Kingston Gazette, January 14, 1812, p. 3

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him that after wc had, by cur own WISE (he would not Fay wife-acre) mcainres, contributed to enrich the Canadas, and render them val¬ uable, we concluded that we had a rl'^at to take pofleflion of [hem, on the ground that the laborer is worthy of his hire !—He alluded to what had vcfterday fallen from Mr. Grundy, in addrciung the Re¬ publican Members of the houfe. In order to know whether he might rank himfeif with thefe, lie mould much rather hear an explanation of the term Republicanifm from one of the Fathers of the Church, than from a junior apprentice of the law—He adverted to the Situa¬ tion of the font hern fb.tes. Such was the fubordination of the El ous for armies and navies as ever could be found among the Eflex junto ; and yet they were fdll ex- celleirt republicans ! during the revolution, that not one thought of rebellion was ever en¬ tertained by them at that time. But far different was the iituation of things now. The infernal prin- Nova-Scotia, and the ports of St. Andrews & St. John's,New-Brunf- wick, to any port belonging to the U. States of America, from which Britifh vcffels are, or {hall be ex¬ cluded, any articles being the growth, produce or manufacture of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of any of his Majcfty's colonies, plantations or fettlements, in the Weft-Indies, provided fuch articles iflall have been certified by the Collector & Comptroller of his Majcfly's cuf- toms at any of the ports above whole in their agreement to the feconi mentioned, from whence the fame refolutim$ which is in the following mall be mipped for any of the ports of the U. States as aforefaid, to have been imported into one of the laid provinces of Nova-Scotia and rloufe of R.eprefentati ves—Decem¬ ber 16. The houfe refumed the con federation of the wifmifhed bujinefs, being the re¬ port of the committee of Foreign Rela* iions. Mr. Randolph fpoke for three hour; hi oppojition to the feconi refolution. The que/Hon was then taken on con- currinz with the committee of the words ■ " That an additional force of ten tlmfand regular troops 'ought 'to be immediately raifed to fervefor three years ; and that a bounty in hinds mtght to be given to encourage enlift- mefflS*—Teas 109. Nays 22. of our anceftors, being- ftoned to the bottom with thegrcateft regularity and compacts, it is about five feu in diameter, and i>; up¬ wards of 400 feet deep. This, according to the tradition, is the idemical well th*t Herold promifed to deliver with the Cattle of Dover, into the hands of William the Con. queror, the breach of which promife eoft the former his life and kingdom. Its in thcabove mentioned TowerIv.d been long known, but it had beeo fo carefrtlly arched over, that its precife iituation had till lately- eluded the rnoft diligent inve(ligation. an of the mo ft deflruclive ?:a* turc, is now in agitation, and has been brought forward by a Mr. Fane, and was a few days fine e exhibited before the Lords of the Admiralty. It is a four pound foot, wrapped round with a pfepared cotton, W made very hard9 fo as to appear like a large camion ball—on firing of which, it has the u- Nevv-Brunfwick in a Britifu flaip r 1 ux- ^ r n or veffel from a port of the United fml $*# rff cannot foot ; but We 1 he qufiion was then 'taken on the colon! Kingdom of Great-Britain & Ire¬ land, or from a port of the laid o.-» cipals of French fraternization had 3- refolution^ in the following words : been induiirioufly propogated to ^"That it is expedient iocmihonft plantations, or fettle^ ifi C) an alarinine deaiee amongffi the r m ■ i fnape of Pedlars, but even Mailers had been found ments ; and alfo to import into the port of Halifax, Nova-Scotia* moment it ftarts from the cannon's mouth it prcfents one folid mafs of fire —and whatever it hits, whether the rigging or hull of a fhip, will immedi¬ ately take fire. L. pap. Slaves, not only by persons sn «i<» iiilv enough tus Prduicnt, under proper rcguia- and the ports of St. Andrews and Uons,jo accept tbejervue cfanynuw- St. John's New-Brunfvvick, from her of volunteers, net exceeding fifty any of the faid ports of the Un^ed For the Kingston Gazette. to tboujanci; to be organized, trained e ipread docTrines which laid tin knile to their own throats. He fpoke from fac"h> when he ailerted, that the nightly bell never toiled *or lire at Richmond, but the mo¬ ther hugged her infant clofer to her breait He believed it was no better in South Carolina. The Southern States, he truftcd were competent U) frff defence : but tney were uttcrlv incapable of M- Png an