Kingston Gazette, March 17, 1812, p. 1

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GAZETTE Vol. IIO KINGSTON; (UPPER CANADA,) TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1812. [No. 18. J.//? retchedfrom England, A Kill' ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimeres, AriI r»rcnmr ©Hered for fale by the fubfcrib- iti at Mr. Ww. SmvCHton's Inn, on the wftitAfotfaMetenaw fur Cub. BroidbenU Whitehead &S0.IU AiesxMii '/(Sff- 1 3, 1812. o Sales at Auction. Aclvertl fement. THE fubferiber carneftly requells thofe who arc indebted to him to pay or o- therwife fettle their accoui ta before the com¬ mencement of the enfulng term of the* Dif- tritt Court, as he will then be under the He¬ redity of placing Inch of bis accounts a* can be fired fa that Court, in tfrc hand- of an Attorney. CHARLES SMYTH. Kingston. ZJ/h Feb. 181?. \6 %w __ __ _______________ Notice* T I • Oh: tV^t Public AnCt'm, at th- St'_Tc <*t rfje fubferihir, the whole r,T !& Stock in trade ; coniVTin** of a very e\- fOftiveaa] well chofen aflortrncnt rf E&ghjki India, Weft* India Goods & Gre¬ enes} Crockery S ,» 1 ^ ^ '/ # Sife toco*vjin?ncc on Monday, the 27th of Jjnuarv icxr, at EOa'cfeclc, and co be con- t'.rjn| cveiv fccsteding Monday at the fame !ir"'» '"-til ihe wh< I-' ?s d:T-)i (Vd nfc fti tfe jneirt •;*'- !•*■' s?*B fell *? t pi into laic, >v|lotc. falcon -Mil, *t eutt and c!i ir^cs without a- jjySJvS«CC, rhir'i will be from 20 to jo per g^.t..1$6 than hh utWl n-icc^. Thofe v!m rr.iv with to ptvfclrafc at private hie, tv-ll ;!:> well to Call Jrt't ex imine for them- fiivL';; as a jitf iidjf i&le part of the Goods h:iv- Ken piirchated with catji -it a v*c;y low rate-, there ceitarnly w.ll be l« me barcjntul tvnrtliy of intent i >n ; and on AwcKotl day-, (hlH«S ftMl'oi'K'r U about to clofe Iih buli- nefs in this place a»d remove to Montreal) Co-ids ttillhd fold to the hiVh'^l bidder wttliont rrb-fvc* N- II, Thofe \vh ) have accou'.M un fet¬ tled, will he [Aafidioc 11 and ar?jti{| rhem, B. WillTNIiY. XhfJ'n, Jc/^Av. loll. THE fu:>feribn- be^s leave £0 inform the PwMfci that attendance will betrtv- en «.-vcry Saturday during the approaching Scffion of the Provincial Legillaiurc, from Eh vcnoMvk till Three, St th/Libnryof William Firth", Ei'qni c. at the houfe in winch he rtlide ! at York ; when his elegant anil exienlive CoPrd'on of Hooks, will be expo'ed to fair by private contract on the moll M'llouahle t. rm«. It is needlefa to re- rnaik th.»tt this very exui/five I.ihiarv nlf^s empk ^wiitcatmn to th,* Hiltorian. the Pol¬ itician, thj Divine, the P cr, the Lawyer, the Natnraliit and Novch'd ; there is alio a rub collection of all the moil celebrated Greek and Latin Clafltes, It In the intend fion of ihc fiibfcriber to fend all the P>'Miks remaining rfnlo'd in the ftprfogj tt» Lower Oaaaih./ W. &\ RA1 bWTM. .; , • _ Agent fofW.FiitK. Vvrk% f 4/A' jtin. 1812. I >//' M:\\ttelTe% Boulileis, Hangings Sec, com¬ plete ; 'V::b fome other articles r.f HftnlV- bofrj Fnrn'tnre, and a larjje double C.