NGSTON KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) ' GAZETTE. TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1812. [No. 16. T Land for Sale. >HE felWfnff vr.!i»r,W(* L**t« of Land in*he townflvip of Fre-'lerlckfhurgh, are itfed fc* f«fc Hv the fbWfcnher, vt/. Lot number fix, in the firft Conceffion sld.tloiwl. lA number hventv-five, in the fourth Concc!iTr**»- RTCHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dr.;, iRn« jtf •SHERIFF'S SALE, XJ^iDfriclJ TJY virtue of a Writ of r"*~" J ■*^-^Vr//7/r;/7JtiiTned out <Mln>MijeftvNCourt of King's Bcn^h, at the fnit<»f iv'cr Grant* of the town of Kinglton, mrrc'pm, ncainft the lands and tenements of •Samuel Rnfe,ln:e of Waryfburgh*A'eooiat3» to medhcflWl; 1 have fe!/ed and taken in evecu- taftia«Ix'tonging to the faid Samuel Rofc, Ac w<fl half of lot No. 2 in the firft eonerf- Swiof the townfliip of Marvfl>nr<rh, well of t^rxk, containing J>y admcafurcment one '"inured acres* be the fame more or lefs. I 'lo hereby give ti-vlte«s that the abovemen- huned Intofland, vfth the appurtenances ^'■re'intnhMon^i'njr, wfl| ^e f0]tj aiu) adjudg- ^ to ihc iMjrheR bidder, at my office in tlie »^n of Kinjrllon, on Tuefday the thiid day Y March next, at file hour of ten o'clork in t:i" Wr.oon—at which time and place the c^«ionsoffa1ewl| hr made known. CHARLES STUART, Shenf ^ And every perfon or pcrlbns having claim* ^WffaJwTC defeibed lot of land, hv mort¬ al .n. .. i ; pace or mher right nr inonrnhmnce, vrc hcj***- hv"advertifc<i to give notice t« th*» falil StitfriJl^ n: his office in the Town of King (ton, previous to the (ate thereof. fcf; Ops 2*/ £&*•/£, i R r!. 28 SHERIFFS SALE!; Midland D'Jlria, 1 T>Y virtue of a Writ of *"£• 3 AJ i^Vr/ Facit7s% fdued out of hw Majefty's C»nrt of King's Bench, at the fuTt of James Robin?, of the town of KincfGon, Efcnnre-ajraiuft the lands and ten- cmentfl of Amos AoilfVi of the townfliip of Kingfton, yeoman, to n:e directed ; 1 have fci/ed and taken in execution, as kelongfag toihe laid Amos Anfley, the north half of lot No. 1^ jo (he fecond conceHion of the town- tmp of Kingfton, containing by admeafure- rccnt one hundred acres, be the lame more or lefs; together with a log honfc & framed barn thereon ereded. 1 do heicby give notice* ftat the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunK) be- Uging, will be fold and adjudged to the hicfhclt bidder, at my nfRce in the town of Ki.igllon, on TutfJay the third day of March oext,at the Hour of ten o'clock Jo the fort- ■ n0<»n—at which lime and place the conditions ot falc will he made known. CHARLES STUART, Soerj/f., And every pcrfon or perfens having claims m the above defcrihed lot of land, by mort- jrage or other right or incumbrance, are bere- iv advertiled to ffive notice to the faid Sher- i.T, at his office in t!ie town of Kingfton, prc- xhm to the fale thereof. Shenf s OMcfi 2 d March, 181 T. 28 p A few barrels excellent Ncwcaftle Salmon, for falc by GUMMING Se HAMILTON. January i8- iotf For Sale at this Office, SERMON on the Death of the Rev. JOHN STUART, D. D. punched at Kingfton, 25th Anguft, t8ii : By ih R,-v. Jons SrR.iCH.if/, I). D. Notice \ AS tlic fubfciiber Intends rCRKivrag from this place f;> foon as he can arrange «« bifincfs for that purpnfe, he carnelUy JfqiiclU every perfon or pcrfons indebted to *j'n. to make immediate payment, a9 he i* determined to j*it every account which will **m unftttk-d on the firft day of February *«i into the hands of his Attornev. GEORGE DOUGLAS. k"igst'm> tit/) January, I»1 2. 9./ Cafli paid for c/^?z ^tton & Liken RAGS at this 'llrrc. Jufl received from England, A NBV ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimeres, And are now offered fbr fale by thefubferib- ers at Mr. Wm, Stoughton's Inn, on the mod roafonable terms fi)r Cafh. Broadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kingston, fan* IJ, l812. 