Kingston Gazette, February 11, 1812, p. 1

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Vol. II.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) TUJiSDAtf, FEBRUART n, 1812. [No. 13 Land for Sal a ce. ' rr f Kingfton, previous THE folio wing- valuable Lots of Land in the town (hip of Frederickfburgh, are offered for fale by the fubfen'ber, viz. Lot number fix, in the rirft Conceffion additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conceflion. Lots number two and three, otherwife called Lots number twenty fix and twenty feven in the third Conceflion of the Gore. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dec. 3, 1811. 3if SHERIFF'S SALE" Midland Di/lria,l DY virtue of a Writ of viz. y &-* Fieri Farias,Ittued out of his Majefly's Court of King's Bench, at the fait of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingfton, merchant, asainft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of Maryfburgh,yeoman, to me directed; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the laid Samutl Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the fir ft concef- iion of thctownfnip of Maryfburgh, weft of the rock, containing bv admcafuicmeut one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do heieby give r. nice, that the abovemen- tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higheit bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday tlvr third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forer.oon—at which time and place tire Conditions of fale will be made known. . CHARLES STUART, Shenjf. And every perfon or perfor.s having claims °n the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by adve-tifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at .his office 13 the town o to the fale thereof. JMvffl's Office, 2d March, 181;. 28 1$HERIFF's SALE" Midland Di/lriZ, 1 fjY yfi tue of a Writ of vizi J J3 Ffcri Facias, iffued out of his Majc(ty's Con. t of King's Bench, BttW fo/t of James, ur ilt^ unvu pf K.'ng^on, Eio,uinr,agamft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anfley, of the townfhip of Kingfton', yeoman, to me directed : I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging, to the faid Amos Anfhy, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond conceflion of the town¬ ship of Kingfton, containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs; together with a log houfe & framed barn thereon creeled. 1 do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of larnl, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the higheit bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, id March, 1811. 28 A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon^ for fale by CUM MING k HAMILTON. January 18. iotf For Sale at this Office^ SERMON on the Death of the Rev. JOHN STUART, D. D. preached at Kingfton, 25th Auguft, 1811 : By the Rev. John Strachan, D. D. Notice. ctfc THE fubferiber informs the Public tha he has provided himfelf with a good Sleigh and Horfes, for the purpofe of conveying paffengers be¬ tween Kingfton and York, which lie will engage to perform on as reafonable terms as any other perfon. SIMEON MOREY. January, igI2. !2 SPAFFORD's GEOGRAPHY, lorfak at this Office, Juft received from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimeres A nd are \\o\v offered for fale by the fubferib- ers at Mr. Wm. Stoughton's Inn, on the mod reafonable terms for Cafh. Broadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kingston, Jan. 13, I 81 2. 9 Sales at Auction, TO be fold at Public Auaion, at the Store of the fubferiber, the whole of his Stock in trade ; confiding of a very ex- tenfive and well chofen affortment of Enghjh, India, Wejl- India Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery & IVa re, Looking Glaffes ? Be. Sale to commence on Monday, the 27th of January next, at 10 o'clock, and to be con¬ tinued every fuccfeding Monday at the fame hour, until the whole is dffpofedof. In the mean time he will fell at private lale, whofc- fale or retail, at coft and charges, without 2- X\y advance, which will be from 20 to 50 per tent, lefs than his ufual prices. Thofe who may wifh to purchafe at private fale, will do well to call and examine for them- fclves ; as a con fid arable £art of the Goods have been purcbafed with, cufh at a very low late, there certainly will be fome bargains worthy of attention ; and on Auction days, (a« the fubferiber is about to clofe his buli- if:fs in this place and remove to Montreal) Goods will be fold to the higheil bidder without icf-Tve. N. B. Thofe who have accounts 11 n fet¬ tled, will be p tea led to call and' acljuit them. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, 30th Dec. 18 I 1. 7//* Fojhi enable Hats eff Trimmings. THE fubfciibers have opened and now offer for fale, next door to Robert Walker's Hotel, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of the Mofi Fajl/wnabk Hats & Trimmings; Which they are determined to fell on the moft reafonable terms, either wholefale or re- tail, for Cafh, Country Pioduce, or approved Credit. SMITH & LUTTERWORTH, N. B. Old Hats neatly Dreffed on the Jhorleft notice.—(£*" Cafh paid for Fur & Lamb's Wool. Kingston i I $ih December, 1 o I T. fff gd^Cheap Goods ! ^__^^^ ^__*_ -v^^^b THE fubferiber informs the public, that he has jull received an ex- tenfive and well chofen affortment of Notice. THE fubferiber begs leave to inform the Public, that attendance will be giv¬ en every Saturday during the approaching Seflion of the Provincial Legiflature, from Eleven o'clock till Three, at the Library of William Firth, Efquire, at the houfe in which he refided at York ; when his elegant and extenfive Collection of Books, will be expofed to fale by private contract on the moft reafonable terms. It is needlefs to re¬ mark that, this very extenfive Library offers ample gratification to the Hiftorian, the Pol¬ itician, the Divine, the Poet, the Lawyer, the Naturalift and Novelill ; theie is alio a rich collection of all the moft celebrated Greek and Latin daffies. It is the inten¬ tion of tffe fubferiber to fend all the Books remaining uufold in the Spring, to Lower Canada. W. W. BALDWIN, A scent for W. Firth. fori, i\th Jan. 1812. 