-r:o1e and Elflrittfij are ylfo for faJc at the fame place. W, W, B', s n 1 Fajbitiabb Hats ef 'Trimmings\ TUP! fhfjfciihcn hm* o'pcneJ nn-1 tow ciTu* f-ir fxk-, next door ro Robert tier's Hotel, AS F.LEO \HT AS'ORTMF.?;^ Of the Mof T>Jhionab!J Hats & Trimmings; Which th:' arc determine! to fell oft the rro:l rea'oi'ihle tcr.v^ either whole fa'e or re¬ tail, forCallti Connti/ Pioditce, or approved1 Crctft* . -- ■ SMITH & BUTTERWCRTH. N. B. 0/7 fM Hsatfy Drefjcd on t'fjhrtfj notice.—Zj* Ca\h ptiivl for Fur & LamK's Wo« 1. . /V/V//07, 13/j D*cemfor$ t-M r.' 5// "sew books, JUST received frcrti Montreal^ ami (rx (at at the Gazette Office : Addict Work?—M'Eaihnd's View of Herenes----1 ife of Ji feph-----Pkafurcs rt Rrafon—"Seifons in England—Ira and I fa- bclla, ii n?$0 novel—Character of George 3d —Pornev's French Spelling-book—Prtnch Yocafcuhrr—■—Cl.iM's Speiling-bofuC------- Worlds difplayed—Porteu"/s Evidences Rt the Chudipn Religion—Bibles -Teltapicnt* •~Wait>, PiVdiW ani limn—Pfabsrs— Chiidr^a's books—Catechlfn:*, Sec. ucc rt few Barrels Flour of a fupenor quality for faini1}' life* on property coh4<rned for fale; KltlgsiWi Dec. 3, iSti. jtf HE'following, valuable T.cts oi Land in the townfhip, of Frederiekllinrgh, are offered for fale by ihe fubfeu'ber, vi/% Lot number fix, in the fifH Conccffion addition.I. Lot,r.umbfT twenty-five, in thi fourth T ConcuTioo, THK f«jbfcriber having obtained Letter* of .^drninilh-aiion for the Ell ate ot* wlati ])»cV(r Johs G \mble of Kinjjflonf fcrCafe<'1 req'.icils a|l thole wlio have any -kirna on the Li 1 Eilare. to render the'r ac- C0J't% yrcptry acteiled, on or hefor-i wfirst cf Jaw next, in ordir hat fome ar. ^grmrnt may be madj with the-n : A nd a 1 RM&2 bdebf-eJ to fail Efta'e are r»-qn« lied t > I'2"'lie fare to the h.Lfcribtr, ih'«t fli: may f« prepire.1 to lav a ilatement i-f the Ellate wore the cneArto1-*, Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, sltlmhujlratfi*. ^;::-i% fowmhr 1;, 181 r • ttf ?A¥TOkiyi GEOGHAPTir, ?-rMe at tilt Off*. RICHARD CARTWR'IGHT. Bcr. 3, 181 r. 3'F THE ropartnerfhi;> under tllC firm of C. W/LUSTON'iff Co. Saddlers 19 this day diflolved by agreement of the par¬ ties. All perfon8 indebted are rrqnelled to make payment to• Apoclos Metcalf, he being duly auihoiifed 10 adjuft all unfettled accounts. Any perfon rcfuling hi the Trov. ince who has demands agafnlt the firm, by pteienting them ti him will receive pay¬ ment according to .contract. DAVID TUCKER,- A POL LOS METCALF, COMSfDEfl WILL1STON. Kingston, Marc*) 7, 1S12. 17 THE bnfuiefs o? SjfDDTX o IIAR. 1 NESS MAKING will ho continued in their feveral branches by the fubferiber— who, havinq- ftipenntcnHcd \hc whole buii- nefs of the late firm, returns his acknowledg¬ ments for pall fa;ur% an»l will venture to fay that h'-i cultomen will find him equally at¬ tentive to bnfmcfi as h«ret<>for\ He ha« now on hand and for We, an af- foitment of Saddles. A. METCALF. SHERIFF'S SALF. MidlandDifiriill VjOriCK h hereby to wit. j" 'X1 given, that the falc of the Landa and Tenements of Samud Ri>le, late of Miryfhurgh, ytoman, taken in £xc- cutton at the fait erf Peter Grant, of tho town of Kin^llon, merchant, heretofore a<!