Kingston Gazette, January 7, 1812, p. 1

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'TO Vol. II.] KINGSTON, CUPPER CANADA,) GAZETTE 1'UiiSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1812. [No. 8. JLdfj&f /#r Sale. THE following valuable Lots of Land in 'he townfhip of Frcderickfbnrgh, are offered for fale bv the fubfcriber, viz. I ot number fix, in the &rft Conceffou additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conuefnon. Lots number two and three, otherwile called Lots number twenty fi:< and twenty {"even in the third ConcrlTion of the Gore. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dec. 3, 1 S I I. 3L r A SHERIFF'S SALE. lidlandD$ri0,l V}Y virtue of a Writ of viz.. j •^iritr;i;7?a^,itTued out of his Majeiiy's Court of King's Bench, at the fait of Peter Gram, of the town of Kingl! 0:1, merchant, agaiiul the lands and tenements ot Samuel Rofc,b:te of Maryfburgb, yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Role, the weft half of lot No. 2 ill the firft coucef. fiuti of the towrifiiip ot Maryiburgh, welt ot the rock, containing ].y admeaftiremetit one hundred acres, be the fume more or lels. I do hereby give i: dice, that the above-men¬ tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higher! bidder, at my office in the town of Kingilon, on Tuefday the thud day ci March next, c-t the hour of ten o'clock in the forer.oon—at whieh time and place the conditions of file will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Shmff. And every perfon ox perfons having claims ^n the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by adve.tifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kindlon, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff^ Office, 2,/ March, I 8 I 1. 28 0 » LE. SHERIFFS oxx MidlandDifia8t} Jj. Y virtue of a Writ of v:z' $ itS Fieri Facias, iffued out of his Major's Conitof King's Bench, at the I'uit of James rU bias, ci the town oi Kingftoji, Elquire, againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anlley, of the townfhip of Kingdom yeoman, to me ditc&cd ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid Amos Anfley, the north halt of lot No. 15 in the fecond toncefnon ot the town- (hip of Kingllon, containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres, be the lame more or 3efs; together with a log houfe & famed barn thereon erected, 1 do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, will be Lid and adjudged to the higheli bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the Fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CLIARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, ||y'mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, aie here¬ by advertiied to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingiton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff** Office, 2d March, 1811. 28 C. WILLISTON iff Co. Have lately received a new Supply of Stock, and now offer for fata, en good terms, AN affortment (^Gentlemen's and Ladies' SADDLES, which are warranted to be well made and of a fuperior quality. also, / HameiTes, Bridies, and various other kind* of work in their line. Repairing done on fhort notice, and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. Kingston, Nov. 15, toll. TO BE SOLD, nTHE one half, (or if bed fuits the purcha- ■*■ fer, rhe w. ;i-.) ui cha* VALUABLE. effUUE MILL in Marvibjfg, wiih tw<.- run .-r ttonrs hi ii>r DBmjrf'j oits i'jperfine and two, and W Lu-idred acres or" LAND, with i'Miit 30 acres j-n?r..ved. O: ih- prenvfc?, n« rr the mill, b a ^ood u"'2lling-houE, wirh three rooms sod a k'echea on foelowei floor, and a cartVr merit h tale n "lv adjoip- •ttSi m 1 miller ; alio a lbb!e u . i Ivtt f*-fV.i... . 1k- ,0«e*ng *a theefiateof rhc ntc ?*tkr V.^n Als- * INK, Kfc. decrifrd. Th« li uati in hfo w U klluWfl ,J :'r:v': ^f'riptVoi) ir darned urine., ff«i y. - fto'e *i,.) roav wi^n to purchafe will pfeaf.■ m ap- PM"TiJ ?'.i !>..n!