nano, wJtfe fome officers, and an cfcort of 20 horfemen, came out of the city, and croffed the Ague- da* but no fooner came within the heights, than he and 10 of his attendants were furrounded and taken prifoners, by Don Julian's detachment, under the cannon of the place. One of the officers who accompanied the Governor was wounded. "Soon after, the detachment polled on the right of the Agueda, carried off the greater part of the cattle, within reach of the artillery on that Tide of the river. [ The oihdr parts of the difpatch are unimpor¬ tant.'] (Signed) WELLINGTON. Neiv-llrk, December 23. Yefterday morning the faft fail¬ ing (hip Pacific, capt. Stanton, ar¬ rived off Sandy-Hook in the very lTiort pailage of 27 days from Liv¬ erpool, which port (he left on the 21ft November. Capt. S. fent up a few letters in the pilot boat, one of which the editors of the Mer¬ cantile Advertiser were permitted to perufe, dated Liverpool, No¬ vember 20th, 1811, which flated in fubftance, that, ci the King was alive but was very ill ; that the Orders in Council had become ve¬ ry unpopular with fome of its war- meft original advocates ; and it was expected that when the Prince Regent come into full powers, the Orders in Council would be revo¬ ked." 1 « mdm, November 15. The Britiih Government have agreed to let their merchants trade with France, on a fyftem of reci¬ procity. The private letters by the An* holt Mails, which arrived yefter¬ day are from Stockholm on the 27th ult. from Gottenburgh to the 2dinft* and from St. Petcrfburgh to the 20th ult. and from other pa¬ pers of the Baltic of various dates. Some of the political writers from Ruilia as well as the Swedifh capi¬ tal, have rcfumed the fubjeft of War in the North. Under date of the 19th ult. from St. Peterf- burgh, they write that fome late remonftrances of the French Am- baffadorto the Ruffian Govern¬ ment indicated a ftrong diflatisfac- tion which was felt by Bonaparte at the extent of commerce carried on by Ruflia with us. Our con¬ fers on the 15th laft, attacked a convoy fleering for the Gulph of St. Euphemia, on the coalt of Ca¬ labria, but the latter, fupported by fome Neapolitan Gunboats, reach¬ ed its deftination in fafety. This action is faid to have laftcd five hours* November 19. His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent did not leave Oatlands on Saturday, as he expected, having made too free in exercife with his foot on Friday. He was in conic - quence of an increafe of inflama- tion, obliged to fend a meficnger on Saturday evening to town to York houfe, to announce that he could not dine there. We are forry to ftatc that his ancle is fo w much fwellcd he is confined to his room. We are extremely happy to fay his Royal Highnefs is free from fever. king's health. An exprefs was received from Windfor this day, at York houfe, Wig that his Msjcfty had a reft- kfi night, p,nd was w&rfc this mor- $xno\ A meeting of the inhabitants of curtain had rifen in the laft act,? and'engineers fhould immediatelypr&tf by procefs vcrbeaux, the Jlate cf the magazines and of the works. Birmingham was held laft week perfuant to notice, when it was u- nanimoufly agreed that a petition fhould be preiented to the Prince Regent, praying him to put an immediate flop to the diftillation of Grain, Similar meafures have been adopted in Liverpool, Glaf- gow and other places. London, November 5. A curious invention has been late- /)' adopted on board fome of our mer¬ chant /hips* which fcems excellently calculated to prevent their being boar¬ ded by the enemy's fmall privateers, or boats. It conjijh infaftening to the ruff-trees and quarter-raile ofveffels^ a fei of boxes, which contain fpr'uig bayonets, four feet in length* and which in cafe of alarm are immedi¬ ately pufhed out in a horizontal poft- iion, thereby forming a line of bayo¬ nets one foot afunder, completely fore and aft, over which it is extremely difficult for the boarders to pafs. They fern to meet with fitch general appro¬ bation, that it is very probable they Wi ti ngs rfi FROM THE UNI TED STATES. Boflon, December 26. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. By the Galen we have London papers and advices to the 18th No¬ vember—-many days lateft. On the affairs of the United States there were nothing in the papers but ^peculations* It was ondon, that reftrictions on the Prince Regent, a partial f the Miniftry would place—the Marquis Wellcfley rut&ittg to re/tunc ht> rorrn.eT if rel¬ ation in India, and Mr. Percival defcendin thought by many in Lc on the expiration of the cnange o take f mi? to l*i o to clea •_> a peerage ;—that Mr. Ruflell would furnifli evidence that the French decrees, though not revoked, had ceafed to ope¬ rate againft the commerce of the United States, and that the Orders in Council, fo far as they affect, our neutral rights, would alfo ceafe. This is the report, which we hope will be realized.—The Parliament will pofitively affemble early in January 5 and the reftrictions, if not repealed, will die a natural th in February, and will not be renewed. Sicily was ftated to be in great, fermentation ; and its Amazon Oueen fick. We repeat, if that llland is not foon Englifh it will be French ; it cannot long remain Sicilian. The London papers, among nu¬ merous official naval letters, con¬ tain one rivinsc an account of the capture of La Renomme and La Neriede, of 44 guns each, near Madagafcar ; by which it appears that their confort, the plunderin La Clorinde, ftruck her colors in the action, but lkulked off in the night, and efcaped. TERRIBLE FIRE ! ! Extract cf a letter to the Editors of the Ncw-Tork Mercantile Adver- tifcr, dated Richmond, December 27, 1811. " I haften to give you an unof¬ ficial account of a moft dreadful calamity in this piace laft evening, which happened by the deftruc- tion of the Theatre by fire, at a- bout 11 o'clock. A new play, which had never been acted in this country, together with a very pleafant evening, drew forth a multitude of people, and the houfe was remarkably crowded. The S when a part of the paper fcenery accidentally caught fire from a can¬ dle, and communicated inftanta- neoufly to the other part and to the roof of the building ; and in lefs than two minutes, the whole was in flames. All was confufion. The ft air ways were thronged ; many trampled to death under foot ; others threw themfclvcs out of the windows, and were dafhed to pieces on the ground, fome of whom were killed outright, fome with lce;s and arms broken, while others efcaped unhurt. Many were burnt to death in the boxes, & others on the ft air-ways. Some of the moft refpectable citizens of Richmond, & indeed of the ftate of Virginia, have perifhed—among, them are Gov. Smith, elected but a few days paft ; Mr. Venable, Prefident of the Virginia Bank ; Mr. Wm. Brown* one of the moft refpectable merchants of Rich-* mond; a fon of Major Gibbon, who was a very promifing young officer in the army of the United States ; Mrs. Gallego 5 Mifs Mayo with leveral of the moft refpectable women in the place, both young, and heads of families. " Several hufbands and wives ., / This town has for feveralmonths paft been conftantly vifited with Cuftom-Houfe, or deputy Cuftom- Houfe oilicers of the United States. Some of them, we are informed, make heavy purchafes of goods for the purpofe of fmuggling, while others are here watching fuch as attempt to fmuggie for the purpofe of informing, and gain¬ ing to tbemfelves the booty. \_Montreal Courant. together FOR THE KINGSTON GAZETTE . Mr. Editor, I was lately in a company nf Ladies, where Sandy's Verfes to" Mifs J"**** were the fubjeefc of converfation ; and one cf the party produced, on the occafion, the follow¬ ing Epigram, by inferting which in your pa¬ per, you will oblige your obedient fervant, THALESTRIS. That he Intellect courts daft Sandy in rhyme To the fair one doth proudly profefs ; jlndlono he may court,for his verfes give proof That the object ht'Il never poficis* -^000§§§§00£}- MARRIED, .'