often fh and held in readiuefs to acl on fuch frvice as the exigencies of the Gov- Teas 1 1j- 1 i He exprcf- crnment may require Nays 16. The que/Hon was next taken on the 4th rcfolutioiu in the following words: " that the Pnfidait be authorifed to order out from time to time fuch de¬ tachments of the militia, as in his 0- pinivi the public fervice may require" —Teas 120. Nays 8. The que/Hon was then taken on the §ih rcfoluiim. in the words following^ "Thai all the vc/fds in fervic, belonging to the navy and w.or- States, wheat and grain of any kind, bread and buiicuit & flcur, pitch, tar and turpentine, fuch ar^ tides being of the growth, produce & manufacture of the faid ftatcs." r y * K I N GS TON : TUFSDAV, f-iVL'/IRV I^, I 8l2. fed hisfurprife that we iliouldma- mielt fli iiiK(»n(pie.iabi* an eiuuiiy towards the country ihv.n winch v/e fprung origimiily. live Ruf- thy of repair be immediately Jit led up >cnt excited none of and put in commiffion."—7'cas m« Nays 1 c. The quefiion was put from the chair on the 6th refolution, in thefe words : 6. That it is expedient to permit pur merchants vcf/cls owned cxcluflve- ly by refnlent citizens, and command¬ ed and navigated foldy by citizens, to arm under proper regulations to be We cbferveby the Tork Gazette of the if I inj}. that his Honor the Pref ident has been pleafed to prorogue the meeting of the Provincial Parliament until the Third day of February next, and then to meet for the " actual dif- patch of Public bufmefsr TO MISS E. S—-—. When th'e fair form, by virtue fairer itiade., Difptays thofi charms that u^n^els erjl dtfphiy^d^ The cnvtousjlars perceive their b!a%e decay, Dro'turfd by a purer light and brighter ray* Her Iiofom whiter than the FuyJoGWi*-- S~vett are her [miles', and fweeter than the rofe ) Her eyes, untaught the wanton\r noxious art\ Speak all her ii'i/h, and picture all her heath Thus arllcfs turtles roll their mode/1 eyes9 Look all their foul* nor hno-TO a mean difgUfJe ; Heaven clad Simplicity and white rob^d Truth Live in her heart, and guide her in her youth. Pot-give we Heaven, permit tnc to refgn My heart a nncl'im to fj fair a ftrine J SofhaU myf'jiil conffs a glorious fame-, And Love conduct to virtuey truth and fame. MECjENM* flan governn our hatred \ we were in irirndimp with the Dey of Algiers ; in i^ct, we hailed iavagesirom every clime; • but at the name of England, all our antipathies were roufed- He was willing to make allowance for hon- eft prejudices ; but after thefe prej¬ udices had been conquered by ;. man need be a- prefcribed by law, in felf defence, a- fhanied of diiavowing thenn lie g&inft all unlawful proceedings io- confeffed he cou'd not but feci a beards them on the high fern. When the refolution wus, on motion, London, Nov. 6. IVinlfr-Ciflh, Nov. 2, LSI I.—Tins d:ty h»s MiijfftyN Council, cunfiiling of tlve Arch- bifhop.s of Oinr<H-)tuy and York, the Duke of Montrofe, the Kails vf Ayksford & Win- chelica, Lord Eldon and Sir Wllliarfl Grant, arrived at the CaQle, for the purpofe of ex¬ amining the Pbyficians in attendance^ which examination laftcd but a fbort time, and the refult, from what has tranfpired, was in fub- ilance, that hi; IVIajcilv's health flill remain's .. _ in a very precarious (late, and the greatest at- " ^us tofmjlrate my noble dcfigns ? fceiltion is mceflary to prevent the depreliton « cpfa* Britain her one armed trophies can raft, -)f ipirits under which he at prefent la" EPIGRAM* As the hero of Trance fat mufng of late . On /he profptrous Jlale of'hi.sfleet, Inflcpt his unfortunate mejfcnger^ Fate, And announced its fiameful defeat. " Is it thus, partial Demon," he cries in a rage '• That thou iutth old Ocean com Lines ; t( Shall Britain*s proud genius with ore arm V\ engage 1 pride in boaiHiig, in common with Enf>-Iiihmcn,of bhakfpeare, of New- ordered to lie on the table. S ton^ of Locke, of Hampden, of idney, of jC hat ham. And by whom was this violent antipathy agiinil England propogated & en¬ couraged in this country ? By men who, efcaped from the jails of Eu- Bo/ion, December 1 i * The three firfi refolutio?7s,for fi¬ ling up the prefent cjiablifoment, for rat fins' an additional number of rem* lars, and aulhorifing the acceptance of volunteers fervices, zcere referred to the committee who reported them, rope, came here and fet thcmfelves with in/truelions to bring in bills in np as political teachers \ whole doc- purfuance thereof trines ever had their influence on certain Members of this Houfe, & whofe Pupils never difplayed any other mark of improvement than a blind devotion to Bonaparte. Could it be poflible, he faid, that men calling themfelves