Kingston Gazette, March 26, 1811, p. 4

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V O E T R Y. From a Lr:ilon paper THE LAST TOKEN : OR, " REV EMBER ME." Wnlten on the Princefs Amelia's Mournful ■Piefsnt to his Majefly. WITH all the virtues bleft, and ev'ry grace, To charm the world, and signify her race, Life's taper loling fall its feeble iire,^ The fair Amelia thus befpoke \\tx Sire ; Faint on the bed cfiuknefs lying, My fpirit from itei maniion flying, Not long the light thefe languid eyes will fee, My Friend, my Father, and my King, Oh wear a Daughter's mournful ring, Receive the token, and remember me ! ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF A BLACKSMITH. WITH the nerves of a Sampfou this fon of the fledge, By the anvil his livelihood got ; Willi the lkill of old Vulcau could temper an edge ; And (truck while his iron was hot. * By forging he liv'd, yet never was tried, Or loncktmrd Lv the laws of the land ; But Hill it is certain, and can't be denied, He often was burnt in the hand. With the fons of St. Cnfpin no kindred he claimed, With the iii/l he had nothing to do ; He handled no awl, and yet in his time Made many an excellent Jhoe. He blew up no coals of fedition, but Ilill His bellows was always in blall ; And 1 will acknowledge, (dzi.y it who will) That one Vice, and but one he polleilcd. No after was he, or conceni'd wi'lh the liage, No audience to awe him appcurd ; Yet oft in the (hop (like a crowd in a rage) The voice of a /jit/ing was heard. Tho* fleeting of axes was pv.n of his cares, In thieving he never was found ; And tho' he was coiiuaully beating on bars, No vefTel he e'er ran aground. Alas and alack ! what more can I fay Of Vulcan's unfortunate ion ?— The piieft and the lexton have borne him a- way, And i«\e ifstitttf 6r ms Iranimer is done. DIVERS ITT. boned, eoloffal figure, with a great encode in his hat, [talked into the room, and, with¬ out preface, thus addrcfl'ed him, in a tone of denunciation : " My name, fir, is Macka- vamigh, and 1 ufed you like a icour.drel lall n*ght/'__M As vou are pleated to fay fo, fir, (replied the other) I mail not be fo rude as to contradict you."—" Very well, (contin¬ ued the captain) that point being fettled, I muft next iufoiin you that I *0i now come to give you fuhfaclion ; and as you are a Granger, and n.ay have no weapons, I have brought a pair of pillols, ready charged with a brace of bullets each, my dear ; fo the fooner we fettle the affair the better. 1 his was too much ; they called a coach, and drove to GLiTuevin', from whence the trav¬ eller returned, with what his opponent called the badge of a brave fellow /—a ball in his kit moulder. London paper. TANNING & CURRYING. ROMEO WADSWORTII, 1/11 . r. , A Has received by the late arrtimls fromLnni PHE fubferibers inibrm their friends and , Liverpool, a fre/h CuLl* J** Pro-vocation upon Provocation. A GENTLEMAN who went to vifit fome relatives in Ireland, previous to his de¬ parture, determined never to hght a duel ; and though naturally irritable, refolved to fupprefs, if pofiible, every emotion of refeiit- ment. He arrived at Dublin in the evening, and went to the theatre, where two beautiful girls laid liege to his affections, and he invit¬ ed them both to flip with him on College Green. The repaft, confiding of a fowl and cramberry tart, was fcatcely placed upon the table, before the waiter informed him that a joulmun was below flair?, who called himfelf Captain Mackavanagh, and that he had lent up word that the lady in the flowered tabbi- net was a particular friend of his, and muft be fent down to him immediately, or he mull ▼neafme fwords with theparfon who detained tier. *' The meffage is fomewhat abrupt," faid the {hanger, " but \i it muft be fo, it mujl; Madam, I wifh you a good night, peimit me to accompany you to the door ; and in your abfence, this lady and I muft con- fole ourlelves as well as we can for the lofs cf your agreeable Cock t." Five minutes had fcarcely elapfed before the waiter returned, and brought another meflage from the captain, fignifying that the lady below ftairs wa3 miferable without her