Kingston Gazette, January 28, 1812, p. 1

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Vol. ll-l KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) TUESDAY JANUART^ l8l2. land for Sale 1 j„ Ac twrtflrip °f F«*!mckft>»rgh, at £d for 6k *» A* fubfcnber, «uu Lot number fix, in additional. , , ».„,*, nty-five, m the fourth ^/jy? received from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Cadimeres, [No. u. Lands for S the firft Conceflion And are now offered for fale by the fubferib- ers at Mr. Wm. Stoughton's Inn, on the moll reafonable terms for Cafh. Broadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kingston* Jan. 13, 1812. Lot number twe Conceflion. .- Lou numkr two and three, otherwilc palled Lots number twenty hx ana twenty ken in the third Conccfiioi of the Gore. RICHARD CARTWRIGRT. Dec. 3, 1811. 3" 9 - •- Sales at Auction. MhEantlDifirift) SHERIFFS SAI/L. Y virtue of a Writ of Fieri Faci as,\$w\o\\t I T>Y vir 0 ( I lus MajeftVs Court of King's Bench, at the ait of Peter Grant, of the town of kwglton, TO be fold at Public Au&ion, at the Store of the fubferiber, the whole of his Stock in trade ; confiding of a very ex- tenilve and well chofen affortment of THE fubferiber offers to the attention oi Lumber merchants and others, three hundred acres of well timbered Land, at the 'nouth of the River Trent, being lot lettered A, in the fecond Conceflion, in the gore of Mie townfliip of Sidney—^, lots number \ 1 and 28 in the fourth conceflion of the faid lownfnip. Perfons wifhing to purchafe any of the a- Move lots, or the timber on them, will pleafe Jpply to Capt. MuRNEY,of Kingfton, or to She proprietor! at Prefcoit, in the diftridt of John Mown. N POLITICAL MISCELLANY merchant, agafafi the lands and tenements (if Samuel Rofc,late of Maryfburgh^yeonijpi, to luedireaed; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel kole, the well half of lot No. 2 in the ftrft concef^ iionofthetowiifiiip of Marylburgh, weft et tV.erock, ccntainin«r bv admeafttrement one hundred acres, be the fame more oriels. L foiacby give nMice, that the abovemen- tioncd lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the highell bidder, at my office in the town of Kingllon, on Tuefday the thi'd day °f March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in ^forenoon— at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sherif And every ptrfon or perfons having claims ^ tbeabove dtferibed lot of land, by BJOTt- f& w other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifecUo give notice to the faid Sheriff, tt oi olfice in t1 t0^^e thereof. },ni SHESIFHs SALE. mmdD$ria9\ r> Y virtue of a Writ of ***k 5 il Fieri Ftchis, lifted / A Reward of Ten Pounds is alfo offered lb any perfon who will give information, fo that the perfon or perfons may be convi&ed, fl /' TXT f) Vnohave been cut*»ng timber on any of the I h* India* Well- S°Te"1"t8» ParticuIarly the one at the mouth / ' " 7 J ^\ the Trent. CD C7 India Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery Glafs Ware, kingGlaJfeSy&c. Sale to commence on Monday, the 27th of January next, at 100'cWk, and to be con- WILLIAM GILK1SON. Kingston, January 13, 1812. io 3w L(?t7 A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon^ for fale by CUM MING 8c HAMILTON. January 18. jotf Not 1 ive notice to tht town of Kington, previous fale or retail, at coft and charges, without a- ny advance, which will be from 20 to 50 pei cent, lefs than his ufual prices.' Thole who may wifh to purchafe at private fale; will do well to call and examine for them- fclves ; as a confutable part of th£ Goods have been purchafed with cafh at a very low rate, there certainly will be fume bargains worthy of attention ; and on Auaion days, (as the fnbfcriber is about to dole his bttfl- nefa in this place and remote to Montreal) Goods will be fold to the higheft bidder Without referve. fiOJtVt AS the fubferiber intends removing from this place fo foon as he can arrange his bufinefs for that purpofe, he earneftly requells every peifon or perfons indebted to nun, to make immediate payment, as he is determined to put every account which will remain unf. tiled on the firft day of February next, into the hands of his Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kingston, Rt/j January, 181 2. Q//~ VI HE Court of Geo- ^»'UaHf»s Cmutof Kir.