)e compelled to go with- oatthi li:r.i:s of the U. States. The ayes an-1 nots hcin^ tiken thc rcfolutton was ueijj* itncc—Aycs 49, noes 58. armcdly the firlfi/l .^—Whct'e ftirfll U'C find a Tingle company, well anr.ed, in which we may not find 41 Ketland & Co/* or i'ome o- thtr " London" mark ?— Perhaps evtry Vermontcr is armed by tlie Drillfll :—not indeed fo audi as he ought to 6c. 44 KETLAND & CO.—LONDON." U. S. But it \$ faid that ma-y of the Ftopheft Qnm bud " Ketland W3 60.— London," with U. 8. added, and this is coniidercd <(s proof t.f I'.ritifli 9groc}% rind of M Brttilh ViU Liny**9 It f« iwgedi that they mull have ad¬ ded the U. S- to deceive US. I can explain thi*. There are in the U- nttcd State;, thontaiidtiof lUtids of arms be- longing to the Government, marked 4* Ket¬ land 8c Co. London"—to which the Gov¬ ernment adds its mark of U. S. to pi event a lofs by jlealilu or illicit fate, or Other wife J and ihcic arms thus maided, are put into the bai'd-i of thc United States' troop* ; ot, //'- Jiiidio the Indians by our otvn government. The lit itiJh have enough toanfwer for in all co.dVience, without befog charged with pnttittjT U. S. upon tlie muflcets ihcygwe or ft!/10 the Indians. If this pt'oVes that thc But ilh. arm the Indians agninjl our People and gr/zyrrnnrrtt, then it proves they armour regu¬ lar iYony^fnr thc purptfc oflaiing Canada. I do not fay tufa to vindicate the Bntifh, but to do ju/iire. As I have already itated, they have enough to anfwerfbr, without pre- ferring again It them ho.fitious complaints. I am rea Iv to fiffht them-------if our 'government fnyjh. UtJt let us know W*liat we fight for b».:t.>re we bt*oIn - let us not co mm trice a war on vu*uc fafpiciun. I n fibort, let us ** tell tiuih ai.a Ihaiue the devi !" I ♦ -* —v -■% ~ Defcrtcrs.—The Prcfidcnt of the V. States has by proclamation, cirredthfi'7fh m&i fsr*trtF>&& ft&\] and free pardon to all defcrtcrs i'rom tlie American army, who ihall furrender themfelvcs at any military poll within 4 months from thc faid date* _.________________ _^ _ _•-_•_________________■_ KINGSTON : Tuksdayi March it, 1812. • • - • Vor the G.vzErrr. Ma. HIGHLY IMPORTANT- •uis confidently reported in thc circles here, that Mr. Fofter as rropofed to our cabinet, that je treaty figned in 1806, by tleflrs. Monroe &, in bc- lalfof tlie U. States, and Lords .oibnd nnd Aukland of the art of G. Britain, mail now be itified by the two governments, 'he note' annexed to that treaty >y the BritiCh commidioners'is to ie ftricken out. Some provifion ir arrangement is to be made in •elation to impreflment, as foon as iracUeable, It is believed by fomc if the friends of government, that ie propofition of Mr. Fofter will acceded to. I give you thele :ports, without vouching for thc ■uth. Yet 1 rnufl: add, that they ipear to me not to be devoid of irobability. Should they be accu¬ se, an immediate change in our leafures muft take place, highly iterefting in more than one ref- ._____[______ ■ From the (Vermont) IVaJhington'uin* u Kethnd Is? Co.—London." |t has been al!edg-:d that this mark on the f*;'°f the Iodsan?' Guns, wa< proof of their "'"gl.een turned If the ftrifjfi~-mtanwg wyvto have it tinderfl-ond tint rhev me Jed lyth Brhlfh GOVERNMENT— S* GVK DMTP.trrtlOV. . ^*' t!4a ciic-jmiiance prove any fuch eel," ^ or cirfl r.-!v,b- Ar^ theyr^.t operation EDITOR, AS thc term f >r winch our prefent Re* prcfentativcr. were elected is about to expiry it is brdec d proper PDOUgb to CdlJ the atten¬ tion of the Public to the cnnliderutions by which they ought to be influenced in their fur ore choice.—In the ordinal v tranfiCtiom of Jife people generally rciojt to thole who twt belt qud'iiicd to perform for them the iVrviees required ; yet In tlie important bu- iinelrt of Le^iHation they do not appear to be always guided by the fame rational in¬ ducement : and we frequently fee them fa- Icdt, to make Law?; for them, men to whom, i>»< vuiiiruii oeealfons, they wvultf not trull; the management of their moft trifling pef- fonal concerns. Men whofe occupations nnd habits leem neeeiTarily to preclude tliem frcm any knowledge of public bufinefs j ;ind fomctimesmen whofe private charaActs en¬ title them to very little confidence. With many, to bellow for the Public Weal, and to exclaim againfi tlie Government, is elteemed a qualification ; and the fuccefs of fame who have had no other merit to recom¬ mend them, is a