companion, who muft come to her in no time at all at all. The ftranger, much nettled at this abrupt and unexpected fummons, hef- itated ; but his prudence corrected his an¬ ger, and he at length made his conge to his fair companion, and conferred to eat his flip¬ per alone. This determination was not made many feconds, before the waiter enter¬ ed with a third demand from the captain, the purport of which was, that one of the la¬ dies longed for the broiled fowl, and the oth¬ er foi the cramberry tart—they muft not be difappointed in their wifhes, but both chick¬ en and pie fent down to them. The gentle¬ man, exceedingly enraged at this impudent requifition, fwore moil emphatically, " that lie would not part with his fuppcr on fuch terms for all the demireps and bullies from Cork to Antrim." But recording the refolution he had made, he reluaautly con- fented to the whole being removed, called for a bafon of water-gruel, eat it like a phi- iofophcr, and then went to bed. While he was at bieakfaft next morain-, s Scree, raw- Hearty Welcome. Sheriff's Court, Dec. 29.—A trial came on, in which a fair lady of the Borough was the complainant, and her caro fpofa was de¬ fendant. The charge as proved was, that on the 16th of October lall, on her return h -me from a friendly party, her hufband, who was waiting at home for her, gave her fo hearty a welcome with an afhen Hick, that every part about her below her hips wao beat into all the colors of the rainbow. A female friend was prefent, who corroborated the cafe, and faid, that in confequence of this ill treatment me had lrft her hulbandi and put herfelf under the protection of a relation, who had advifed her to exhibit this com¬ plaint. The hufband, in defence, told a plain 1111- varnilhed tale of fufpeCted wrongs, and hint¬ ed very plainly that his fair lib did not pay very ftrict attention to the connubial oath : that in particular fhe had lately introduced a peifon to the houfe on a vifit from the country, whom fhe called her dear brother, whom fhe loaded with careffes, at the fame time fhe treated him, her liege lord, with the greatell indifference and negledt ; this conduct gradually increafed till the day in quellion, when the lady and her dear brother, as (he called him, went out and fluid till paft twelve at night. On their return home, the hufband thought it high time to adminiller a little wholefome correction to her, on which fhe left him, and now lives with this fame near and dear relation. The Jury were fhortly charged, and found a verdict agaiuft rhe defendant. Damages one (hitting. 11 bid. MATRIMONIAL LICENCE. A happy lover, refiding in a village in the vicinity of Norfolk, having obtained the confent of his fair one, fct off to obtain a matrimonial licence, and being unacquainted with the place, he was directed by thofe of whom he enquired where a licence was to be procured, to the Clerk of the Peace's Dep¬ uty, and he returned home. The bride and bridegroom then alTcmblfd their companions, the clergyman had arrived, and the happy man prefented him with a licence, which lo ! proved to be from W. Stokes, Efq. Clerk of the Peace " to kill game." A fcene of much embarraffment enfued, and the nup¬ tials were nectffarily pollponed until the mif- take was rectified. [_Ibid. THREE young conceited wits, as they thought themfelves, pafTing along the road near Oxford, met a grave old gentleman, with whom they had a mind to be rudely merry ; Good-morrow, father Abraham ; Good-rnorrow, father Ifaac, faid the next ; Good-morrow, father Jacob, cried the laft. I am neither Abraham, Ifaac nor Jacob, re¬ plied the old gentleman, but Saul, the fon of Kifh, who 'went out to feel his father's afj'es, and lo ! here I have found them. CANDLES. THE fubferiber has juft received 7c Boxes dipped, and 16 Boxes mould CANDLES, which will be fold low by the box or lefs quantity. Also—A few Fur Caps, weavers' Reeds, Clover Seed—and a complete affortment of Dry Goods, Liquors and Groceries^ Crockery and Hard-ware ; which will be fold as ufual at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce received in payment.