Vol- 1I-] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) Land for Sale. rf"MlF. following valuable Lots of Land |_ in the townfhip of Frederickfburgh, are o;T:rtd for fale bv the fubferiber, viz. Loi number fix, in the iirft. Conccflion siditioiial. Lot number twenty-five, In the Conceflion. Lois number two and three, other wife railed Lots number twenty fi* and twenty (even in the third Conceflion of the Gore. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dec. I, lilt* fourth yit/i received from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimeres, And are now offered for fale by the fubferib- ers at Mr. Wm. Stoughtom's Inn, on the mod reafonable terms for Cafh. Broadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kingston, hundred acres of ^J.L? an.d »t>*rS, three 'mouth of the Rf &J*°y<iy Speech; ED STA7 A, in the feeond S '• g 1"t ,et'tf^ ^^ ** **" ~ * townlfap°5 CJ55J•- the go* y cc We jar. 13, 1812. 9 »£ Sales at Auftion. **% ii SHERIFF'S SALE. lilland DijlrklJ T>Y virtue of a Writ of *«k* J Oi^m'Ji^f^jiffued otit of his MajcuVs Court of King's Bench, at the (ait of Peter Giant, of the town of Kingllon, merchant, a^ainft the had* and tenements of Samuel Rofe, late of Mary [burgh, yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have fefeed and taken in execu* lion, as belonging to the laid Samuel Role, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the iirft concef- fion of the towufhip of Maryiburgh, weft rf the rock, containing by admrafuiement one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs.- I do heieby give mllce* that the aboveinen- tioned lot of land, with the app'u tenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the highefl. bidder, at r«y office in She t*wn t,f Kinglion, on Tucfday the thM day <*f March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in «e [ovenoon—at which time and place the conditions of file will be made known. TO be fold at Public Auaion, at the Store of the fubferiber, the whole of his Stock in trade ; confiding of a very ex- tenfiveand well choftn afTortment of 11 and 2S in th* F™'.\; ^'"J"* ,ots number town.hJp. the f0,!rth c""ceffi0I1 of the faid ^fet^r/S^rP^'^^nyofthe,. A Regard of Ten P0!lnds j, aIf(> ,£_ b give p a e rememberedy-C b°^'itwW the Houfe. tkZ' the. sP«iker of Tr thrir *■*.! -_ r™! t0 decide o we cmo- as to Enghjk, India i Weft- India Goods & Gro cenes, Crockery o3 Glafs Ware, Kin . , . >* "i me mf the one at the mouth WILLIAM GILK1SON. tliorough,?0in I s C)r real and reKrf,- u native merits." Sb"" * *&** Mr. Atf, lf I *gSton, January 13, t'gtim Noti ce f 00 king Gla/feS) Aiid CHARLES STUART, ftfer^ every perfon or perfons having claims "* the above deferred lot of land, by tiiort- Pgeor other right or incumbrance, are here- ^advertirct! to give notice to the faid Sheriff, •> hta office in the town of Eiimftcii, previous to die fale thereof. *Hfiice, zJ March, 1811. 2R v . .SHERIFF* SALE. &c. Sale to commence on Monday, the 27th of January next, at 10 o'clock, and to he con¬ tinued every 1'Tcceeding Monday at the fame Hour, until the whole is difpofed of. In the mean time be will fell at private fale, whole- fale or retarlj a't cofc and charges, without a- ny advance, which will be from 20 to 50 per cent. Ie& than his rifual prices. Thofc who may wifiv fa purchafe at private fale, ■will do well to call and examine for them- felves ; as a confideraijlt, part of the Goods have been purchafed with cafh at a vety low late, there cc tainly will be f ine bargains worthy of attention ; and on Auction days, (is the fubferiber h about to' cloie his bufi- nefs in thi^ place and remove to Montreal) Proverb, that in tl5 council, there is tleman juft fct dov^ (M fir the Speaker) has a&ed an',n£ on gentle- oia multitude or rh hvlx GEORGE DOUGLAS. Urngston, Xtfj January, 1S12J other t! g Frelh Goods ! w BARTLET has received a • complete aflbrtment of Dry Goods, I G roc iquors ocenes, Crockery h "'" "e^pij nas allcet or queftiohs, and called men toafer them. Amon th'ngs, if I have rightly ln, derftood ]nm, he alks what are ve to lofc by war ? and what have Aye to gam by peace ? Thefe qucf- tions .1 will try to anfwer ; but be¬ fore I do icy, I will fry he has amu- led us with a flow of eloquence & animation fcidom equalled, £c flat- ed facts and truths not to be deni- ed or gainfiyed. I underfbnd him to lay, that the number of" men propoled by the bill are too r;-w F6r.war',&too nnnv fetrocaai but with all fliewuiS lite evil.' the w r. J fnthefard Amos ftz'Aty, tiie nortn nan ot lot No.15 i'1 ci,c feccndconceffion of the town* fbip o( Kington; containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acre?, be the jfaRft more or lefs; together i/Mi a log houfe & famed barn thcreona-ecled. 1 do hereby give notices, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be- longiogf will be fold and adjudged to the iiigiielt bidder, at my office in tire town of KiVfton, onTfUefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in tlie forei- noon—at which tinteand place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or per fens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, arc here- by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. 