- vprtiu-d for fale by me, on Tuefdiy r'"-' third day of March pMt, will be fold an I idyd^l to tl»ehighelt l>idder, at my Office, in rb: town of Kington, on Wedoef lay, tlw firlb day of April nextj at the hour of tefl of the clock in the fofenobn CHARLES tSTUART, Sheriff^ 9krjf*s Oficc, Qh RUreht \$tz. 1*7 Frefll Goods ! BARtLET furs received a complete afTortmcnt of Dry Goods, Liquors & Groceries, Crockery & Hard Ware, ^vhichhe wHl fell, wholcfa1^ Orieta-f, et hiS ufual low prices fiir Calhyorany kind of pro-* — Al-fri for fale, Board? and Plank, & Loft, ON tfomtttolt, berweeiV \U;cvS Qrttti and K»ni;!}on, a fmall Moocco Foe^- ft-Bo' k, c^iiiiinin-; two half guineas, on-! bill ut three dollars pi\ Jcrfey 1'ank, one o 1 A'.bmy Bank of one dollar, one note r'i luff d again ft Neal M'Carta of two poomH fifteen Ibiliin^, gfvrn to Afahcl A; Hurd, a no ipi given by Reuben Cone to Pvid Hurdv two rotes £i>;en by Jeremiah GpbrlridgC of nu-etecn d< Hats, e ich dated in Pcbmary-i l8iO| jriven to faid Hurd, one note gfven by ]&m Reuintiti.n at twenty-three dollar*, v.iih ten dollars biclorferfkent «»1^ tin: fame, given in Jai.tnrv or FebnVary, 1S11, or>r given by NatTian Wentworth oftwelvo cL i- [ars a-d \$ eehfs, with live dollars and about forty cents mdorfement «»n the fame—tosrelh er with feveral 1 ther papers, memorandnnis, &c. — Whoever will leave faid Pocfc< t-Rook, with in contents, at' thJS INintlmj Office, Kingrton, Ihall be lnrdfomclv rewarded. ASAHEL A. flURD. m mv 9. t?wi To whom a may concern. 1 'JTLORINGi HABIT-MAKINO & UNITORMS. *T*lifc fuh&riber refpeaf.-n-/ rafo^i the' , Ladies an J Oendtmeii of Kfngrtch, th'^C he has commenced the above bufini fs in all in v.aiious branches, &£ the houfe of Mr. JOHN BAYNE, n.far Mr. Poncet'sTavern, where all orders will be ibifl'y attended to, and ev¬ ery favor grateftilly acknowletljrei]. THOMAS BECKETT,. Klx?ston% I It,'; February i 8"I 2 • I m SHERIFF'S SALE. Midk Notice !- ■ AS the f-difcuber intends removing from this ph-re lYfoon as he can asrance bnfioefs forihat purp«»fe, he earreilly r?^oell^ every perfon or perfons indebted to hin.t) make immediate payment, as Heil determined to put every acouu.t which will remain nnf ttlrd on the rirlt day of Februaiy next, into the hands of hi* Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kwptort, toi January, 131 2. 9'/ Cafli paid for clean Cotton h Linln RAGS at tlili Oilier. COMETIMEi-, th-year of iSif, T p;avi \^J my Mote cf hind to Tliomas Ward, Elq. ot the 'ownlhip of Hope, for about eighty; d* Ham—vvlivch Note I will never pay, r<s I (hill nilcvor t^ mn-:." r* ;tj\:nar thpr it was fraudulently (hri.ined. HENJ VMIN MARSIT. HopC% 2J//S February, I lu. 17 'Q O MET IMEItf th~7arTsTiTT gave 1^3 a Bonl to Samuel \V. Marfh, fi r one hundred acres of land, "t being the fonih halt of lot No. ivVfn the third conccffion of th; tnwnihfp of Hope—A deed for laid land t-> Samuel W« Mnrdi 1 will never give, a^ [ fh-dl endeavor to make it appear that it waa obtaint'd'by defiau 1. . iiENJAMIM MARSH." JIop>; 1 y/// February, 1S1 2. 