--------<& Cafh Paid for mod hmds of Produce. S. BARTLET. Kingston, February 26, 181 1. 23 The fubferibers have juft received a confignment of Sixty Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they offer for fale cheap for cafh, Alfo—& few Barrels of UNSEED OIL. Fel. 26, THE fubferibers inform their trends and the public, that they carry on the TJNNIXG &f CURRriNG bufinefs. at their works in Kinglton, and pfcdge them- felves that their work (hall be «reU «MCUKd. They will tan hides upon (hares far luch as may drfire it, upon liberal terms. Hhdes w; I be received at the houfe of M. Rooms, ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. ' Morocco and other Currying done at fnort notice, by a Workman lately from New York. ' . MOSES ROGERS, JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingfton, January I, itfu. 'J?'* MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; At the Sign of the Mn.iTARV Hat, No. 54, Old Market Place. EZ D. DE WITT, MOSTrefpeafully informs the Public* that he has on hand a moll extenfive and complete affortment cf HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Amongst which are, Moil fuperb Military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentlemen's moflfafiionable Beaver Hat?. Do. Betwccns do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do.'k fuperfine green under do. Do. d;ab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra lar^e brims do. do. JAB gteen under do. Do. drab do. do. Bed biack water oroof iilk Ditto Do. drab do. l^o. do. green under iilk ^>o. caftor Roram do. Plated do. do. &*. 60. do. do. do. do Gentl's varnilhed leather Hatfi for travdjin 6' u^ * do. do. do. GO. do. Blue And Green Pink Linings Red do. do. do. do. do. do. d:i. do- Servants' ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens' & Boys' fine Cordics. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every drf< notion. Gold and filver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coa'fe and fine Bo wit tings. Morocco of ail colors iuitable for Hats. lane) 'Tip'rape 1, tic, Bell and commori Glue. Logwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis^ Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters' do.— Railing Ords. Hat Brumes of all kinds in life. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Pickers, &c &c. Sic. Ladies'mrflfajlnonallc heav. Hats k Bonnet*, viz. White do. Maidb' do. & children's do. Lipjit fawn Drab do. do. Hair, brown do. Oli'ue do. Purple do. do. do. do. do. do. HAT TRIMMINGS,-^*- Cr.zen Linings White do. Orange do. Blue do. [peryd. Yellow do. Bl' 1/6:03/9 Hat Covers of everv kind in life. BINDINGS. Beft military bindings for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from ic/to 30/per Groce. Beft drab do. Com. do. do. Beft black and drab Bands ; Common do. do. White and black worfted Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; lteel do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and Taflels7 of aJl lizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings J Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' PeliiTes. raih. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets. Plumes of all colors,for Ladies' & Children's All of which will bej fold at the moll reduced prices, for cafh or fnort and ap¬ proved credit. ^Montreal, Sept. 10, lSro. 1 tf B A~GC~V HJGAR] HAVE juft received f,orn London, and „fte.- r«r la]*, ac their Hat Store & FaBory, a r xteiri' £"/ows> GuU'i & Co. HAT, . r.|i. ,y,. 0 ■^eowwen s fine Bkaveh mats , dlk Wat-r Proof, Leghorn a„d W.ll, }d,es and C!i Idren's bei >W (hi. »ver and (haw BuNffrr*,! i ABBOT ff BASCOM, ihe iateft faftipna an J befi qualitv a, , \s , FniHincr t-f-,,, 1 , iu«i»y. also, !Yi i.raiy T1'-v h<vea f. a v.viery „f Hatc. .f . . ******tUm.....fli;•, •'. ;:—■•.. Drug xrpoul, a frefh fupply ()j & Me ^) .- -vug . Which he offers for fale on better terrna'f tl tter terma'ftji hey ever have been fold in this country.; Among luticb art the J mowing articlei ; 3° '!>• 9urn Myrrh 7. «-uf}9 Allum joo ib- A.iOmony crude 50 . ico - 300 - I 'JQ - IOO • 2$ • 40O . 