/.r;r>, Efa. Aio'p'ha&owii. ;ORNrI,msVAN ALS1 INF., ) r *»»»t 16, ;3:.. ' " 30 NEW GOODS >QOO§§§§000 Ton a s Abl DO S this day receiving from Montreal, a new fupply of Fall & Winter Good s Which he offers for fale at his Shop in ' Kingiton—Viz* Superfine, 1 Mill'd Mitts o3 Foirelt Cloths Hunter's do. Swauikhi Flufhings Kerieys and Caili- me-res Baizes & Flannels Velvets & Corduroys Thickietts and Drab Bfo.nlw'ck Cord Pelice Cluthi Lath Coatings 3 Point Blankets Blajck Cambnek Mulbary do. Fancy falhes Scarlet comforts White & bik. La:ed Veils Fancy Flowers Cambn'ck prints c>3 calicoes from (jd. to 2jl) per yard Gentle r.en's ihk wa¬ ter pioof Hals Carfcor, Rornm if Coidies do. iy children's feit do. Ladies btavet tfj furr Youth's <y c Bonnets Men's tine Shoes Boy's do. do. do. coarfe do. Women's double lea- thcr'd do. do. leather flips do. Morocco do. do. Kid do. Slate do. Co'or'd do. Silk Chambrays Cotton dj. CambnVk Mullins Black Si:k Barcelo* na Hankerchitfs Silk S: Cotton Ma- drafs do. Cotton do. do. Red Turkey do. Girls' lc.ther do. do. Bandannas do. Children's .eaihrr if 8 4 S: 6 4 Table Morocco booteens Cloths Ladies' Silk Habit Loaf, lump & Muf- C?loves covado iMv.ars M White Cambiick do Tea, coffee^ choco- Kid do. late Beaver do. Jamaica fpirits o«j. 'jj'^o (!lo. vjl. Ciyix dp. Gentlemen's affuited Port Wine do. Gin, Shrub Plain white filk fleevea Coffee cordial Tambor'd do. do. do. Noyeau do. Cotton do. do. Annis, cinnamon £2? Ladies 8c Gentlemens cloves do. Silk Hofe Pepper & Ecinjrei Worltea do. Pimento Cotton do. Almonds Lamb's Wool -I Hofe Reifina Wurflcd do. do. Ci rrants Galloon 5c Ribbands Bottled Muftard Silk & Cotton Ferrets Rappee, cephalic Iff Sewing li'k. afibrted Scotch Snuff Nun's Thecd Patent 60. Platillas India Cottons Tow Sheeting and Bed Tick Apron Check'd Striped Cottons Pigtail, plug and S fmoaking tobacco egars Linceed Oil White Lead do. do. ground in Oil Black, brown, green, Spanifhbrown lead Iff drab Bom- Patent yellow m Brown Holland Dimities Pruffian blue Umber, Copal iff Gum fheil Lac Imperial iff common 8d. led. 13d. ^24d Tapes Nails Bik. Velvet Ribband Shingle do, do. Silk do. do. Cut Brads Imperial iff common Shirt Buttons Mill'd fcarlct caps Worded, cotton lin¬ ed, do. Dutch knotted gloves Mill'd woolen do. Sheet Iron Lamb's wool do. Screw augers, aiTorted With a general affortment of HARD WARE iff CROCKERT. 6XX, 7X9, 7iX8| iff 8X10 Glafs Putty iff Englifh glue Iron iff Steel Blacklmith's anvils C -J <y vices DRUGS & MEDICINE y/r irfuitl—amon? Spirits Turpentine Salt Petre Crem Tartar Aquafortis iff Oil Vitriol Sweet Oil Caflor do. Glauber Sal's Camphor Arrow Root Peail Barley 0 Sago which are the following ; Turlington's Ballon Of Life Dalby's Carminativ: Chmche's cough Drops Hooper's Female- Pills Andcrfon's do, Annatto J .amp black Ivory do. c\; bik. Lau E*!a(lic gum b'.'-'l- • Barky and Sugar Candy Magnefia Jefuit's Drops Camel's Hair Pencils iff Refined Liquorice Logwood Camwood Lfb Lemon Ll.u- Sulpher Roll Brimllone Nutmegs iff Cloves Cinnamon iff Mace Stars' Opodeldoc Godfrey's cordial Bi.tilhOil H^arlern's do. "Wheaton's Itch oint- Copperas tnent Allum do. Jaundice bitters Blue Vitriol L*e*s Billious Pills Nut Galls C.-it's do. do. Indigo £5* Fig blue ALSO, At Peter Davie's in Erneil Town, a general affortment of pry Good's, Groceries, Hard Ware unci Crockery. AH of which will be fold at very reduced prices for prompt pay. Conllant attendance wtil be given—Orders executed with def- pa;ch, and goods put up in the belt manner, and the fmalleil favor gratefully acknowled¬ ged. Kingston, November 16, 1S11. I FOR SALE By the Subfcriberj excellent Comae Brandy. H. C. THOMSON. Nov. 2id, 181T. /"iT *IIEfub{cn'ber having obtained Letters I": f Ad mini It ration for the Eitate of the late Duclor JuH« Gamble of Kingfton, deeealed, requells all thole who have any claims 011 the laid Eitate, to render their ac¬ count-, properly attelted, on or before the tii'ii of June next, in order that fome ar¬ rangement may be made with them : And all thoie indebted to faid Eltaie are requelted to pay the lame to the fubfcriber, that (he may be prepared to lay a tlatement of the Ellale DCioic ihc creditors. Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, Adminflratrix. Kingston, November 15-,, iS11. itf t^rJCheap Goods ! T HE fubfcriber informs the public, that he has jull received an e.l- tcnfive and well cholen adortment of DRY GOODS U GROCERIES : Which he offers for fale at his Store next door north of Mr. Patrick Smyth's, at the molt 1 educed prices. H. C. THOMSON, A cling for Mr. >p. St. George oj'Tcrh. vThe higheft price given for all ki'ids of Country Produce, in exchange for Goods. s? Sept, 16, 18It, NEW BOOKS. JUST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Farland's View of Hciclies-----Life of Jofcph—*—Pleafures of Re.i(on—Seafons in England—Ira and Ifa- belhi, a neiv novel—Character of George 3d —1'orney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book------- Worlds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences of the Chtiliian Religion—Bibles—Teltaments —Watts' Pfalms and Hymns—Pialters Children's books—Catechifms, &c. Frefli Goods ! Q BARTLET has received a ■^ • complete' aiTortmcnt of D-rv Goods, T' vquors & Groceries, Crockery I la rd Wa re, c 0 whi.-}j tl€ v;[]\ {t}\) wh'defale or ictail, at his ufu -i low p/.c.f for Cain, or any kind oi pr> - Alfo for laic, Boards and Plank, £<. one - ------------ - - ------------7------------- -----------* —---------------r----- ? '^w Bariels Flour uf r. fapcrioi quality for ran |y ;,^c> 1 jT Cam rail for Produce, r^d cdv?nced > on .roperry conligned for fale. Sales at Au£Hofi. TO be fold at Public Auftion, at the Store of the fubfcriber, the whole of his Stock in trade ; confiding of a very ex- tenlive and well chofen affortment of Englifh, India, Weft- India Goods & Gro¬ ceries, Crockery & Ware, Looking Glajfes, &c. Sale to commence on Monday, the 27th of January next, at 10 o'clock, and to be con¬ tinued every iucceeding Monday at the lame hour, until the whole is difpofedof. In the mean time he will fell at private fale, whole¬ sale or retail, at coil and c' «. ges, without a- \ry advance, which will be irom 20 to 50 per cent, lefs than his ufual prices. Thofe who may wifh to purchale at private fale, *v£ll do well to call and examine for them- felves ; as a conhdeiable part of the Goods have been purchafed with cam at a very low 1 ate, there certainly will be fome bargains worthy of attention ; and on Auction days, (as the fubfcriber is about to clofe his buii- r.efs in this place and remove to Montreal) Goods will be fold to the higheft bidder without refcrve. N. B. Thofe who have accounts unfet¬ tled, will be pleafcd to c?ll and adjust them. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, $oth Dec. 18 11. Jtf TAKE NOTICE. I^OUNDby the fubfcriber, in the Road, near David Burnfide, in the 2d Con- ccfiion of the town of Kingfton, a POCKET-BOOK. The owner is defired to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. DAVID REMINtTON. Kingston, Dec. 18, 1S11. 6 3W NOTICE. THE Gentlemen and Ladies of Kingftott are informed that the fubfcriber has is complete order feveral Sleigbs9 Ho:fes & Harnejfcs, I with whieh he offers his iervices, cither Pleafuie Riding, Journeys, or with Freight. Any perfon or perlons calling on him, may be affured of good Horfes, caieful drivers & polite attention, at the fhorteft notice. JOHN L. JACKSON. Kingston, 2$d December, 1811. 63© Fofiionable Hats Iff Trmmings* THE fuhfeubers have opened and now offer for fide, next door to Ruheti Walker's Hotel, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of the Mojl Fajhionable Hats & Trimmings; Which they are determined to fell on the moft reaforable terms, either wholefale or re¬ tail, for Cafh, Country Pioduce, or approved Credit. SMITH & BUTTERWORTH. N. B. Old Hats neatly Dreffld on thefljortift notice.—Kj* Caih paid for Fur cc Lamb's Wool. Kingston, i$th December, 1811. Earthen & Glass Ware. 'TpHE Subfcribers refpectfully inform i their friends and the public, that they have received by the late arrivals from Liv¬ erpool, a o-eneral affortment of LsJR'l KEN icf GLASS WARE, which they offer for fale wholefale and retail, at their Store, No. 50 St. Paul Street, lately occupied by James Dunlop, Efq. on as good terms a-, can be had at any llorc in this city.—Ware packed la the bci.1 nvjiiner, and a liberal diicour.t made for cafh. Cj'Countrv Merchants :.nd others are rcqueded to call, GREEN k EATON. Montr sal, July i3ic. 26// For Safe at tbh Office9 - A SERMON on the Death ol 1 L the Rev. JOHN STUAR I\ D. L'- T,;-.-?chcd at Kcinior., l$\h Anguft, l§M ; /,>. >' n •>-,. .\-. .... .; n n

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