lamentable proof of the tri¬ umph of impudence over credulity —It would be vain to attempt to account for this o^ any rational principles. It can proceed only from the groleil prejudice; from thc envy we are too apt to entertain for perfons of attainments fuperior to our own ; cr thc malignant infinnations' of thofe who from fa&ipUfi or other unworthy motive* would perfuade the uninformed part of the commu¬ nity, that they whofe education and habits ot life qualify them heft for this important talk, are dilpufed to feel; their individual ad¬ vantage, by fucrififiug the interell of their couflituents ; carefully keeping out of fight tlie important circumUance that they mult be bound by the Laws which they aflifl in making for others, A piece in your ]aft paper, tinder the fig- nature of Care, is evidently intended to ope¬ rate upon fuch prejudices, and foment fuch groundlefs jealoufics. According to it one would fuppofe that the Government was al¬ ways on the watch to opprefs the people. But would we take thc trouble to confider, that tht liberal Confli.ution under which we live is the fpontaneous gift of the Govern. meut of the United Kingdom ; I hat all the citablifhments for keeping it in operation arc formed and paid by our mother country ; that we aie not called on to defray any part of the expence ; it mud be apparent that the Government and the People can have no fep; 'ate rntercfttj rnd that the only view and purpofe of the former can be to have the co- eperationof the R*P»cfctitatirea of the Peo¬ ple to fcafce the Provinces flourishing 2tr& happy-—An ignoratnt man is incapable of judging oi thc meafnres proper for this pur¬ pofe, and is liable to be mifled and to become the tool of the factious man who will oppofe for the fake of uppofiuon, or to give him- felf an air of importance. A man of undet- ilanding and candor can fee and will purfue the proper courle. Such S man this country b'afl been fortunate enough to have for their Reprefcntativc during the two lall Parlia¬ ments ; and if he is willing again to under¬ take the tHiki 1 truil that thtffe wh>m he has thus faithfully icprefented will have good fenfe enough to return a member who does fo much honor to their choice.—It is true he is an Engl'Jljvum^ arid as fuch may fall within the fourth exception of your correl- pondent Care, the word degenerated being ad¬ ded merelv as a cloak. Jn this paragraph pi the drecious production alluded to, " more is meant than meets the ear ;" and it is im- pofilble to read it without indignation. Its diiloyalty is too thinly diiguikd not to be apparctit. The writer would fay in plain terms if he durft fpeak out. M do not choofe 11 an Endifhman becaufe lie wi'.l be delirous "that you fliould identify yourlclves with *' his country, and will be cordial ill his co¬ -operation (or the defence of the Province "at this time again ft the deligns of your u friends in thc American States*" This is plainly enough insinuated ; for it is impolfi. ble to fuppofe thar the term outlandijh people was meant to apply to America, Indeed from the whole tenor of the publication in queflion, it appear-* to be thf' production of fome incendiary whofe aim U to dtuti'ittoatc thc feeds of ditlruil and difa'Teclion, and to Jcflen the confiuence of the pcopk En that Government which has the llrongctl claims to our attachment. 1 cannot but regret to fee your pnpcrdif- g»'»>'f\ J»j « i«>» *-v '*(> vi-nt^iuju |m|i f»ti iio |lyIo9 as it is er.oenh'onable for its matter. T'ley who ptetend to give us Lectures upon Poli¬ tics ought at le.ilt to know hot* to fpell ; nnd fhould remember alfo that they are ad- drcfling 8 people who are proud of their Loyalty, and the Name and Princi¬ ples of Englifhmch, An 2ih {, or (f the County S P t t C H Of his Honor the PrciMcBt^ 0:1 doling the prefent Sefiion of thc Provincial Parliament, mifs you with a confident hope that you will not ceafe individual¬ ly to give full efficacy and fuppott to thole Laws which car. alone preferve thc Peace, and promote thc Profperity of this Province. Ihufc of Affcmbly, York, Feb. 1 r. Tlie 'Vlilitia act has palled both Houtes ; by it all from thc age of 18 to 45, will have to turn out fix days in each month to drill. Wc announce with the iagheft fatisfaction and pleaiure tiic fafe arrival of Lieut. Governor Gore and Family at Torbay,on the r ith December, after a fliort paflage ot 26 days.