Kingston Gazette, May 7, 1811, p. 1

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* Vol. I.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) TUESDAY, MAT 7, 1B11. [No. J J" —* f $3"NEW GOOCS. Ernefi Town Academy. ----000§O§9CC---- 7BF SVJtSCRIRFR HAS 7^?r RZCF.rrF.f* AFRESK SUPPLY O? GOODS, AMONGST WHICH ARS FURNITURE andpiintcdCa]:cbcs,Snk Shawls, Cotton do. Ladie?' plain and Jigur'd Silk Slcwes, Leno d?Jt*>, Kid Gloves, black worded Hofe, Caipetmg, Veilings, Brown Hollands, Checks, &c. &c. * All of which will be fold very- low for Cadi or Country produce?. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, wtb March, 1811. 25 REMOVAL. Northrop, Wokoit fcf Abbc9 Have removed from No, 54 St. Paul Street to No. lot, one door North of Mcflrs. Bellows, Gates & Co. where they have a General Affortment of DRY GOODS unhand, which they offer for fale on rcafo:iablc terms, N. W. Sc ABBE. Montreal, I Oth Sept. 18 IO. I tf FOR^SALE^ A FARM confiding of 258 acres, he ing Lot No. 6, in the ill eonceffion in Pittlbnrgh, fitoate 6 miles from King-Ron —ioor 12 a£tes under improvement, with a good log hoilfc on the fame, and a eood Marfh affording hay for 12 or 14. head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Lauck- Un M'InTyre, (hip carpenter, Pittsburgh. February 12, 181 1. ZItf Earthen & Glass Ware. f"pHE Subferibers refpectfully inform A their friends and the j>ublic$ that they nave receivi d by the hue arrivals fro™ Liv¬ erpool, a general affortment of EARTHEN ($ GLASS It'JHRt ivhiVl, flu3- ,»ff>r f.v fale wholcfalc and retail, at their Store, No. *ro St. Paul Street, lately occupied by James X)unlop, F.lq. on as ffo« d terms as can be had at any [lore in this city.—Ware packed in the belt manner, and a liberal dilcount made for cadi. (^Country Merchants and others are rcqneded to call. GREEN gc EATON. Montreal, "July 181©, zGif 0THE BEST KIND OF Albany Ifityefted SOLE- LEATHER, jail received and for fale at 1/4 per lb. at the Store of March 12. S. BAPJTLET. Q Q f a 58 1 HE Lciiees of the Crown and Clergy Refcrves, and thofe who have Licenfes of occupation in the Midland Di/h rid, are requeued to pay the arrears of rent due by them refpeftively, to the fubferiber, who is legally authorifed to receive the fame and grant receipts. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 2d March, i8n. 24 _ CasiJ paid for Rags* AT THE PR THING OFFfCS, KING'T' N. SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland DtfrW,! OY virtue of a Writ of „;fa< J 13 Fieri Facias,ittucd out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingdon, merchant, againft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of MaryfBurgh,yeoman, to me directed; 1 have fined and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firft. concef- fionof thetowi.fhip of Maryfbmgh, weft of the rock, containing by admtafurement-one hundred acres be the fame more or lels. I doheieby give nuice, that the abovemen- tioned lot of bud, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed t„ the higheft bidder, at my office U) the town of King lion, on Tuefday the thi'd day of March nest, at the bctix nf ten o'clock in the fore .oon—at which time and place the fcondition-w of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, SMerift And every perfon or ptrfbns having claims on the- above deferred lot of land, by mort¬ gage or ulhvr fight or incumbrance,,are here¬ by to •/ivc notice to the laid Sheriff, «his lficc i., uu- .own of Ki\;Uon, previous to the lal.-t!miof. &'/« if's (Jjfit e,zd March, 18 I 1 - - 8 HP HE fubferibers hereby inform X th<* friends of learning that an Aca¬ demical School, under the fupmiuendance of an experienced preceptor, isoptnedin Erneft Town, near the Church, for.the inftru&ion of Youth in Englifh reading, fpeaking, gram- maraod competition, the learned languages, pennianfllip, arithmetic, geography and oth- er branches of Liberal Education. Scholars attending from a difiance may be boarded in good families on reafonable terms, and for fifteen (hillings a year can have the ufe of a Valuable Libiary. ROBERT McDOWAL "J BEN) a. FAIRFIELD, Wm. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPh. FAIRFIELD, Wm WILLCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEORGE BAKER, Ernefi Town, \llh March, l8ll. 2 7 MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; At the Sigh of the Military Hat, No. 54, Old Market Place. JABEZ D. DE WITT, OST refpeftfuliy informs the Public, that he has on hand a molt extenfive and complete aflortment cf HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Am&ngst which arc> Moft fuperb Military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentlemen's mojlfajls'iunahlc Beaver Hats. Do. Between* do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do. Do.hl'k fiiptrfine gieen under do. Do. drab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. Do. drab do. do. do. Bell black water proof filk do. Ditto gieen under do. do. Do. drab do. dp. j Do. do. green under filk do. Do. Tailor . do. Roram do. , do. Plated do- , . do. GentPs varnifhed leather Hats for travellin-g. Servauta' ditio do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens' & Boys* fine Cordies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats c?f every defcription. Gold and lilver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bowftrings. Morocco of all colots fuitable for Hats. Fancy Tip Paper, do. &o. Bell and common GluS. Logwood, Coppeias, Verd!gris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks, Hatters9 do.