200 - I Aroatio Aloes Aq-jat'ortis N itre Fortis Gum Camphor Car.ihai ides CaHia Cloves 3 Tons Copperas 200 lb. Crem Tartar 3000 lb. Flor Sulp'iur 3 CO - 5O M 50 . ICO „ 75 - 50 - 40 - *S * 30 M 60 - 28 . *5 - 3° * 20 - • Fi ;r Chamomile Ful Digicalis Gum Aoimoniac Cum Arabic Gum AtTafatida Gum Ber.zom Gum El^mi Gum Galbanum Gum Guaicum - GuttGamb. Gum Juniper Gum Seed Lac Gum /hell Lac Gum Miftic Gum Scammony. Aleppo Gum Thus Gumlraoacanth Mice Magncfia Manna Nctm^gs Opiunx eruvidn Bark alap ' Powder'd Rhubarb Sdgo in gram do* in powder 3 Tons Glauber Salts 75 lb, Sj'Crmacetti 60 - Tartar Emetic 25 - SolqUl 30 - Vitriol 56 • Tapioca 30 - Vermacilla • 300 - Vitriol Roman 56 - do. Alb. 3000 - Salt Petre 300 - Pearl Barley 112 - 5^ - 5 - zoo - 150 • IOO - 200 - ICO - 112 - ICO - 75 " PATENT MEDICINES. Andeifon's Pills Balfam of Honey tUfam of* Gilead Bateman's Diops Boftucic's EJ x\r to .wd~n*s Iliue Plaifter Br.c ih Oil Cephalic SiiLift Goto Piailtcr Court (ticking Piaifter Djffy> El x.r D.ilt>y*s Crf.mii'ative Ear.'s Remedy tor the Hooping Cuagh EfTence Coitsfo'rt Do. Piaj.e.niint Do. Pennyroyal EflVnlia! fait ol Lemon Do. do. Vinegar COLORS* Glares Magncfia Godfrey's Cordial Gowland'fl Lotion Huoptfr's Pills James'Analeptic Pill$ d(»- Fi-vsr Powder Jefuit's Drops Liquid iru^ Brae do. Na.'keenDye Loaengts To'.u Magncfia Lozenges Ormilcirk Medicine Refined Liquorice Steers's Opodeldoc Stough'nn's Elixir Tincl. Barkj Huxhem'a Turling'on's Balfam Efll-nce of Muftard Blue, Bbclc White Chalk Rci do. Carmine Flak.- White Frankfort Black Indian Red Indian Ink Ivory Black Lamp Black ElT. Anchovies Quince fiucr Cavice Litharge Yellow Ochre P.uflianBlue, $* ,'a'3 Ro/e Pink Pumice Stone Rotten co. •Spaniih Brown Vermillion Spanifh While S A UCE S. Cheiokce Sauce Ind'.i Soy A.uakruoxfl Ketchup SUNDRIES. Apothecary fcales and Pewter fyringes Teeth Brufhes Viel Corks Bottle do. Wafers, fi^erfine Wax, fealiny fuperfine d,-. fo, Wir,e Wh-tc leather Skins weights C?:-^ l-hair Pencils Gall/pots in torts Gold leaf Ivor) Syringes Loserges Peppermint PajriiComp. Mortars Pewter Ounce Ml a fy res ALSO, ico Kegs White lead, Chocolate g,0'-'n(j . Spermacetli Candles 150 do. Spaniili biown do. do. Oil 50 Green d<-, Cafk Raifins 50 Y'eUo.w > 50 Black Box do. 200 bnxes W-ndow GUfs Figs, Olive Oil gjaiT-rtedi 6XS, 7X9, Currants, Almonds 8X10, 7|X85. Wrapping & Writingpj* A generai airortrnent of per afforted (h'jo furniwre, vialsaf. Mefs & Prime Pork forted, > variety of fur. Plug & Pigtail Tobaci geon's mflrument*, Pepper, AHfp:ce OV HAND, Coffee, Uii fuear :co Gurpowder, Hyf.n, Youn,' Hyfon, H ■ f n Ik j n, H foi Chulan, Togetrief with a General AfTorrra. -Dyestuff, ,*F&jt$ PRESS lJaT'LRi, Ten- TEa H.-v-cs, Jacks, &Cm Sec. i&Ci SUur h- OCT *^* Commission Eusin ess tranfafted on the ufual terms, and Cafn advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left with ii! m. Montreal, Sept. 15, ]8rof I-lrf (Or TO BE SOLD, THAT valuable ftand for a Mercjiant oiTav- krn-Keeper in the rownihip of Frederic';!' burgh, bordering on the Little Creek, near Bradftaw'i Mil'. The property con fids in a ncu Dwelling- houfe, pa'ated Spa-iifh brown, forty-rive feet i:i length and twenty.fix feet wide, inciuding a gallery >n fiont* v^'hicn runs the whole length of tnr hunle ; rhe walls and partitions aie all buik of found burnt britkj a good brick chimney with two fire-^hce?: tk« arc five ro^ms on the lower floor, and o;u bed room on the (' cu.d. Like wife, a good k.g Aort houk and a h ifl> (lablej anJ uowards of rwo htmd'cJ ..c-ei t>f m. Ii EXCELLENT LsJND boun-iJdh'ri fa= w;:- U3* by rhe L:trf ■ Creek, and o . i • • eJil fi*** l)y rf» eaii half of ^Fa. ty, ex|?udiog frrw iJu King's bixhwr) io ■,he'ly> d «w s jc; i\ tiv $% Grreic. *** Forfit-vk'j partituiafsapfly w}o&^ri fr»-:i" syt;i Etc, K .:•_;<!<>.!,o. u t e ftifetcfbfi r Ph1 rl«r» 14/-6 Nov. iSij. JMJE8 W&MB* 1 1 HOUSE to Let. Aoplv to F. X ROCHLEAC KiugtUm, Man 1.1 in, 1S11. PHlNTRn si* n I'CP'l ii > " ?>v CHARLES KENO.V» L By 'j<>'ki>, Srlfnp.ionx ttttJAd> ■■ ' ■ ""'J thli P.i/nr -n/HJu- >/•...'...-..', u ':- ■■'■'■' /:•/ I'.hUMg pr, Mf'tly ; >;}'<■'»• 1 ■ - -• ~* , ---«-- —

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