. At Montreal, on the 5th inftant, Mr. George Markland, of this Village, to Mifs Ask a Aikd, daughter of the late Mr. Rob- ert Aird, merchant, of the former place. perifhed together ', among them a Mr. Bott and wife. He was a ve- DIEDy At Elizabeth town*, oh Monday, the 30th tilt. Mr. Andrew Smith, merchant of that- ry eminent lawyer. It is impofll- place, aged 40, and on the Wednefday fol¬ lowing his remains were interred with every poffible mark of refpecl. He was an af¬ fectionate hufband and parent, and has left a wife and three children to deplore his lofs. [ Communicated. ] ble to afcertain the number ; re- We port ftates from 50 to 150* lhall probably know by to-morrow. They are ditgnxic them out of the ruins. They are fo burnt to cin¬ der, that but one of thofe taken out lias been recognized, and that 9 O J was Gov. Smith.—The fcene was d'wful beyond defcription. Ima- pine to yourfelf a tender mother wikh her little i[ n in her arms, at thitf window of the third ftory, which ific threw out, and he was (.caught unhurt ; but fhe could not the prevailed upon to follow him, 'dind perifhed in the flames, in fight cof thoufands, together with feve- ival others, that perifhed in the jiame way. " Since writing the foregoing, tthey have afcertained that 68 per¬ sons havepcriflied, audit is expee- tted many more." Land T'HE f'lhfcriber offers to the attention of Lumber merchants and uthers, three hundred acres of well timbered I.and, at the mouth of the River Trent, beincr l->t lettered A, in the fecond Cun.ceilion, in the gore of the townfnip of Sidney—Alfo\ lots number / f and' it in the fourili concellun ojf^the laid townihip^ Perfons wifhing to purchafe any of the a- bove lots, or the timber on them, will pleafe apply to Capt. Murney, of Kingftor, or to- ihe proprietor, at Prcfcott, in the diitrict of John ft own. A Reward of Ten Pounds is alfo offered to any perfon who will give information, fo that the perfon or perfons may be convicted, who have been cutting timber on any of the above lots, particularly the one c.t ihe mouth of the Trent. WILLIAM GILKISON. Kingston, January 13, 1812. 10 5^' KINGSTON : Tuesday, January 21, 1812. ■ Marfhal Suchet has defeated Gen. Blake, in an attempt to re¬ lieve Saguntum, (the fortrefs of JMurviedro) and has compelled the ;garrifon of that fortrefs to capitu¬ late on honorable terms. Blake is reprefented to have had 23,000 troops with him ; and to have loft between 4 and 5000, belides the mrrifon of Saguntum. Suchet's force is not ftated, but a previous Moniteur affertcd that he had en¬ tered Valencia with 125.000 men. According to the French accounts # the Spaniards improve in the fci- ence of war, and appear at this late hour as well able to collect cohorts A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon, far fide by CUM MING U HAMILTON. January 18. iotf as ever. l.iKc Peter the Great, they may in time learn to con¬ quer their conquerors. [_Bo/Io?i CentincL The terms of capitulation iverc fa¬ vorable to the Spaniards ; the offi¬ cers were to prefcrve their baggage iff horjcs,andthc foldicrs their knap* facks : that if any of the articles gave room for difcuffton they were to be in¬ terpreted favorably to the garrifon. The fifth article^ however., fiipidated^ that certain Trend) end Spanijh com- vii//loners and officers of the artillery Notice ! AS the fubferiber intends removing from this place fo loon as he ean arrange his bufinefs for that purpofe, he earneltly requests every perfon or perfons indebted to him, to make immediate payment, as he i-i determined to put every account which will remain unfettled on the firft day of February next, into the hands of his Attorney* GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kingston, Rth January, 18 I 2., qtf Midland Di/iricl,l r PHE Court of GerT- to wit* j ■«■ eral Qifai ter Set fions of the Peace fur this Diltrid, will be holdea at tha Court Houfe in Adolphus T«)\vn, on Tuelday, the 2 8ih day of Janua¬ ry next, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon :—Therefore, all Jnftices of the Peace, Coroners, Con Rabies, and all other Peace Officers, as well as thofe that have :> ny bufinefe to tranfacl: at laid Court, a^e here¬ by required to talce notice, and give t!i^ at¬ tendance accordingly. CHARLES STUAJVf, S\r'S. Sheriff Of}-,, 1 317? Becemlifr* iSn, \ 7 0" Sidferibcrs to ihe Kingston Ga- zettc\ td'o receive their papers at )'>j NapfWi Aii!h% arc requeued to male payment to M ceivt the fame^