—Raifing Cards. Hat B ifhes of all kinds in ufe. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners dov/nj Pickers, &c. ^'c. 5;c la^\t%9moJifaJhhnabU beav. Hats & Bonnets, viz. White do. Maids' do. & children's do. Light fawn do. Drab do. do. Hair, brown do. 01i«e do. Purple do. Blue • do. f do. du. do. do. do. d<v. do. do. do. &§. do. do. HAT TRIMMINGS*--™** Pink Lining Green Linings Red do. Orange do. Yellow do. And Green do. White do. Blue do. [per;d. 1/810 j/9 do. d<». Hat Covers of every kind in ufe. BINDINGS. Belt militaiy bindings for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from 10/ to 30/ per Gru-/», Beft drab do. Com. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands \ Common do. do. White and black worded Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; ft eel do. Yellow Union ditto ; white do. do. Cords and Taflels") of all fizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmingsy Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Pelifles. Fafh fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnes. Plumes of all colors, for Ladies* Zi Children All of which will be fold at t\e SHERIFF'S SALE. . Midland Di/lriclJ T> Y virtue of a writ of viz. j J3 Fieri Facias, ifiued out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fnit of Do&or Asa F. Reid, of the town of Kingdon, againft the lands and ten- ements of Andrew Johnson, of Erneft- Town, inn-keeper, to me diieftcd ; I have feized and taken in cxecution,a3 belonging to the faid Andrew Johnfon, the cad halfoflot No. 9 hi the fird concdlion cf the townfhip of Emed Town, containing by admeafure- ment, one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a framed h-oufe and barn thereon ercfted. I do hereby give no¬ tice, that the abovementioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances there¬ unto belonging, will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of Kingdon, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon—At which time and place the con¬ ditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Slrr-f And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defciibed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his Office in the town of Kingdon, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Q#Bk$ 2d March, 1811. 2$ smmFFs sale] Midland Di/lrifl, 1 f) Y virtue of a Writ of *«*• J A-# Fieri Facias, iffued out of his Ma jetty's Court of King's Bench, at the fnit of Jnmes Robins, of the town of Kingdon, Efquire, againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anfiey, of the townfhip of Kingdon, yeoman, to m? directed ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid Amos Anfiey, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond conceffion of the town¬ fhip of Kingdon, containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a log houfe & framed barn thereon ere&ed. I do hereby give notice, that the above mentiontfilot CM J;.u6, Willi lite buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and ftdj'idged to the highed bidder, at my office in the town of Kingdon, onTiiefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sherif. And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot cf land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingdon, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, zd March, 13 T r■ , 28 " SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Didrid, "J D?' virtue of a Writ td wit: j of Fieri Facias, if ftied onl of his Majejly's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Bryan C?*aivford* of the totunftiip of Richmond, Efquire% agahfl the lands and tenements cf Doctor PkisniE, of the to*wvfl:ip of Fredericlfhurgh, yeoman, to me dirtihd ; I havefeized and talen in execution, as belong;1^ tothefaid DoRor Prindle, the eojl half of lot No. 3 in the fecond conceffion of the townfhip of Fredericlfhurgh, containing by admeafurenknt one hundred acres, be the fame more or hfs. I do hereby give rtotice, that the alove mentioned lot of land, kviih the appurtenances thereunto be- longing, will be fold and adjudged to the highefl bidder', at my office in the roivn of Kingston, on Monday the Ztd day of July next^t the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon1—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are her thy advertifed to give notice to the faidfheriff, ai his office in the town of Kingston,previous to the fale thereof Sheriff's Office, l$th Nov. 1S10. 