9 Sales at Auction. For Sale, |i O be fold at Public Au&ion, lit the j[ Store of the fubferiher, the whole of his Stock in trade ; confiding of a very e*c- teniiveand well chofen affortment of Engh/h, India, Wejl- India Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery & L Glafs Ware, 00lung Ulajjcs, &c. Sale to commence on Monday, the 27th of January next, at 10 o'clock, and to be con¬ tinued every fucceeding Monday at the fame hour, until the whole is difpofedof. In the mean time he will fell at private fale, whole* fale or retail, at cod and charges, without a- ny advance, which will lv from 20 to co m tioiauec, witicu v^iu iw irom 20 i<> qo per cent. Ivfk than his ufunl prices. T'hofe who may wifh to purchaTc at private tale, will do well to call and examine for them- felves ; as n confiderajde part of the Goods have been purchafed with cafli at a very low rate, tbcre certainly will be fame bargains worthy of attention ; and on Au&iofl days, (a« the fubferiber is about to clofe his bttfi- nef* in thin place and remove to Montreal) Good* will be fold to the higheil bidder without referve. N. 0* Thofe v.-hn have nrconnts t>nfet- tied 1 will be plcnlcd toc^ll and adjull them. B. WHITNEY. Rin$sfQfi9 loth Dec. 1811. 7//* Fujijionablc Hats eff Trimmings. THE fuhfciihers have opened and now offer for fale, next door to Robert Waller's Hotel, AN F.LECANT ASSORTMENT Of the Mofi Fajhionable Hats & Trimmings; Which they are determined to fell on the tail, for Cilfll, Countr}- Produce, or approve J Credit. SMITH & BUTTERWORTH. N. B. Old Hats neatly Drcfcd on ihejhortrjl notice.—(j3*Cafh paid fur Fur oc Lamb's Wool. Kingston* \yh December\ i8ir. 5if NEW" BOOKS. JUST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addifcm's Works—M'Farland'* View of Ilercfies-----Life of Jofeph------Pleafuret of Reafon—Scafons in England—Ira and Isa¬ bella, a nenv novel—Charafterof George 3d —Porney'a French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-hook------- Worlds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences of the Chiiftian Religion—Bibles—Teftarventft —Watts' Pfalms and Hvmns—Pfalt«rs— Children's books—Catechifmft, Sec* rf*\r\ ^oreS °^ f'an(J in l^e third Con- 0 «ffio" of ihc Townfliip of Pitif- biitgh, being Lots No. C)% half of No. 7, Sc No. iS.—For terms apply to the Subscrib¬ er, at Kingfton. H. C. THOMSON. February 15, 1812. 14//* rTeDITOR, the refinance made by Sir John Purcell, is highly applaud¬ ed—The means purfucd to fell my property under the name of Law, Is a* repugnant to the Laws of the United Kingdom, of which 1 am and ever will be a faithful Subjeft, as it Was to break into the Houfe of that gentle¬ man.—A Bond obtained by violence, a Jury compofed of hoys under age, and men that never were Britifh Subjects, neither Freehol¬ ders :—Under thefe cucumllances, I forbid the fale of my Good^, Chattel*, Lands and Tenement*, as advertffed by the Sheriff, and reft in full confidence that the Government will protetl my numerous offspring in the legal inheritance of their Father's Ertatc, the benevolent gift of a beloved Sovereign, AMOS ANSLEY. Kingston, February 14, 1S12. 14 TATLORING, HABIT-MAKING y UNIFORMS. ^HE fnbfcriber refpedlfully informs the * Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingfton, that he has commenced $e above bufiutfs in all its various branches, at the houfe of Mr. JOHN >,ij.i^»i»ri>(tiuciiCS-iiL Hit; iioihO'i'ii Alr.jO-ruN BA.VNE, near Mr. Poncet%tiTa-/<rn, where all orders will be UnYAIy attended to, and er- erv favor gratefully acknowledged. THOMAS BfcCKETT. Kingfton* I ;//> Fehnmry, J 812* 14// u Punctuality is the life of Bufittefs >y THE mofl pn-ITinrr neceffity compelln the fabfciibers W addrefs in dtreft terms evei*y pevfoo indebted to them, whole Notes or Accounts have become due. They moll earneftly requeft all thofe to make im¬ mediate payment without further notice, C. WrLLlSTON & Co. Kings!on% January 28, 1812. 1 I Notice. THE fubferiber begs leave to inform the Public, that attendance will be tjiv- en every Saturday during the approaching Sefuon of the Provincial Legislature, from Eleven o'clock till Three, at the Library of William Firtlu Efquire, at the houfe in which he refided at York ; when his elegant nnd extenfive Collrfiion of Roid-i, wUl b^ and exteniive Collection ol Bqpks, will be expo feci to faltf by private contract on the mod rcafonable terms. It is need lets to re¬ mark that, this very extenfive Library offers ample gratification to the Hiftorian, the Pol¬ itician, the Divine, the Poet, the Lawyer, the Naturalift and Novell (I; there is alfo a rich colle&ion of all the mod celebrated Greek and Latin Claffics. It is the inten¬ tion of the fnbfcriber to fend all the Books remaining unfoM in the Spring, to Lower Canada. W. W. BALDWIN, Agent