—TorkGaXt Mr. D. R. Williams'barn con¬ taining 5000 buflicls of corn, and $$ bales cotton, has lately been burnt in North Carolina.—This Mr. Williams has been puniihed foi his unrighteous fpeech deliver¬ ed in congrefs lately, containing the following cxpreflions :—• " Mr. Speaker (faid he) I cannot conceive of my pafllon, of my deadly hatred againic Englr.nd. Did I direct the red artillery of Heaven, I would foon drive from her moorings that fall anchored Iik."—iV. ): Gazette. • cj Fror.icnac. DllLPy At Rl'iz-alcthtwn* the \tth Ftlrucry lajl9 Mr. Daniel L Ct:rleyt a Student at Law---- He [pent his life in thc acquifuion of knowledge that might render him a Ujeful member of'foc:etyp and comfort to his parents in their declining years 9 but ,'hc cruel arm nf Death cut him ojfin the ">ig* crofyouth* and thus deprived fociety of a ufeful memicrrand hlajled the fond expiations of his parents. [Commnmcated,] To b cLet, AND polTefilon given the fifteenth day of April nest, the Hotlfc at prefent occupied by Mr. George Oliver, Black- l.niih. Inquire of the fubferiber. RICHARD CARTWRICIIT. Jllareh 14, 1 8 t 2. 18 50 Dollars Reward. STOLEN from the Shcep-Houfe of the Sublcnher, on Sunday right laft, Six jTX'^i lJeaiy"voiflMIamtl Whoever will* give information fo that the offender or of¬ fenders be convicted of the fame, fliall re* cu've the above Reward. J. SMALL. Tori* 10th March, 1S12. iS 3W To Clothiers, Jim. Gentlemen of the Lt^flalive Council, Jkd Gctituir.n: of t/{! lioufj of JjJhnUy, I embrace the earliefl moment to prorogue this Sefiion of the Le- giflature, that the Country may derive, at this critical juncture, the full benefit of your peribnal influ¬ ence and example. The exigency of the times can aftsaop JHBJribffiBfflSB'-HBS'Co'give my eon- fent to the amended Militia Kill; for under circumftances of lefs ur¬ gency, its' very limited duration would oblige me to reject it. Your liberality in affording me the means to enable me to carry its other wife falutary provilions into eftecl, demands my warmefl acknowlcdo-ments.------Whilft the true inter efts of the Country are consulted, every poflible regard will be paid to the comfort and convenience of the individuals whom the Militia Law may call into action. The other Bills which you have pafled this Sefiion, will, I trulc, ef¬ fectually promote the beneficial purpofes for which they arc inten¬ ded. I place full reliance in the exer¬ tions of your bell endeavors to cberifh and maintain that fpirit of loyalty and attachment to the true principles of the Conftitution, which happily nt this time pervades every clafs of the community. Any attempt to difleminate dis¬ affection amongft us will be- repel¬ led with indignation, and you will not fail, in your respective itations, to point out and bring to juftice, all fuch perfons who by their con¬ duct, may endanger the Public tranquillity. • Having communicated every thin? that occurs tome on this occafion, Gentlemen, I now dif- t£kigitcvt March^ iSiii THE fubferiber informs ihe Clothieri that he erette Machines for Shearing Cloth; the utility of them are fuch that they are worthy every workman's notice ; a boy twelve years old can tend then. They perform the work of Shearing in a neat man¬ ner, and will (hear fixty yard* in one hour ; they arc not liable to cut the Cloth, or to get out of repair. The price of them is one hundred dollars; there will be a rcdo&ioo to thofe that pay thc cafh down. Thole "Clothiers who wifll to purchafc Machines. wrl apply to the fubferiber, in the town of Mope, Diftua of New Callle, and Province of Upper Canada. ELIJAH HIGLEtf. Ihpe, March xi, 1812. 18 3m . , 20 Dollars Reward. ' RAN away from the fubferiber on Sat- tirday Evening, the 71b in ft. an in¬ dented Apprentice to the Coopering Bufi* ncft, by the name of THOMAS PAX- TON ; about 5 feet 8 inches high, about 19 years of age, light eomplexion—had on when he went away a mix'd gray thortcoat nth metal buttons, velvet pantaloons lacked oots, black hat, black filk handke:chief. ahcJ 00k with him feveral articles of clothing— • [ And I ilo hereby forbid any perfon or prr- f ms ' whomfoever harboring or employing the faid apprentice, uuckr the penalty, oi be¬ ing profecuted to the utmoll extent of the ]aw.—The ahovcreward will be given, and. .all reafonahlc charges paid K> any pcrl'on who will deliver him .to tin- hih-fcribcr. JAMES ROBINSON, Cooper. W b too 17

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