28 THE fobfciibers have opened and now offer for £*Ie, next door to Robert IValieSs Hotel, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT ♦on property configned for talc. Kingston, Dec. 3, 1811. 3 at t,.- • Of the Mo/i Fajhionable Which they are determined to fell on the moil reafonable terms, either wholefale or re¬ tail, for Cafh, Country Piod'Jce, or approved Credit. ■ SMITH 8c EUT'f LRWCRTH. N. B. Old Hats neatly DreJJed on tbtjhorlefl notice.—fj^Cafli paid for Fur 2c Lamb's Wool. Kingston, \$t!j December, 1811. $tf ^HE fubferiber having obtained Letters of Adminiilration for the EUatc of chelate Db&orJbftN Gamble of Kingfton, <<: ^couiit*«9* properly attefled,- on or before tthefirft of June next, in order that fomc ar¬ rangement nuy be made with them : And all ihk indebted to faid Edate are rtquelled to # the fame to the fubferiber, that fhe may ;>e'prepared to lay a ftatement of the Eftate before the creditors. . Isabella Elizabeth' Gamble, ar ipint is high.* Perhaps' rt will not be a- mifs to infufe a little' caution into it. It is contended that we muft have war p but will it not be ad- vifable to fee where we czn ope- rate, fo: as to fecure the end pro- vy *"1 "^ S"J-------7~ niielate UoCtor John UAMbLEO! jvmgium, ~0fefi 8ho. t of this yOU do 110- HatS & IrimmingS-; ^^ti^fjfe^ thing- You fpend your blood & & > ,Wsontbefa1dEaate,to1endertLeIrac- ^^.^J^ HviU afk where will you operate on that power fo as to effect your pur l>ay h * Kingston, November Admhujlriiirlx.' 15, 1 Si 1. tit Sheriff's Office, 2d March, 18 I I. A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon, fale by CUM MING Sc HAMILTON. January 18. ictf #d^Cheap Goods ! ^E^m^filik life of BUfinefs THE fubferiber informs the ^THE molt preffing neeeffity compeHs 11-^1 l • a ' a rv 1 the fubfer bcrs to addrefs m direct Dubhc. that he has iufl received an ex- A «w lwlL;lOG! ,,._,_ iL_ .j,jp For Sale at this Office^ SERMON on the Death of the Rev. JOHN STUART, D. D. Preached at Kingfton, 25th Auguft, 1811 : % the Rev. Jon:.- Strachan, D. D. public, that he has juft received an cx- tenfjve and well chofen affb'rtment of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES i Which he offers for fale at his Store next door north of Mr. Fatrick Smyth's, at the molt 1 educed prices. H. C. THOMSON, Sifting for Mr. £K St. George of Tori. £rThe higheft price given for all kinds of Country Produce, in exchang Goods. Sept. 16, 18 if. terms every perfon indebted to them, whole Notes or Accounts lftve become due. They inolt earneftiy requelt ail thofe to make im¬ mediate payment without further notice. C. WILLISTON & "- Kingston, January 28, 1812. Co. 11 pofe ?—A repeal of the Orders in Council ? Not on the high feas ? If there, with what force ? Your fix or ten frigates afcd fome gun- boats ? No, fir, it is confefied on all fides, that there your enemy is Well j we will make her we will march to Canada— the Canachs and Halifax, & drive her from the continent.—Is it not proper to enquire, when you are raifmg an army for fuch pur- pofes, what number will be iuffi- cient ? fuperiof fe ei reduce Some gen fome fay tlemen have told fome Be it 15 for The TO BE SOLD, x £ one half, (or if beft fuits the purcha- MlLL ■ ilre Wno1^ °f thdl VJLUd&'UL &TONE •>ulin-r'" >ftjrP» wi,h two run «>t fton«-s fit lor fo'irhn^00! fuperfi!ie and two '■omtr.on b'»lts, and brmU***l of LAND, with about 30 acrrs &*elW"k r * Pr(rn ft-s, n?ar the mill, i> a good tll« lower"fl0UVlth •hrte rt,ow? and a kvilche>1 nn in2«fora ?/' *"d a r,,r»v,nient houfe n-arly adjr.ir- Wwr'.rX \ a!foa ^lea-id horf?-fhed.....,bc- s L ° tfee efrate uf the Iac " NEW BOOKS. UST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Farland's View of Herefies------Life of Jofeph------Pleafures of Rcafon—Seafons in England—Ira and 11a- betta, a ne<w novel—Ch*x*&er of George 3d " " **' -book—French ^^^.Zc Z T r^ Pey'rVanAls- _Pornev's French Spelling-book— trencn ____;------------------------------------- tUv^UrL Ar lhe fl r«a*»»nUfb wii known —rorney nu">A>0 *it*Ytia*bo6k------- ^-. n -IT ^i^JP^'*^^^ Vocabulary——Child s Spellingf°°* f nfjl 13aiU lOf ^^•r^^wr.h^wUJplraf/w^ Worlds difnlayed-Porteus s E^'c^" ^dU1 PdlU ' ** New Tavern. THE fubferiber refpeafully informs fiis friends and the public, that he has o- fened a Houfe of Publie Entertainment d.Veaiy onpofite Sir John's Park, at the ftp of the Violin* Bottle & Glafs ; where ofe who may pleafe to favor him with their M may be afiured that every attention viH be paid in the houfe both to Board and lodging, and the bell of Stabling for th c>mmodationofHorfjoHNpoNCETB Kingston, January, 1812. ll clean me 3000 —fome 25—fome 50,000. fo —You have the men to raiie, 10 I will afc, can in - What will y^nemy be doingf'tot time? clothe, and march. i.- be done in fecret, or months ? Surely not. fix c^ no refiftance r eac- COKNv i,.,\V\Kn' UfM- AdolphtHiown. the Cluiftian ReligJoB-Bibl^-^ft^nts Plalms and Hymns— Pla!tcr» >...—Cauchifnis, Ac. Watts' Children's books Cotton Oilke. 1 & Linen RAGS at this Will flic look on qui Is victory iure And if it were, would that pro- £"re the end for which you con- Sd ?-Not at all.-You acknen - S 'that the wrongs are comunt- Would to God, it «ere tack upon her provinces