for W. Firth. Tori, \4ftb Jan. 1812. ntf N. B. Two elegant Bedfleads wuh Beds, MattrefTe«, Boulders, Hangings, Sec. com¬ plete ; with fome other articles of Houfe- hold Furniture, and a large double Cariole and Hameffff are alfo for fale at the fame place. W. W. B. Frefh Goods ! Tnru b. 1 ■ w . >i ^ BARTLET has received a Hr ^ ^a h?vl"eT Gained Letters ^ # complete afTortment of of Admimltration for the Eftate of -^^ * . _ . r ^ the late Doftor John Gamble of Kingfton, JjrV &00uS* LlOUOTS C? deceafed, requefts all thole who have any ' I s claims on the faid Ellate, to render their ac¬ counts, properly attelled, on or before the firft of June next, in order that fome ar¬ rangement may be made with them : And all thofe indebted to faid Eftate are rcquelled to pay the fame to the fnbfcriber, that (he may be prepared to lay a ftatcment of the Eftate before the creditors. Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, jldmmijlratrix. Kingston* November 15,1011. I tf SPAFFORD's GEOGRAPHY, For falc at this Office. Groceries, Crockery & Hard Ware, which he will fell, wholcfale or if rail, at his ufual low prfceB for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alio for fale, Boards and Plank, & a few Darreh Flour of a fuperior quality for family nfe. ffj" Ca(h paid for Produce, and advanced on property confijjned for fale. Kingston, Dec 3, 1811. -Jtf Wcbfter*s Spelling-Books, For file at this Office. Mr. Monroe to Mr. Foster. Department of State, Jan. 14, 1812. SIR,—I have had the honor to receive your letter of December 17, and I embrace the firft mo¬ ment that I could command, to make the obiervations which it fup;G:efts. It would have afforded great fatisfaction to the President, to have found in the communication, fome proof of a difpofition in the Britifh government to put an end tothe differences fubsisting betwen our coutries. I am forry to be ob¬ liged to ftate, that it presents a new- proof only of its determination to adhere to the policy to which they arc imputable. You complain that the import of your former letters has been misunderftood in two important circumftances ; that you have been represented to have demanded of the U. States, a law for the intro¬ duction of Britifh goods into their ports, and that they fliould also undertake to force France to receive Britifh manufactures into her har¬ bors. bors. You ftate on the firft point it was your intention only to remonftrate againft the non-importation act, as partail in its operation, and un¬ friendly to G. Britain, on which account its repeal was claimed, and to intimatethat if it was persevered in, G. Britain would be compelled to retaliate on the commerce of the U. States, by fimilar restrictions on her part. And on the fecond point, that you intended only to urge, that in confcqucnce of the extraordinary blockadeofEngland, your govei nment had been obliged to blockade France,&toprohibit all trade in French articles, in return for the "prohibition by France of all trade in Englifh articles. It is fuflicient to remark on the firft point,thaton whatever ground the repent o£the nnn-ifnTy^Htl the repeal ol the non-importation act is required, the TJ. States -were justified in adhering to it, by the refufal of the Britifh government to repeal her orders in council ; & if a distinction is thus produced, between G. Britain and the other belligerent, it mult be referred to the difference in conduct of the two parties. On the fecond point, I have to observe that the explanation given cannot be fatisfactory, because it does not meet thccascnovvcxisting. France did, it is true, declare a blockade of England, againft the trade of the U. States, and prohi¬ bited all trade in Englifh articles on the high feas, but this blockade and prohibition no longer cxifts. It is true, also, that a part of thofe decrees, did prohibit a trade in Englifh articles, within her ter¬ ritorial jurisdiction ; but this pn> hibition violates no national rights or neutral commerce of the U. States.—Still your blockade and prohibition are continued, in vio¬ lation of the national and neutral rights of the U. States, on a pre¬ text of retaliation, which, if even applicable, could only be applied to the former, and not to the latter interdicts ; and it is required that France {hall change her internal regulations againft Englifh trade,