^' Bench, N. B. Thofe who have acc^unt^ *™* mi I'iwm'«•■»» *■•* *■■ ■■-•■■•• ■' »'^"> »^ui L»e picaicu toc-*ii and adjuli thet^m- &*£ Kft-^.^M ,ht" hinU c,,;a tcn". B- WHITNEY^-. Mem of A*& Al,l'v>» ai }h< t«"-'l|1l4» "*■ Kingston, loth Dec. 181 I. yjtf vitdkafi Veoman, to me dineb-d ; I have •"— -—----------------------;—1----- Kingttoii, J pizedand taken in execution, as belonging tithcfai'JAmns Anfley, the north hall dl lot v0 jr in the fecond conceflion of the town¬ fliip of Kingfton, containing by admeafure- jient one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs * together with a log houfc & fiamedbarn thereon creeled. 1 do hereby' give notice, that the above mentioned lot of laud, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be- fciQffine. will be fold and adjudged to the tin,' u *i j . • 1 ..V/PV-ji * p* • ,1 . c Which they are determined to fell on . the i\M bidder, at my ohice in the town or ^a r ui * • 1 t . - molt reafonablc terms, either wholtlale orr re- tail, for Cafh, Country Pioduce, orapprooved Credit, Fa/hionable Hats Ssf Trimmimsf* THE fubfciibers have opened and n now offer for fale, next door to Rotfbtrt Walhr's Hotel* AN ELEGANT A3S0RTMtNT Of the Moji Fajhionable Midland D'ljirid to fait. ^ fions of the Peace for this Diftrict, will be liolden at the Court Houfe in Adolphas T(JWn, Oil ruclday, the z8th day of Janua¬ ry next, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon :—Therefore, all Juftices of the Peace, Coroners, ConftableS, and all other Peace Officers,- as well as th< Je that have a- ny bufioefs to tranfact at faid Court, ate here¬ by required to take notice, and give their at¬ tendance accordingly. CHARLES STUART, SheriJ, Sheriff's Off 3 ifl December, 1811. \ 7 thflV~} bCg lc.ave to addrefs, thro' thernediumofyourpaper/afew words to the inhabitants of thefe provinces upon the critical ftate 0 our political relations with the U. btates. Ifetoutwith a thor- ough conviclion, in my own mind, that war is at no weat dif- tancc; and that we fliall feoo be called upon tb defend every thine deartousagainftafyftemofwar. rare, grounded upon the avowed principles of plunder and rapine. 1 his is A6 vagui conjecture, as ev¬ ery man may foon have his doubts cleared up (if he entertains anv) by a referent to the American jour¬ nals, where no fecret is made of the " ways and means" by which this war is to be carried or, A di- Viiion of the lands in the Canadas, amongft the foldiery of the con¬ quering army is held out as a bait to the enterprizing part of their community, to induce them to embark in this wild crtifade; and what is ftill more fingutar, this is counted upon by their firft politic cians as forming a regular branch of finance. Eveiy one has heard of the old adage, of counting chick¬ ens before they are hatched. The* flicrhteft attention to the following; ftatement will place this matter in a true light* Let us fuppofc war is declared, and every point the en- of pace jn die TT. States . or^cace in the Tl. fit**** have in view, carried into full ef< fed. Hats & Trimmingss; Frefti Goods ! tlghefc Kingfton, on Tuefday the thi the hour often o'ch rd day of March ock in the fore- s next poon—at which time and place the condition of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every peifon or perfcns having claims on the above defcribed lot cf land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are hei e- by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff* at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. S^ifs Office, 2d March, 1811. 