1 ztf N. B. Two elegant Bedfleads with Beds, M.Utreffes, Bouilteis, Hangings, Sec. com¬ plete ; with fome other articles of Houfe- bold Furniture, and a large double Can'ole and Harnefs, are alfo for fale at the fame place. W. W. B. Notice ? AS the fubferiber intends removing from this place fo toon as he can arrange his bufinefs for that purpofe, he earneftiy requeitfl every perfan or perfons indebted to hiiii, to make immediate payment, as he is determined to put every account which will remain ur.fettled en the firft day of February next, into tlie hands of his Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kington, 8/Z' January, 18 12. ytf Frefh Goods ! C BARTLET has received a *^-* • complete affortment of Dry Goods. Liauors & 5 Groceries, Crockery a Hard Ware ■ 1 which he will fell, wholefale or idail, at his ufual low prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alio for fale, Boards and Plank, & a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for c '\ r ■ ' family uie. C^/* Cafh paid for Produce, and advanced on property conligned for fal*. Kingston, Dec. 3, l8ll. 3tf ^"ir^HE fubferiber having obtained Letters J^ of Adminiftration for the Ellate of 'the late Doctor John Gamble of Kingfton, 'deceafed, requefts all thofe who have any 'claims on the faid Eftate, to render their ac¬ counts, properly attetted, on or before *the fcvi\ of June next, in order that fome ar¬ rangement may be made with them : And all tthofe indebted to faid Eftate are requeftcd to Ipay the fame to the fubferiber, that fhe may fee prepared tolr.y a ftatement of the Eftate foeiore the creditors. Isabella Elizabeth Gamble*, Adminijlratrix. K ingsion, November 15,1811. 1 tf DRY GOODS & GROCERIES : ^Punaualiiy is the life of Bufinefs." THE mod preiTmg neceffity compells the fubferibers to add rets in direct t'erms every perfon indebted to them, whofe Estates or Accounts have become due. They "n-Mt earneftly requeft all thofe to make im¬ mediate pa7ment without further notice. C. WILLISTON a Co-. 11 Which he offers for fale at his Store next door north of Mr. Patrick Smyih'sy at the molt xeduced prices. H. C. THOMSON, Acting for Mr. ^.St. George ofYork. C^The higheft price given for all kinds of Country Produce, in exchange for Goods. Sept. 16, 1311. Kingston, January 28, 1812. NEW BOOKS. JUST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addikm's Works—M'Farland's View of Herefies-----Life of Joftph-----Pleafurcs of Reafon—Seafons in England—Ira and lfa- bella, a new novel—Character of George 3d —Porney*s French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book------- Woilds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences of the Chiillian Religion—Bibles---Teftaments —Watts' Pfalms and Hymns—Philters- Children's books—CatecLifms, &c. New Tavern. ^TT^HE fubferiber refpe6tfully inform1? his JL friends and the public, that he has o- Ptened a Honfe of Public Entertainment Erectly oppofite Sir John's Park, at the '^ign of the Violin, Battle & Glafs ; where ttyiofe who may pleafe to favor him with their C1uflora, may be affured that every attention x\-\\\ be paid in the h'/»ufe both to Board and lodging, and the belt of Stabling for the ac¬ commodation ol Horfes. !OH\TPONCET. Kiarsion. *?aauar\, 18 i 2. x i IRELAND. SlNGULx\R. INTREPIDITY- The King v. Maurice Noonan. In this cafe, tried at the Cork Aflizes, the prifoner flood indicted for a burglary, and attempt to rob the houfe of Sir John Purcell at Highfort, on the night of the i ith. of March laft. The trial excited conliderable intereit, & the Court was crowded at an early hour on Monday—every body fecmed anx¬ ious to hear the narration of a tranfaction, in which on one fide though the guilt exhibited may be but too frequently equalled, the courage, intrepidity and toolneis difplayed on the other, has been never exceeded, and feldom indeed has it been matched in the hiftory of human rcfolution. Sir John Purcell, the firft wit- nefs called, depofed a molt inter- efting and manly ftatement, the fubftancc of which only we pre¬ tend to report. He faid, that on the night of the nth of March laft, about one o'clock at ni?;ht, & after he had retired to bed, he heard fome noiie outfide the win- dow of his parlour. He flept on the ground floor in a room immc- diately adjoining the parlour. There was a door from one room into the other, but this having been inconvenient, and there be¬ ing; another paffi^e from the bed- chamber more accommodating, it was nailed up, and fome of ti\e fur¬ niture of the parlour placed againft it. Shortly after Sir John heard the noife in front of his houfe, the windows of the parlour were dafli- ed in, and the noife occafioned by the feet of the robbers in leapincr from the windows down upon the parlour, appeared to denote a gang not lefs than 14 in number, as" it ftruck him. He immediately got out of bed, and the lirft deterniin- a lion he took being to make refil- tance, it was with no ftnall morti¬ fication that he reflected upon the unarmed condition in which he Was placed, being deftitute of a fmgle weopon of the ordinary fort. In this ftate he fpent little time in deliberation, as it almoft immedi¬ ately occurred to him that having fupped in the bed-chamber on that night, a knife had been left behind by accident, and he inftantly pro¬ ceeded to grope in the dark for this weapon, which happily he found, before the door, leading from the parlour into the bed chamber, had been broken. While he ftood in calm but refolute ex- - pectation that the progrefs of the robbers would foon lead them to his bed chamber, he heard the fur¬ niture which had been placed a- guinft the nailed-up door expedi- tioufly difplaced, and immediately afterwards this door was burft o- - pen. The moon fhone with great brightnefs, cc when this door was thrown open, the light ftreaming in through three large windows in the psrlour, afforded Sir John a view that migfat have made an in- trepid fplrit not a little apprehen¬ sive. His bed-room was darkened to excfcfs, in cenfequence of thn fhutters of the windows, as well as the curtains being doled -, and

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