17 A few barrels excellent fa Ncwca'ltle Salmon/ for Hilo by , •, , CUMM'ING& IUMILTQN^ Tannery io. iotr WILLIAM BAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs thc^n-' tlemen of Kfngftotij and the Public 111 general, that he intends commencing th<; Joiner aihiViibmtt B'n/iriefs, at Point Frederick f where thofe who may favor him with their cuftom, may be afT^red that their work (hall be done in the bed man¬ ner, and on the Ihonefl notice. February \ i. *♦ '4 ;7W/)>;jf|>^TOTICE w hertby to -zlj. j l_\l given, that the falc of the Lands and. Tenements oi Amos Ans- ley, of the townihip 01 Kin^lton. yeoman, taken in Exeewionat iht fiitt of James Roll' ins, of the town of Ivinjjlloa, Elq. hercfo- fore advertifed {or fab: by me', on Tueflav th*• third day of March pi!h will I c fold and adjudged to ih- higheli biddcti at my Office ifi the town of Kindlon, on Wednefday th* firll drycf April nc\r, at tke hoar often of the clod: in the forenoon, CHARLES STUART, Sfurifi Sheriff^ djflWt fit*') March, ill 12. 17 Thejubferiher has jttfl temvMfnn Nevj- Tor!: the folhivhi^ BOOKS. Srottiih Chiefs—a Romance Dah.all, Thane of Lanark—a Talo Winter Evening** Self Controul—a Novel Simple Tale**, 2 vols, Marmum—a Ta1e«f EloJdcn Field Marmontil $nt\ GfcfTett Au'lin's Letters 1 '*c of Wafhineton o's Travels S:l The Lawyer—a T.\z Ldvers of Lavandee All\ an ffJ^Wment *f SHOES, GARDEN SEEDS; FJEES id GERMAN FLUTES. .IT. C. THOMSON. Kin"tton% Miintt 7, 13 1 2. Takes Notice. ALL thofe indebted to the fubferiber ar? requclted to call and make payment immediately, or they will be fuel without fi rth* r notice ; .Sc all thofe who h »U N*>t« or Accounts 3te dellred to brim/ them for- ward. RICHARD SMITH. Febrnr.ry I 7. --. Dollars Reward to ary perfon who /^ will ptovi to conviction the peilon or per'bns who fit Ik reported th"<t' I had ;b- feonderl. H^ 4t St qui ! nnvi/li rtfthu i/Fx 11 Candidas iwj:rtj/i twn, Lis uicrc mecurnJ* I/on. THE fuhfcttbtr returns'Ka mod grateful thanlw to the Ladtea and Cientlemcn of fniltiow!!, cor die incrmrp.wment ire Kasrmer v% 11 h !•» th: Tiril conrfe of Leflbna in Pen- manfhtp, %* tan-ht by a Mr. Dean on ana¬ lytic*] principle* ; he hope s a continuance of ihtir favors will Se conferred on him.—^* The ftcond conrfe of LefTons will commence at Mr. Baker's on the 'oth of March, 1812, ;it one o'clock and at Feven in tHe evening ; any gent'tfm^n.that feels himfelf dilLtisfieil or prejudiced again ft thi^ fyltematie plan ol w itinlf,"(\vhich can be acquired in 1 > lei - fons) are referred to my foimer pupils-, and liki'wiP? to attend any one of the IriTuna, which continues one hour and a half ; twelve making a claft, which can be as ealily atten¬ ded to as ap\i pcrftin : And alfo ic wi 1 give? ampli fatUfadion to any pentlemnn that/ cheiofes to attend witS*ocular demoullration.. ttj*The Broad Sword Exercife taught b/ CHARLES.McDONNELL. 1 7 Inftrilftor of Writing. Loft or Stolen, ABOUT the 2 rth of February-laiLnear Smith's Creeki 1 negotiated KQTR. executed by Caleb Plait to the fubfenber, en 1 he 5th d y ot Mireh, 1311, for the fum of 1 So dedlars wiih intercll, witnefTed by Arthur Ai'fwonb,*and payable on the lit day c f January, t KlV. Ad perfons arc here, by caut'ohed agamll pnrchallnj; faid Note, as I have received \2\ dollars of laid fum above nienioncu. * SAMUEL LORD. 71 fareh 3, i3t2. «7 VTJ 4 Boxes Garden Soc h, raiftd at Lebanon, Stare cf New York,, fur falc at the Store of JOHN MACAULAY. ' March ?. 10 Wcbfter's Spelling-Books fcrfals at this Officf.

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