28 BARTLET has received a complete affortment of SMITH & BUTTERWORTHL Dry Goods N. B. Old Hats neatly Drefed! on $3° Cafh paid for Furr & 5 the f jorteft notice. Lamb's Wool. Kingston, 1 ph December, 1811. G Liquors Crockery & sw & Hard Wa C WILLISTON & Co. Hm ke'y receive J a new Supply of Sloch, and A KWjftr for fale< cn Socd mm*, fl« affortment of Gentlemen's mL?AA HD1ES' SADDLES, wi.ich arc 2J t0 bC "'dl made and of a f,1P"i°r «fcfn5?' BriAdLlSe°' and va"OUS *'£WScf work in their line. «yfavorTC-dnne°n fhort notl'",and ev- Cfn*' acknowledged. $d^Cheap Goods i! 'T'HE fubferiber -*■ public, that he has juft received an cex- tenilve and well chofen affortment of CD Vmt Nov. il. 1S11. ! T0 BE SOLD, T WlV,B M^ r 1 T rAUUBLM *<TGNE tUrhu^edacrP.e;finfV"d two common boh, and ?;r\ **£rt£?°9 Wkh *« 30 aces 5H°^ 2&n? CS,""ar the mi"' S a good DRY GOODS & GROCERIE Which he offers for fale at his Store ncext door north of Mr. Patrick Smyth's, at tkhe molt 1 educed prices. v H. C. THOMSON, Aaingfor Mr.SKSt. George ofTorrk. C^The higheft price given for aill kinds of Country Produce, in exchange f<ror Goods. Sept. 16. 1811. t NEW7 BOOKS. The invafion of the Cana- das is commenced in good earncft, and an immenfe multitude of the moft worthlefs part'of the Ameri¬ can population poured in upon us* One of two things muft happen, they are either ftopt in their car¬ eer, by a manly and prompt refif- tance on our part, or they are al¬ lowed to proceed in their career Cf conqueft* If the inhabitants of this province are true to them- felves, and aft with any degree of fpirit and unanimity ; or, if they are not greatly degenerated from what their ancefton were, the watitonnefs and rapacity of the A- merican democrats will meet with a chaftifement they little calculate upon. If the Canadians are loyal, they will be organized and trained to arms, in their own defence; and, fupported by the well-known courage and difcipline of the Brit, ifh army, they will form an 1m- . , T nenetrable barrier, and prove the HpHE fubferiber having obtained Letters pencil* I of Adminiftration for the Eftate of fi^l^^^^S^S thTlate Dodor John Gamble of Kingfton, trv. This beins fo obviouii} Ujeir deceafed, requells all thofe who have any claims on the faid Eftate, to render their ac¬ counts, properly attefted, on or before the firft of, in order that fome ar¬ rangement may be made with them : And ad thofe indebted to faid Eftate are requeued to pay the fame to tU fubferiber, that me may tQ ^ be prepared to lay a ftatement of the Eftate before the creditors which he will fell, wholefale or retail, at hi* ufual low prices for Ca(h, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alfo for fale, Boards and Plank, & a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for informs tlhe family ufe. %y Cafh paid for Produce, and advanced on property coniigned for fale. Kingston % Dec. 3,1811. Jtf try* Lino 1^x115 -- , intereft, I have no doubt but they will moft cheerfully concur with, every meafure of the Governor \e defi _ there can-exijr but one opinion d unexampled every meaimt « — for the defe*e of the country » .t_____«,«^ft hut one opinion as an it ■•1.: ,r1,Lll'-,M'--V>i^,l!sr,(rJ,.w.„. JUST received from Montreall, and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Farland's View oof Herefics------Life of Jofeph------Pleafurcs oof Reafon—Seafons in England—Ira and lfaa- bella, a new novel—Character of George ^A — Porney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book------>■— Worlds difplavcd—Portcus's Evidences v^ the Chtiftian Religion—Bibles—Teftamcnt" —Watts' Pfalms and Hymns— Pfaltcra-— Children's books—Catechilma, &c. happinefs^llclaffes rftijgjg Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, ^^^^^9^2^. Jim**** S more favorable to the defence o5 our American P«««^£ prfent, whatever «««*"*? ,Pti)inkandfaytothecont.S Kingston, November 15, 1811. J\ the preached at For Sale at this Office? SERMON on the Death of Rev. JOHN STUART, D. D- .cucuac Kingfton, 25th Auguff,»8ii: By the Rev. John Strachsin, V. A* SPAFFORD's GEOGRAPHY For file ai this Office* niaytnni^ ^^Avcm\ polidca Slheir deluded ^^^ vantages that "^"f ' attack upon our poUdJ :. ..« ns, at t!*e

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