8// ORIGINAL MISCELLANT. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. ABSCONDED from Leeds, on the 2$th ofAprilinf. Jouu Bfntlrt* about $ years of age, drefftdin blue homefpnn clothes, *0R THE KlKGiTOr: OA7.£T"ifc. RECKONER-------Nc. iS. Nunc quojue eris, quamvis fs enemica mihu rncrf.RTirs. 1 HAVE received two extraordinary let¬ ters on a quellion which I do not choofe to decide, I (hall therefore give them, to m/ readers without comment, and with little corrc&ton. TO THE RECKONER. A f ew years ago I purchafed a lot of land in this neighborhood, which I have nov brought into a good dale of improvement. My hoiife is con fortable, and my barn fpa- cious and convenient. But finding it rather a folitary kind of life to remain fingle, and fuppofing that 1 was a? able to maintain a family by my indultry as fome of my neigh¬ bors, I looked round, about three months a- go, for fomekind damfel who might content to unite her deftiny with mine. Thtie hap¬ pened to be a fprightly girl from the States on a vifit to an uncle, whole manners and behavior pleafed me exceedingly. She ii well favored, indudnous and good tempered. After a few vilits and many hems ard hah1, 1 ventured to afk her the quellion. Her an- fwer, as I believe is uftial In fueh cafes, was r.t fird ambiguous, but being preflcd, (he zz length gave her content. The rnanidge da v was fixed, I went to fame expenfe in pm- chafing articles of furniture, which, as a fid* {le man, I did not want, and I was antici¬ pating, as all lovers do, the happinefs ol iri projedled change of lif •. . After every tiling had bce:i futled nv- brother came to my hooleonc Satuuk'v eve¬ ning to rcq-.teft me to introduce him to \m new lifter. To this I willingly agreed, bus having been at work all day» I thought It necefiaty to drefs before L appeared in th-? pjefence of mv fvvtet-heart. Sharp razeri you mud know, Mr. Reckoner, are v«j lcarce airong us farmers, rnd I bad lhaved It; long with ii:mc DLut W*ey WCW i.-.-.e t\ --. t ban fruii-knives. My brother obfcrving me drawing blood at cveiy fcrape, and my eyes watering w»th pain, cries out, Have you no ftrap, James ? I am an excellent hand for fitting razors. I have an old belt v~liich I bought ofa fohlier lift week.—Taking the belt, It's too long, fays he, hold the end of it.—He (Uapped the razor with gteat dex¬ terity backward and forward, till at Lft he gave a flouiilh with his hand jtift as 1 ap¬ proached him on the fuppofnioii that he had finifhed, and cut off an inch from- the poiitt of my nofe. The pitftC hung down upon my lip by a fmall portion of fkim Having heard that a cut will frequently heal if the contact be indantly renewed, 1 had prefence of mind er.ough to p\acj£ the feparjted cart of my nofe in its place,, and jfter tome difficulty contrived a bandage to preferve it in this po- fition. From my rnxic-ty 10 gtt cured, the bandage was kepc too light, for though the parts are united 'dlere is a large fear, mid the upper part offTiy nofe advances a little above the lowei, wh:(ch certainly does not improve mv appearance. But, fir, the misfortune of my nofe I corlld patiently bear, it is th.- cbi- fequences 0/ it which 1 have realon to de^ plore. As foo\i as I could vifit my intended b-iJe, I entreat.ed her to name a near day for our unron, us this accident had delayed it. Bnt would you believe it, Mr. Reckoner > the t lis ihat fhe has changed her mind* and that flic cannot think of marrying a man with a hoop round bis note. "Now, Mr. Reckoner, I do not thiiik that my calamity relieves her from a folemn pro- roife. My friends indeed laugh at me, and fay I am much better without her ; for bad fhe really loved mc, this flight matter would have made no alteration. But, fir, they are not in love, and though (lie be ptrfidious, I am fond. Give me ihen your dpimott, per¬ haps die may liften to your counfel. You arc a man of experience, I mall more wil¬ lingly adopt your decilion than that of the gigglers around me, for I am become a ] aughing dock to the whole towufhip o;i ac- rount of my want of fpirit, as tlu-y are pleaf- co cd to call it. I am yours, AMATOR. With aflraiJhat fhh wife having black eyes, and two fmall children, with white hair, went with him, in ajhiffabout twenty feet long, be¬ longing to the fubferiber. He was lajl heard of in Ernefi Town, and will probably flop st*ut m Tort or Niagara. Whoever will return him wnrten you a lon^ letter of compla.nt. B to thefbfh-iber,that he may be brought tojujtice, of what can he jnltly complain ? He »« * moft'nduced p"rice5, for cafh or fhort and .p. flHdl receive th above re^d. ^^^ SIR, I am informed that my old fweat heart h is the man 1h.1t I promifed to manv Tint peifonhad a tolerable nofe, but th;> c rle- mai appears to have two. Naturt liniing

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