republicans could ferioufly wiiii to aid a great military defpot in acquiring uni¬ versal dominion ? He conjured the ^ioufe to reflect, a little on the eoft of taking Canada, before they talk- ed 10 much about it., before they nn their heads againil that poll, pinrs unaer wmch ne at preient labcr3 from iucreailng debility : as in that cafe it would certainly he attended with danger. It is faid tint on Saturday lait, another mef- ienjrer was ient from Wiudfor to Greuford, near Stamford, the refidence of Dr. Willis ; but the DocTcor did not, as was expecled \\z would do, fet off for Windfor in coniequence. It is underitood, that he has all alon^, ^iven his opinion, moft decidedly again(t the man¬ ner in which the royal Phyficiuus have treat¬ ed their patient. The Duke a/id Dutchefs of York are at the Caltle on a vifit to her Majefty. The lad bulletin of the King's health, is dated November. It fays, " His Majefty was not able to walk in the courfe of the " S/W/ I be caWdpartial," cries Fate, " Whtn thou ivilh one tongue dofl all Deities pr'aife, " And iuith tivo arms canflpfuncfer a State ?" T. C. A gentleman in town has recei- f8^ and fcemed mnch deP,e^^ w wwl and ved an official copy of the Order of bod^%ned bY three phyfiuan^ the Britifh Privy Council, for allow¬ ing a trade between certain ports in the Britifh provinces of Nova- Notice ! AS the fubfciiber intends removing from this place fo foon as he can arrange his bufinels for that purpofe, he earneiUy requuils every perfon or perfons indebted to him, to make frnmediate payment, as he h determined to put every account which will remain unfcttled on the firlt day of February next, into the hands of his Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kingston, Rib "January, 1812. gtf Ju/l reteivedfrom England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caffimeres, Paris, Sept. 2a. His Majefty the King of Rome, (a* - ^cd fix months, three zceeks, four days, Scotia and New-Brunfwick, and ftx hours, ?iine minutes, twerity-ojic'fe- And arenou-offered for fale by the fubferib- *-!,„ TTr,?t^/4 Q*-->«-oo r\f AmpriVn . i » j n 1 ,* r-, ers at Mr. Wm. JStoughton s Inn, on the eonds) returned yejlerday from Cm* moft rcafonabic terms for Cad.. Quebec. If the bounty lands, how¬ ever, prcpofed to be given, were to come out of Canada, he mould be willing to give them, not to the Wretches who fold themfelves for aglaisofgin and a few dollars, but to the clerks in the public offi¬ ces who were already making out Wank eomrniffions for this land,— ™» R. contracted the language h v Jjtodtta of the railing party with thei.r prafcffioaa while in the mi- 0rity ; thev wetf now ?s clamor- thc United States of America ; which after reciting a preamble, is as follows : " His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent, by virtue of the powers veiled in his Majefcy, by the above recited acl, is pleafed in the name and on behalf of his Majefty, and by and with the advice of his Ma- jelly's Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the iirft day of November, 1811, and during the continuance of the act above recited, until fur¬ ther orders made thereon, it fliall be lawful in any fliip or vefTel, ex¬ cept in veffcls belonriin^ to France, or to the iubjects thereof, to ex¬ port from the ports of Halifax, pagne io the Cajlle of St. CAoud.—Of¬ ficial paper. a Plymouth, Oct. 25. The Cleaner hired armed ketch, of 14 guns, arrived here yeflerdiiy from Nezv-Torh, with defpatches from Mr. ^ojler, which have been forwarded h London. Lord iVclic/Icv had an, bitervicw with the Prince Repent on *hc fubjeel of thefe difpatcha, but no* thingfurthpr had tranfpired. From a London paper. Eroadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kifigston% fan. 13,1812. 9 Midland Difried,! HPHE Court of Ge.n- to wit, j JL end Quarter Sef- fionsoftbe Peace for this Dill rich will be holilen at the Court Houfe in A dolphins' Town, on Ttiefday, the 28th dav* of Janua¬ ry ne^t, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon :—Therefore, all Jullices of the Peace, Coroners, Con (tables, and all othei Peace Officers, as well as thoie that have a> ny bufinefs to cranial at laid Court, are here¬ by required to take notice, and give their a: tendance ncoc.rdinglv. CHARLES STUART,Sherif e A well has been lately difcovcred in th keep of Dover Caltle, by Mr. Mantell of tliat place ; it is limited in the th'ckneis of he N. K. wall, near the top of the building", ^ndexhibits a l^eeimen ol the mafonry 3 Sheriff** Office 1 ijl Dtee:nber, 1811. J bPAFFORD's GEOGRAPHY, For file at this Ufi::.

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